Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 269 The Eve of the Great War

Chapter 269 The Eve of the Great War
At the same time that the order ship of the Daming Mansion left the port secretly and headed towards the country of thunder, the iron-clad ship of the shogunate cruising in the sea off Kinki immediately sent the information back to Fuba City, the shogunate's resident.

"Order all ministries to start combat readiness and mobilization!"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu received the information, he immediately ordered: "The two border defense forces in the north and the east each dispatched two detachments to come to support, and all the members of the punishment battalion were transferred to me!"

"As ordered!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, the shogunate, who had been preparing for a long time, took action nervously.

Order after order was quickly delivered to each ninja garrison along with the ninja's orders. Under the order of the already prepared ninja, a ninja army quickly and secretly marched to the eastern coast of the country of fire to wait for the next stage. Order.

Even Sansho Hanzo, who was watching the war between Iwagakure and Sandgakure in the Land of Rain, received a mercenary contract from Uchiha Tokumitsu's envoy again.

"...Is the goal this time still the Kingdom of Water?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo did not read the mercenary contract immediately, but asked directly.

"Yes, Mr. Hanzo."

The shogunate replied: "The target this time is Kirigakure."

"Is it……"

Sansho Hanzo was thoughtful.

Although the country of water he mentioned and the Kirigakure mentioned by the messenger are actually two sides of the same thing to others, Sanshoyu Hanzo still realizes a different meaning.

"...What is General Deguang's vision for the goal of this battle?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo waved back to the left and right before asking the shogunate envoy.

"The general intends to take his place."

The shogunate envoy also received Uchiha Tokumitsu's advice before this trip, so he spoke frankly.

"Is it……"

Sanshoyu Hanzo gasped, and the gas mask on his face made a jerky twitching sound.

After all, Kirigakure is one of the five great ninja villages. Although he has suffered several major defeats, but with his outstanding performance in the recent Conquest of Yunyin, he has refreshed the impression of the ninja world.

And the word that replaced it was just astonishing.

But since the envoys of the shogunate said it so directly, there is no way for Sanshoyu Hanzo to find an excuse to refuse, otherwise, no matter whether the shogunate will continue to attack Kirigakure, Urenin Village will become a thorn in his side afterwards.

"I see……"

Sanshoyu Hanzo calmed down, and replied to the messenger: "I will personally lead a thousand rain ninjas to join the battle within two days, and please garrison troops from the shogunate along the way to help cover their whereabouts."

"Thank you Mr. Hanzo for your support!"

The envoy of the shogunate fully agreed.

The reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu did not directly mobilize the Uchiha Fire Gate's northwest border defense force was to allow it to cover the whereabouts of Yuren, and to replace Sansho Hanzo in the western part of the country of rain, so that Sansho Hanzo can have no worries Go all out to fight.


At the same time that Sanshoyu Hanzo decided to fight, the arsenals of various parts of the shogunate were also opened, and the ninjas carrying huge seal scrolls sent a large amount of military supplies to Fuba City and transferred them to the southern islands.

The affiliated ninjas under the joint company also received a letter from Uchiha Tokumitsu, and began to be ordered to gather family ninjas.

Although the shogunate's process of gathering ninja troops was concealed to the utmost, some people would still notice it; both Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Shifang were a little at a loss.

"Mr. Deguang, this is..."

Hatake Sakumo asked Uchiha Quartet.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha, as the governor of Konoha, naturally has the military power of Konoha, theoretically, as long as the general mobilization is not implemented, he does not need to discuss with Hatake Sakumo, the rotating chief executive officer.

But such a large-scale mobilization of ninja troops has to make people imagine.

"...Maybe something happened in the country of water."

Although the Uchiha Quartet is the patriarch and the chairman of the Konoha Senate, he has never had any binding force on Uchiha Tokumitsu. Even the radicals within the family have been obsessed with him, so naturally they don't know much about the gathering of the Ninja Army. inside story.

"...The question of the payment of the gold sentence?"

Hatake Sakumo frowned and recalled for a moment, recalling the recent run-on incident of the Ninja of Water that has caused a lot of turmoil in the ninja world: "Even if the Ninja of Water's name is reckless, it is not possible to use such a large-scale ninja army, right?"

"……I do not know either."

Uchiha Sifang replied with some shame: "However, I will send an envoy to the shogunate to ask Mr. Tokumitsu about his specific plans..."

"Then please trouble Mr. Sifang..."

Hatake Sakumo originally wanted to go to the shogunate to discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu in person, but due to his duties, the political and general affairs that need to be dealt with are extremely complicated, and he really can't spare himself. In addition, the Uchiha Quartet said that they would send envoys to inquire, so he also I gave up the idea of ​​going east in person.


"Master Tokumitsu, the shogunate ninja army has assembled more than [-] people, and there are [-] family ninjas from the joint company, [-] ninja soldiers from the rain ninja army, and more than [-] people from the western frontier army are still on the way."

In the hall of the shogunate, the attendant ninja reports to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Has the armament transfer been completed?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked casually.

And he issued an order to transfer 700 billion funds to the country of water for payment of the gold judgment.

This is also the last and largest amount of funds raised by Uchiha Tokumitsu. It is used to completely smash the financial system of the country of water before the war.

"They have been stored separately in the Southern Islands and Midway Island, and can be transferred out of the warehouse at any time!"

The attendant ninja replied.

"Where's the battleship?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu issued another military exercise order.

"The 72 ironclad warships have all completed maintenance and are ready to anchor and go to sea at any time!"

The Uchiha ninja in charge of the shipyard hurried forward and replied.

"very good……"

Tokumitsu Uchiha nodded, "Then, let the assembled ninja army go out to the sea for exercises on iron-clad ships. At the same time, it can also deter the daimyo nobles who are in the bloody country and let them hand over the gold sentence obediently!"

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja took orders immediately.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also knew that the large-scale assembly and mobilization of the Ninja Army could not be completely hidden from everyone, so he also deliberately leaked the traces of the Ninja Army.

Although the 72 ironclad ships can be said to be invincible in the ninja world, if they are used as the backstage to deter the daimyo of the water country from paying the gold sentence, it is actually justified.

As for whether Kirigakure will have other doubts, it is not outside the scope of Uchiha Deguang's consideration.

If they can still cross the sea and return to the country of water, Uchiha Tokumitsu might as well find a tofu and kill him!

After arranging the affairs of various ministries, Tokumitsu Uchiha came to the Whirlpool Institute again.

This time, Goju Yakura, who was sealed by Uchiha Madara and became a "researcher" after being captured, may come in handy.

It was to avoid alarming Uchiha Madara before, so Uchiha Tokumitsu just added countless vortex seal charms on Goju Yakura, and used it as an experimental product and energy source to extract tailed beast chakra. It's a complete showdown, so it's a matter of course to break Uchiha Madara's seal and let Goju Yakura regain self-awareness.

Moreover, if Kuju Yagura is willing to turn against him, it will also help disintegrate Kirigakure's fighting spirit.


"Now that the ninja army is approaching Yunlei Gorge, why is the daimyo so eager to withdraw the army?"

Mizukage asked with a gloomy face in the large tent of the Army of the Thunder Country.

A group of Kirigakure ninjas were full of murderous looks on their faces, staring at Konoe Atsushi standing in the middle.

"The shogun's ambitions have been made undisguised, and the country of water has reached the most dangerous moment!"

Konoe Atsuji tried hard to persuade: "Master Mizukage, the country of water and Kirigakure are inseparable. If the country is overthrown, even if the expeditionary army captures Yunyin, so what? Kirigakure will also be destroyed at that time." Doom!"


Mizukage Mizukage snorted coldly, and threw the daimyo's emergency documents on the table, "Didn't daimyo call up the ninja army stationed in the village to wipe out the rioters? Do you think the shogunate dares to risk the world's evil to attack the country of water again?"

"Mizukage-sama...the national treasury is out of money, and the funds of the shogunate can no longer pay the full amount of money..."

Konoe Atsushi smiled wryly: "Besides, His Highness Daming can't continue to raise supplies to support the frontline operations. If the troops are not withdrawn at this time, if the follow-up supplies are cut off..."

The financial and economic wars of the shogunate have completely disrupted the order of the country of water in a very short period of time. Although under the auspices of the Minister of Taizheng, the Kirigakure ninja army began to kill and quell the chaos everywhere, but the grassroots organizations of the country of water It was also completely overturned in the turmoil. Even if the guarding nobles in various places were not caught by the rioters, they could only stick to the castle and dare not go out.

If the Kirigakure Expeditionary Army does not withdraw its troops and return to aid, once the shogunate launches an attack, the country of water will have no power to parry.

Sandai Mizukage picked up the daimyo's emergency document and read it again, then turned his attention to the upper ninja under his command.

The eyes of all the jounin also flickered.

"...withdraw in three days!"

The Mizukage Mizukage understood what they were thinking without asking the ninjas for their opinions, so after hesitating for a while, he gave the order to withdraw the troops that Konoe Atsushi wanted to hear most.

"As ordered!"

Although the jonin were unwilling, they still promised loudly.

"...that nasty little bastard from the younger generation! How on earth did Setsuna teach such a psychopath!"

"Three generations of Mizukage" gritted his teeth in anger, and at the same time, he did not forget to hate Elder Setsuna who was pampered by Konoha.


After everyone in the tent retreated, the body of "Three Generations of Mizukage" slowly leaned against the back of the chair.


An old and dignified voice came from the mouth of "Three Generations of Mizukage".

"Master Madara~I'm here~"

A pale, strange humanoid creature covered with bone spurs got out from the feet of "Three Mizukages".

"... Is Deguang kid planning to launch an attack on the land of water?"

"Three generations of Mizukage", that is, Uchiha Madara lowered his head and asked.

"I don't know~ Konoha hasn't mobilized until now~"

Bai Jue said with a playful smile: "And I can't get through the shogunate across the sea~"


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, waved his hand to make Bai Jue retreat, and then closed his eyes to rest.

"...What an excellent junior!"


 Today's update (2/2) By the way, please ask for a ticket ~ please recommend a ticket and ask for a monthly ticket ~
(End of this chapter)

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