Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 241 The Undeniable Fatal Temptation

Chapter 241 The Undeniable Fatal Temptation

Yunyin and Lei Zhiguo daimyo were unwilling to accept the debt issuance conditions offered by Uchiha Tokumitsu at first.

First send 100 billion banknotes to the Minamigagawa Bond Exchange of the Uchiha family, and then issue bonds to raise funds from other countries. If the discount is not timely, you will have to bear interest expenses that increase by 100% per year. When redeeming the bonds, it is necessary to spend 200 billion worth of gold judgments. One after another, it is equivalent to the amount of funds of more than [-] billion being taken up by the daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder. After careful calculation, Yunyin and the Kingdom of Thunder have really lost too much money. too much.

Although the issuance of bonds can indeed alleviate the urgent needs of the Kingdom of Thunder in a short period of time, the price to be paid afterwards is really not acceptable to the Kingdom of Thunder.

Another point is that the name of the so-called "Bailout Bond" is really not pleasant. Both the Daimyo of Lei Zhiguo and the third generation of Raikage feel that they have lost their prestige, so they also have some resistance.

Therefore, after discussion between Raikage and the daimyo's Prime Minister Taizo, it was decided that only 200 billion of the 50 billion war reparations should be paid with the paper currency of the land of thunder, and the remaining 50 billion would be exchanged for other countries' currency through black market means to Uchiha Tokumitsu. Pay reparations.

However, when the Yunyin messenger came to the shogunate residence again for consultations, this round of Uchiha Tokumitsu threw out a new bait.

"If Lei Zhiguo is willing to issue bailout bonds on the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange, then Yunyin will also get special permission to issue bonds on the exchange."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words are full of devil-like temptation, which evokes the heartstrings of Special Envoy Yunyin.

"As far as I know, the bonds issued by Yunyin should be due soon, right? If they are not repaid in time, it will be a major blow to Yunyin's reputation~"

"Master Deguang... As you know, this matter is definitely beyond my control."

Special Envoy Yunyin replied with a wry smile: "The policies of the village are all decided by Mr. Lei Ying. As a messenger, I really have no say in this matter."

"It's okay, it's okay, I just mentioned this one thing."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled, "After all, I feel very uncomfortable when I see Lei Zhiguo and Yunyin facing such a dilemma. I always want to help Yunyin. It would be a good thing if I can solve some difficult problems."

"Then... May I ask if this village issues bonds on the Nanhechuan Bond Exchange, how should it be done?"

After several hesitations, Envoy Yun Yin summoned up the courage to ask.

"It's easy!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately took out a copy of "Nangagawa Stock Exchange Issuance Guide" with wet ink and handed it to the messenger Yunyin.

"It is only necessary to clarify the scale of bond issuance, the proposed annual interest rate, the underlying collateral, and the maturity of the debt, and we will take care of the rest."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face became even more smiling, "Of course, whether the bond can be sold depends on whether the subject matter of your village and the annual interest rate are reasonable. After all, the most important thing about bonds is to make the investors feel that they are profitable. For the sake of the picture, they will spend money in.”

The reason why he took the initiative to help Yunyin issue bonds is because Uchiha Tokumitsu intends to strangle Yunyin's external funding channels by issuing bonds on his behalf.

After controlling the external funding channels, Tokumitsu Uchiha can also artificially create several overdue acceptance incidents to take part of the tax management power of the Kingdom of Thunder, and then create a special zone based on tax privileges. Infiltrate.

If Yunyin's external funding channels and part of the taxation power of the Land of Thunder are successfully controlled, Uchiha Tokumitsu can not only use this to kill the local industry of the Land of Thunder, dump goods into the country, and even make Yunyin bear A piece of bread in the village sold for as high as 50 taels!
And the moment is also an excellent opportunity to cut in.

After Yunyin's repeated battles and failures, the originally issued bonds will be paid by investment buyers after they mature.

Because once the content of the armistice treaty is spread to the outside world, everyone knows that Yunyin and Lei Zhiguo will face financial difficulties after paying high compensation. Difficult.

Naturally, the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange is not a charitable organization, and all bond issuances need to collect management fees and stamp duties.

Furthermore, even if the bonds issued by Yunyin on the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange cannot be sold, it only shows that Yunyin's investment rate of return was not set properly and unreasonably, and failed to impress those multinational wealthy businessmen to buy them. Bonds for asset allocation.

In this way, the envoy Yun Yin, who was taught the mystery by Uchiha Tokumitsu, finally persuaded the high-level officials of Yun Yin and the daimyo of the country of thunder, and paid 120 yuan to the Tokumitsu shogunate after getting Uchiha Tokumitsu's permission to change the compensation payment method. The unpaid 80 billion was a bailout bond with a face value of 80 billion taels on the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange, using banknotes and Lei Zhiguo's tax-specific rights and interests as the underlying collateral.

In addition, Yunyin also plans to issue Yunyin infrastructure special public bonds with a total debt amount of 50 billion taels on the Nangachuan Stock Exchange through the guarantee of Lei Zhiguo's daimyo-to put it bluntly, it is to borrow new ones for old ones.

This is also the first time that the stock exchange actually controlled by the Uchiha clan underwrote the bonds of other ninja villages.

As news of the stock exchange's new bond listing pre-listing spread, Konoha and even the ninja world knew that Yun Yin, who had been beaten bloody by Uchiha Tokumitsu not long ago, had borrowed the help of the Uchiha family as if nothing had happened. Bond Exchange Issues Bonds to Raise Funds!

The Naruto family is naturally very dissatisfied with this, but there is nothing they can do.

Because there are no laws and regulations applicable to financial and securities supervision in Konoha!

So even if they are full of complaints, the ninjas of the Naruto family can only sit back and watch the Uchiha clan eat their mouths full of oil, but they can only wait for Uchiha Tokumitsu to show mercy and pay more compensation to themselves.


After Yunyin's indemnity arrived, the two bonds issued were also listed immediately. Yunyin had fulfilled the original agreement in the armistice treaty without compromise. Then, the expeditionary force of the Deguang shogunate should also leave.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also planned to let him fill in the new hole prepared for Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

"Mr. Deguang, the village pays a lot of attention to war reparations..."

After feeling the village's attention to the war indemnity of Yun Yin, Hatake Sakumo ran to Uchiha Tokumitsu and said, "You understand, after all, the amount is too big..."

"The Yunyin war was almost all fought by us. What's the matter with the village?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered at this, "The so-called village is an excuse, it's just a money-seeking excuse thought up by those insiders at Hokage Building!"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu had long planned to distribute part of the compensation to the ninja ninjas who participated in the war, this does not mean that he will hand over the money to the Naruto family for distribution.

The human heart is complex but also simple.

Receiving money from different people will naturally produce different centripetal forces.

"The pensions of other ninjas who died in battle..."

Hatake Sakumo felt a little tricky.

"It's okay to send money, the question is who will send it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "If combat subsidies and wartime subsidies are issued to all ninjas participating in the war in the name of the Military Command, I have no opinion at all."

"Then this is jumping out of the Hokage Building..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed: "This will have to completely fall out with Master Hokage..."

"Not at all, I will give them a very reasonable compensation."

Uchiha Tokumitsu caressed his chin and smiled.


Hatake Sakumo immediately felt something was wrong.

With Uchiha Tokumitsu's character, it's not enough to kill the Hokage series, so there must be other plans to talk about compensation!
"The growth of Kirigakure's combat power makes me very worried. If this continues, Kirigakure may threaten the special status of the southern archipelago of the country of water after the war."

Tokumitsu Uchiha didn't answer directly, but first paved the way for himself: "So, the exchange issued bonds on behalf of Yunyin to prevent it from being broken down by Kirigakure so quickly."

"Kigakure's victory was indeed unexpected..."

Hatake Sakumo thought about it for a second, then nodded, "The third Mizukage seems to be a different person..."

"So I plan to withdraw the garrison in the southern area of ​​the Kingdom of Thunder to the southern archipelago for defense. As for the territory..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu paused, and then said slowly: "I plan to hand it over to the village for custody."

"……Can you say that again?"

Hatake Sakumo frowned and picked his ears.

He thought he must have heard wrong.

Otherwise, how could Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has such a strong desire to control the land, take the initiative to hand over the occupied territory!
"After the shogunate ninja army withdraws, I plan to officially hand over the territory in the southern part of the country of thunder to the village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu repeated sternly: "Moreover, the Sarutobi shogunate suffered heavy casualties on the land of the Land of Thunder, and he can be appointed as the guard of the occupied area in the future. This is a shame."


Hatake Sakumo was stunned.

It is true that the southern region of the Land of Thunder is a hot potato.

Because this is the consensus of Konoha Ninja.

The southern region of the Land of Thunder is the most fruitful result of this battle. The vast territory and rich minerals are enough to support the rise and development of a wealthy family.

This is also the consensus of Konoha Ninja.

Both consensuses are true and not contradictory.

But the question is... Will Hokage dare to swallow this deadly poison wrapped in honey?

Especially the Sarutobi shogunate, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's magical operation in the battle to capture the tailed beast has caused complaints from various ninjas. If the southern region is also used as the new jurisdiction of the Sarutobi shogunate, then the Hokage series The ninjas of each family are not frying the pan immediately!

"If the village is unwilling to take over, then I will entrust Yan Yin to manage it. I think they will be very happy."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said nonchalantly.

"...Are you going to ask me to issue an order to move Sarutobi Shinnosuke to the north?"

Hatake Sakumo said helplessly: "These problems are not serious, but Hokage-sama may not be able to issue such a type of document."

"A monkey can change its character of picking peaches? I really don't believe it!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed.

 Update today (1/2), Chapter 2 will be later~
(End of this chapter)

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