Chapter 503 Farewell to Los Angeles

The result now is that Jack has caught the eye of some people. Some federal departments with authority have investigated his information. With his record and age, he is single and unmarried, and he is still an orphan. He has no worries and worries. It is simply... ahem, All in all, he is an excellent (undercover) seedling.

Although Rossi didn't say what he said clearly, everyone probably understood it, and BAU's response strategy was also very simple, to make Jack "famous".

Although FBI field agents in the criminal investigation field are the most dangerous (far more than those in the counter-terrorism field), they have high incomes and great reputations, and they never need to remain anonymous.

Including the BAU, in fact, except for the somewhat unusual special operations team that Rossi now leads, most of the FBI agents responsible for criminal cases, especially those responsible for major and important cases, have a very high chance of appearing on the scene.

Many agents are also very eager to be famous, because this usually means that even if they leave the FBI, there will be those large corporate groups waving a lot of money to hire them to take on positions such as security consultants.

Or, like Rosie, you can become a well-known writer by writing memoirs and be regarded as an idol by many middle-aged and elderly women. If you are really not good at writing, you can still make a lot of money by hiring a ghostwriter.

Rosie's idea is of course more advanced, and easier for Jack, who is reluctant to face the public, to accept it, which is to "debut" as a detective writer.

Some people just bullied Jack because he was not famous and lacked social status. Rossi personally recommended his debut novel to his publisher, and it received surprisingly good reviews.

In this country, money does not necessarily mean you can squeeze into the upper class, but being a best-selling author and an excellent police detective is another matter. If these two elements are not enough, then add One is handsome enough.

With fame, social status, and the ability to match it, even if Jack himself wants to leave the FBI, his superiors will try their best to retain him.

Jack on the side was filled with dark thoughts and quickly interrupted, "What does this have to do with me going to New York?"

Rossi looked at him with an idiot look, "Do you know where the headquarters of publishing houses like 'Penguin Random House', 'HarperCollins', 'Simon & Schuster', and 'Scholar' are?"

"New York." As a quasi-writer, Jack still had some common sense, but he was still a little suspicious, always feeling that there was a high level of deception in Rossi's words.

Rosie waved her hand and told the others to disperse first, and took Jack back to her office.

"Well, an old friend of mine is about to be transferred to the Assistant Director of CCI (FBI Criminal Investigation Division) in New York. She has an idea similar to mine and is planning to pilot a project about the FBI and local police. Cooperate with the bureau and try to conduct joint operations.”

Jack raised his eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. This time it seemed a little more reliable.

Rosie cleared her throat, picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip, "She currently lacks a capable person, so asking me for help is a way of getting what you need. You need some fame, but you are not suitable to lead our entire group to the limelight.

So the result of our discussion is that you will be responsible for this project alone. Of course, the case will be chosen by her, and you don’t have to worry about federal involvement in local issues. Firstly, it is New York, and secondly, she has a very close relationship with the NYPD and state and municipal governments. close. "

"She?" Jack was very sensitive to the word "She" and said tentatively, "Little muffin?"

"Ahem!" Rosie almost choked, "It's not Evelyn, her name is Dana Moger. If you mention that again, you'll be prepared to stay in New York for the rest of your life."

"So she is little"

"Little Boo." Rosie woke up in time and suddenly became angry, "Jack!"

This old guy really knows everyone in the FBI. There are only a few female senior executives in the entire bureau. Could it be possible that they all became his little desserts? Why don't we just recognize this teacher? From now on, the teacher will be unreliable and the teachers and wives will protect him.

Jack rubbed his face nonchalantly, as if nothing happened just now, "I'm just a senior agent, responsible for a project alone, are you sure?" "You will have a separate office, whether it is the technical logistics department of the New York headquarters , NYPD detectives or researchers from the CSI New York Laboratory are obliged to cooperate with you in the investigation of the case, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Rossi angrily returned to his seat behind his desk, tapping the knuckles of his right hand on the table, putting on a stern face as if he were a leader, trying to regain his respect.

It sounded really good, and Jack admitted that he was attracted. He was not completely devoid of ideals. The boring and sultry strategy that Rossi designed for him was already to his liking.

Then I thought that I would be able to hide in New York alone for at least a year or two. I wouldn't have to worry about being caught between Hannah and Jie Jie. I could fly to see whoever I thought of on weekends. It seemed that maybe, maybe, I could. Try it?

But he always felt that there was some pitfall in this matter that he couldn't see for the time being. Although Rossi had always been nice to him, he was too proactive this time. But having said that, he must go. Gone, just.
"My house has just started to be rebuilt, and the insurance company refused to compensate me for the loss because of the exemption clause for terrorist attacks. The New York office is probably in Manhattan. I heard that there is a 24-hour traffic jam there, and renting a house in the surrounding area is extremely expensive."

Seeing that the boy was still chattering, Rossi impatiently opened the drawer and threw a bunch of keys to him.

"This is a penthouse I bought in Manhattan's Soho district before, and you can have it until the day you leave New York."

"You win, I have no problem." Jack took the key away smoothly.
The person in the BAU who is most reluctant to let Jack leave is Garcia. Yes, she is even more reluctant to let Jack go than Jiejie.

When I think about it, the refrigerator in the big office will be empty from now on, and there will be no more routine dinner parties after each case. I squat in front of the computer every day and will only be able to keep company with those bagged junk food.

Garcia felt as if his heart was being cut open bit by bit with a blunt knife, and tears couldn't help but flow down the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, as long as I'm not too busy, I will come back to LA to see you every month in the future."

Jack struggled to pry open the eldest sister's chubby hands. He could hear the protest from his ribs after being squeezed by her bear hug just now.

"Remember to miss us MUA!" Garcia forcefully left a pink-blue lip mark on his face.

Tonight, everyone held a small farewell party at Brother Wolfe's farm. It was said to be a small farewell party, and everyone who was supposed to come came.

All members of the BAU, including Zoe, Maureen, Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Isabel and a certain retired CIA officer, Joe Mason, all the LAPD friends, including Superintendent Gray, were present, and of course there was a certain beauty. host and Red’s starlet girlfriend.

John came to Jack and handed over a business card, "This is my cousin, a detective story writer. I heard that you are going to New York and I really want to get to know you.

Although he is an annoying guy, but considering that your book is about to be published, I think he may be helpful to you as a peer, at least to bring you into their circle. "

Jack took the business card and saw that Rick Cassel was... uh... not very surprising.

Another thing that made him feel strange was the very different moods of the two girls around him recently.

Jiejie is relatively normal. As the day of separation approaches, even though Jack is by her side almost every day, his gloomy little expression makes people feel distressed.

In comparison, Hannah was so abnormal. She acted heartless every day. Not to mention saying goodbye, she even took the initiative to help him pack his luggage.

With a question mark in his eyes, Jack set out on his journey to New York in a Pontiac Firebird that had been remodeled as a parting gift from his friends and added bulletproof doors and bulletproof glass.

(End of this chapter)

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