The World of American Drama: From the Los Angeles Patrol

Chapter 585: Closed-door discussion with the Reagan family

Chapter 585: Closed-door discussion with the Reagan family

The FBI urgently tracked Linda's cell phone, but lost signal after passing the Roosevelt Tower in Harlem. Apparently the phone's battery had been removed.

This was the first time that Danny disliked Jack for driving too slowly. Although he pretended to be calm and left the police station, he immediately called his father and confirmed that both children were safely taken to his home, but he still Can't help but think wildly.

Could it be that Frank just lied to make him feel at ease, and even the director was kidnapped?

Jack's Dodge Hellcat rushed all the way to the Reagan family villa. Danny didn't wait for him to stop the car, and he couldn't wait to open the door and stumble towards the door.

Jack closed the car door behind him, ran a few steps to catch up, grabbed him and reminded him, "Don't scare the child, stay calm, the Elmaer gang won't do anything to her before the trial." Yes, we still have a chance."

Although he was not completely sure, at this time he could only try to pick out the best possibilities, hoping that Danny could calm down. Being impulsive now would not solve any problems, it would only lead to bad things.

In the villa, Frank Regan, still wearing a tie and a suit vest, and Henry Regan, Danny's grandfather, were busy in the kitchen. Both the elderly father and father had put on reading glasses. After finishing the meal, I talked about some old memories.

Danny suddenly opened the door forcefully, startling the two of them, "Where are Sean and Chuck?"

Frank Regan had long been accustomed to his eldest son's fiery temper. He couldn't see his expression clearly even though he was wearing reading glasses. However, he was slightly stunned when he saw Jack who followed Danny into the room, and then revealed his expression. smile.

"The kids are doing their homework, don't worry, they don't know what's going on, they just think they're here for the weekend."

Danny breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could say anything else, two energetic little boys rushed out of the back room, calling for daddy all the way.

"Hey, boys." Danny hugged his two sons hard, trying not to let his voice tremble, and pretending to be nonchalant.

"Hello Uncle Jack."

"Daddy, Daddy, Grandpa Zeng and two others drove a police car to pick us up." The two children greeted Jack politely, and Danny's youngest son, Sean, excitedly showed off to his father. .

"Ah, really? That's amazing." Danny responded incoherently, which made the two old men on the side frown. Frank even cast an inquiring gaze on the side. Jack.

The ugly look on Jack's face made the director's heart sink. When he saw the two children asking their daddy where mommy was, Danny had already started to make nonsense about mommy going to a hot spring. He knew something was wrong. He coughed quickly, interrupting their conversation.

"Chuck, I guess you know where I hid the game console." Chuck was Danny's eldest son who wore glasses early. When his grandfather said this, a nervous expression suddenly appeared on his little face.

"Yes, I know, Grandpa."

Frank mouthed to the back room, "Okay, I'm going to be merciful tonight. You can play for a while. Come on, it's only one hour."

"Come on!" The two little kids cheered and rushed back to the back room. Danny, who didn't even know what he was talking about, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, now, you two, who will tell me what happened." Frank said with a serious face.

"They caught Linda, dad." Danny's throat rolled up and down a few times, and he replied in a hoarse voice, tears already flowing down his cheeks unconsciously.

"What happened?" Being called from home in the middle of the night, Erin and James, the youngest son of the Reagan family, were still a little confused, but looking at the people sitting upright in the living room, they all knew that the situation was not good.

"Linda has been kidnapped." Frank still maintained the calmness expected of a head of family on the surface, but his slightly trembling hands when adding sugar to the coffee showed his true heart.

"Oh God!" Erin clasped her hands together and covered her mouth, trying not to sob.

James reacted a moment too late. He connected the information revealed by his old father just now with the case that his elder brother was handling, and asked hurriedly,

"What about the children?" "The children are fine. I just put them to sleep. They thought their mother had gone to the hot springs." The old man, Henry Regan, walked out of the bedroom tremblingly on crutches and sat down next to his son.

"What should we do? Over there with the FBI." Erin looked at Jack, but before she could finish her words, Frank raised his hand to stop him.

"I have thought about it again and again. If this news is exposed and known to the media, Linda will have no chance of survival."

This reason is easy to understand. If the news is known to the media, the focus of public attention will instantly focus on whether Danny will testify in court, and the pressure of public opinion will completely tilt to one side.

No one will care about Linda's life or death, they will only care about whether the NYPD gangsters will give in.

In the end, no matter what the reason is, as long as Danny does not testify against Raimundo Salazar, not only will his career as a police detective be over, but Frank may even take the blame and resign.

It was a failure of the police to allow the drug lord to be acquitted under pressure from criminals, but it would also be a failure of the police if Danny insisted on appearing in court and Linda was killed and failed to rescue the hostages in time.

This is also the reason why Jack and Danny quietly left the police station without attracting anyone's attention.

As long as this matter is not leaked, they still have time. Whether it is to find a way to rescue Linda before the trial, or find a reason to prevent Danny from appearing in court, and then settle the accounts after the other party releases Linda, more or less A little bit of initiative.

Of course, the latter method is definitely not a good choice, because no one can guarantee whether these vicious guys will do something to Linda, or even take a video as a means of blackmail afterwards.

There is no need to say these words loudly. Everyone here knows that the only way now is to find the place where the Elmar Gang is hiding Linda as soon as possible.

"Jimmy (James), I need to find out on the street about the whereabouts of George Lupino, the second-in-command of Raimundo Salazar, the second-in-command of the El Mar gang. If we find him, we can find Linda." whereabouts."

Frank said to his younger son, "But all this can only be done in private, and it must not be known to anyone from the Almael Gang."

James nodded and was about to stand up, but hesitantly glanced at Danny, who was sitting in a daze in his seat, and hesitated to speak.

"Go on, your brother will be fine." Frank waved his hand and asked him to go ahead.

"Jack, I don't want that from the FBI."

Frank didn't say anything, but Jack nodded to express his understanding. The FBI did have the right to intervene at this time, but coming to rescue the hostages with great fanfare was not much different from directly falling out with the Reagan family.

"The investigation will be conducted privately, and only Director Moge and I have the knowledge of the specific situation." Before, Jubal only helped to check the phone number. As long as Dana Moge said hello to him, he would not ask blindly.

Frank glanced at his distraught eldest son and could only continue to ask Jack, "What do you think now?"

Of course Jack had an opinion, "We have a traitor inside, and the other party reacted too quickly. We just arrested Raimundo Salazar in the morning, and in the afternoon the press knew that Danny was responsible for the arrest, and they also complained about last night The details of the gun battle are clearly understood.

Later, they were able to kidnap Linda before the responding police officers arrived. If the Alma Gang were really so powerful, their power would not be limited to just one Harlem district. "

"Do you have any suggestions?" Frank raised his eyebrows. He had already understood what Jack meant.

"Find someone to follow him. As long as we can catch some clues that can confirm our suspicions, we will do it directly." Now that it was private, Jack simply spoke freely.

(End of this chapter)

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