Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 260 The So-Called Holy Land

Chapter 260 The So-Called Holy Land

"The so-called Sky Eye is part of Skynet!"

In Orochimaru's mansion, Orochimaru, who seldom drank a glass of sake, blushed and said with a big tongue.

"Then what is Skynet?"

Ji Lai also humbly asked for advice, and graciously filled another glass of Da She Wan, and then raised the glass to invite a drink, and he could see the bottom of it.

After the Konoha Civil War, the Hokage family completely lost power. Although Orochimaru came to surrender immediately after Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the village, so he got a part of the right to use the laboratory, but he has been suppressed since then, and he has lost the chic freedom of the past.

"...It is said that it is a monitoring system based on the teacher's crystal ball telescope technique combined with the village's defensive barrier. It can not only sense Chakra fluctuations, but also take pictures and videos in specific areas!"

Orochimaru let out a belch, and continued: "Especially the commercial street, school, hospital, stock exchange, gold bank, and the streets outside the women's soup area are all full of sky-eye ports. If you dare to look like before Peeping like that, the police department will send you to prison in less than 5 minutes!"

After spraying, Orochimaru slammed the cup on the table, signaling that Ji Lai also fill it up quickly.

Zilai also naturally poured a full cup graciously.

This is also the first time Jiraiya has seen Orochimaru lose his composure.

In Jiraiya's impression, although Orochimaru is his classmate and friend, he is also a cold-blooded bastard. He has always been calm and vicious. He usually does not drink alcohol. It is the first time for him to drink so heartily. See.

But it also shows how depressed Orochimaru was in the village during this time.

Originally, Orochimaru also thought about leaving the village, but he really couldn't think of a place to hide in the vast ninja world.

After all, those small countries or buffer countries have basically become the private land of the Uchiha clan. If they leave the shelter of the village, they might be swarmed up by a group of Uchiha ninjas and sent to the research institute as a researcher. .

In addition, even Orochimaru is somewhat unwilling.

Although the teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not completely disqualify the three Hokage candidates after the coup d'etat , which also barely left Orochimaru with a little thought.

"... Can other ninjas in the village tolerate Uchiha's blatantly setting up a monitoring barrier?"

Zilai also frowned and asked.

After returning to the village, he originally wanted to continue enjoying the "beautiful scenery" as before, but he did not expect that the village has changed so much: "Besides, I have also seen those rookies in the police department on the street. How could the strength catch me!"

Zilai is still a little unconvinced.

"Hmph! The Sky Eye is only set up in public places, and those ninjas have gained a lot of benefits, how could they object!"

Orochimaru sneered, smelling of alcohol, "Do you think the police department only has those street patrols?"

"Skyeye's Skynet system surveillance video is backed up to the Police Department, the police station where it is located, the Ministry of Government Affairs, the Senate and House of Representatives, and the Governor's Mansion! If you move the patrol team on the street, it will take a few minutes for Uchiha's ninja They will rush over and beat you up!"

"Within the enchantment range of the sealing class, once you are locked on the chakra wave, you will never be able to escape!"

"Since you're back in the village, stay there! Don't mess around!"

"The teacher is gone, times have changed! No one can keep you idiot!"

After another spout, Orochimaru simply picked up the jug and finished blowing a bottle of sake.

This scene made Ji Lai look stupid.

"Is this guy...or Orochimaru?"

Such excessive drinking, is it still the Orochimaru back then?
Jiraiya was extremely shocked and had mixed feelings, so he also showed off a bottle of sake to suppress his shock.

"... Is Jiraiya Jenin here?"

A voice came from outside the gate of Orochimaru's mansion.

Jiraiya frowned upon hearing this, and looked at the drunken Orochimaru.

Orochimaru waved his hand, signaling him to go out by himself.

Although I don't know why, Zilai also had no choice but to get up and go to the door to see who was looking for him.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Jiraiya, who smelled of alcohol, pushed open the door, and saw a Uchiha jominin with a Uchiha fan logo on his clothes standing at the door with a few ninjas from the Ministry of Government Affairs.

But Jiraiya was somewhat resistant to these current "Konoha orthodoxy" in his heart, so he just asked at the door and didn't invite them to enter.

"Jiraiya Jonin, according to the Konoha Co-Governance Act, the House of Representatives grants the status of a member of the House of Representatives based on your Junin rank, and at the same time, in your absence, you are elected as the Deputy Director of the Ninja Beast Management and Protection Committee of the Konoha House of Representatives , would you like to accept the status and participate in the affairs of the House of Representatives?"

The government affairs ninja didn't mind Jiraiya's negligence, and just read the words one by one.

"What kind of messy identity and position is this?"

Zilai also frowned and asked.

"All Konoha Kamishin can be authorized to participate in the supervision of village affairs as members of the House of Representatives. At the same time, the committees under the House of Representatives are mainly composed of people from various professional fields, and have the right to supervise and propose affairs in the corresponding fields."

The government ninja explained: "Because you have the psychic contract of Mt. Miaomu, the three holy lands of psychic beasts, you were unanimously elected by the House of Representatives as the deputy director of the Management and Protection Committee of Ninja Beasts and Psychic Beasts."

"What a piece of crap!"

Ji Lai also complained: "But since it is a deputy, who is the director?"

"The director is Uchiha Shiina Jonin, Chief of the North Ward Police Station."

The government ninja replied.

"The Uchiha clan can still have the holy land psychic beast contract? Why can he be the full-time director!"

Jilai also frowned questioningly.

"He has ninja cats."

The headed Uchiha Jonin replied.

"...Okay, I accept."

I am also speechless.

The situation is stronger than others, and now the Uchiha clan is the one in charge, since they are willing to lose face and come here, I don't mind continuing.

It's just a matter of time to see what kind of fineness this set of "Konoha Co-government" things made by Uchiha Tokumitsu is.

The government ninja babbled a few more words about precautions and rights and responsibilities, and then walked away.

"Hey! Orochimaru, I'm an official again!"

After closing the door and returning to the room, Zilai also immediately jumped up, waved the letter of appointment in his hand and said to Da Shemaru: "I am still the deputy director! And I was absent from the election, which means that I am still very popular in the village." !"


Orochimaru stared at the letter of appointment with drunken eyes, then hummed with disdain.

"It's just a worthless and worthless seat to supervise some cats and dogs, and it's also a useless deputy. Look at you!"

"You said that..."

Ji Lai also drank a little too much, "What about you? What kind of seat can you get based on your popularity?"

Orochimaru was too lazy to answer such stupid questions, so he hooked his fingers, and a flower snake took out a letter of commission from the cabinet and placed it on the table in front of the two of them.

"Chakra Technology Development and Research Ethics Committee? Are you still the director?!"

Jilai also read out the title on the commission letter, "You are the only one with morality?!"

"It's just a vain job, and the right to speak is with the Uchiha clan and Sakumo's reform club executives! It's nothing!"

Orochimaru's drunken eyes were hazy, he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth.

It's just that the wine bottle has been drunk, and Da Shewan poured his head up for a long time before a few drops of residual wine dripped into his throat.

"... Forget it, drink less."

Zilai also felt a little sad at once.

He still couldn't figure out how the proud, calm and solemn Orochimaru had become like this.

"By the way, where is the teacher buried? I'm going to pay my respects."

After tidying up, Zilai was also about to leave, and asked a question before leaving.

"...in the cemetery."

Orochimaru closed his eyes and replied.

"The Heroic Monument?"

Zilai also asked back.

"...No, in the normal area."

Orochimaru said quietly.

"……I understand."

Jilai also suddenly felt like a knife was piercing his heart, his eyes seemed to be dazzled by the wind and sand, a little red and swollen and sour.

"Call me when you pass tomorrow..."

Orochimaru said something, then buried his head and continued to sleep.

"I see……"

Ji Lai also nodded, closed the door and left.

The moonlight in the sky still swayed the cold and bright moonlight. Even in the Konoha mansion area, you can still hear the hustle and bustle of the commercial area.

Zilai also tightened his clothes, feeling a little chilly.

He originally wanted to see Tsunade, but he extinguished the idea as soon as it surfaced.

"Forget it, let's find a hotel to deal with it today..."

Jilai also sighed, and walked silently towards the hotel area he remembered.


"Master Deguang, this is the information on the three holy places collected and sorted out based on the records in the archives of various ethnic groups. Please take a good look at them!"

In the shogunate mansion, an attendant ninja respectfully presented a scroll to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the scroll and nodded with satisfaction.

The visitors to Mt. Miaomu gave him an inexplicable sense of foreboding. Just in case, he arranged for his ninjas to gather the internal intelligence and documents of each ninja clan and consolidate the information of the so-called three holy places.

After the sealed scroll was unsealed, a pile of information appeared on the table along with the smoke.

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the top directory column and looked at it.

Mt. Miaomu, Wetbone Forest, Longdi Cave...

The existence of these three so-called psychic beast holy places is an open secret among the ninja community in the ninja world.

But no one knows where they originated, how long they have existed, or how powerful they are.

Even their attitude towards Ninja Ninja is unknown.

In addition, the data also mentions a term familiar to Uchiha Tokumitsu——


Uchiha Tokumitsu extracts the corresponding files from the data pile according to the total column of the directory.

It is the ancient book of the Uzumaki family.

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his brows and began to read carefully.

In this record of the Whirlpool clansman, he contracted with the Shibone Forest lineage, so most of it is about the slug fairy.

It's just that he knows more about Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous life than the contractor who didn't know how many years ago, but the content related to fairy art is lacklustre.

It feels like the contractor said that there are three essential conditions for fairy art, one is to have a huge amount of chakra in the body, the other is keen perception ability, and the third is superb chakra control skills.

Coincidentally, these three points are all possessed by Uchiha Tokumitsu!
Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows and continued to read.

However, according to the records, this vortex contractor also failed to practice the lineage of the wet bone forest. Instead, he almost became an unconscious slug due to the erosion of natural energy, so he no longer considered the issue of immortality since then.

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu looked through other materials and found that the records of various ninja clans were not as detailed and comprehensive as those in his previous life memories, and they were basically useless.

Even the location of the so-called three holy places is unknown.


In the last volume of materials, Uchiha Tokumitsu saw an interesting point of view. After reading the abstract, it came from the Kaguya clan.

In the dossier, the Kaguya clan referred to the Three Great Sacred Lands as "remnants of the old era" and "monsters who use natural energy to harm people", but they did not clarify the source and reason for this statement.

This also made Uchiha Deguang think of other interpretation dimensions.

"Notify the family to collect the contents of the secret files about the three holy lands of psychic beasts."

Uchiha Tokumitsu summoned a Uchiha Jonin and ordered.

Then he fell into deep thought again.

The Kaguya clan, like the Uchiha clan, are the so-called "Otsutsuki descendants".

It's just that perhaps due to the difference in the strength of the bloodlines they inherit, the Huiye clan will appear more reckless.

But that doesn't mean they're completely clueless.

Since the Kaguya clan has such records, the internal records of the Uchiha clan and the records of the Hyuga clan about the three holy places may be very interesting.

Moreover, the three holy places should have different attitudes towards the different ethnic groups of the descendants of Datongmu.

For example, the Uchiha clan has never had a contractor of the Three Holy Lands, and the Kaguya clan even regards the Three Holy Lands as the remaining evil enemies.

However, these materials are too old after all, and the ashes of the parties are estimated to have been corroded, so it is difficult to conduct a review. This is really a pity.

But... there is always a way.

Uchiha Tokumitsu remembered the information about Jiraiya's return to the village from the village today.

Jilai, who has been wandering outside for many years, also chose to return to the village after encountering a wall in Mt. Myogi. If he did not have the heart to continue to fulfill the powerless demands of those toads, Uchiha Tokumitsu would never believe it.

However, although Tokumitsu Uchiha is unwilling to believe those inexplicable prophecies, he doesn't think it's a good thing to lie flat and wait to be saved by the so-called "savior", so he doesn't mind giving the so-called "prophecy" more A handful of resistance.

"Send an order back to the village to have the police preparatory school and the ninja school start the exchange student program, and let the outstanding students in the ninja school go to the police academy to study for a period of time."

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again called in an attendant ninja and said: "In addition, there is a student named Namikaze Minato in the ninja school. He must be transferred to the police academy."

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja was ordered to leave.

Uchiha Tokumitsu fell into deep thought again.

Jiraiya has wandered around the ninja world for many years looking for the so-called savior, which shows that even the big toad on Mt. Miaomu can't be sure where the "savior" is.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha was born with the advantage of God's perspective, so he naturally understood that the so-called savior is the reincarnation of Indra and Asura.

Moreover, it is meaningless to search at this time.

Because the contemporary Indra incarnation is still alive and more and more alive.

"Age spots...you haven't been buried yet?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu missed his ancestor for the Nth time.

 Today is the holiday, tomorrow double update.

  When I got off work, I saw a video of a big-headed eagle in DY, watching it made me so happy~
(End of this chapter)

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