Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 263 One-sided Most Favored Treatment

Chapter 263 One-sided Most Favored Treatment

In Konoha’s two-house Senate system, although the head of the Uchiha clan serves as the chairman of the Senate, after operating for a period of time, in order to improve decision-making efficiency, five more council seats were set up under the chairman of the Senate. , is responsible for the Senate voting on daily affairs.

Among the five director seats, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan each recommend one person to serve as a permanent director, as a hereditary seat for the family, and the other three non-permanent director seats are elected in the form of rotation at the Senate Assembly.

The ninjas currently serving as non-permanent directors are Hinata, Uzumaki, and Akimichi, representing the three major forces of Konoha.

The reason why the Senju Clan is also included in the permanent directors is also the Uchiha Clan's pursuit of balancing the interests of each family.

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's example, the Uchiha clan also gradually understood the importance of "balance" and "sustainability", and no longer pursued the dominance of one family.

And after raising the weak Senju clan to a high position, it also made the ninja clan of the Konoha clan realize the difference between the control of the contemporary Uchiha clan and the time when Hokage ruled Konoha—the Uchiha clan has enough The capacity to accommodate the former opponents.

Although prestige is an invisible and hard-to-quantify influence, it is not as intuitive as the strength of the ninja army of the family, but after the Uchiha clan took the initiative to raise Senju to a high position, it brought about more obedience and respect for government orders from all families. Convinced, and the hidden benefits obtained after this are also extremely huge.

From then on, the Uchiha people really understood what Uchiha Tokumitsu meant when he said that "ninjas are not just fighting and killing, but ninjas must also talk about the world".

But status on the surface does not represent actual power.

Although the Senju clan won the seat of permanent director under the active promotion of the Uchiha clan, because most of the family members are sub-clans belonging to various families, and they are originally from the Senju collateral lineage, after years of mixed blood, Although his physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary civilian ninjas, but there is really no strong one, so the actual voice of the Thousand Hands Clan is far inferior to its nominal status.

Even Tsunade, the head of the family, is only in charge of Konoha's medical system.

In other words, the seats of the Thousand Hands Clan are still not enough.

Therefore, Hatake Sakumo didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him and Uchiha Tokumitsu meeting the secret messenger of Sand Hidden together.

After all, in the eyes of the ninjas of the Konoha clan, Uchiha Shifang, the chairman of the Senate, is just a "puppet" launched by Uchiha Tokumitsu to hold power on his behalf. The real story depends on Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Uchiha Tokumitsu set the meeting place for the Sand Hidden Messenger at the Uchiha Shrine in Nangagawa, and dispatched the Red Army to enforce martial law in the name of worshiping ancestors.


In the secret room of Minamigagawa Uchiha Shrine, Uchiha Tokumitsu saw the stone tablet left by the legendary Six Paths Sage for the first time.

Although a lot of the content involves the history of the Uchiha clan and the origin and manipulation skills of the tailed beasts, the most critical ending is still full of deception and conspiracy just like the memory of the previous life.

"The power of Sen Luo..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly.

Although he is also full of desire for Yin Yang Dun, Uchiha Tokumitsu will not jump into it knowing that the content of the stele is full of pits.

He would rather arrange various subjects slowly, let Orochimaru and Uzumaki Research Institute figure out how to weaken the side effects of intercolumn cells, and transplant them after all the time is ripe; even if the experiment will weaken the effectiveness of intercolumn cells, it doesn't matter.

He was still young anyway, and time was on his side.

As for why Uchiha Madara pinned his ideals on this ridiculous stone tablet, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't understand and didn't want to understand. The only thing he wanted was to pick peaches, and after he won the Uchiha artifact round fan, he would give it to dear Madara-sama as soon as possible Return to the pure land.

Of course, it would be great if Uchiha Madara's existing reincarnation eye can be seized by that time.

"Jingle ding bell!"

Someone outside the secret room rang the doorbell.

"Lord Deguang, the Sand Hermit Messenger has arrived..."

A voice came in from outside the secret room door.

"Go and inform Mr. Shuo Mao."

Uchiha Tokumitsu watched it again with the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and left after writing down the content recorded on the stone tablet.

The stele is like an IQ filter, and those who believe in such nonsensical content will be blacked out and implemented the "Unlimited Monthly Reading" plan.

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt that his brain was not as defective as age spots, so naturally he would not believe the so-called conclusions in it.


The secret room where you met the Shayin messenger was the place where the Uchiha clan used to hold clan meetings. The interior decoration is simple and solemn, and the Uchiha clan's Uchiha fan logo is engraved everywhere.

Under the leadership of the attendant ninja, the Sand Yin messenger walked into the secret room full of apprehension.

"General Deguang and Chairman Shuo Mao, who are in Xiasha Yin Shangren Luosha, came to pay a visit to the village by the order of Master Kazekage."

After entering, Luo Sha bowed and saluted without saying a word.

"Luo Shashang is polite, please sit down."

Uchiha Deguang heard the words and said.

The titles used by the Sand Hidden Messenger are also a bit interesting, especially Hatake Sakumo is called the speaker, which is a relatively seldom-used awkward title.

However, it can also be judged from this that Shayin must seek to reach a certain consensus or understanding with Konoha this time.

"It's been hard work for the envoy to come from afar, but due to limited conditions, he can only be received here. If there is any negligence, please look forward to Haihan."

Hatake Sakumo also said with a smile.

"Chairman Shuo Mao, you are being polite. I am here uninvited. It is a blessing to be received by the two adults. There is no reason to be dissatisfied!"

Luo Sha said quickly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu saw it, and gave Luo Sha a higher evaluation.

Can bend and stretch, is indeed a man.

"The friendship between Konoha and Sayin has a long history, and they have always been sympathetic to each other; but I don't know why your country's regent Guanbai sent an envoy to visit?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also changed to the title of the third Kazekage's own title.

When Luo Sha heard this, a happy expression appeared on his face.

Although Hatake Sakumo had some opinions on Uchiha Tokumitsu's straightforward attitude, he didn't say much.

His main purpose of coming today is just to have a look, and he is not very willing to get involved in the matter of Sha Yin.

"Your Excellency Regent is planning to invite the United Company to enter the Land of Winds, and intends to order a batch of arms from the Uchiha Clan."

Luo Sha couldn't wait to throw out his own conditions.

"The United Company is a commercial organization after all, and it's not good for me, Governor Konoha, to be too involved in this matter..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied, but he still said hypocritically: "How about this, I will arrange business personnel to return to the Land of Wind with you, and discuss with the person in charge of Sand Yin about the company's presence."

"As for arms procurement..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu touched his chin, "I don't know if Your Excellency the Regent is planning to make purchases in the name of the Wind Country or Sand Hidden?"

"Your Excellency the Regent intends to turn the village into a country, so it is natural to purchase arms in the name of the Kingdom of Wind!"

Luo Sha also threw out his hole cards without hesitation.

"Turning a village into a country... This is a feat to subvert the one-village-one-country system~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed, "What do you think? Sakumo-kun."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was a bit strange, Luo Sha no longer felt nervous as before.

Bet right!
Luo Sha only felt that Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude was acquiescing and even agreeing with Sa Yin's move!

"...We are Konoha ninjas, so it is not good to interfere in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of the Wind and Sand Hidden."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his attitude of limited support.

He has been allied with Uchiha Tokumitsu for a long time, so he naturally knows Uchiha Tokumitsu's character and ambition, and even more knows his ambition to subvert the tradition of ninja world.

What's more, Hatake Sakumo didn't intend to send the precious Konoha ninjas to the desert to fight Sand Hidden, nor was he willing to use the lives of the ninjas from the same village to protect the interests of the daimyo nobles.

"Thanks to General Deguang and Speaker Somo for their support!"

Luo Sha with a soft figure saluted again.

"However, it is inconvenient for me to defend what Shayin has done, and it is even more inconvenient for me to form an alliance directly..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "But in order to maintain the long-standing friendship between the two parties, I can agree on behalf of the Uchiha clan to the arms procurement that you proposed."

"that's enough!"

Luo Sha said: "If possible, we also hope to sign a non-aggression treaty with the general..."

Uchiha Deguang found it very interesting.

What he is best at is forcing other ninja villages to sign unequal treaties. As for the non-aggression treaty, this is the first time.

"Non-alignment is Konoha's attitude, especially the covenant involving the two major ninja villages still needs to be discussed and voted by the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives. After such a toss, I am afraid that it will have some bad effects on Sand Yin."

Uchiha Tokumitsu declined.

"Secret agreement is also possible..."

Luo Sha saluted again: "Moreover, the contracting party is the Governor's Mansion directly led by His Excellency Guan Bai, the regent of the country, and General Deguang, and it does not involve the two villages of the two countries..."

"A secret agreement between forces~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu opened his eyes again.

He originally thought that most of the people in the Ninja world were rebellious and unruly people, but he didn't expect Sand Yin in the desert to be so flexible.

"How does Shuo Mao-jun feel?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to Hatake Sakumo.

"The Governor's Mansion is under the control of Mr. Deguang, so he can do what he wants."

Hatake Sakumo said: "However, the Governor's Mansion is still a part of Konoha. If Konoha has another resolution on Sand Hidden in the future, then the effectiveness of the secret agreement will also be under the resolution of the two houses."

"Of course!"

Luo Sha was afraid that Hatake Sakumo would change his meaning if he said a few more words, so he quickly promised: "The secret non-aggression agreement is just our sincerity shown to General Tokumitsu in order to achieve permanent peace with Konoha. We will never interfere with Konoha's interests in the future!"

"That's it..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly: "But I still have one condition..."

"General Deguang, please speak!"

Luo Sha said quickly.

"I hope that His Excellency Kanbai, the Regent, can give one-sided and most favorable treatment to all Konoha-related personnel and organizations."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Luo Sha was a little dazed.

"No rush~ I'll explain it to you in detail~"

The smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face grew wider.

 Update today (2/2)

  Then ask for a ticket~ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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