Chapter 929
In fact, Luxembourg at this time was no longer a small country in the strict sense. After the Luxembourg crisis, it acquired the Limburg region of the Netherlands and at the same time recovered Western Luxembourg occupied by Belgium.

The land area directly increased three times, and the population increased 1.5 times.

After Switzerland joined the German Confederation in bulk, Luxembourg gained administration of the canton of Bern.

The canton of Bern already has a large German-speaking population, and Luxembourg's strong economic strength makes it easy to secure this enclave.

Due to the emergence of Franz, the economy of Switzerland was far inferior to that of the same period in history. Austria joined the German Customs Union and at the same time established the Apennine Customs Union. In addition, the French did not want others to take away their market.

So this second-rate Swiss businessman lost his job.
Compared with the external environment, its own backward industry and poor agriculture are the fundamental reasons.Even the watch manufacturing and tourism industries have lost their share to Franz.

One of the main reasons why the civil war broke out in Switzerland was that no one could reveal the blame and someone needed to sacrifice.

And no one is willing to be the victim.
Luxembourg is completely different. In this industrial era, Luxembourg is a natural industrial area.

Coal and iron resources are abundant and easy to mine, and it is backed by the super market of the German Zollverein Union.

Coupled with a relatively clean and efficient government and a large number of high-quality talents, it will be difficult for them not to take off.

The area of ​​Luxembourg has increased 4.8 times in recent years, and the total population has approached 80 (21 during the same period in history).

This was an unimaginable number for Luxembourg, but for a great power like France, its danger level has only risen from a fly to a mosquito level.

Among the 1 people who came to reinforce Belgium at this time, there were [-] Luxembourg soldiers and [-] volunteers from other countries.

This number may not be shocking, but in fact it is almost half of the country’s military strength.

Moreover, this is a lone army, and there will not be the army of a big country behind it like the previous times.

The worst case scenario is that if the Belgians cannot hold on, they will face the powerful French army alone.

In addition, due to their geographical location, even if they win, they will become the priority target of revenge by the French.

So this is not only a lonely army, but also a mourning army.

But one advantage of this kind of army is that it is not afraid of death.

The Luxembourgers who had just crossed the top of the mountain were not shocked by the tragic scene in front of them. Instead, they rushed towards the French rear line like a pack of wolves that smelled the smell of blood.

The French cavalry also attacked very quickly and directly towards the new army that suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield. The two waves seemed to be colliding head-on.

This is unusual though, as infantry and cavalry generally don't clash.

First of all, cavalry in this era would not choose to fight with cavalry, and it was unheard of for infantry to attack cavalry.

Let alone cavalry, normal people would be frightened when they see a galloping horse.

For modern people, there are very few opportunities to come into contact with horses. Even if they see most of them, they are drag horses or ponies in amusement parks and shopping malls.

It is difficult for this kind of horse to bring too much shock to people, and a real war horse will evoke the most primitive fear of human beings.

The fear of huge creatures moving at high speeds is engraved in my bones.
A war horse usually weighs six to seven hundred kilograms, has a height of nearly two meters when running (its own height + height above the ground), and can easily beat Bolt in terms of speed and explosive power.

Facing a group of war horses, almost no soldiers would choose to confront them head-on.

On one side are the elite French Guards Cavalry, and on the other side are the lonely Luxembourg Volunteers.

One side has the advantage of war horses, and the other side is condescending.
However, there was no scene of humans and horses colliding and blood and flesh flying everywhere.In fact, both sides stopped once they entered the mud.Because both sides charged too hard, some people were turned upside down, and some were even trampled to death by their own people.

Before the battle started, one of our own people fell first. Both sides were stuck in the mud and looked at each other. The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

However, this humorous scene did not last long. After all, this was a battlefield, and soon both sides began to draw guns and shoot at each other.

The battle is bloody and slow. In this kind of close-range combat, the accuracy of the firearms and the quality of the soldiers are not important, because there are almost no misses at this time.

There were people everywhere, crowded against each other, and the fighting was bloody and brutal.

Especially the soldiers standing in the front row, they didn't even have a chance to escape, the way back was blocked.

Some cowardly soldiers could only reload their bullets while crying, praying that the enemy would die before all of their own people.
However, most people's luck will not last long. However, those in the front row who die first are lucky, because others will continue to endure the torture of sudden death at any time.
Major Compaore in the rear could not see clearly what was happening in front. He only knew that the cavalry suddenly stopped before engaging the enemy.

"Cowards! Damn cowards! They don't deserve to be French at all!"

Then Major Compaoré grabbed one of his officers by the collar.

"Damn it! You take the supervising team up now! You must not let them go back! Do you understand?"

The officer nodded quickly, Compaoré let go of his hand, and the officer quickly ran away holding his hat as if he had been granted amnesty.

In fact, such a battle was unfavorable to the French army, because using cavalry and infantry to shoot at each other was overqualified.

Moreover, the French cavalry did not have an advantage in numbers, and their weapons were not conducive to such close-range shooting.

At the same time, no matter how much training war horses undergo, they are still animals. As animals, they cannot overcome their instinct to fear death.

At first, the cavalrymen still hid behind the horses and shot, but the horses would be injured and die after being shot.

Soon the war horses could no longer bear the fear and began to run away. The power of the war horses rushing through the crowd was greater than the enemy's bullets.

And this fear is contagious. As the battle becomes more intense, more and more people fall to the ground, and more and more mad war horses appear.

The losses of this elite French army were much greater than those of the Luxembourgers and the German Confederate volunteers, and the actual losses were even more shocking than the apparent exchange ratio.

Because the French lost their elite cavalry, most of the Luxembourg army and the volunteers of the German Confederacy were civilians who temporarily enlisted.

The commander of this French cavalry is not timid, but he really doesn't want his elite to be buried here.

To be honest, the French cavalry fought very hard. They dismounted and fired at the infantry, still in this dense formation.

If it weren't for the elite French army, it would have collapsed long ago, but even the elite French army could not accept such battle losses.


The French cavalry commander had no choice but to issue a retreat order. If he continued to fight like this, his cavalry would be exhausted.

Instead of having his morale collapse and become a deserter, it would be better for him to withdraw his troops and regroup.

The cavalry in front just breathed a sigh of relief, and while they were still thinking about how to escape alive, a voice sounded.

"Don't withdraw!"

(End of this chapter)

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