Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 236 Extreme Pressure

Chapter 236 Extreme Pressure
With an uneasy mood, Raikage Jinchen Tutai walked towards the meeting hall of the shogunate under the guidance of the attendant ninja, a little flustered.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's strategy of letting them hang out for a few days first is useful.

Moreover, during the process of house arrest, he was also cut off from the channels for obtaining outside information, which intensified the panic of the Yunyin Mission.

They didn't know the plans of the Tokuko Shogunate Ninja Army and Iwagakure, whether there were other changes in the village, or how the situation on the Kirigakure battlefield was.

But at this time, without any preparation, he was coerced by a group of expressionless Uchiha ninjas to go to the conference hall for multi-party negotiations...

Tutai couldn't help becoming more panicked.

I don't know how big the appetite of Konoha and Yanyin is, and what kind of deployment they have made in the past few days...

After taking a deep breath, the soil platform was lifted into the conference hall under the indifferent eyes of all the Uchiha ninjas.

In the slightly dim conference hall, Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sakumo Hatake sit on the same seat. On the left is Huangtu, the son of Iwakage III Tsuchikage Onogi, and on the right is Sanshoyu Hanzo and a middle-aged man who has no impression of Tutai. Judging from the hair color and appearance, he should also be a member of the Uchiha tribe.

In addition, there are many black-haired and red-haired ninjas standing in various corners of the room, seeming to be guards.

"Uchiha Fire Gate..."

Tutai quickly used his brain to recall the relevant information of the Uchiha clan, and used the method of elimination to guess the identity of the man on the right.

Although the five generals and four shogunate systems of Fire Country and Konoha weakened the authority of Hokage to a large extent, although it led to more factions in the village and destroyed the internal unity, the shogunate system also reduced the offensiveness of Konoha ninjas. And the aggressiveness was completely released.

Especially after Uchiha Tokumitsu defeated Kirigakure and forced the water country daimyo and Mizukage to sign an unequal treaty, the shogunate system has attracted the attention of ninja countries.

Although the Uchiha Fire Gate did not wage wars everywhere like Uchiha Tokumitsu, he managed the Northwestern border of the Fire Country quite successfully, and completely brought the Grass Country into the Uchiha clan's pocket to obtain a lot of benefits. In some analysis, he is regarded as the most outstanding government affairs talent of the Uchiha clan.

And what does the appearance of government officials on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Thunder represent?

Tutai couldn't help thinking wildly again.

"Lord Deguang, Lord Shuomo, good day!"

The earth platform greeted the two people on the upper seat, and then greeted the three people on the left and right.

"Good day Mr. Hanzo."

Sanshoyu Hanzo ignored him.

"General Huomen, although we meet for the first time, I have admired him for a long time..."

Uchiha Fire Gate also nodded slightly in return.

"Ninja on the Yellow Earth, long time no see."

As for Yanyin, Tutai didn't have such a good attitude.

Uchiha Deguang looked at the scene of the earth platform greeting everyone, and found it quite interesting.

Yun Yin's attitude of praising the high and stepping down the low is also vividly displayed in a few words.

"Mr. Tutai has worked hard all the way from afar, are you resting well these few days?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said aloud: "Please sit down, we are also meeting for the first time, so let's chat briefly."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the seat below the loess on the left.

The loess suddenly feels greasy and crooked.

Tutai blushed as if he was constipated, but he still walked to the left side and sat down as he said.

"We are all ninjas, so let's not go around in circles, Mr. Tutai might as well speak bluntly..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a "please" gesture, and said to Tutai: "This time the envoy came to discuss peace, what efforts is Yun Yin willing to do to restore peace?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was a little gentle, and he was relatively considerate of Yun Yin's face inside and outside the words, which also made Tutai a little relieved.

"The pursuit of Erwei is indeed Yun Yin's inappropriate handling of things. The person who speaks outrageous words is Yun Yin who was entrusted by Lord Leikage, and hereby apologizes to Mr. Hanzo and looks forward to Haihan..."

Tutai said sincerely: "Of course, Yunyin will also pay a certain amount of reasonable compensation to Yuren Village as a token of his gratitude."

Sanshoyu Hanzo remained unmoved, and did not respond to Tutai's words.

Tutai's gaze turned to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Mr. Tutai, let's talk seriously, what price Yunyin is willing to pay."

Uchiha Fire Gate said: "Now Konoha and Iwagakure's thousands of armies are gathered in the Land of Thunder, and what they are doing is to maintain peace, but Mr. Tutai's attitude makes me unable to see Yunyin's sincerity!"

"If there is no sincerity, Yan Yin would not mind cooperating with Konoha to launch the Northern Expedition, so that the unreasonable and peace-breaking Yun Yin will have a long memory!"

Huang Tu also said coldly.

When Tutai greeted everyone just now, his attitude towards him was the most contemptuous.

How does this make the loess angry.

"Peace among the five great powers is an order established by Mr. Hashirama. Peace should be maintained among the great powers so as not to rekindle the flames of war..."

Tutai continued.

"All right!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha interrupted Tutai's words, and said with a cold face: "Mr. Tutai probably didn't understand what I said, so I'll repeat it again, please don't go around in circles and talk about what price Yunyin plans to pay to make you Let's stop fighting!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words pierced into the chest of the earth platform like a bayonet, making his face turn red.

Indeed, as Huang Tu said, Yun Yin's domineering image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he is also famous for stealing the secrets of various small ninja villages. People just laugh at it.

"... Yunyin promised to withdraw from the small buffer countries in the south between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, and pay 50 billion in compensation to General Deguang."

Tutai struggled to explain the conditions of Lai Yunyin.


Even Sansho Hanzo couldn't help laughing "Chi Chi" in the gas mask.

The other four also suppressed their smiles and kept shrugging their shoulders.

The face of the soil table turned red, and he scanned the expressions of the people back and forth.

"What about sincerity?"

Huang Tu coughed, and blamed Tutai carelessly: "Yun Yin's sincerity has not been seen at all! Do you still have to take care of face at this time?"

"Mr. Tutai, please show Yunyin's sincerity."

Sanshoyu Hanzo said.

"Otherwise, after the ninja army goes north, something unbearable may happen."

Uchiha Fire Gate continued.

"If you do something wrong, you must admit it, and the attitude is very important..."

Hatake Sakumo also said aloud.

"Mr. Hanzang's Urenin army and the Ninja army of Konoha Yanyin gathered in the Kingdom of Thunder. What they did was not Yunyin's compensation, but his attitude!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu concluded: "As Sakumo-kun said, attitude is very important, but now it seems that Yunyin is just trying to delay time, and it seems that he has no sincerity to seek peace!"

"After all, Yunyin is one of the five great ninja villages. It would be a pity if it was destroyed once. Even if the third generation of Raikage meets the previous two generations of adults in Naraku Huangquan, it will be embarrassing..."

Uchiha Tokumo threatened sympathetically.

Tutai closed his eyes and said nothing.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded to an attendant ninja in the corner, and he left immediately.

Tutai's eyes moved a little, but they still didn't open them.

The meeting hall returned to a dead silence again.

After 5 minutes, Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded again to the attendant ninja on the other side, and he also left immediately.

The fingers of the soil platform began to flick slightly.

After another 5 minutes, Uchiha Tokumitsu signaled No.3 attendant ninja to leave.

At this time, Tutai couldn't bear it anymore.

This kind of inexplicable unknown situation, coupled with the huge pressure of the two ninja village ninja troops, made the earth platform overwhelmed.

Although the threats made by the five people in turn may only be out of intimidation, it also means that Konoha, Iwagakure, and Urenin have unified their internal opinions, and they will attack Yunyin, even if they fail to achieve their goals, they will not hesitate to fight.

Especially Huang Tu, he is the son of three generations of Tukage, and what he said can represent Ohnoki's attitude to a certain extent. I am afraid that he is the one with the most fighting spirit among the five...

"If you still can't show your sincerity, please ask Mr. Tutai to leave as soon as possible."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words shattered Tutai's psychological defense: "Otherwise, after the Northern Expedition of the Ninja Army, it will be inconvenient for Mr. Tutai to leave."

And most importantly, Tutai didn't dare to gamble at all.

Including the three attendant ninjas who left under the signal of Uchiha Tokumitsu just now, although Tutai didn't know the purpose of this move, he still couldn't help being afraid in his heart, for fear that he was going out to issue an order to gather the ninja army.

"...Master Deguang, please tell me, Yunyin will promise you what he can do."

Tutai opened his mouth several times before he could speak.

After finishing speaking, the whole person immediately collapsed as if his energy and spirit had been emptied.

"This matter all started because of the pursuit of Erwei. In order to prevent future troubles, Yun Yin must declare to the ninja world that he will give up the ownership of Erwei, and he will not be arrested in the future. If there is any violation, don't blame the ninja army for another crusade!"

Uchiha Fire Gate stated the first condition.

The earthen countertops are like dead ashes, neither accepting nor refuting.

"Yunyin needs to withdraw from the small buffer country between Huo and Lei, and give up the suzerainty of the Frost Kingdom. Its sphere of influence will be managed and arranged by the coalition forces!"

Huangtu said the second condition.

"Yunyin needs to pay compensation to all the Ninja Army who participated in the war. The compensation amount is 200 billion taels, and the full amount of money must be paid. Paper money from the Kingdom of Thunder is not accepted!"

Sansho Hanzo stated the third condition.

"Konoha and Yanyin are stationed in the southern part of the Kingdom of Thunder. After Yunyin gets rid of the internal fighting faction and is willing to have peaceful exchanges with other countries, we will discuss the return of the land."

Uchiha Fire Gate stated the fourth condition, "Of course, if your country's daimyo is not willing, we don't mind petitioning on behalf of Shangluo."

"Hachio is dead."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

Tutai's face immediately changed drastically.

Due to the delay in the transmission of information, he did not know about it when he set off. He only thought that Brubi hid after his defeat, and was immediately put under house arrest after arriving in the shogunate. He had no way of knowing this important information.

"In view of Yunyin's previous record of abusing tailed beasts, Eight-Tailed Beasts will also be recognized as wild tailed beasts, and will belong to those who successfully capture them after their resurrection."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"No way!"

The earthen platform stood up, the color of anger almost turned into flames and Uchiha Tokumitsu was slightly ashes, "Are you trying to force us to death!"


As soon as Tutai got up, the attendant ninja in the corner stepped forward and put a blade across his neck.

"The Kingdom of Thunder is a big country, and Yunyin is one of the five Great Ninja Villages!"

Tutai ignored the cold blade on his neck and roared, "Hao Erlang from Yunlei Gorge will never accept such humiliating conditions!"

"Wuyin can sign the peace agreement, but Yunyin can't? How old is Yunyin?"

Uchiha Tokuko stood up with a sullen face, "Perhaps you don't know, right? Hokage-sama has appointed Sakumo-kun as the chief of military affairs with full authority, and can launch unlimited conquests against Yunyin!"

"If it weren't for the vision of maintaining peace in the ninja world, the ninja army would have arrived at Yunlei Gorge by now! How can I play tricks with you!"

The body of the earth platform couldn't help shaking.

It’s enough to pay the compensation, and it’s not a big problem to withdraw from the small country, but ceding the mainland of the Land of Thunder and allowing the garrison to garrison and give up the claim on the two tailed beasts of Yunyin...

No cloud ninja dared to agree to such a condition.

Unless you are ready to ruin your reputation and apologize with death.

"By the way, Jinchuriki of the Eight Tails injured our senior adviser, Mr. Mitomon Yan, and the shogunate Sarutobi Shinnosuke Jominin during his escape. This matter also requires Yun Yin to compensate the victims and send an envoy to apologize."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to increase the weight: "I think Yunyin's next generation successor is very suitable as the messenger of apology, so please also Yunyin to prepare as soon as possible!"

"Yunyin is still a great ninja village with tens of thousands of ninja troops! Isn't General Deguang afraid that I will fight you to the death!"

Tutai's eyes were flushed red, streaks of blood seemed to burst open.

"The fish must die, but the net may not necessarily break."

Hatake Sakumo stood up after him.

"I think Mr. Tutai probably forgot the existence of Kirigakure, they have dragged your main force to the coastline for a long time..."

Uchiha Fire Gate then got up, "If the three major ninja villages launch a coordinated attack, I don't know how Mr. Tutai's Yunyin will respond?"

"A warlike person will die in the flames of war. When Yunyin chooses to violently bully other ninja villages, he should think about the scene of being beaten by others sooner or later."

Sansho Hanzo also got up and said.

"Yunyin has no choice. Either agree to all conditions to restore peace, or go back and wait for the day of destruction!"

Huang Tu was the last to get up, and shouted excitedly: "Before the battle, Master Tukage has made it clear that he will choose an opportunity to eradicate Yunyin who has been endangering the peace of the ninja world! If Yunyin still does not want to repent, then don't blame the coalition forces for being ruthless!"

"Peace or war, the choice has been given to you."

Toku Uchiha concluded with a blank expression, "That's all for talking today, Mr. Tutai can communicate with the village, maybe Raikage-sama who understands righteousness will readily agree to these conditions?"

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu called everyone to leave with him.

"By the way, Mr. Tutai..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added a sentence at the end: "You still have twelve hours, please cherish it, and hope that Raikage-sama in your village will make the right decision as soon as possible."

"The coalition forces are already starving and thirsty!"

Huang Tu laughed, feeling refreshed!
 Update today (1/2), come back after dinner and continue to update Chapter 2
(End of this chapter)

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