Chapter 271

"Master Mizukage, the first batch of ships that set sail have begun to return, and they will arrive at the military port in the northern occupied area roughly tonight."

In the large tent of the Kirigakure Expeditionary Army of the Land of Thunder, a Kirigakure Anbe ninja knelt down to report.

"How is the progress of domestic chaos?"

Sandai Mizukage asked without raising his head.

"The riots in Kinki and the northern islands have been quelled. The anti-insurgency ninja troops are now stationed around the Daimyofu to maintain order. Lord Loquat Juzang has also brought two thousand ninja troops to the western islands to suppress the riots after he landed."

Kirigakure Anbe Ninja immediately said: "The mobs everywhere are nothing to worry about, but because the shogunate disrupted the domestic order and raised a large amount of gold sentences, there is a shortage of supplies in the country and prices are soaring..."

"...Where's the ninja army of the shogunate?"

Mizukage Mizukage put down the pen in his hand, and moved the document on the desktop slightly: "Pipa Juzo has returned to the country, so they should also know the news of the village's withdrawal, right?"

"The last time the shogunate paid 700 billion yuan, it only had time to exchange 500 billion yuan before retreating to the southern archipelago..."

The voice of Kirigakure Anbe ninja was somewhat proud: "Under the shock of my heroic Kirigakure ninja army, the shogunate is cautious in words and deeds, and dare not be as arrogant and domineering as before!"

"Is it……"

Sandai Mizukage was noncommittal, and did not correct the problem of personal bias in the report as Anbu, but just picked up a bell on the table and rang it.

"Master Shuiying!"

A cloud of smoke billowed up in the large tent of the Chinese army, and another ninja Kirigakure Anbe knelt under the tent on one knee.

"Notify all ministries in charge of Jonin. According to the original plan, the last wave of containment offensive will be launched at [-] o'clock tonight, and the entire army will officially retreat in the early morning!"

Mizukage Mizukage handed over a warrant, and the new Anbe ninja immediately stepped forward to take it, and quickly left after saluting.

"Falling short..."

After dismissing his subordinates, Sandai Mizukage was silent for a long time in the large tent of the Chinese army before sighing quietly.



A white humanoid creature with a hippie smile came out from the corner of the big tent.

"...Has there been any unusual movements in Konoha recently?"

"Three Generations of Mizukage" asked with a frown.

Although Bai Ze is very useful as a scout, his nonsensical and out-of-shape temperament also makes Uchiha Madara, who is used to rigorous habits, very unbearable.

It's just that after so many years, he can barely endure all kinds of stupid actions of these brainless subordinates under his command.

"Hey~ Yes, yes, yes~"

Bai Jue wriggled his body like a mantis chrysalis wriggling like a maggot.

"what happened!"

Uchiha Madara was furious immediately, "Why didn't you report in advance?!"

"Say! Konoha's ninja army has already begun to assemble!"

"Ninja~ No~ What did Madara-sama say~"

Bai Jue in the corner was still chrysalis full of intoxication, "Konoha's poop is all gathered in a pool, it's fun to play..."

Before he finished speaking, the Bai Jue in the corner was killed on the spot by several shurikens.

Although Uchiha Madara was expressionless, there was a sense of overwhelming in his stomach.

Especially when thinking of the wriggling appearance of the white jue cricket pupa just now, it is even more...


Uchiha Madara couldn't help retching for a while, and then immediately returned to his expressionless appearance.


Uchiha Madara called out again.

"Madara-sama, here we come~"

From the corner on the other side, three brand new Bai Jue came out. There was a cruel smile on their pale face, and their eyes were also strangely blood red. A pair of eyeballs couldn't help but look at the Bai Jue corpse on the other side.

"...Get rid of this idiot!"

Uchiha Madara pointed to Bai Ze who was killed by him, then got up and left expressionlessly.

"I obey~"

The three Baijue saluted with a playful smile, and then scrambled towards the cannibalistic corpse.

"Master Shuiying!"

Outside the large tent of the Chinese army, the ninja Kirigakure Anbe, who was on guard, saw his leader come out, and quickly knelt down to salute.

"Three generations of Mizukage" nodded slightly, and continued to walk forward.

Wherever they went, the Kirigakure ninjas who were hastily gathering stopped to salute.

"It's no wonder that kid in Feijian is so keen on power. It turns out that he is weak in strength but addicted to the control brought by power..."

Although "Three Generations of Mizukage" also enjoyed this feeling very much, he still couldn't help but despise the Qianshoubanjian who once cheated him in terms of tactics.

"Hashirama...the world without you is really boring..."

"Three generations of Mizukage" looked up at the moon that had just appeared in the sky, and sighed involuntarily in his heart.


"Lord Deguang! The Wuyin fleet of the Land of Thunder has all anchored and left the port!"

Under the moonlight, a huge fleet composed of 72 black ironclad ships docked on the side of a reef and deserted island between the waterways of the Land of Thunder and the Land of Water. A vortex researcher in charge of the Chakra perception radar received a signal from a special band After that, he quickly rushed to the command cabin to report to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"finally come……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and twisted his neck, "Notice, light the fire and set sail!"

Sansho Hanzo and Kudachi Yagura in the cabin also stood up.

Several Ureninjas stepped forward to put on a body armor for Sansho Hanzo, and Yakura Yagura unsealed the famous iron rod from the sealed scroll.

"There's no need to be so nervous..."

Uchiha Deguang glanced at the two of them, and said cheerfully: "According to the speed of Kirigakure's fleet, it will take about two hours before the two sides start to encounter each other~"

"Just be prepared..."

Goju Yakura's face was a little pale, and he defended himself stiffly.

"Have you made up your mind to take action against those possessed thieves, Kirin~"

Uchiha Tokuro laughed.

"I have my measure!"

Goju Yakura muttered: "I hope you bastard is telling the truth!"

"If you don't believe me, just ask that big turtle in your stomach~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said nonchalantly.

Although Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't understand the meaning of the conversation between the two, he wisely didn't ask too much.

Although the two sides are in the same camp for the time being, it does not prevent Sanshoyu Hanzo from labeling Goji Yakura as a soft bone that sells the village and seeks glory in his heart.

"Woo~ woo~ woo~~"

With the sound of the long siren, the armored fleet, which had been silent for a long time, filed out from the berth, forming a long snake formation and drawing a majestic wave line on the sea.

"...What kind of tactic is this?"

Sansho Hanzo is somewhat unclear.

In his understanding, naval battles are still for the time being a battle on the water and across the sea. At most, it is to launch torpedoes as a long-range first attack before the two sides engage in hand-to-hand combat; The Ninja Army Cluster Shock Break.

"T-position horizontal head tactics."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied without hesitation.


Sansho Hanzo became even more confused.

Uchiha Deguang didn't explain either.

Kutachi Yakura, who only had some understanding of the shogunate's tactics, frowned and thought for a while, then rushed out of the command cabin and looked towards the side of the ironclad ship.

I saw rows of black holes, long and thick tubes protruding from the side, some of which were submerged in the water, and some of them were arranged above the waterline.

"This is……"

Kuju Yagura's face turned even paler.

"Strengthen the barrier barrier!"

A loud voice came from the tweeter on the towering command cabin.

"Enhancing the barrier barrier!"

With the echoes one after another, the light blue barrier on the outer edge of each ironclad ship became deeper.

Although the noise of the ship and the sound of breaking waves were still there, and the body of the ship did not disappear, Kutachi Yagura closed his eyes and felt it, and found that he could not detect the existence of other ships through perception.

"It's so scary..."

Kutachi Yagura swallowed, deeply disturbed.

This is equivalent to that before the shogunate fleet appeared on the sea level and was directly seen by vision, the fog hidden fleet could not detect the existence of the shogunate fleet through perception.

Coupled with the densely packed weapons on both sides of the ship...

"I hope that so-called Uchiha Madara can be a little commanding..."

But Goju Yagura, who has the seal of tongue bane on his body, can't do anything at this time, no matter how much he sympathizes with the ninja from the same village.

"This is war..."

Kuju Yagura closed his eyes in despair, as if he couldn't bear to witness the coming tragedy.


"Spot the enemy fleet!"

Uzumaki Ninja's excited voice came from the microphone in the command cabin.

"Determine the enemy formation!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately replied.

"Enemy formation confirmed!"

The voice came from the microphone again: "The Wuyin fleet is heading towards the starboard side of our fleet in a frontal formation!"

"The enemy ships have confirmed that there are a total of 550 large and small ships, among which the leading wave-breaking warship is an iron-clad ship sold by our side!"

"72 against 550..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed loudly: "The advantage is with me!"

"Right full rudder!"

"Full rudder right!"

"Keep the speed steady!"

"Confirm the formation and direction changes of the enemy fleet!"

"Seize the T position!"

"Already in the T-shaped head position!"

"The main gun is ready!"

"The main gun is ready!"

"Torpedo reload!"


"Row and reload!"

"Ready to fire!"

"The entire fleet is silent!"

With the last order, the fleet composed of 72 ironclad ships immediately fell silent.

The shogunate's well-trained ninja army quality that prohibits orders shocked Sanshoyu Hanzo and Goju Yakura.

"The enemy fleet has entered torpedo range!"

In the command cabin where Tokumitsu Uchiha was located, the voice of the perception ninja came again.

"The melee ninja army is in place!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, the shogunate ninja soldiers who had been resting in the cabin quickly rushed to the deck and lined up at the established battle positions.

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his gaze to Sansho Hanzo beside him.

Sansho Hanzo nodded slightly.

"The water ghost troops are in place!"

The Rain Ninja Water Ghost Troop, who had already been prepared, immediately jumped into the sea holding a trident, and dived into the sea area under the torpedo launcher.

Standing on the deck and witnessing a series of pre-war deployments by the Shogunate Ninja Army, Yagura Kudachi was pale and his body was crumbling.

He wanted to release the Tailed Beast on the spot to create chaos to warn the coming fleet of Hidden Mist, but under the restraint of multiple seals and spells, the helpless Goju Yakura could only stand frozen in place, anxiously enduring the torment in his heart .

"Mist hidden..."

A "Uchiha Deguang" with a slightly lighter body color instantly landed on Yagura's side.

"Shadow clone..."

Kuju Yakura frowned.

"Are you ready to attack the Kirigakure compatriots?"

De Guangying clone asked with a smile on his face.

Goju Yakura remained silent, but with the effect of the spell on his body, a phantom image of Sangouyu appeared in his right eye, and the three-tailed chakra in his body began to overflow.

"I see……"

Yagura, who couldn't help herself, let out a long sigh.

"The enemy fleet has entered the range of the main gun! It is expected to enter the horizon view in 3 minutes!"

The warning sound sounded again in the command cabin.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly to Sansho Hanzo.

Sansho Hanzo, who had already been prepared, strode out of the cabin with a scythe in hand without saying a word.

"Torpedo salvo!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, 72 ironclad ships fired torpedoes forward.

Numerous torpedoes under the sea draw violent waves, and attack the Wuyin Fleet, which is still unknown ahead.



The 72 ironclad ships blew their whistles in unison.

Suddenly, the sound of a majestic siren sounded in the silent sea.

"The main gun salvo!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The main guns on the bow of the ironclad ship fired a huge flame in unison, smashing towards the direction of the fog hidden fleet.

The sudden sound of sirens and the roar of the main gun suddenly shocked the Wuyin fleet, which was advancing steadily.

Kirigakure's perception ninja looked pale, desperately urging the perception ninjutsu to try to scout ahead.

In the flagship of the fleet, the third generation of Mizukage closed his eyes and rested his mind, his face was livid, and he flashed to the flagship's mast with a "swipe" flash, staring closely at the front.

72 huge flames are attacking the Mist Hidden Fleet.

"Ninjutsu blocking!"

Three generations of Mizukage shouted angrily.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Some of the Kirigakure ninjas who came back to their senses quickly used ninjutsu to try to defend under the command of their respective jounin.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Some of the main gun chakra shells were stopped by the water escape ninjutsu, but some shells also fell into the Kirigakure fleet, smashing the wooden ships in it to pieces.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

Mizukage Mizukage clenched her teeth tightly, her chest rising and falling.


In the radar room of the Kirigakure ironclad ship, the Kirigakure perception ninja let out a scream of despair.

But it was too late to realize the torpedo attack.

Countless torpedoes broke into Kirigakure's fleet while the Kirigakure ninja was fully defending to block the Chakra shells.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Kirigakure's front arrow formation is the arrangement of big ships outside and small ships inside. Under the attack of torpedoes, the large ships on the periphery are quickly destroyed like eggs under a hammer. Attacking the ships on the inner side of the fleet.

"Turn in the back row! Abandon ship in the front row!"

Three generations of Mizukage roared loudly.

He has been in the ninja world for decades, and this is the first time he has suffered such a blow!
For Uchiha Madara, who has been arrogant all his life, it is like being pulled up by a junior riding on his neck!
"Ninja Army stepping on the water assault!"

Three generations of Mizukage shouted angrily.

Under the urging of the jōnin, the panic-stricken Kirigakure ninjas quickly formed a combat group and rushed forward on the water.

Mizukage Mizukage looked back at his own fleet, feeling extremely painful.

Although he didn't have much affection for the kidnapped Kirigakure, such a blow still made his heart ache.

Except for the iron-clad ship at the foot of the third Mizukage, all the large ships outside the Kirigakure formation have been completely destroyed.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

The third Mizukage was about to tear his eyes apart, and after simply pulling over a confidant to explain it, he also jumped up and began to charge.

The shogunate fleet completely destroyed the shipboard weapon attack power of the Kirigashi fleet in just the first round of attack!

"Lord Deguang, the enemy ninja army is rushing over the water!"

The warning sound of Uzumaki Ninja sounded again in the command cabin.

"According to the established plan, prepare for firing!"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu said a word, he cast a teleportation technique and flashed onto the deck.

At this time, the shadowy figure of Kirigakure ninja began to appear on the horizon.

"A row of artillery fire!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The platoons of guns on the side of the ironclad ship fired shells in unison, smashing towards the sea level.

"You gentlemen!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath and diffused his voice with chakra.

"Follow me!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was the first to leap over the sea in an instant.

The morale of the shogunate ninja army stepped on the water and charged.

The rain ninja water ghost troop under the bottom of the sea quickly swam forward.

The battleship of the armored ships that continued to sail changed direction slightly and sailed towards the flanks of the Kirigakure fleet. The main guns and platoon guns continuously poured chakra shells, and kept hitting the Kirigakure naval forces that were attacking.

"Spiritualism · Two Tails and Brigade!"

As the psychic smoke rose, the grinning Erwei appeared on the sea again, carrying Uchiha Tokumitsu on his back and charging through the water.

Although the big cat doesn't like water, let alone the ocean, under the coercion and lure of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Congxin's Lulu still obediently played the battle.

"Wizard Susanoo!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was injected with the leucocyte extract "Holy Particles", used his strongest move without hesitation.

"Wan Sheng!"

The shogunate ninja shouted loudly again.

Kirigakure Ninja's already low morale quickly fell into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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