Chapter 139
After Uchiha Tokumitsu's technique of interchanging the detonating talisman and the technique of flying talisman used for remote control of the detonating talisman that he figured out, it is simply an invincible attack stunt.

The night raid was originally an impromptu idea.

After the Uchiha Ninja Army went through repeated battles, nearly a hundred Uchiha Chunin as the backbone force were exhausted, but the Jōnin were in good condition.

When the battle was approaching, Uchiha Tokumitsu also had some insomnia, so he got up and took five idle Uchiha Jonin to the periphery of Kirigakure's camp to try to scout.

Of course, without the Uzumaki ninja to cover their whereabouts, Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party were discovered without any accident when they approached the Kirigakure Camp, and conflicts began.

It's just that the small group of chunin-level Kirigakure ninjas who were reconnaissance outside were not the elite opponents of Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party. After being beheaded to death without a doubt, the reinforcements of Kirigakure Dark Whistle ninjas came.

Kirigakure came aggressively, and Uchiha did not show any weakness.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

The five Uchiha jouninjutsu jointly performed the fire escape ninjutsu, spewing out a raging sea of ​​flames towards the Kirigakure ninja.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Three jouninjutsu jumped out of the Kirigakure formation, and performed a series of water ninjutsu combinations, abruptly extinguishing the fire ninjutsu of the five Uchiha jounin.


Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed that these outstanding Kirigakure Jōnin even slowed down the speed of manipulating the Flying Talisman.

Although Water Dun restrains Fire Dun, Uchiha Tokumitsu was the first time he saw three Kirigakure Jōnin and suppressed five Uchiha Jōnin.

"After all, Kirigakure is one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and some backgrounds are normal."

A Uchiha Jonin said.

Although he spoke reasonable words, his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"We're just here to scout, don't make too much noise..."

Uchiha stopped the bombing of the detonating talisman, and formed a Yin seal on his left hand.

"Flame Escape · Dust Concealment Technique!"

Using the higher-grade and more condensed Entrance Chakra as the basis of the technique, Uchiha Tokumitsu spewed out a cloud of purple high-temperature smoke from his mouth, and spread it quickly, covering the reinforcements of the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

"Fog Hidden Technique!"

Kirigakure Ninja also immediately used his signature secret technique to deal with it.

A large cloud of chakra water mist filled with the power of water escape immediately diffused.

It's just different from what the Kirigakure Ninja expected. Not only did the high-temperature smoke from the Dust Hidden Technique not produce chakra explosions with the water mist from the Kiwi Hidden Technique, but the water mist seemed to become a kind of fuel, boosting The spread of high temperature smoke and dust.

"Back up!"

Kirigakure Jōnin couldn't think of a good countermeasure for a while, so he had to call everyone to retreat immediately to avoid the burning damage of the high-temperature smoke.

"Let's go..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't like to fight, so he called his subordinates to evacuate.

It can also be seen from this interest-driven night attack that the seemingly reckless Kirigakure is still rough and detailed. The ninjutsu displayed by the Uchiha ninja army in various battles, especially the fire escape ninjutsu information, has been analyzed Finally, corresponding suppression measures were arranged. Without this reconnaissance, it is estimated that the small-scale probing attack arranged after dawn would suffer a big loss.

It's just that Kirigakure Ninja may have slightly underestimated Uchiha Tokumitsu's flame escape power due to insufficient intelligence data, so he suffered a small loss.

When the Kirigakure ninja army led the Suikayama puffer ghosts rushed over, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already left leisurely with his troops, leaving only the Kirigakure ninja who failed in defense to bear the infinite anger of his boss.


Early the next morning, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately regrouped his ninja army, and selected [-] Uchiha Chunin who were in better condition from his ninja army, and divided them into ten teams. Each team consisted of a Uchiha Namigami served as the leader of the team, and added a Hinata ninja as a reconnaissance force with the team, so as to prevent the team from falling into the siege of Kirigakure.

In this way, each five-man combat team has both strong assault capabilities and excellent reconnaissance capabilities, even if they encounter an ambush by the Kirigakure Ninja Army, they can withdraw from the battlefield in time.

Tokumitsu Uchiha called this tactic "wolf pack tactic", that is, through multiple harassment attacks to find the flaws in the camp of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, and when the time is right, he will devote all his strength to cooperate with Hatake Sakumo The ninja coalition forces of the Japanese army invaded the Kirigakure camp in an attempt to defeat the ninja army under the command of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost in one fell swoop.

"Get ready to fight!"

When a black smoke column rose in the direction of the Konoha Ninja coalition camp where Hatake Sakumo was located, Uchiha Tokumitsu officially ordered an attack on the left wing of the Kirigakure camp.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also led a ninja army composed of three Uchiha Jonin and fifteen Uchiha Chunin as the reserve force of the combat team, and launched a harassing attack on the Kirigakure camp.


"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A fireball shot at a puddle of water without warning, and the Kirigakure ninja who was lurking in it was about to escape, but was hit by several kunai accurately and fell dead on the spot.

And this is just a scene of Wuyin's outer positions.

Under the guidance of Hyuga Ninja's white-eyed observation, the guard posts arranged by Kirigakure on the outskirts of the camp were removed one by one, and when Kirigakure was about to organize the Ninja Army to counterattack, the combat team had already evacuated.

After several empty blows, even the delicate and calm Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost began to become anxious and agitated.

The offensive of the ninja alliance organized by Hatake Sakumo was uncharacteristically fierce.

As soon as the battle started, Hatake Sakumo sent three detachments of more than 300 Konoha ninjas to attack Kirigakure's camp.

As the Konoha Ninja Army advances, the positions set up by Kirigakure on the front and periphery of the camp continue to fall under the ferocious attacks of the ninja ninjas. Coupled with the continuous harassment of the Uchiha Ninja Army in the south and west, the number of people is Konoha. Twice as many Kirigakure Ninja Army fell into a state of passive defense.

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost became even more anxious.

Konoha Ninja Army's uncharacteristically fierce attack made him smell something bad.

But the offensive of the Konoha Ninja Army in the front is as fierce as the tide, and the Uchiha squads in the south and east also annoy him. Just constantly dispatching ninja troops to supplement the Konoha Ninja's attack direction gives him no time to think about it. other things.

"No. 11, [-], and [-] detachments, go forward and rotate the front-line combat troops respectively! The southern peripheral defense will immediately shrink!"

After thinking about it for a while, Suikayama puffer ghost chose to abandon the south side where the Uchiha ninja army was attacking, and focus on Hatake Sakumo ninja army.

Purely from the perspective of combat performance, the performance of the Konoha Ninja Army in the formation battle is obviously better than that of the Kirigakure Ninja Army who is brave and brave. It didn't take long for the troops to be disabled, and it was only after being supplemented by three reinforcement detachments sent by the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghosts that they were able to suppress the Konoha Ninja Army's offensive.

"Kuyin has withdrawn from the outer positions..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to observe the enemy's movements in the south of Kirigakure's camp. After Kirigakure began to abandon the outer positions, he immediately led his troops to ambush.

But the harassment of the other ten Uchiha teams did not stop because of Kirigakure's active retreat, but intensified and pressed even tighter.

And the nerves of the Kirigakure ninja who retreated to the camp became even tighter.

The Uchiha team scattered around the Kirigakure camp, throwing a few detonating charms one by one, or performing a few ninjutsu. Although it looked like they were just fishing, the Kirigakure ninjas did not dare to relax at all.

On the eastern side lay a few corpses scorched by fire escape ninjutsu, which is the best portrayal of the classic experience that slackness on the battlefield will inevitably lead to death.

The offensive of the Uchiha team is not blind, especially when there are white-eyed ninjas from the Hinata family who are always watching the surroundings.

Like a pack of bloodthirsty and patient wolves, the Uchiha team sometimes openly rests, not paying attention to the Kirigakure in the camp;

Only 150 Uchiha ninjas restrained nearly [-] Kirigakure ninja troops, which is a quarter of the troops under the command of Suikayama Puffer Demon.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was even more anxious.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo became more calm.

Although the offensive of the Konoha Ninja Allied Forces was still fierce, it was a little less desperate, which also allowed the Xiguashan puffer ghost to breathe for a while.

"My about withdrawing the troops..."

The subordinates of Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost expressed his suggestion anxiously.

If the fight continues like this, the Kirigakure Ninja Army will undoubtedly be defeated.

A quarter of the Kirigakure ninja army was restrained by Uchiha, and the number of Kirigakure ninjas thrown into the frontal combat area was as high as twice that of the Konoha ninja army to maintain the front line; in this way, now it is the number of reserve teams in the hands of the two It's about the same.

"Don't you think Mizukage can't kill people!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost gave his subordinates a hard look.

Although he has little experience in commanding the Ninja Army, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who has been performing underground missions for Wuyin Village for a long time also understands that his Ninja Army has reached a critical juncture at this time.

The next key point of victory or defeat will be a duel between the high-level combat power of the two sides.

However, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost did not have the confidence to defeat the combination of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo by himself.


The time came to six o'clock in the afternoon amid the meaningless torment of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo put on the protective case of the pocket watch at the same time.

"Order! Attack!"

In the temporary camp behind Uchiha Tokumitsu, apart from a few people who were arranged to guard the captives, other Uchiha ninjas, Uzumaki ninjas, and Hyuga ninjas came out in full force.

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not wait for their arrival, and when Hatake Sakumo smashed his ninja army into the battlefield in one breath, he quickly jumped out of the hidden enchantment of the Uzumaki ninja.

"Yan Dun, the arrogant fire is extinguished!"

A sea of ​​dark purple flames covering a wide area opened the prelude to Uchiha's assault!
"Earth Escape Earth Formation Wall!"

Kirigakure Ninja did not perform the usual water escape ninjutsu, but chose to build an earth wall to stop the spread of the flames.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

The Uchiha jounin under his command immediately used fire escape ninjutsu to smash the earth wall.

"The Art of Flying Talismans!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha saw the collapse of the earth wall defense line, and immediately summoned the psychic detonating talisman, and under the control of the flying talisman technique, one by one the detonating talisman sneaked towards the Kirin ninja camp.

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

"Water Escape Thousand Sharks Competition!"

The two Kirigakure jounin performed ninjutsu at the same time, and suddenly there was a huge wave on the flat ground, and then countless huge sharks rushed out of the huge wave, rushing towards the front of the camp.

Uchiha Deguang's eyelids twitched, very surprised.

As the product of the sealing technique, the detonating talisman is not afraid of ordinary water immersion, but it will also weaken the detonation power, and ninjutsu containing water escape chakra will destroy the sealing technique of the detonating talisman, resulting in detonation failure.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu detonated the detonator ahead of time without hesitation.

And the chakra sharks, who followed one after another, rushed towards the area where Tokuko Uchiha was located by means of the huge waves formed by the technique of the Great Waterfall.

Although I don't know how Kirigakure Ninja detected the trace of the detonating talisman, Uchiha Tokumitsu also stopped the offensive of the detonating talisman in due course.

"The Art of Fire Escape Dragon Flame Singing!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha quickly formed seals to transfer chakra, his mouth bulged, and bursts of flames spewed out, and then turned into fire dragons against the wind, slamming fiercely at the oncoming huge waves and water sharks.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The chakra explosions caused by the collision of water and fire attribute ninjutsu continued continuously, and Kirigakure's ninjutsu counterattack was easily broken by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

At this time, the Uchiha Ninja Army of the temporary camp in the rear is about to arrive on the battlefield.

The sound of ninjutsu bombing from the Konoha Ninja Allied Forces is also getting closer.

Kirigakure endured the panic and did not panic, and retreated step by step.

"Get ready, I will launch a surprise charge after I break through the Hidden Fog!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha took a deep breath, and said to his subordinates behind him, the Sharingan in his eyes had changed and merged into a kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Uchiha Jonin was about to persuade, but under the gaze of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he immediately swallowed back what he wanted to say, and just bowed his head and said "obey".

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the subordinates running from behind, jumped up and rushed towards the Kirigakure camp.

Immediately, five Jonin jumped out of the Kirigakure camp to fight.


Uchiha Tokuko roared up to the sky, the raging chakra was released from the body, the vast pupil power was quickly consumed like flowing water, the two forces entangled and blended, and released, condensed, and wrapped Uchiha Tokuko's whole body at an extremely fast speed .

A giant like a demon god appeared out of thin air!

Purple flames flickered in the terrifying skull, watching the five horrified and inexplicable Kirigakure Jōnin.

"This is... Wanhua..."

A well-informed Kirigakure couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Before he could finish speaking, a huge arm smashed towards the Kirigakure ninja.

"Boom boom boom!!"

It was just a seemingly random swing of the arm, and a huge deep hole was immediately smashed into the ground.

A Kirigard Kamijinn who was intimidated by Susano was unable to dodge, and was hammered into a pulp with a clean punch.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then manipulated Susano to wave his arms to push back the four surviving Kirigard jonin. Just the fist wind from the giant's swing of the arm made several Kirigard jonin almost unable to stabilize their figures.

At the same time, Susanoo didn't stay entangled, but moved towards the Kirigakure camp under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

(End of this chapter)

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