Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 213 Capital and Scientific Research

Chapter 213 Capital and Scientific Research

It is undeniable that a genius can indeed support a great theoretical system.

But relatively, one person can never preside over a huge scientific research project.

What's more, with the development of the times and the deepening of research, scientific research projects are increasingly relying on sophisticated experimental equipment and continuous massive capital investment, and this has also weakened the absolute dominance of super geniuses over general scientific research projects to a certain extent .

It is undeniable that although the profit-seeking desire of capital will lead to short-sighted scientific research to a certain extent, the injection of funds will also stimulate and develop scientific research.

What Tokumitsu Uchiha has to do is to snipe the needs of the Hokage series as much as possible in terms of funds and equipment, so as to delay the preparation and advancement of its experiments, so as to allow enough time to obtain the real research goals of its experiments.

At the same time, although the Uzumaki Research Institute does not have super scientists comparable to Orochimaru, Tokumitsu Uchiha also made up his mind to solve the shortage of talents by spending more money and trial and error.

There is no way, the Deguang shogunate is so "rich and rich".

Moreover, feeling that the memory of the previous life was reasonably inferred, Tokumitsu Uchiha also made a prediction about Orochimaru, a research project directly funded by the Hokage series, and then made inferences based on the many equipment purchased by Orochimaru in the past six months. Bo Deguang felt that his prediction and actual results should be close to each other.

But everything needs evidence, and even the police department can't be innocent, so Uchiha Tokumitsu patiently arranged manpower to spy on Orochimaru's intelligence.

It's just that I don't know how Senju Tsunade, who is a classmate and friend, will feel after learning the content of Orochimaru's experiment?

"It's really exciting..."

Uchiha Toku thought with an evil taste.


The reason why the third Sarutobi Hiruzen reused Orochimaru is actually no other way.

Among the three apprentices, Senshou Tsunade, who is the descendant of Zhujian's direct lineage, is the most rooted and popular. He is the best choice among the three in terms of bloodline and fame.

It's just that since Tsunade went his own way to reorganize the Thousand Hands Clan, the master and apprentice began to show some signs of parting ways.

Especially after his two failed attempts to snipe the Uchiha clan in the ninja class, Tsunade began to restrain the power of the ninjas of various clans, earnestly accumulated strength, and rarely showed his face.

And Jiraiya, a big fool, was first burdened with the evil fate of the Mt. Myogi, the holy land of psychic beasts, and then he was hit hard by the fact that Tsunade and Kato became a couple. , and took in two apprentices, although Hiruzaru Sarutobi sent envoys many times to call him back to the village, but Jiraiya said that he was unwilling to come back.

However, apart from Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the Sarutobi clan from the third generation couldn't even find another new-age ninja who could take on the heavy responsibility. Compared with the combination of the current generation, it is not even as good as the new era ninjas of the pig deer butterfly clan.

Therefore, the Hokage series, which is nominally the most powerful in Konoha, has fallen into a situation where there are no successors, and can only choose to push out Orochimaru, whose image and popularity are relatively poor.

And even the other two core figures of the Hokage series, Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu, both regard Orochimaru as "a poisonous snake in human skin", which also shows the importance of Orochimaru among ninjas in the same village. image.

Of course, Orochimaru is not alone. Although he is vicious, but because of his unique personality charm, many ninjas who have fought with him on the battlefield choose to attach themselves to him.

It's just that compared with Hatake Sakumo's Innovation Society and Uchiha Tokumitsu's shogunate, the forces under Orochimaru's command are far inferior in terms of strength and financial resources.

But this does not prevent Uchiha Deguang ninja from deploying the laboratory preparations for sniping Orochimaru.

After Orochimaru's visit, Uchiha Tokumitsu called in the attendant ninja and asked him to arrange personnel to immediately go to guard several secret laboratories of Orochimaru to prevent him from changing his home temporarily.

The ninjas from the police department who went to guard didn't even put on a disguise, they just stood on both sides of the entrance of the laboratory and began to stand guard.

After Orochimaru learned of this, he was shocked and annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

Let's expel them, then what follows must be a large group of ninja troops from the police department rushing into the laboratory to search and destroy.

Just ignore it, it's disgusting again.Even the "consumables" after the experiment are not so convenient to deal with. After a few days, the laboratory has become a garbage dump.

"This laboratory is temporarily unavailable..."

The helpless Orochimaru could only choose to temporarily close the laboratory.

At the same time, I secretly made up my mind that the new laboratory in the future should not only solve the problems of air circulation and sewage discharge, but the most important thing is that Uchiha Tokumitsu cannot be found again.

This is also specially ordered by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

What he wants is to scare the snake away.


Just when Orochimaru was running for the new laboratory.

Under the instruction of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the southern archipelago of the land of water ruled by the shogunate officially issued the common legal currency in the region—golden coupons!

The shogunate gold coupons are different from the gold standard adopted by the currencies of the great ninja countries. The gold coupons are anchored by the currencies of the land of water and the country of fire; Banknotes from the Nation of Fire or the Nation of Fire.

As for the implementation of the Golden Yuan coupons in the shogunate area, it is also very simple-the southern archipelago accepts this type of currency for paying taxes and purchasing materials for official stores,

And this is just the first step in Uchiha Tokumitsu's financial plan.

The reason why currency exchange is still reserved instead of full credit issuance is mainly because the productivity of the southern archipelago has not yet recovered. Even if a large amount of currency is issued, it cannot be spent, let alone the support of merchants outside the jurisdiction. recognized.

If it is not approved by merchants, then the gold circle coupons cannot be circulated in the ninja world, and the issuance of gold circle coupons will be useless, and it will only consume foreign exchange in vain.

Therefore, as a supporting condition, Uchiha Tokumitsu issued three construction bonds in a row on the Nangagawa Stock Exchange——

Nanfang Home Revitalization No. 5000 bond, with a total fundraising amount of one billion taels and an annual interest rate of [-]%. Big financiers who pledge the assets of the shipyard as collateral and promise to invest more than [-] million can also enjoy additional discounts and priority in booking ships. .

There is also the Southern Islands Fuxing No. 5.00 bond, with a total fundraising amount of 1000 million taels and an annual interest rate of only [-]%. The funds are mainly used for infrastructure construction in the Southern Islands, such as seafood processing plants and refrigerated supply chains. Fund owners with a personal bond investment of more than [-] million can also enjoy the special products of the southern archipelago of the country of water - priority ordering of seafood and tropical fruits and free escort activities.

The third bond is called "Southern Islands Advanced Industry Construction Plan", with a total fundraising scale of 20 billion taels and an annual interest rate of only 5.00%. Moreover, the purpose and specific use of the fundraising have not been announced to the public.

Among other things, the "advanced industrial construction" in the name of the bond is enough to make people imagine.

What is meant by "advanced industry" does not have a widely recognized definition standard in the ninja world; if there is no standard, then don't blame Uchiha Tokumitsu for metaphor marketing through various means.

Moreover, the special feature of this bond is that it is secured by the taxes of the Southern Islands—that is, if the Deguang Shogunate cannot repay the bond in the future, the creditors will be able to directly control the governance of the Southern Islands Organs, become the uncrowned king of the Southern Isles!
Although the wealthy businessmen know that the possibility of abandoning the contract is not high, it does not prevent them from investing their idle funds in Uchiha Tokumitsu's bonds.

After all, for the underground forces with a lot of black money, there is nothing more rare than realizing the stable appreciation of assets.

Therefore, just after the public announcement of the bonds, those mysterious ninja businessmen in the ninja world who have been paying attention to the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange immediately sent envoys to Konoha and checked into the small hotel next to the stock exchange.

Konoha Ninja was once again shocked by Uchiha Tokumitsu's generosity.

Leaving aside why Tokumitsu Uchiha issued bonds on such a large scale, what Konoha ninjas, especially ninja ninjas, can't understand is that such a low interest rate can attract so many wealthy businessmen to wait eagerly. Bond buy order.

You know, after the bond turmoil was resolved by the Nangachuan Stock Exchange, except for a few ninjas who were able to retain some credibility without thunderstorms, most of the ninjas who had lingering fears stopped their bond business one after another. Revert to the old tradition of making money from quests.

The ones who pay the most attention to this matter are naturally the Naruto series...

"Teacher, the funds for the laboratory are almost used up, and more money is needed."

Orochimaru pushed the door and entered and said with a big thorn.

"I see……"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi III massaged his temples with a headache.

He also knew why Orochimaru said that he was short of money again.

Due to the large-scale fundraising of the three bonds of the shogunate, and the general belief in the ninja community that the construction of the southern islands of the shogunate needs a lot of materials as support, the sales prices of various equipment rose overnight, hoping to get more money from the wealthy Tokuko shogunate. Get some fat.

Orochimaru's laboratory has suffered an indiscriminate disaster and is one of the victims of the crazy rise in prices.

But the problem is that although Hiruki Sarutobi is the leader of Ninja Village, Konoha Finance, which was originally operated in a black box, has been semi-open after two ninja class meetings, and the funds that he, Hokage, can mobilize are not much .

As for the funds secretly allocated by the daimyo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the third generation still needs to use it to train the ninja army of the daimyo, and there is no way to transfer too much, otherwise the establishment and training of the ninja army will be delayed.


Just when the Hokage family was struggling with funds, Uchiha Shifang, the patriarch worried about Zhongzhong, found Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"So much money... Where are you going to use it? Can you pay it back?"

Uchiha Toku gave him a white look, "It is used to build ships and factories, and to improve the craftsmanship of detonating symbols."

Subsequently, Uchiha Tokumitsu handed a battle report document to the patriarch Uchiha Sifang.

"This is……"

Uchiha Sifang was a little confused, so he read it carefully.

"This is real?!"

Uchiha Sifang was also quite shocked.

This battle report comes from the information obtained by the Tokuko Shogunate to aid in the construction of the Wuyin Shipyard.

Just the day before the bond announcement, the three ironclad ships sold by the Tokumitsu shogunate to Kirigakure killed nearly a thousand Kamogashi ninjas with a round of torpedo salvo in a large-scale sea battle with Kumogashi , and thus completely defeated the Yunyin invading army.

After the war, Mizukage Mizukage once again delivered a passionate speech, and shouted in front of Kirigakure Ninja that the flames of war should be brought to the land of Thunder!

At the same time, Kirigakure's messenger, Loquat Juzo, once again handed over an arms order to the shogunate, ordering six ironclad ships and 60 detonating charms, and also signed an agreement for a large amount of basic ninja equipment such as kunai and shuriken. contract of purchase.

"45 million..."

Patriarch Uchiha Shikata read out the total amount of Kirigakure's arms order, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Since there is so much money, why issue bonds to raise funds?"

Uchiha Shifang was still a little puzzled. In his eyes, this was a waste of money to pay interest for no reason.

"More money to do great things~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't bother to explain too much to the patriarch of medieval thinking: "Anyway, the shogunate will not lose money, and the interest will be earned back through the arms order. If you spend more money, you may earn more~"

"...You are right."

Although he still doesn't understand Uchiha Tokumitsu's intentions, Uchiha Sifangkai, who was shocked by "45 billion", nodded in agreement.

 Today Chapter 3 (√)

  By the way, ask for another ticket~ Monthly ticket recommendation tickets are welcome~
(End of this chapter)

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