Chapter 184
Although I don't quite understand what Uchiha Tokumitsu means by "putting the monkey in a cage", the head of the Kurama clan who came to deliver the letter in person is still sitting upright waiting for Uchiha Tokumitsu's next instruction

"The head of the pommel horse has worked hard. I'm really sorry that such a trivial matter has bothered you to go there yourself..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu withdrew his wanton flying thoughts, and said softly to the head of the Kurama clan.

The head of the pommel horse breathed a sigh of relief.

This also shows that Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't care that he participated in this secret ninja meeting organized by the Hyuga clan, but the Kurama patriarch still defended it:
"Master Deguang is serious. It's just that this secret meeting is a secret invitation from the Hinata clan. Because of the sudden incident, I only talked to the Sifang patriarch. I hope you understand..."

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hands again and again to show that you are not polite, "It is also a good thing that the ninja meeting can be organized!"

"After all, there are too few things that can make the Hyuga Clan, who are used to shrinking their heads, take the initiative!"

After finishing speaking, both of them laughed.


It is indeed surprising that the Hyuga Clan, who are used to "keeping a low profile" can take the initiative to stand up for something.

Especially after joining Konoha, the Hyuga Clan's family habits are simple and easy to understand. External affairs are mostly handled by people from separate families.

Except for the successive heirs of the Hyuga Clan who needed to maintain a certain amount of communication with other ninjas in the same village, so they often showed their faces, the ordinary Konoha villagers had hardly seen other members of the Hyuga Clan.

Therefore, although Uchiha Tokumitsu's remarks were ridicule, they also fit the image of the Hyuga clan in everyone's minds.

"It's a good thing that the Hyuga clan is unwilling to be lonely. After all, no one in the family is in the ninja school in the village. Even if he wants to compete for the title of the richest family, he has no chance~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile: "So, it's really not easy to make the high-ranking clan of the Hyuga clan worry about one thing. We should support it more."

"Then... Tokumitsu-sama, should I reply to the Hinata family that you have agreed to hold a ninja meeting?"

The head of the pommel horse asked cautiously.

"Ninja problem!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, and then replied: "But I think the topic of the Hyuga clan is still a bit petty..."

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the paper and pen on the table and danced around, then handed the newly written letter to the Kurama patriarch.

"how do you feel?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu motioned him to look at the contents of the letter.

The patriarch of the pommel horse swept it hastily, secretly surprised.

"Master Deguang's idea... is perfect!"

"It doesn't matter whether it can be done or not, as long as the water is muddy."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.


"Ninja Council Consultation Conference?"

"Permanent council?"

After receiving Uchiha Tokumitsu's reply, the head of the Kurama clan rushed back to Konoha, and immediately handed Uchiha Tokumitsu's handwriting to the Hyuga clan leader.

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed out in the letter that simply reconvening the Ninja Conference is not enough to change the status quo of Konoha. It is also necessary to reorganize the Ninja Conference from a non-permanent deliberative body to a more extensive and authoritative power organization , and under the framework of the Ninja Conference, the Ninzu Council Consultative Conference was established as a common opinion voting body for all ninja tribes in Konoha, and impeachment can be initiated according to the joint resolution of the conference; As a permanent supervisory body, the council oversees Konoha's financial revenue and expenditure.

And the ninja council meeting will have the same status as the upper ninja class, and it will be held by the heads of each ninja family. Regardless of the size of the family, as long as they have participated in the early ninja meetings and sent troops to participate in the ninja world war, they can all get a place.

Moreover, each ninja has only one quota.

Patriarch Hinata felt a splitting headache.

If this is changed, the Ninja Conference will no longer be a temporary deliberative body, but a special power core with both power and prestige.

So, what about Tokumitsu Uchiha, who takes care of the interests of the little ninjas and gives them the opportunity to talk with the rich?How far will his prestige skyrocket?

Don't forget, many people under Sakumo Hatake's command came from those declining ninja clans.

"So frenzied to buy people's hearts! It's simply no luxury!"

The patriarch Hyuga scolded endlessly in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

Originally, he also wanted to mediate the confrontation between the Uchiha clan and the Naruto clan by organizing a ninja meeting to gain prestige, and to gather some neutral ninja clans to form Konoha's "third force".

However, Uchiha Tokumitsu not only saw through his plan, but also easily punctured his plan, which made the Hinata patriarch feel very embarrassed.


"The reform of the Ninja Conference is of great importance, and it must be considered in the long run..."

Chief Hyuga tried his best to organize words to prevent this proposal, "Besides, the purpose of this ninja meeting is only to mediate differences. If such a... well, such a bold proposal is proposed at this time, Master Naruto will not give up. .”

The Naruto family will naturally not allow the Ninja Conference to be easily reorganized into the so-called Ninja Council and Standing Council. What is the difference between that and all the Konoha ninja standing on their heads to shit?
But sometimes in order to open a window, we have to advocate removing the roof first.

"Master Tokumitsu has something to say beforehand. This suggestion only represents the opinion of the Zhengyi Shogunate, and has nothing to do with the Uchiha clan. You can just consider it carefully..."

Chief Kurama's reply left Chief Hinata speechless.

See what this says...

Speak first, represent only, consider carefully...

What is inside and outside the words is nothing more than what Uchiha Tokumitsu means!

If you don't consider his opinion, the consequences can only be carefully considered!
Although Clan Head Hyuga did not participate in Konoha government affairs, but as the head of the noble clan, after a little brainstorming, he understood the subtext and threats revealed in the seemingly peaceful words of Clan Head Kurama.

"If this is not the case, first change the name of the Ninja Conference to the Ninja Consultative Conference, and establish the Ninja Consultative Conference. This way, it is also in line with the wishes of Mr. Deguang. As for the supervision power or something, wait for the mediation and confrontation Let's talk about it after the incident, what do you think?"

Seeing Patriarch Hyuga's completely dumb look, Patriarch Kurama immediately suggested very understandingly.

"It's not impossible..."

If it's just changing the name of a meeting, Patriarch Hyuga thinks it's okay.

First throw out Uchiha Tokumitsu's proposal and bargain with the Hokage series. After the Hokage series categorically opposed it, and then according to the suggestion of the Kurama patriarch, it is enough to just change the name of the Ninja Conference. In this way, mediate in the middle The Hyuga Clan perfectly achieves both ends...

Konoha's third force!This operation is also normal!
"You don't have to worry, Master Deguang will lead his troops back to Konoha in three days."

The head of the Kurama clan once again reminded "full of goodwill": "If the Ninja Council cannot be held as scheduled, it may be safer to recall Mr. Sakumo."

"...If Tokumitsu-kun agrees to accept the Ninja Conference, then peace and tranquility will remain in Konoha forever!"

Hyuga patriarch had to express his optimism and self-confidence.

"I think Lord Deguang will be happy to see this!"

From the corner of the eyes of the Kurama patriarch, he saw the blackness on the face of the patriarch Hyuga, who was almost unable to hold back, and then immediately got up and resigned and left.

If you walk too slowly, the Hinata patriarch might be about to hit someone, and the Kurama patriarch doesn't think that his illusion can withstand the close-range violent blow of Hyuga Rouquan.

After Patriarch Kuruma left, Patriarch Hyuga, who was originally covered in black lines, immediately returned to his expressionless expression.

As the head of the clan, his acting skills are still good.

Even if Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is far away in the country of the vortex, puts it in the air, the overall trend is still as he wishes.

As for pretending to be about to lose control, it was mainly because he was worried that the head of the pommel horse would make other demands, so he used his face to drive him away.

"The Hyuga Clan can no longer remain silent..."

Patriarch Hyuga got up and walked towards the inner room, still thinking about the confrontation with Patriarch Kurama just now in his mind.

It is not so much a confrontation with the head of the Kurama, but a long-distance contest with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Judging from a fair point of view, this round of confrontation can be regarded as Uchiha Tokumitsu's mercy.

Otherwise, there would be absolutely no chance of Patriarch Hinata's plan being barely effective.

Besides, in addition to the Uchiha clan, there are many other ninja clans attached to them, plus the large group of declining ninja clans under Sakumo Hatake's command. If the meeting adopts one family, one vote, Uchiha Tokumitsu's right to speak will be incredible.

But luckily...

It's just a name change.

Hyuga patriarch's inner self-comfort.

Thinking about it carefully, the patriarch Hyuga found that although Uchiha Tokumitsu's strategy was not brilliant, he had a very precise grasp of people's hearts.

Or he already understood from the very beginning that it was impossible for Hokage to accept such a proposal.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha's strategy is upright, and one day, if he can really implement this system of the Ninja Council and Consultative Conference in its entirety...


A young child's voice interrupted the Hyuga patriarch's thoughts.

"Daily foot, daily difference...have you finished your cultivation?"

Hinata squeezed a smile on the face of the patriarch.

After stroking the hair of the two children, the patriarch Hinata sent the two children back to the house to sleep, and continued to think about the success or failure of this long-distance confrontation.

But in the final analysis, the Hinata patriarch felt that the most important reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu made him so passive was because he was far away from the political center of Konoha for too long, and his sensitivity to certain things had obviously blunted a lot, otherwise Nor would he be fooled by Uchiha Tokumitsu so easily.

"Power is such a charming poison..."

After the Hyuga patriarch woke up again, it was already dawn.

Sighing, he went back to the house and fell asleep with his clothes on.

Before Uchiha Tokumitsu returns to Konoha, he still needs to expend energy to complete the preparations for the Ninja Council Conference. Although he has the assistance of allies such as Yume and Inuzuka, there are still many things that need to be worked hard by himself.


Under the mediation of Patriarch Hyuga, the major ninja clans in Konoha reached a consensus, that is, in order to avoid civil war and prevent the tragedy of the Kirigakure ninja clan from being staged in Konoha, they all decided to hold a ninja meeting and agreed to formalize the meeting. The name was determined to be the Ninja Council Consultative Assembly.

Now, before the meeting is about to be held, there is another equally important thing, which is to call the generals of the four major border defense forces out of the town to return to Konoha to participate in the meeting.

The most concerned one is naturally the famous Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Master Patriarch, General Deguang's team is still [-] kilometers away from the village."

In a large banquet hall in the Hyuga Clan, a Hyuga ninja gently knocked on the door and reported to the people in the hall.

The head of the Hyuga clan is drinking tea and chatting with the leaders of the Inuzuka and Yume clans.


Hinata patriarch nodded slightly, indicating that he already knew about it.

"Master Patriarch, there are many unidentified ninjas in General Tokumitsu's team who are not wearing the Konoha forehead protection. They are suspected to be members of the Kirigakure clan..."

After a while, another Hyuga ninja hurried into Neihui to report.

"Explore and report again!"

The Hyuga patriarch was also a little uneasy.

The people of the three Kirigakure clans have all been brought back. Is Uchiha Tokumitsu planning to let his vassals, the ninjas, also become Konohas, so as to increase their influence in the Ninja Council?
Or, is it deliberately boasting?

The patriarch Hyuga thought about it for a while, but he still didn't understand the intention of Uchiha Tokumitsu's move.

"...The Uchiha clan will always act a little nervous, but don't worry too much about it."

The patriarch of You Nu suddenly said, "We just need to be quiet."

It was the first time for Chief Hyuga and Chief Inuzuka to hear him say so many words. Although what he said made sense, they were still a little surprised.

"Master Patriarch! The ninja army of the Uchiha clan is gathering in formation, and they should be preparing to go out of the village to meet General Tokumitsu!"

After a while, Hinata Ninja hurried in.

"I see...and you have to pay attention to your appearance!"

Hinata frowned and reprimanded the patriarch.

"...The Uchiha clan collectively changed into red armor!"

Hyuga Ninja swallowed and said nervously.


The Hinata patriarch's eyes widened.

The red body armor...that is the battle armor worn by the Uchiha clan during the Sengoku period!
At such a sensitive moment, the Uchiha clan collectively change their armor and walk through the streets, which will inevitably arouse all kinds of unreasonable associations in the village!

"Master Patriarch!"

Two more Hyuga ninjas hurried over.

"Northern Border Defense Force Commander Shinnosuke Jonin's team is about to arrive in the village! Hokage-sama is now ready to come out of the village to meet him!"

"Commander of the Western Frontier Defense Force, Mimura Hanomaki, is about to arrive at the village! Sakumo-sama is among them!"

Patriarch Hinata felt his head hurt even more.

"Two... let's go out to meet the generals too..."

The commanders of the frontier troops from three different camps arrived at the village at about the same time, and the Hyuga patriarch was afraid that there would be a fire on the spot.

"...Or else, call more people together."

Chief Inuzuka suggested.

Hinata patriarch nodded silently.

 Today's update (1/2), the next one will be updated at night
(End of this chapter)

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