Chapter 141
After the watermelon mountain puffer ghost was controlled by Uchiha Tokumitsu and burnt into coke, the Kirigakure ninja army, which was still in a state of desperate fighting, began to collapse.

Especially wherever Susano went, with just a sweep of his arm, the formation of the Kirigakure ninja army, which had been fighting endlessly with Konoha ninjas, immediately collapsed.

The morale of the Kirigakure ninja army is so confused.

Just like the simple Uzumaki battle, after Genshi was beheaded by Hatake Sakumo, the Kirigakure ninja army, which had an absolute superiority in numbers, immediately collapsed and fled.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo's mood was also very complicated.

Before the start of the decisive battle, he had already made all-or-nothing preparations, trying his best to defeat the Kirigakure ninja army of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost in the shortest possible time regardless of casualties, so that he could lead his troops back to the country of fire as soon as possible to face the Kiri led by Yakura Kutachi Hidden Second Army.

But after this battle, although the initial casualties were indeed heavy, more than half of the first three ninja detachments that entered the battlefield died in the battle, but after Uchiha Tokumitsu led the Uchiha Ninja Army to kill the Kirigakure camp from the south, Kiri The Hidden Ninja Army began to be defeated on a large scale.

The battlefield dominance demonstrated by Susano in the ninja battles made Hatake Sakumo, a ninja who tended to be an assassin, particularly frightened.

"It's really a ghostly power..."

Hatake Sakumo involuntarily stopped the pace of chasing and killing the Kirigakure ninja, and was fascinated to look at the Susanoko who was fighting on the battlefield as easily and freely as a galloping hunt.

Ask yourself, if you face such an opponent, what means do you have to deal with it?

Hatake Sakumo thought for a while, and thought that the current abilities he possessed would not be of any use to such a giant.

Although the White Fang dagger in his hand was extremely sharp, it was probably like scratching an itch in front of such a giant.

Although Sakumo Hatake did not come from a thousand-year-old wealthy family, as the squad leader of Konoha Jonin, after reading relevant literature, he also knew something about the giant Chakra in front of him.

The consumption of such mighty power must be astonishing, and it is doomed to be unsustainable.It seems that apart from the ultra-high-intensity ninjutsu confrontation, the only way to find a chance is to fight a war of attrition...

"The power of the bloodline beyond the conventional concept, only Hashirama-sama's Mutun can compete with the Uchiha clan's Kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

Naramura who was standing behind Hatake Sakumo said quietly.

Hatake Sakumo looked back at him, didn't speak, just jumped up suddenly, got up again and chased down the defeated Kirigakure Ninja Army.

Naramura was still on the spot, staring at Susano.

"It seems a bit miscalculated..."

What Naramura said was not only for explanation, but also implied to provoke the relationship between Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In his cognition, it is impossible for two strong men to coexist harmoniously, and he will never stop until one is separated; This is definitely great news for the Nara clan.

It's just... Hatake Sakumo doesn't seem to like him.


At this time, Uchiha Deguang already felt the soreness of his eyes.

He also knew that this was a side effect of excessive consumption of pupil power in a short period of time.

But... the mighty power of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is really hard to stop.

The ninja formation that originally required a lot of energy and consumed a lot of chakra to defeat it, now only needs to push Susano to approach the attack, and the ninja formation will be broken immediately.

And those ninja throwing and low-level ninjutsu attacks can be completely ignored.

Uchiha Tokumitsu began to understand why the clansmen were so obsessed with chasing the power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

For the power-worshiping Uchiha clan, is there anything more worthy of worship?

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Under the boost of the left-eye pupil technique God Emperor Sanreimon, Tokumitsu Uchiha controlled Susano to spew out a sea of ​​flames, burning the last of the Kirigakure Ninja Army who resisted to the last corner into scorched corpses.


Immediately, Tokumitsu Uchiha released Susano.

As Susanoo gradually dissipated, the chakra torrents of dark red with a little purple flames re-merged into Uchiha Toku's body.

The big sword and shark muscle held in Susano's giant palm were immediately sealed by Uchiha Tokumitsu and received in the sealing scroll.

However, the feeling at this time is too far from the power and influence when controlling Susano.

"After all, the flesh and blood are weak..."

I didn't feel anything before, but at this time Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to reality from the feeling of driving Susano, and immediately felt his own weakness.

After all, the mainstream of ninjas is the type of high-attack and low-defense assassins, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is not a physical ninja who specializes in eight techniques of armor.

The Uchiha ninjas under his command immediately swarmed up to protect Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"You...don't need to be so nervous..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also knew that the clansmen had good intentions, and he was afraid that he would be plotted against because of excessive consumption after turning on Susano.

But these blatant actions really don't seem to be guarding against the defeated Kirigakure, but instead make people seem to be wary of other Konoha ninjas.

"The gap between Uchiha and the far..."

Hatake Sakumo, who was leading his troops to hunt down the remaining Kirigakure ninjas, also noticed this scene, and felt very uncomfortable.

Although Hatake Sakumo is somewhat idealistic, he is not an overly naive person, and he also understands the current plight and ambition of the Uchiha clan during his interactions with Uchiha Tokumitsu. The defensive mentality makes people have to think about it.

"My will... will change everything!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately caught up with a Kirigakure Shinobi who was fleeing in a panic, and decapitated him with a single knife, thinking secretly in his heart.

He will reverse the injustice of Naruto; he will also eliminate Uchiha's misunderstanding of the village; he will try his best to change the village's view of Uchiha!

As long as the Uchiha clan is willing to fully support him, he will naturally make an appropriate return in his own way!

A series of kunai shot a Kirigakure ninja who was fleeing in embarrassment in front of Sakumo Hatake and fell to the ground.

Hatake Sakumo turned his head to look, and an Uchiha ninja wearing a Chunin uniform nodded to him shyly.

Among other things, even if the Uchiha clan is dissatisfied with the ruling Hokage clan, at least they will do their best to fight for the village.

At this moment, Hatake Sakumo also understood the "dialectical analytical thinking that divides into two" mentioned by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As the large group of Kirigakure ninjas inside and outside the camp were wiped out, Hatake Sakumo also stopped the pursuit.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Hatake Sakumo sighed with some compassion.

"This is war..."

Although he knew that such an idea was not in line with the mainstream thinking of Konoha Ninja, Hatake Sakumo still felt sad about it.

When will reconciliation be achieved between the ninjas...

Shaking his head and throwing away those thoughts that came out of nowhere, Hatake Sakumo slowly walked towards the inside of the camp.

"Mr. Shuo Mao~"

Surrounded by a group of people, Tokumitsu Uchiha waved to Sakumo Hatake with a smile on his face, "We won again!"

Yes!The war has been won again!
Hatake Sakumo also smiled.

Since partnering with Uchiha Tokumitsu, all the wars he has experienced have achieved brilliant results, and this is indispensable for the Uchiha Jonin of the mobile unit to go all out and Uchiha Tokumitsu's full support.

Afterwards, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but feel ashamed of the inexplicable distractions he had raised before.

He actually had doubts about his allies at a certain moment!
"Tokumitsu-kun's majesty will be spread in the ninja world from now on~"

Hatake Sakumo also sighed with a smile, "The giant Chakra just now... is the power of the legendary Susanoo, right?"


Uchiha Tokumitsu admitted without hesitation.

Susanoo's highly recognizable features make this superficial information worthless to conceal.

"As expected of the greatest power of the Uchiha clan..."

Hatake Sakumo was filled with emotions.

"It's nothing..." Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head with a smile, "Compared with the ancestors, it's really far behind..."

"Compared to Madara-sama?"

Sakumo Hatake asked curiously: "They are all kaleidoscope Sharingan, so is there such a big gap?"

"How should I put it~ It seems that the gap between the upper ninja and the upper ninja may be larger than the gap between the upper ninja and the lower ninja, and the same is true for Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Uchiha Tokumitsu made an inappropriate analogy.

Hatake Sakumo nodded seriously.

And Nara Muramasa, who had just walked over, heard Hatake Sakumo say the name of the man whom Konoha regarded as a taboo without any psychological barriers, and called him "adult" like the Uchiha radicals, and suddenly felt The heart is about to stop.

The bond between Hatake Sakumo and the Uchiha clan is so deep!
Although Naramura did not let himself lose his composure by relying on his good expression control ability, there was only one sentence echoing in his mind at this moment:
"To report to Hokage-sama, Hatake Sakumo is no longer able to win over!"

Just in words, Nara Muramasa still greeted the two of them in a gentle and obedient manner: "My lords, please give me instructions on the next Ninja Army operations."

Hatake Sakumo turned his gaze to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Naramura Masa's heart was even more turbulent.

"Sure enough! Hatake Sakumo is totally with Uchiha!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a gesture of invitation to the Kirigakure command center in the camp.

Hatake Sakumo smiled knowingly, and then the two walked towards the central tent together.

"Notify all ministries in charge of Jonin, and hold a military affairs meeting in 10 minutes!"

Hatake Sakumo said a word without looking back.

"As ordered!"

Naramura bowed respectfully and took the order to leave.



Uchiha Tokumitsu sat down in Kirigakure's central tent, and took a deep breath.

Then close your eyes and massage your temples with your hands.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Hatake Sakumo was a little puzzled.

"...It's nothing serious, just a little tired."

Uchiha Tokumitsu put his hands down and said with some fatigue.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan consumes a lot..."

Hatake Sakumo felt that his judgment was correct.

"My Chakra is still insufficient after all..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back in the chair, and his whole body relaxed.

Perhaps the Naruto series, who inherited the research heritage of the Uchiha research expert Senju Feima, has a more or less understanding of the constituent factors and side effects of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but Uchiha Tokumitsu still has not informed others of this kind of secret diffusion mean.

Even if this person is an ally Hatake Sakumo.

"You're still young, so don't rush it~" Hatake Sakumo said seriously: "All power comes at a price, and proper application will definitely last longer than reckless squandering..."

"Uchiha is not a whirlpool, the growth of Chakra has little to do with age..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said leisurely: "By the way, if Uchiha and Uzumaki get married, will the clansmen of the younger generations be stronger and more perfect?"

"...I haven't studied this." Hatake Sakumo was a little speechless.

"...However, according to the research report of the healing ninjas in the village, although the marriage of blood-successful ninjas may produce offspring with advantages for both parties, it also has a high probability of inducing the hidden blood-stained disease."

"Really? Mr. Shuo Mao is really knowledgeable!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha replied lazily.

"But Mr. Deguang doesn't need to rush back to China..."

Hatake Sakumo also noticed Uchiha Tokumitsu's undisguised fatigue at this time, "I will lead my troops back to the Kudachi Yakura side first, and the [-] ninja army of Orochimaru should be about the same."

"Can you deal with the tailed beast?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu straightened up and looked at Hatake Sakumo: "That guy is Three-Tails Jinchuriki!"

"Then kill him before he turns into a beast!"

Hatake Sakumo chuckled lightly and said nonchalantly.

"Well, it's White Fang."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also laughed, "You are so confident even when you say big things."

"……you are too tired."

Hatake Sakumo also smiled, and then fell silent: "...The Will of Fire, a junior like you shouldn't have been allowed to go to the battlefield in the first place."

"What you're talking about is Lord Hashirama's 'will of fire', which seems to be somewhat different from the 'will of three generations' that the village is spreading now."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also smiled.

"This is my will of fire."

Hatake Sakumo raised his head proudly.

"Then I'll stay here and wipe out the remaining Kirigakure ninjas."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt that the test was sufficient, so he changed the subject casually: "There should be a lot of remnants left here. If they are not cleaned up, it may be very troublesome in the future."


Hatake Sakumo thought deeply, "And the Eastern Border Defense Force..."

He didn't say any more, after all, the eastern border defense force, which was famous for being weak, had been basically wiped out under the attack of Kutachi Yakura's ninja army.

"Take all the mobile troops away, and just leave a medical class for me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and said his arrangement.

"Alright, this way I'm more confident." Hatake Sakumo didn't refuse either.

Anyway, the Kirigakure ninja army has been defeated, and the current strength of the Uchiha ninja army alone can indeed crush the remaining Kirigakure ninjas.

"Then you can preside over the next military affairs meeting yourself. I'll sleep for a while." After speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored Hatake Sakumo, leaned back on the chair, and snored after a while.

 I am exhausted today, and I will resume double updates tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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