Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 208 Chakra Technology of the Rich

Chapter 208 Chakra Technology of the Rich
When Tokumitsu Uchiha was preparing to return to Konoha from the Southern Islands, it was already December 37, 21th year of Konoha.

In ten days, it will be the new year of the ninja world.

Since Konoha left the village for the first time in May 30, Uchiha Tokumitsu has been fighting on the battlefield for more than seven years.

Seven years!

How many seven years can there be in life!
Although he still looked like a sunny boy in the mirror, there was an indescribable evil spirit between his brows and eyes.

"15 years old..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu calculated his age, feeling indescribable.

Although there is often a sense of unreality in his heart, and although he often treats enemies as NPCs in the game, the traces of the years still tell him that this world is real.

Even the once-in-a-thousand-year peerless powerhouses like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara could not resist the erosion of time in the end.

Even Uchiha Madara, who is so powerful for a while, may be just an old and twilight person at this time, just controlling a useful tool by relying on profound illusion.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu touched the seal scroll in the scroll sleeve of the ninja vest.

Inside is sealed a corpse of Bai Jue that is always carried with him.

At this time, he also understood a little bit why those powerful emperors and generals in ancient times were obsessed with those immortal medicines that made people feel illusory and unreliable...

"I don't know how the research on the cytocentrifuge is going..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind has drifted back to the Whirlpool Research Institute in Whirlpool Country.


The time of return is always a pleasure.

On the way back to the Uzumaki country shogunate residence on the ironclad ship, the deck was full of laughter.

Even the coldest Uchiha radicals couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.

Although it claims to "enjoy the feeling of accelerated heartbeat that hangs by a thread", although it advocates breaking through the limits of oneself in battle, even Uchiha will also miss the warmth of peace.

After all... the Uchiha clan is a clan of love.

Standing on the conning tower of the ironclad ship and looking down at the scene of the ninjas playing happily, Tokumitsu Uchiha's heart began to come alive.

The first stop of the ironclad ship is the country of the vortex.

Since these three warships belong to the military system of the shogunate and have nothing to do with Konoha, and for the sake of confidentiality, and the warships also need to be repaired and maintained after going through various rounds of battles, Tokumitsu Uchiha does not intend to take The ship returns to the eastern port of the Fire Nation.

He also wants to go to the Vortex Research Institute to see the results of krypton gold.

It's just that when Tokumitsu Uchiha arrived at the secret base of the research institute and looked at a super-large machine with a strange appearance in front of him, he was also stunned.

On the three-meter-high steel machinery, the attached messy pipelines are like a machine room that has been spliced ​​for ten years and has not been operated and maintained. In addition, the roaring generator next to it...

"This is... a cytocentrifuge?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked several whirlpool researchers with some hesitation.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha did not have a biological background that can be called a tiankeng in his previous life, why is this large machine in front of him not on par with a cell centrifuge?

With such a large device, what kind of cells do you need to refine? Directly enriching uranium is enough!
"Yes, Master Deguang, this is the latest generation of cell centrifuge that we have carefully developed, it can isolate specific cells in the body with extremely low loss..."

The vortex researcher quickly stepped forward and opened a helm door.

"As long as the person who needs to be refined... uh, the object is placed in it, the cell extraction can start after crushing, and the additional sealing circle can also maintain the freshness of the cells during the extraction process..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyelids twitched.

Crush to extract...

Such a description... sounds like a bit of a punishment.

"Have you done an experiment?"

Although the feeling is still not satisfactory, Uchiha Tokumitsu still asked, "How is the actual extraction effect?"

"The extraction rate of ordinary biological cells can reach 50%, and the extraction efficiency of cells with special blood inheritance is 30%..."

The whirlpool researcher replied in a respectful voice: "However, due to the comparison of the live experiment...so no experiment has been done."

"The equipment still needs to be miniaturized, and strive to be controlled within one meter in height..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed his temple with some headaches, "Also, don't put electrical equipment together with the cell centrifuge..."

"Master Deguang, due to limited funds, the research institute does not have an independent power supply system, so we have to make a bad move..."

The researchers looked at each other and replied with joy.

"I see, I'll allocate funds to you when the report comes up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

I don't know how this group of simple whirlpool researchers became so cunning.

This method of crying for money is exactly the same as in the previous life...

"And what about the analysis and synthesis of Blood Successor Chakra?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put aside this research project for the time being, and asked another core topic of concern.

"The research on the limit of blood successors has made objective progress, but the elimination of blood successors synthesized by the three-attribute chakra has not yet emerged..."

A vortex researcher replied cautiously.

"The reason?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu signaled everyone to follow, and walked towards the reference room.

"We don't have chakra samples eliminated by blood succession..."

The whirlpool researcher replied in a low voice.

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed inwardly.

Although I didn't have much hope, I was still a little sad after hearing the result.

If it's just blood inheritance and limit, it's actually just reinventing the wheel, which doesn't make much sense.

But this is the only way to study Chakra.

Just like a person needs to eat ten steamed buns for a meal to be full, but it does not mean that he can eat the tenth steamed bun directly to be full.

It's just that the tuition fee is really expensive...

Uchiha Tokumitsu was bleeding in his heart while flipping through the research report.

In less than a year, the money spent on the Vortex Research Institute was enough to build ten ironclad ships.

In all fairness, the results of the Vortex Research Institute are pretty good.

At least in theory, it is of some help to Uchiha Deguang.

In the past, Uchiha Tokumitsu's practice in ninjutsu, including the development of Yandun, was bluntly based on the copying and use of existing experience, and at most it was only minor repairs at the application level.

However, some theories drawn from the research report also allowed Uchiha Tokumitsu to open the door to a new world.

"Theoretically, any two chakras can form a new blood succession limit?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked a page from the research report.

"Yes, Lord Deguang."

The whirlpool researcher is as well-behaved as a student who is defending.

"Even if the properties of Water Dungeon and Fire Dungeon are mutually restraining, if the two types of chakra properties can be merged, a new blood succession limit can be formed."

"That's Boiling - there are examples of this kind of existence in Wuyin."

"What about you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his brows: "Since the chakra fusion type of blood succession limit research is so deep, why don't you have the power of blood succession limit?"

"Master Deguang, our Chakra control is far inferior to yours..."

A vortex researcher replied with a dry smile.

"What if it's other organ-like blood inheritance boundaries? For example, Kaguya's bone veins, Hinata's white eyes, moonlight's penetration and so on~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to ask.

As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, as a son of a wealthy ninja clan who has nothing but ability and is so poor that only money is left in his life, naturally he is not interested in doing any fancy work directly.

Even Bai Ze, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was full of treasures, restrained the urge to directly transplant cells.

For the rich, it is the best solution to wait for new technologies to thoroughly study the principles and risks before applying them to themselves.

"...After the naturalization of the three clans, the few Kaguya sent by the researchers have been released, and there are too few samples, so there is not much progress."

The whirlpool researcher who answered at this time was a little nervous.

"Tell me about the results of your research."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was noncommittal.

"We have a possibly premature and unfounded inference..."

The whirlpool researcher swallowed, and said cautiously: "Perhaps this type of blood inheritance boundary was in the same lineage in ancient times, and belonged to the power of blood-stained elimination or above, but there was differentiation in the bloodline inheritance..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

Although for reborns with past life memories, the source of blood successor boundaries of Uchiha, Hyuga, Senshou, Uzumaki and other ninjas is not a secret at all, but now Uzumaki researchers can come up with such a conclusion, which is considered very good up.

Especially among the ninja clan where the theory of blood superiority is popular, it is even more valuable.

"very good!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha is not stingy with his praise, "Bold assumptions and careful verification, this is the attitude that research should have!"

"You can draw such a conclusion, which shows that the initial capital investment is worthwhile!"

"Make a few copies of the document, I want to take it away."

After hastily flipping through the research report, Tokumitsu Uchiha was about to get up and leave.

The research report brought back is to be handed over to the family.

This can be regarded as a little feedback after I spent a lot of money into the bottomless pit of the laboratory.

After all, even if the money is wasted, it will be heard. It is not justified to use so much funds for research without any results to return to the family.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu's research and judgment, the content of the report is indeed very reliable, at least for the general Uchiha Jonin, it has a very good guiding role.

Moreover, the feedback from the tribesmen on the content of the research report can also better promote the progress of chakra research.

What's more, there is a tampered stele hidden in the secret room of the Uchiha clan, which can just take these materials and go back to make up stories.

"As ordered!"

The whirlpool researcher breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that at least the previous research results have passed the test.

"Also...are you interested in Injuriki?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu touched his chin and asked quietly.

After the peace of the country of water, Tokumitsu Uchiha released all the captives of Kirigakure, except for the captured Three-tailed Jinchuriki Kutachi Yakura.

And Kirigakure didn't know what he meant, and never took the initiative to ask for the precious Renzhuli.

So Uchiha Tokumitsu also pretended not to know, and brought Goju Yakura, who was imprisoned to death by the sealing technique, back to the country of Uzumaki.

At that time, I didn't kill him immediately, but now he has become a hot potato; but since killing him is not enough, it is better to throw him into the laboratory as a "researcher" to see if the blind cat can encounter dead mice Figure out some mysteries of tailed beast chakra.

"If it's possible, that's great!"

Several vortex researchers were a little surprised.

For a long time, the Uzumaki Research Institute, as a key project supervised by Uchiha Tokumitsu, has always been relatively abundant in terms of funds. Except for some outrageous research projects, Uchiha Tokumitsu has generously supported it.

It's just that the most troublesome thing is the experimental material.

If there is one person as the research object, then the Vortex Research Institute can open many new research topics and apply for more funding...

"Build another special laboratory!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and gave the highest instruction: "The core research project is how to cut and strip part of the tailed beast chakra without endangering the life of Jinchuriki."

"As ordered!"

The vortex researchers agreed.

Since Jinchuriki could not be killed or released, Uchiha Tokumitsu simply tried to see if he could extract part of the power of the tailed beast, and artificially split a small tailed beast.

Even if there is no way to do the same as Namikaze Minato in later generations, it would be good to separate the two Nine-Tails according to the two attributes of Yin Dou Chakra and Yang Dou Chakra, and make a few mini versions of Sanwei Isofu.

And theoretically Chakra's endless tail beast, Uchiha Tokumitsu does not intend to use such a rough sealing method to seal it in the human body and sacrifice it as an unstable Jinzhuli.

How good it is to use the tail beast as an energy output center!As long as the output power is well controlled, don't let the chakra consumption speed be faster than the recovery speed, in theory the tail beast is a perpetual motion machine!

Even if it is used as a weapon, Uchiha Tokumitsu intends to manufacture a giant tailed beast cannon, using the small tailed beast as an energy platform, by extracting chakra and transforming the sealing technique to form a high-strength chakra cannon .

In this way, although the output strength is limited, what is exchanged is high stability and continuous output vitality, which is much easier to use than human strength that relies on personal will and perseverance.

When Tokumitsu Uchiha enthusiastically described the blueprint for the miniaturization and tactical application of Tailed Beasts to the Uzumaki researcher, even the most inhumane Uzumaki researcher who presided over the manufacture of a giant centrifuge and advocated throwing living bodies into it to crush and strip cells They were all stunned.

This is a tail beast...

It is regarded as an evil beast that destroys natural disasters...

And this is also due to the difference in vision.

In the eyes of Tokumitsu Uchiha, tailed beasts are actually almost the same concept as nuclear weapons, which are dangerous weapons that are powerful but prone to problems.

But if the tail beast is used for energy, it is similar to a nuclear power plant, and it is also a clean, hygienic and pollution-free sustainable energy source.

The stripping of tail beasts is similar to the tacticalization of nuclear weapons. To put it bluntly, it is to sacrifice the highest lethality for controllability in order to achieve small and flexible actual combat applications.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was talking more and more vigorously, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of another artificial special existence.

"Do you know zero tail?"

 Chapter 2 is coming after midnight, everyone should be able to see it when they wake up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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