"What are the Austrians going to do? Do they want to make that guy Chambord the King of France? Even if he signs, I will never agree."

The staff on the side were all shocked by the monarch's impressive IQ. France was not a small country like Germany. Austria was abolished at any time and stood up at any time.

However, no one dared to remind Louis Philippe of overthinking, because this lord liked to be suspicious.

But because of this, the staff did not want to lose their future, so they all looked at the royal butler, Baron Pasquière.

The latter was a little helpless, but he had already prepared to take the blame and said.

"Your Majesty, this should be a trick played by the Austrians. They just want to force you to go to Vienna. It seems that they are in trouble.

Otherwise, there would be no need to use this method.”

"But what if it's not? What if this is Chambord's trick?"

"Then you should go to Vienna, so that you can not offend Austria and ruin Chambord's conspiracy.

France has but one king, and that is you. "

Baron Pasquière then slapped him with a flattery. After all, he couldn't reach out and hit the smiling man.

However, Louis Philippe's expression was extremely serious at this time, and he said.

"There is only one king of France, and that's me, and I don't need anyone to prove it!"

The staff were a little confused. They didn't understand why Louis Philippe wanted to offend Austria at this critical juncture.

You must know that there will be a marriage between the Orleans Dynasty and the Spanish Bourbons next, and the neighbor Austria next door will definitely affect the success or failure of this matter to a great extent.

Even if it is not for the future, if you want to get Swiss territory now, you must have a good relationship with Austria.

However, a considerable part of the staff did not want Louis Philippe and Austria to divide Switzerland equally, because that would lead to direct bordering between the two countries, and the conflict between the two sides would then escalate further.

In fact, there is no shortage of smart people in any country, but whether these people have the opportunity to climb to high positions, whether they have the opportunity to speak, and whether their words can be adopted is another matter.

The same news became a big deal when it arrived in the Kingdom of Sardinia. Carlo Alberto found it very interesting that the Habsburg family would cause a lot of trouble every time they married a daughter.

There is no way, who knows that Austria's past exploits in bed have become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Would the Austrians want to put the Count of Chambord on the French throne, and then wait until he dies to unite France?"

Carlo Alberto laughed when he thought of this. After all, this kind of thing is too absurd and bizarre.
Soon he was brought back to reality by how to expand the territory. The military power and influence of the Kingdom of Sardinia were simply incomparable to Austria.

But it seems that his son has also married a princess from the Habsburg family, or he can play the love card
So Vittorio, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and his wife set out for Vienna.
The Count of Chambord wanted to attend the Congress of Vienna as the owner of Chambord Castle, which aroused a series of speculations in Germany.

The mainstream view is that this is a signal that Austria intends to intervene in French affairs. After all, this kind of thing has happened frequently in history.

However, the Austrian diplomatic system was in chaos at this time. Although they had long known that Count Chambord had arrived in Vienna, it was normal for young nobles to wander around, especially after he married an Egyptian. After the Grand Duchess of the Ste family, everything fell into place.

However, the news that Count Chambord announced that he would participate in the Congress of Vienna was announced in Paris, so the Austrian side was the last to know the news.Although the Austrian diplomacy and intelligence services were at loggerheads, Prince Metternich, the person at the helm, was quite happy.

Because the addition of Count Chambord was equivalent to breaking the situation between France and Austria, Louis Philippe did not have many choices in this case.

Of course, if the latter really doesn't come, then the Austrian Empire will have a lot of room for maneuver.

Let’s not talk about the future. At present, Archduke Franz is opposed to directly bordering France, so it is completely possible to give the French-speaking states close to France to this landless king.

Manipulating elections is not difficult for the Austrian Empire at all. With the Count of Chambord as a barrier, Austria can take over the remaining land.
Of course, the specific operation cannot be so direct. You must control part of it and puppet another part.

In addition, if France takes a tough stance, it can consider giving up areas such as Geneva and Vaud, and giving Bern to Count Chambord as a buffer zone between France and Austria.

However, Baron Pasquière soon brought the unfortunate news that King Louis Philippe and his family were unable to attend the appointment because of the cold.

This result made Metternich somewhat unacceptable. Although his tone and expression were still casual, his heart was already in a state of confusion.

"Mr. Pasquière, I have something I would like you to convey to me."

"Okay, please tell me."

Baron Pasquière was also helpless. He really wanted to facilitate this trip, but he was also helpless when meeting a monarch like Louis Philippe.

"Which country is most willing to see the decline of Austria and France? Back then, we designated Switzerland as a permanent neutral country because we did not want any more wars. Distance creates beauty. The farther away we are, the safer Europe will be.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Baron Pasquière nodded. He knew very well what Metternich meant. In fact, many people in France felt that the Swiss Civil War was too strange, and the British actions were abnormal.

No wonder Austria opposed the partition of Switzerland. It turned out that the problem was not a question of strength or interest at all, but that Austria discovered the sinister intentions of the British and wanted to avoid more serious consequences.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, Prince. I will tell you the truth."

Baron Pasquière quickly left Vienna and returned to Paris. In fact, he still had a lot to say, but now it seems that the words Louis Philippe said were stupid and arrogant.

Only a core member like him is aware of France's current internal and external troubles. The foundation of the externally powerful Orleans Dynasty has been loosened.

The people who had supported it had reached an almost intolerable level, and the nobility and bourgeoisie were ready to seize power at any time, and now there was also the Count of Chambord, a pretender to the throne.

There are banquets held almost every week in Paris, and those glamorous guys have already begun plotting how to seize power.

Baron Pasquière reminded Louis Philippe more than once that he should take some tough measures, but the latter repeatedly refused. Maybe he cherished his reputation, maybe he didn't want to take risks, but he didn't know why except himself.

The British did not react much to the news that Count Chambord had attended the Congress of Vienna. After all, the more chaotic the European continent, the better.

Franz had no reaction to this, because it was all planned by him, but Louis Philippe's approach made him a little surprised.

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