Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 131 Listing of Ninja Bond Fund

Chapter 131 Listing of Ninja Bond Fund
After the ninja meeting, the first thing Uchiha Tokumitsu did when he returned to the clan was not to call the family ninjas to apply, but to mobilize a large amount of supplies and funds from the family to buy the IOUs in the hands of the ninja leaders of each family.

Using such a huge amount of funds, it is naturally impossible for Uchiha Sifang, the patriarch, to not ask why, but Uchiha Tokumitsu is unwilling to explain his intentions, but repeatedly emphasizes that he will definitely make a lot of money, and the Uchiha Sifang patriarch has no choice , had no choice but to sign and use the seal to agree to Uchiha Tokumitsu's withdrawal of funds from the family.

Of course, it is impossible to buy the IOUs of the ninjas at the original price.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart is not too dark, just a [-]% discount.

And it's a kind price only for the sake of the same village.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu also left a hole, that is, the acquisition channel introduced by the Uchiha clan will be purchased at an additional price of [-]%, and the introducer can also get a bounty.

You must know that the IOUs obtained by the ninjas have been raised by [-]%, so the purchase price offered by Uchiha Tokumitsu is only equivalent to [-]% of the fair price.

In addition, any ninja who transfers the rights and interests of Baijo to the Uchiha clan can also purchase unlimited Uchiha-made detonating symbols at the standard market price during the war.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's move, rounded up, is simply doing charity!
To put it bluntly, the IOU issued by the village in order to recruit the family ninjas of various ninja clans is a credit bond with the village's credit and post-war funds as the collateral, and the war indemnity obtained after the victory of the Kirigakure War as the backing.

But for ninjas, especially small ninjas with small households, although the future income is indeed objective, if they can get the funds directly, it can alleviate the urgent need.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also arranged for the tribe to set up acquisition offices at the headquarters of the police department and the three police administrations at the same time, covering as much as possible all the Konoha ninjas in need.

And after handing over the family ninja and getting the IOU, many ninja leaders have begun to regret it.

Originally, when he had a military force in his hand, he could take on some missions that the village couldn't keep up with in private to subsidize the family's expenses, but now that he handed over the family ninjas in an impulsive desire to make a profit, this income will soon be cut off.

Therefore, the acquisition office organized by Uchiha Tokumitsu bought a lot of IOUs in the hands of the little ninjas in a short period of time, and the special detonating charms of the Uchiha clan that had not been sold well in the past due to their high prices were also sold out. Not a lot.

Even the cash-strapped ninjas such as Yume and Inuzuka chose to sell part of the rights to the white strip to the Uchiha clan to obtain cash.

And the happiest are the conservative Uchiha tribe.

As Tokumitsu Uchiha gradually grasped the right to speak within the family, he began to continuously suppress the conservatives within the family, whether they were transferred from the front line of the police department and let them return to the headquarters of the Welfare Division to control them, or they were thrown to the border of the country of grass The army fed the mosquitoes, in short, the benefits were not reaped at all, and the power of the faction continued to be lost.

However, the acquisition of the white bars of the various ninja clans of Konoha surprised the marginalized conservative clansmen. The Konoha friends who had a normal relationship suddenly came to the door very enthusiastically. Go to the office to sell the village's IOUs.

Unlike the Uchiha radicals, the conservatives prefer to make friends with the ninjas in the village. The few ninjas of the Uchiha clan who serve in the village’s standing squad are also conservatives, so naturally many people find them , in order to get more benefits when selling IOUs.

In this way, the conservative Uchiha can not only get the so-called contacts through introductions, but also easily get a large bounty in the family's internal business, so he is naturally happy to facilitate this matter.

The conservative people who originally had opinions on Uchiha Tokumitsu changed their impression of Uchiha Tokumitsu after this.

So, for Uchiha, who is not so hard-headed, any differences in factions and ideas are false, and only interests are the only criterion that affects perception.

"Mr. Deguang has a certain degree of control, he can take it in and out freely, and he can control people's hearts very accurately. With him, the Great Elder Shan can indeed take care of him at ease..."

In the mansion of Setsuna Great Elder, a group of family elders were enjoying tea and chatting leisurely, and the conservative Michidai elders also praised Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Mr. Deguang has been smart since he was a child. Not only is he gifted in ninjutsu, but he also has a remarkable record in commanding the ninja army..." Elder Setsuna is still reserved, but the smile on the corner of his mouth can't be hidden. Mr. Deguang will not be obsessed with the internal conflicts of the clan..."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu did not suppress conservatives, but overall the means are very mild, just transfer or exile the country of grass, never used physical means on the clansman, the Uchiha clan with frequent internal fighting Among them, Tokumitsu Uchiha is already considered

And no matter how much the subordinates quarrel and fight, it will not affect the elders drinking tea and chatting.

"Under the leadership of Lord Deguang, the family will definitely be able to regain its power in the future!"

Another radical elder also nodded in appreciation frequently.

"In comparison, Fuyue is really mediocre..."

The conservative elders also agreed.

"...There are some outdated rules, but it is still necessary to change them."

An elder suddenly whispered pointedly, "Even if it is the Uchiha clan, it must..."

"Keep pace with the times."

An elder next to him added.

"Yes yes, keep up with the times."

All the elders nodded.

Elder Setsuna remained calm and just raised his cup to drink tea.

He didn't look at the two people who had arranged for him, for fear that his expression would not be concealed.

"The power of the direct line is not weak, and the patriarch of Sifang did nothing wrong..."

The three thousand generations of elders naturally understood what they meant, but this matter was still somewhat difficult.

"I didn't do anything wrong, but I didn't do anything right either."

A radical elder stood up and retorted, "For the family, mediocrity is the greatest sin!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Deguang is not only outstanding in foreign wars, he is also an expert in civil wars! After killing the disrespectful Danzo, Sarutobi Monkey didn't dare to show his pride. In comparison, the patriarch's line is really unbearable! "

The Great Elder Setsuna didn't look sideways, and continued to drink tea slowly.

These people are really not arranged by him!
"There's no rush right now..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, the Great Elder Setsuna said slowly: "The family's ancestral system is the foundation for maintaining internal unity, and it really cannot be easily changed..."

As soon as this remark came out, the elders present were a little surprised.

In fact, it is not impossible for everyone to see that the great elder arranged a few trustees to pass the conversation in the middle, but the fundamental reason why the topic can be corresponding is because the benefits and achievements brought by Uchiha Tokumitsu to the family are indeed superior to others.

But if the ancestral system is not changed, it is impossible for Uchiha Tokumitsu to get the position of patriarch.

"De Guangjun is still young, he will develop better, all we have to do is to give him more support and prevent him from going down the wrong path..."

Elder Shan Na also saw everyone's doubts, so he explained: "The police department reform advocated by Mr. Deguang has indeed brought a lot of benefits to the family. Our allies have expanded Uchiha's power..."

In this regard, the elders have no opinion. '

After the reorganization of the police department, the newly established three major police administrations have expanded their recruitment of many tribesmen, and the descendants of all Uchiha factions have benefited a lot from it.

"In my opinion... the position of chief of the police department is very suitable, and it can also allow Deguang Jun to exercise more and make more contributions to the family..."

Since the establishment of the police department in the second generation of Senju Fuma, the position of chief has been held in the hands of the Uchiha patriarch.However, the authority of the head of the police department has nothing to do with the ancestral system of the Uchiha clan, even if it is separated, it is in line with the rules.

"We are getting old, it's time to train the younger generation and give more burdens to capable young people..."

"But don't be too hasty, after all, the war is about to start..." Elder Michidai hesitated, but he didn't object.

"Mr. Deguang is still young, you can wait, what will happen after the war?"

Elder Setsuna said with a smile.

"Then after the war..." Elder Michidai nodded in agreement.

"Everyone, please drink tea... This is the top grade that Tokumitsu-kun brought back from the country of Sichuan."

After Elder Shan Mo achieved his goal, he changed the subject.

The atmosphere in the hall was once again peaceful.

"It's really good tea..."

"Mr. Deguang is indeed the best junior..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally didn't know about the conspiracy of the Presbyterian Church at this time, and he was busy planning the securitization of Baijo.

The reason why the ninjas choose to transfer the IOUs is naturally because of its relatively large share and the cycle is uncertain. They urgently need to return the funds through the transfer of rights and interests, so as to seize the time to train the younger generation of the appropriate age.

But after the acquisition of Baitiao, even the Uchiha clan with a big family and business is somewhat stretched.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu issued small-amount bonds in units of 5000 taels based on the total face value of the Ioutiaos purchased as collateral.

And named "Uchiha Foundation War Bonus No. [-] Bond"!
As soon as the bond was issued, all eyes were on it.

Although everyone didn't understand what it was for a while, let alone what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Uchiha clan.But out of curiosity, Muye villagers are still very concerned about new gadgets.

The bonds issued on the basis of the 20.00% to 5000% discount of the recovered IOU rights are one-year short-term bonds, with an annualized return of 6000%, which means that a bond of [-] taels can be redeemed to pay [-] after one year. two cash.

The reason why Ninzu chose to transfer the rights and interests of Baitiao is because of the high pressure on funds to continue the cash flow.

But the so-called bonds issued by the Uchiha clan are different, the threshold of just 5000 taels is really low.

Although the 20.00% income is not very high, after all, it is already equivalent to the loan interest of the Hyuga consortium, and it is issued by the Uchiha clan with the endorsement of the village's IOU. For Konoha people who have never been exposed to this kind of financial innovation There is still no small temptation.

Even ordinary Konoha villagers have spare money to buy two bonds as investment.

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu also wrote a lot of very deceptive advertising copy based on the memory of his previous life, such as "You don't manage money, money ignores you", "Let every Konoha person enjoy the dividends brought by the war", etc. Waiting, it stimulated the purchase desire of Konoha villagers.

Although the Uchiha clan is not well-known, it is mainly because of the attitude in the execution of police work. No one would doubt that the millennium rich family will renege on this matter.

Ever since, the sales of bonds are naturally relatively hot.

And some people also found an important point, that is, in the bond introduction on the bulletin board of the police department, it is clearly written that "payment by bond is anonymous".

Especially after the daimyo of the country of grass far in the northwest sent people to Konoha to buy bonds, the sales enthusiasm has reached a new level.

"Mr. Deguang is really talented, and he has raised so much money in a short period of time..."

Patriarch Uchiha Sifang was also happy.

The average acquisition cost is [-]% of the acquired interest in Baitiao. Even after adding the [-]% interest cost of the bond, it can earn a [-]% interest rate difference in a short period of time.

Especially when it's only for a few days.

Moreover, the redemption of the bonds is still a year later, and the cost of capital occupation is one in and one out, and the Uchiha clan is simply profitable.

"It's just testing the waters, and the family's funds are relatively sufficient, so it's a pity not to make full use of them." Uchihato continued to look at the bond sales report without looking up.

"It's just... Recently, the Nara clan seems to be secretly manipulating things like bonds. Do you want to..." The patriarch Uchiha Shifang made a gesture of cutting with a knife, "The police department can be dispatched at any time, as long as Tokumitsu-kun helps think A suitable charge will do..."

"No, let them go..." Tokumitsu Uchiha was a little speechless, "The Nara family is one of the big families in the village after all, so we can't bully them too much..."

"It won't be too much, just order Nara's house to close for a few days..." Uchiha Sifang still didn't give up.

"It's not worth it..." Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed, "This is just an appetizer. The purpose of issuing bonds this time is not to make money."

"Then..." Uchiha Sifang was a little puzzled.

"Cultivate habits and credit." Uchiha Tokumitsu replied.

Although Uchiha Sifang didn't understand what these familiar words mean when they are combined, but as the patriarch, he was too embarrassed to ask directly, so he just nodded seriously, "Mr. Tokumitsu is indeed far-sighted..."

"It's just that short-term profits are really tempting..." Uchiha Shifang also sighed, feeling a little unwilling.

"If the family is willing to give up some long-term benefits, there is another way to raise a certain amount of funds..." Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and gave another way.

"Details!" The patriarch Uchiha Sifang's spirit immediately came up.

"Excessive issuance of bonds!"

 There was a little conflict with the earthwork, and the update was delayed for a while, but it has been resolved now, and I will try to update it twice today.

  In addition, please ask for a ticket~ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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