Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 154 Preliminary Exploration of the Inheritance of the Boundary of Blood Succession

Chapter 154 Preliminary Exploration of the Inheritance of the Boundary of Blood Succession

The advantage of being a superior is that you can find your confidantes to help you do things at any time.

For the special border trade transaction with the Kirigakure ninja, after consulting the patriarch Uchiha Shikata and the Elder Setsuna, in addition to the special detonating talisman, considering that Konoha and Kirigakure have not officially signed a contract to end the state of war, there is no big deal for Kirigakure. In addition to mass sales, other Wuyin purchases are available on request.

The person in charge of handling special border trade affairs is a Minazuki clan named Minazuki Chino, who visited Konoha as a member of the Kirigakure mission before the war, but was arrested by Uchiha Deku for bluffing in the street. The light frightened a pass.

It is also fate to meet again now, for the sake of the glittering gold sentence, Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude is quite modest, and Minazuki Chino is also very satisfied with the goods.

Especially the Snowflake Beef, a specialty of the Country of Grass, makes his mouth water.

There is no way. As an archipelagic country, the Land of Water has a relatively limited land area and broken terrain. The limited flat land is used to grow staple food, and there is no place for livestock breeding.

But ninjas have a lot of food, and the more powerful the ninja, the bigger the appetite.And the seafood rich in the land of water can hardly meet the intake requirements of ninjas, so there is a seemingly absurd move of smuggling beef to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As for those luxury goods, Uchiha Tokumitsu also extracted information from Minazuki Kenno, which turned out to be purchased for the daimyo nobles of the country of water...

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu still doesn't quite understand why the daimyo nobles of the land of water are willing to buy a piece of brocade clothes produced by the Hyuga clan at the price of ten cows, but this definitely does not prevent him from giving Kirigakure a full-fledged gift during the transaction. Sunny smiley face.

"That's just too much..."

After Minazuki Chino led the fleet back with a full load, Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at a large box full of gold in front of him in a daze.

The so-called golden sentence, that is, the official gold coin, is generally implemented in the current ninja world similar to the previous gold standard system, and the reserves of banknotes issued by major countries are the golden sentence.

The standard gold price is one tael, and [-] gold coins are equivalent to a thousand catties of gold. If converted into the currency of the country of fire, it is equivalent to as much as [-] million taels.

After excluding the costs consumed by the Uchiha clan for purchasing, transporting, and guarding these materials, this transaction can make a net profit of 4000 million taels!
And this is just a 'special border trade' income!

Uchiha Tokumitsu is very satisfied!
So he drew 1000 million taels from it to build a laboratory.

Although 1000 million is a lot, it is only at the level of building a basic laboratory.

It's okay to do traditional chakra analysis, but there is no way to go further.

Fortunately, the special border trade with the Kirigakure Ninja is not a one-off deal, and more income can be poured into the bottomless pit of the laboratory in the future.


Traditional ninja practice has limitations, and so does the Uchiha clan.

The highest achievement of the Uchiha tribe who is not the reincarnation of Indra is to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan or the Eternal Kaleidoscope. Even Uchiha Madara opened the Samsara Eye after years of warming after obtaining the Hashirama meat.

Tokumitsu Uchiha knows where his limits are.

Apart from his extreme control over Chakra, perhaps his only difference is Yan Dun.

This Blood Succession Boundary Power, based on the fusion of Yin Dun and Fire Dun, was handed over to the family by Uchiha Tokumitsu after he found out a complete way to practice.

The original intention at the beginning was to cultivate more Yandun blood successor Uchiha within the family, and promote the development of the Yandun system with wisdom, but so far, the Uchiha family has successfully merged two kinds of chakras to form a new type of blood successor. The tribe is still below double digits.

As a last resort, Tokumitsu Uchiha had no choice but to start thinking about how to improve his own strength through experiments and research.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha has no experience of entering a laboratory, let alone scientific experiment methods, regardless of his past and present lives. Fortunately, there is chakra that is not scientific at all in the ninja world. This kind of sophisticated equipment and cumbersome experimental operations can achieve the results in a short period of time that may take years of experimental observations in previous lives.

For example: Inheritance of blood power.

According to legend, Chakra is used by the Sages of the Six Paths to connect the spiritual energy between people to facilitate communication and development between people.

One thing is clear, except for a few ninjas with dominant characteristics in the blood succession boundary, most of the secret ninjas and civilians in the ninja world are not descendants of the Sage of the Six Paths.

But where does their chakra come from?
The only explanation is that there is some kind of medium that spread the "Seed of Chakra" to the ninja world.

As for the fusion of two chakra attributes, is it possible to form "blood successor seeds" through special means and distribute them to others?
Most of the dominant blood ninjas in the ninja world, such as Uchiha, Hyuga, Kaguya and other ninja powers are inherited based on blood, so it must mean that the blood succession ninjas are different from ordinary ninjas, And this difference is the key to the succession of blood inheritance.

For example, Uchiha's sharing eyes, Hyuga's white eyes, Kaguya's bones and so on.

But what if there is the blood-successor boundary power generated by chakra fusion?

Is there also some kind of special 'genetic factor' that has not been discovered or extracted yet?

The location of the laboratory is just outside the frontier camp of Tokumitsu Uchiha. It was excavated and expanded on the basis of an original cave, and sealed and reinforced by Uzumaki ninjas.

The first batch of researchers who volunteered to join were the Uzumaki ninjas who followed Uchiha Tokumitsu.

This is also impossible, because the Uchiha clan can't find research talents, so Uchiha Tokumitsu has to rely on Uzumaki Ninja to assist in research.

But even though he is currently an ally with the Uzumaki Clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu still kept a hand to conceal his true purpose.

Therefore, the first subject given to the laboratory was just "the structure and operation coordination of Yandou Chakra".

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu was the initial developer of the power of Yandun Blood Successor, he has been relatively rough in the application of Yandun.

In addition to using the power of Flame Dungeon to protect the body, the structure of Fire Dungeon is used to perform Yandun Ninjutsu.

Although the power of Yandun ninjutsu is much stronger than the original version of Huodun, Uchiha Tokumitsu still felt that there were many incongruities in the process of performing the technique.

Like a size 42 foot squeezed into a size 40 shoe.


After Uchiha Tokumitsu sealed part of the power of Yantun in the scroll and handed it over to Uzumaki Ninja for research, he sent them to another laboratory for research, and he used the small laboratory alone.

After studying with Uzumaki Ninja, Tokumitsu Uchiha also mastered the use of experimental instruments.

And the most critical thing is a human body indicator detector.

What he wants to try to study is the influence of Yandu Chakra on the human body.


After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door of the laboratory.

"Come in!" Uchiha Tokumitsu paused for a moment, pulled off the detection feedback medium attached to his body, and then said to the door.

"Lord Deguang..."

Uzumaki Ninja came in and presented a research report to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Is there a result so soon?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

"No... just another discovery, and... the Yandun chakra used for the experiment is exhausted..."

"That's pretty good too!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised by Uzumaki Ninja's progress, and then began to study the experimental report.

"...The characteristics of the flame escape chakra, it has the possibility of evolution to the elimination of blood successors!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu involuntarily read the most prominent sentence in the experiment report.

The so-called elimination of blood successors is to generate new escape techniques by combining three types of chakra properties. The elimination ability of blood successors often exceeds the limit of blood successors.

In the experiment, the Uzumaki Ninja discovered that the structure of Yandou Chakra is extremely stable, and the power of the blood chakra with fusion of attributes is far beyond ordinary.

And this also means that Yandu Chakra can still integrate more chakra attributes.

The purpose of the experiment has also shifted from structural exploration to the compatibility of Yan Chakra.

"What else do you want from your experiment!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately made a decision.

"Master Deguang, we need you to provide more Yandu Chakra for research~"

The Uzumaki Ninja took out a sealing scroll, bowed respectfully and handed it over.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care, he tore off the defensive scroll and began to inject chakra.

However, Uchiha Tokumitsu soon discovered that something was wrong.

The amount of chakra that this sealing scroll can seal is amazing!
"How long can the chakra stored in this sealed scroll last!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also showed interest.

"About ten hours or so, but it doesn't matter, I will come again at that time."

Uzumaki Ninja replied respectfully.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth twitched.

"I need more chakra!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's first reaction was this!

"Tailed beast!"

Afterwards, I immediately thought of the tailed beast, which is known as the chakra aggregate of immortality and endless chakra.

"Or dragon veins!"

At present, apart from the tailed beasts of the big country, the tailed beasts that may have the opportunity to capture are the two tails that may still be in the wild state after resurrection and the seven tails that belong to Taki Shinobi Village. In addition, the ones that can provide a large amount of chakra are located in The dragon veins in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Wind.

"Lord Deguang... that's fine."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was in a daze, and Uzumaki Ninja had to remind him.


Uchiha Tokumitsu also reacted as if he had just woken up.

After Uzumaki Ninja happily left holding the sealed scroll, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately took out a pen and paper to record.

Dragon veins, Loulan ancient country!
But there is also a problem with grabbing the power of the dragon veins, that is, you must sneak into the hinterland of the country of wind to find the dragon veins of the ancient country of Loulan.

With Uchiha Tokumitsu's "popularity" in Sagakushi, if his whereabouts are accidentally leaked, it is estimated that Sagakushi's high-level executive Ebizo will immediately use all his strength to hunt down Sagakushi.

Secondly, unlike the Tailed Beast's Renzhuli Sealing Method, how to capture the power of the dragon's veins is also a problem.Otherwise, Sand Hidden would not just sit back and watch this power idle and remain indifferent.

"hold on……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu crossed out the text about dragon veins again, thought for a while, and re-wrote two words:
"Travel again!"

(End of this chapter)

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