Chapter 264 The Missing Girl

"Should...not?" Jack is not sure, he is not ambitious, let him substitute Rossi's current perspective, after getting rid of his demons, he really can't think of a reason to stay.

But in his heart he faintly told him that this was unlikely. Rossi had spent so much effort to form this action team just for an unsolved case that was almost impossible to solve?

If it weren't for the guilt of the father and son, who secretly sent those gifts for 20 years and were discovered by accident, this case is doomed to be nothing but an unsolved case.

"But his book hasn't been finished yet." Rhett looked tangled, he was not as complicated as everyone thought, and seemed to be simply worried about not having both the fish and the bear's paw.

"I won't leave for the time being." Rossi woke up at some point, and looked at these worrying young people with some amusement.

"At least I won't leave the group until I've tasted Jack's weird delicacies."

"Then it may be difficult for you to leave the FBI in your life." Jack replied confidently.
Although the case was over, Rossi still asked everyone to stay in this luxurious five-star hotel for an extra day. On the second day, he regained his energy and drove out to visit the three Connie brothers and sisters by himself, without letting anyone else accompany him.

Emily took Jiejie out to go shopping, and the two men stayed in the hotel and didn't want to move.

After the two ladies went out, Jack went to the corner bookstore and bought a copy of "Between Mice and Men", and went back to his room to read.

He really doesn't like tragedies, including novels, but I have to say that the writing skills of the dramatic scenes in this book are very clever, and he was immersed in it after a while, and even Jiejie sneaked into his room without knowing it.

"Still thinking about the father and son?" Jiejie glanced at the title of the book, and put a nice bottle of champagne and two goblets on the coffee table beside him.

"Although the case is solved, this is the first time I have not had any sense of accomplishment after solving the case."

Jack also put the book on the coffee table aside, reached out and put her in his arms, and buried her neck, breathing in the fragrance of her hair.

"The stone in Rosie's heart has been let go, and you, I don't like to see your gloomy look, although you look handsome."

Jiejie pushed his head away and completely squeezed her body into his arms. She liked this position very much.

"I'm not as fragile as you think. I just hate the feeling at that time. I always hope that I can stand on the side of complete justice."

"To Connie's family, we are just." Jiejie had already noticed something was wrong with him, and she came here to comfort him now.

"I know, I just feel uncomfortable." Jack didn't know what he was struggling with, and he always felt uncomfortable.

Since he got the system, he is much more confident than he was in his previous life, especially the healer that was unrealistic, which allowed him to save many doomed tragedies.

However, this time, the reality seemed to be deliberately mocking, telling him with a sneer that he was too arrogant, and many things were already doomed.

Jack knew that this was actually a good thing, allowing him to remind him in time before he fell into self-inflated but didn't know it.

Otherwise, he might really embark on the path of American heroism, and come up with a drama where with greater power comes greater responsibility.

Although he may not really save the world, it is still very possible to take all the responsibilities of those around him on himself, and such a person is almost doomed to suffer for a lifetime.

"I didn't expect you to be a perfectionist." Jiejie kissed him on the cheek in a funny way, as if coaxing a child.

Jack arched his mouth and searched for her fair neck for a long time, finally put his mouth on her earlobe, and said vaguely, "Kids are perfectionists, I never want to grow up."

"Jack. I want to take a shower first"

"As ordered."
Rossi returned the property to Connie's family. In his words, it doesn't matter whether they sell it or live in it. I hope this little help can help the three siblings reunite. start living.

He also planned to return the bracelet to them, which belonged to the children's mother and was given to him by their grandmother.

Connie took the bracelet, gave it away again, and put it in Rosie's hands.

In any case, for Rossi, the demon that had plagued him for many years was finally put to an end by his own hands.

Back in Los Angeles, Hotchner's problem seemed to be resolved. The couple is receiving psychological treatment together. Although the treatment may last for several sessions, seeing the occasional stiff smile on that poker face, everyone's hearts are finally relieved. down.

Just when Jack thought everything was finally back to normal, an unexpected Shura field suddenly happened when he was caught off guard.

"We need the help of the BAU team." Today was about to leave work, Hannah suddenly appeared on the 16th floor with a stern face, and found Jiejie with a reluctant expression.

An atmosphere called gossip suddenly permeated the entire office, and even Rossi, who had been shutting herself in the office to write a book, appeared in the corridor rarely.

"What's going on?" Seeing that Jack was fidgeting, but trying to pretend nothing had happened, Rhett was so spiritual that he didn't ask directly, but turned his head to look at Emily.

Emily ignored him at all, opened a bag of potato chips, stretched her neck to look at the closed door of Jiejie's office, and looked back at some scumbag from time to time.

Finally, the office door opened again, and Hannah came out, followed by Jiejie.

"After explaining the situation to the team members, we will leave immediately." Jiejie sent Hannah into the elevator with a very friendly attitude, then turned and glared at Emily who was eating melon.

"Assemble in the meeting room, I think we have work to do." Rossi said with a strange smile on her face, and knocked on the door of Hotchner's office.

A few minutes later, everyone walked out of the conference room. The case was urgent. The two girls had been missing for more than 18 hours. Three hours ago, the body of one of the girls was found. The situation was terrible.

LAPD urgently contacted the FBI. The Bureau hoped that BAU would take the lead in handling the case, and they needed to go to the scene immediately.

The place where the body was found was located in a dry drainage ditch in the southern suburbs. When everyone arrived, LAPD had already sealed off the scene, surrounded by several news vehicles.

This place is not under the jurisdiction of the Wilshire branch. Jack didn't see those familiar friends, and he didn't see the logo of Channel [-] in the news interview vehicle, which made him secretly relieved.

"Have you identified the deceased?" Hotchner briefly greeted the sheriff in charge of the scene, and then went straight to the point.

 After a day of heavy rain, I didn't go anywhere. I found a few sets of shoulder blade stretching exercises at station B and practiced it, which made me feel a little more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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