Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 282 Ninja Balance Policy

Chapter 282 Ninja Balance Policy
Although Uchiha Tokumitsu promised to retain the name of Kirigakure, it does not mean that he will really try to revive the strength of the headquarters of Kirigakure Ninja Village.

In his blueprint, Kirigakure's main role is to serve as a ninja training base to provide the shogunate with a steady stream of ninja power to support the shogunate's future foreign expeditions, so as to reduce the consumption of precious Uchiha ninjas and attached ninjas.

Before setting off to return to the base of Midway Island to meet with the envoys of Iwagakure and Yunyin, Tokumitsu Uchiha also officially announced at the Kirigakure Jōnin meeting that the leader of the Zhengyi tribe was appointed as the guarding ninja of Kirigakure.

Among them, the Onito clan will be in charge of Kirigakure government affairs, the Minazuki clan will be in charge of Kirigakure finances, and the Kaguya clan, known for their brutality, will be in charge of the ninja school.

As for Kirigakure Anbe and the Standing Ninja Army, they were all banned and incorporated into the shogunate.

Although this method of handling is quite simple and rude, and the personality characteristics of the three clans may not fully conform to the powers they are in charge of, Uchiha Tokumitsu does not need the three clans of ninjas to be too conscientious or popular, so this will make them more good.

In addition to the inherent powers of the three clans, Tokumitsu Uchiha assigned all the defectors of the Kirigakure Jōnin to the Jōnin Joint Conference, and the Jōnin Conference was responsible for task assignment and material allocation, thus completing the new Kirigakure Initial rebuilding of the system.

Although the boundaries of power and responsibility of each department are relatively rough, it is indeed very suitable to be applied to Kirigakure, which is waiting to be rebuilt. After all, even with the Kirigakure ninjas who are still in the prisoner-of-war camp, there are only more than [-] people in Kirigakure Village. Communist Party members, what is needed is not the efficiency of the New Deal, but the streamlining of the army, the streamlining of administration, the cultivation of life and livelihood.

After the new Kirigakure affairs were properly arranged, Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops across the sea to Midway Island to meet with the messengers of Yunyin and Yanyin.

As the military port and centralized material storage area during the period when the shogunate launched the first Wuyin Conquest, Midway Island is an out-and-out fortress in terms of architectural use.

Moreover, unlike the ninja forts that are common in the ninja world, which are similar to the samurai's county town, the architectural style of Midway Island is very strange to Huangtu and Kirabi.

Of course, after all, this is also the first bastion in the ninja world.

"Irregular, the city walls are not regular at all..."

After arriving at Midway Island, Kirabi frowned and commented: "This is not art at all!"

"...Then from another angle, what if you command the ninja army to attack this fortress?"

Huang Tu sneered, and mocked: "Every ninjutsu attacking army will be pinched by the ninjutsu of the two walls, plus the sealing technique of the shogunate... Do you think it will take as many times as many ninjutsu to attack the defending army?" To take down this fortress?"

Although the two were still at loggerheads as usual, after spending time together in Fubo City, the residence of the shogunate, the two were still able to speak the truth while ridiculing.

"... Yunyin's brave ninja is unparalleled in the ninja world! No matter how fierce the defender's ninjutsu is, it can't stop Yunyin's attack!"

Kirabi was still very stubborn.

"That's why Yun Yin was completely annihilated by the shogunate in the frontal battle, and was beaten to death by Wu Yin in the offensive and defensive tug-of-war..."

Huangtu continued to sneer: "If Yunyin's bravery is at this level, it would be better for Yanyin to take over Ninja Village as soon as possible. At least Yanyin will not throw the ninjas of the village lightly and let them die in vain!"

"Hehe... I remember that there is a commemorative gravel city within the jurisdiction of the Uchiha Fire Gate shogunate~ Presumably Iwagakushi must have experienced it a long time ago to make such nonsense?"

Kirabi was not to be outdone and responded.

However, although the two were merciless, the two shadows of Ninja Village reached a preliminary agreement in private, that is, to stop the hostility and face each other unanimously.

Even in order to facilitate this matter and show sincerity, the third Tsuchikage Onoki even expressed that he could conditionally cede the area occupied by the Land of Thunder in Iwain, and Yunin would take it back and take it over by means of redemption.

"Two envoys, Lord Deguang has arrived at the headquarters, please follow me."

Just when the two were relentless, a shogunate ninja suddenly fell in front of the two and said.

Huangtu and Qilabi looked at each other, their faces becoming serious.

Here comes the main course...

Uchiha Tokumitsu met the two in the headquarters meeting room at Midway Island.

"General Deguang, long time no see."

Following the guidance of the shogunate ninja, Huang Tu, who arrived in the conference room, immediately saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Long time no see, please sit down."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly in response.

"...I was ordered to come here this time because there are some things that I need to consult with Your Excellency the General."

After being seated, Huang Tu was the first to speak.

Kirabi, who was out of character, kept his mouth shut tightly and remained silent.

"But it doesn't matter."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care either.

Although Huang Tu's question was somewhat rude, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take it seriously. Anyway, in his eyes, these "NPC"-like background board characters were just calculation targets.

"...Then please forgive me, Your Excellency the General."

Huangtu asked with a serious expression: "I don't know how the shogunate will deal with Kirigakure?"

"This matter is related to the five Ninja villages and the one-village-one-country system that laid the foundation for peace in the Ninja world. We cannot be careless."

Kirabi also chimed in and said.

"Is this a problem with the two shadows of Ninja Village?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu tapped the table lightly and asked back.

"Yes, after arriving at the shogunate's garrison and learning that Your Excellency the General won a complete victory in the Battle of Mingryang, Mr. Tsuchikage from this village entrusted me to ask the General about this in person."

Huang Tu said with a serious face.

"Master Raikage of this village also has the same intention."

Kirabi continued to take the job.

"Matters related to Wuyin Ninja Village are the internal affairs of Waterland, outsiders should not interfere..."

The expression on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face also became slightly solemn, "The shogunate will respect Kirigakure's tradition and stick to the principles of mysticism..."

"So, who will take over the position of Mizukage?"

Huang Tu rudely interrupted Uchiha Tokumitsu again.

The shogunate ninjas in the conference room were full of anger, and their right hands began to press on the handle of the knife.

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand, indicating that the reaction of his subordinates need not be so great.

"Have Yanyin and Yunyin made up their minds to stand together?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not respond to Huang Tu's question, but asked from a different angle.

"...The one-village-one-country system is the foundation of peace in the ninja world established by Mr. Hashirama, otherwise it will be desecrated, let alone subverted!"

Huang Tu said devoutly.

If it weren't for the appearance of the three big and five rough and the appearance of the Senju family, Uchiha Tokumitsu would think that he is the blood of the Senju family!

"The outdated system needs to be revised, and there has never been any ancestral family law that is not easy in the world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu responded: "Of course, it is also a good thing that Yanyin and Yunyin choose to stand together. After all, from now on, the two major ninja villages will eliminate the source of war between each other, and it will also help to build a beautiful ninja world together..."

"Lord Tokumitsu, may I ask how the shogunate will deal with Kirigakure, and who will succeed Mizukage in the next generation?"

Huang Tu still asked reluctantly.

"There is no more water shadow."

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, "Kirigakure will go through a thorough restructuring like Konoha, and walk towards the bright road of the Jōnin Republic!"


This time it was Kirabi who grabbed Huang Tu who was about to say something with an angry face, and said with a cold expression: "I just came here to get acquainted, and I don't intend to take any unfriendly actions towards the shogunate." , Your Excellency General, please don't misunderstand..."

Today's Yun Yin is no longer the second most powerful ninja world in the past. After many defeats, not only the village's talents have withered and there are few strong ones, but even most of their hearts have been knocked out. The proud Kirabi also learned to look at people.

What's more, it is really unwise to turn against Uchiha Tokumitsu in the base of the shogunate.

Uchiha Deguang nodded and said that he didn't care about these red tapes. After a few simple greetings, Kirabi also took Huang Tu to leave.

"Yan Yin Yun Yin..."

After the two left, Uchiha Tokumitsu also fell into deep thought.

He naturally understood what kind of shock the annexation of Kirigakure would cause among the senior management of the major ninja villages.

In particular, Yunyin and Yanyin, who are still sticking to the one-village-one-country system, will regard the shogunate as a thorn in their side from now on, but they did not expect the two major ninja villages to react so quickly.

Not long ago, they were trying to kill each other on the battlefield, but now there seems to be signs of joining forces with the outside world... It can only be said that only interests are the link to maintain the relationship between Ninja Village.

Moreover, at this time, when the shogunate's old power has been exhausted and new power has not been born, in order to maintain the rule over the country of water and Kirigakure, it is difficult for the shogunate to mobilize ninja troops to put pressure on the two major ninja villages.

Therefore, we can only sit back and watch the two big ninja villages get closer to each other...

However, for at least five years, the dilapidated Yunyin is nothing to worry about. For Yanyin, it may be possible to continue to suppress and consume its strength by increasing support for Shayin.

In this way, the shogunate of Huju Wuyin can sit back and watch the changes in the ninja world, waiting for a good opportunity to unify the ninja world in one fell swoop.

"And Mimura Hanomaki..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought of another question.

Except for Yun Yin and Yan Yin, Konoha's emissary, Mimura Hanomaki, didn't even plan to come to meet him, so he went back to the village directly. From this, it can be seen that there are always a group of people in the village, even if they have become vested interests now. , but I still have a special feeling for the old times in my heart.

But ninja world is a world that pays attention to strength after all.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's fist is hard enough, even if there are still many people with different ideals inside Konoha, as long as the personal strength is maintained, and the shogunate slowly digests the results of annexing Kirigakure over time, those people will also set off a new era in the future. I can't afford any storms.

In addition, there is another advantage, that is, Konoha and the Uchiha clan are already in the pattern of "I am in you, and you are in me". In addition, Tokumitsu Uchiha is the governor of Konoha personally conferred by the daimyo of the country of fire, No matter whether it is strength or fame, he is naturally not afraid of any troubles caused by those dissatisfied people.

Besides, the next step is nothing more than "pull a faction and fight a faction", this kind of work Uchiha Tokumitsu is already very proficient.

"The Thousand Hands Clan, the Pig Deer Butterfly Clan..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a pen and paper and began to calculate.

If you want to talk about Konoha's stubborn old-school forces, it is naturally headed by the Uchiha clan's thousand-year-old enemy, the Senju clan.

Then add the three generations of the Zhuludie clan, who are the remnants of the third generation. After all, they still have a popular senior, Akimichi Tokkaze, who is in charge of the overall situation.

"Ninja school..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu wrote three more words on the paper.

The so-called ninja school refers to the group of people who grew up in the ninja school when the second generation of Senju Feijian was in charge of Konoha.

They may be more or less opposed to the rule of the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and they have also gained some benefits from the Konoha reform, but compared with the Hatake Sakumo direct line and the Uchiha clan that swallowed most of the power, their benefits It can only be regarded as leftovers.

But since we want to fight against one faction, we must create an opponent who looks powerful but is actually very loose. Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu drew a circle on the paper, including the Senju Clan, the Inokacho Clan and the Ninja School Clan. Together.

"Just use you guys as targets..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded quite complacently.

It's a lot of fun fighting with people.

Continuing to fight with this kind of loose sand will more or less wake up the somewhat overinflated Uchiha clan today, lest they become the waste of the Eight Banners in the previous life, which is useless except talking.

Uchiha Tokumitsu wrote a few words——

"Sakumo Hatake, Reform Society, Small and Medium Ninja Clan, and Civilian Ninja Alliance."

"Hyuga, Inuzuka, Yume and other neutral ninja alliance."

The last thing is to write "Uchiha Clan" and "Pro-Ninja Clan".

Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly hesitated again, crossed out the word "ninja" and re-wrote a few words:

"United Corporation."

Then I thought about it again, put a bracket after the joint company and added a few words: "shareholding system reform."

In this way, the situation of Konoha and even the ninja world is clear at a glance.

Uchiha Tokumitsu flicked the paper with great satisfaction.

Including the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki who is still in the Uzumaki Clan, the Uchiha Clan today has essentially controlled four Tailed Beasts, three of which are in their own hands.

So even if a new round of ninja wars is immediately set off, the shogunate, or the Konoha faction represented by the Uchiha clan, will not be afraid. Anyway, no matter how the battle situation changes or how Konoha's interior tilts, the Uchiha clan will rest easy .

That being the case, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has taken the initiative, can take time out and focus on self-cultivation and exploration. After all the battles, Uchiha Tokumitsu has also discovered his shortcomings and deficiencies. It takes some time to make up.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara, who was seriously injured and escaped, and Kurojue, who was lurking in the dark, are always a scourge that cannot be ignored. If they are not found out and exterminated, Uchiha Tokumitsu will always have trouble sleeping.

But the premise of all this needs to be based on a ninja world environment that can fight but not break.

Then Tokumitsu Uchiha continued to pull out a new piece of paper, and wrote a few large characters on it:

"Ninja Balance Policy!"

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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