Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 297 Legal Compliance Reasonable Reasonable

Chapter 297 Legal Compliance Reasonable Reasonable
In just a few days, Jilai was also taken away twice by the police department in public, and this matter also aroused some discussion in Konoha.

The police department also posted a description of the case on the bulletin boards of each police station in due course, and openly accepted reports from all victims in the village on the case, and also promised to keep the whistleblower absolutely confidential, and would never give anyone a chance to retaliate.

"Isn't the Uchiha clan retaliating?"

Even Orochimaru doubted his own judgment a little bit.

Judging from the posture, the police department does not seem to have any intention of suppressing them, and all procedures seem very reasonable.

Moreover, Orochimaru has repeatedly told Jiraiya that the streets of Konoha have been equipped with sky-eye monitoring based on the technique of telescope combined with sealing technique, so that they can no longer behave like before.

But judging from the current progress of the incident and the information disclosed by the police department, Jiraiya did not listen to his words at all.

On the third day after Jiraiya was taken away by the serious crime team of the police headquarters, Orochimaru tried to release bail again, but as expected, he was rejected by the police department.

"Jiraiya Jonin's incident involved a large number of complaints before the village's restructuring. The circumstances were heinous, and there were deliberate cover-ups by some of the former village's high-level people. Therefore, the detention time should be extended now to sort out a complete case. file."

"...how long will you be in custody?"

Orochimaru asked bravely.

"It will probably take another seven days. At that time, if you want, you can come back for bail."

The chief of the police headquarters said to Dashemaru in a good voice: "And, judging from the current situation, there is really no need for Mr. Dashemaru to waste money on bail for people like him..."


Orochimaru could no longer maintain his indifferent demeanor.

"In addition to the headquarters of our police department, the West District and the North District have also received a large number of complaints about Jiraiya Jonin..."

The head of the headquarters took out a stack of documents and handed them to Orochimaru, "Even if I granted bail this time, as soon as Jiraiya Jōnin walks out of the gate of the police headquarters, people from the West District and North District Police Stations will immediately Take him away, there is no need to waste the bail money..."

Orochimaru opened the file casually and saw that it was full of various coordination and investigation letters. The time of the case was different, but the content was "peeping at the female soup"...

Orochimaru also knew that this friend did have this problem, but he didn't know that it was so rampant.

After a little recollection and calculation of the time of the incident, Oshemaru found that almost every time Zilai also performed tasks and returned to the village, he would go to the hot springs to "learn art"...

This time Orochimaru blushed.

"This is the confession and complaints that have been collected so far... This is the scene of the incident intercepted by Tianyan..."

The director of the headquarters thoughtfully took out piles of materials and piled them up in front of Dashewan.

"As one of the directors of the Professional Committee of the House of Representatives, and also a bailman of Jiraiya Jonin, you have the right to read these materials, but you cannot take them away~"

The director of the headquarters said gently.

"……no need."

Orochimaru felt that his ears were so hot that he almost wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

He felt that the number of defense breaks in his life was not as many as in the past few days.

"...Since you can't release bail, can I visit you?"

Orochimaru took several deep breaths and asked the chief of the headquarters.

"Of course~ Jiraiya Jonin is currently detained in the detention center at the headquarters, I'll just sign an order for you~"

The head of the headquarters was also unambiguous, and immediately issued a visit permit and handed it to Orochimaru, "However, since Jiraiya Jōnin is one of the powerful elite Jōnin in the village, the visit process must be under the full monitoring of the police department. Next, please don’t mind Orochimaru Shangnin~”

"No problem, thank you..."

Orochimaru had nothing to say except nodding his thanks.

The entire law enforcement process of the police department is very rigorous and professional. Both the reason for the arrest and the reason for the detention are impeccable. Even Orochimaru, who wears colored glasses, can't find fault.

Moreover, what else can be said about this situation besides the fact that it is self-inflicted and knowingly committing crimes and committing crimes against the wind?
Orochimaru, who was worried, walked into a visiting room separated by a fence under the leadership of the ninja of the police department. After entering and sitting down, several heavily armed ninjas of the police department stood guard around the room.

Then, behind the fence, a Uzumaki ninja pushed the door and entered. Two teams of police ninjas filed in and stood on both sides. Finally, two Uchiha ninjas escorted Jiraiya into the visiting room.

"Hey~ Orochimaru, you're here~"

Jiraiya is still partly carefree and nonchalant.

Seeing Jiraiya, who still looked like nothing had happened at this time, Orochimaru immediately became angry.

"I can't release you on bail for the time being..."

Orochimaru said with a sullen face.

A group of police ninjas are monitoring in real time, and Orochimaru can't say much. After all, compared with Jiraiya, although he is cold-blooded, cruel, bloodthirsty, etc., he still has face.


Zilai, who was imprisoned for three days, was also stunned: "Hey, hey! I'll go crazy if I stay in this kind of place again! Not only are there no divas, no wine and meat, even the bed is not as comfortable as yours!"

Following the unrestrained Ziraiya babbling nonsense, the ninjas of the police department who were on guard immediately showed intriguing expressions.

Orochimaru felt that his toes were almost too embarrassed to perform the "Earth Dune Three-Bedroom Two-Room Technique"!

"Do you know what you did?"

Orochimaru asked calmly.

"It's not this group..."

Jiraiya looked around at the ninjas of the police department, but did not continue talking.

Orochimaru shook his head helplessly.

"...Your matter is more complicated, and you need to continue the detention investigation."

After a long sigh, Orochimaru said helplessly: "I'll bail you out again at that time..."

"Alright alright!"

Zilai also muttered with some dissatisfaction: "The food here is so bad! When you go out, take me to have a good meal!"

Orochimaru looked at the ninja from the police department accompanying him.

"...you can add meals, but the police department will charge additional inspection fees and service fees."

The ninja of the police department on the side also understood the meaning of Orochimaru's eyes, shrugged and replied indifferently.

"That's fine..."

Orochimaru nodded, "I'll ask someone to bring you some food, so you can continue to squat for me for a few days!"

"Okay, okay, I got it~"

Zilai also said with a nonchalant face.

Orochimaru sighed again, got up silently and nodded to the surveillance personnel behind him, then walked out of the visiting room without looking back.

The crimes committed by Jiraiya are not big or small. According to Konoha’s punishment and security system that Orochimaru recently browsed suddenly, except for the temporary detention before the official trial, there is actually no punishment for Jiraiya. Inflict damage other than reputation.

Even if there are many such indecent charges, Zilai will be sentenced to three years at most and then he can be released on parole after three to five months.

After all, as a ninja occupying an absolute dominant position in Ninja Village, the powerful elite Jnin of Jiraiya is the well-deserved ruling class of the village. Neither the Senate nor the House of Representatives will allow Jaraiya to be punished indiscriminately for this crime.

"Maybe it will be better if you are locked up for three years..."

Orochimaru was worried and full of anger.

Walking on the street of Konoha, Orochimaru silently calculated.


When passing by a restaurant, a familiar female voice came from inside.


Orochimaru turned around in surprise.

"come over!"

Tsunade's complexion was also a little ugly, and he waved towards Orochimaru.

Her younger brother Naoki also stood beside her sister very obediently.

"Teacher Orochimaru..."

Napeki bowed to Orochimaru to say hello.


Orochimaru's face also softened, and he reached out to stroke Nawaki's hair.

Since the reorganization of the Senju Clan, Nakoki, as the default family heir, was taken back to the clan by the elders of the family to teach, and he also lost a lot of contact with Orochimaru, who is a teacher.

But much of the softness left in Dashewan's heart still belonged to this disciple.

"Are you running around about Jiraiya?"

Tsunade said straight to the point.


Orochimaru nodded reluctantly.

"...Let's talk inside."

Tsunade greeted Orochimaru and walked into the private room to talk.

Orochimaru hesitated for a moment, then followed Tsunade and sat down inside.

Naoki very consciously formed seals and activated a sound-proof enchantment, and then bowed to his sister and teacher.

"Good boy..."

Orochimaru couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, and fondled Nawaki's hair again.

After Nakoki walked out of the private room, Tsunade said to Orochimaru: "I've checked, and the matter of Jiraiya may have to go for approval!"

"……I know."

Orochimaru nodded reluctantly.

"This matter may be a little strange, you should pay attention to it yourself."

Tsunade nodded, "Now is not the time when the teacher is still around..."

"What do you mean?"

Orochimaru frowned.

"Without the Uchiha Quartet or Uchiha Tokumitsu's instruction, no one can mobilize the police headquarters and all the divisions to toss Jiraiya together. As for his indecent things...no one in the village knows!"

Tsunade explained: "Moreover, this incident seems too coincidental and reasonable, so it seems very unreasonable."

What is the logic……

Orochimaru was speechless.

But after thinking about it, combined with the recent experience of Jiraiya, Tsunade's words seem to make sense.

"I'm not as good as you in doing experiments, but you're not as good as me in politics!"

Tsunade also saw Orochimaru's inner fluctuations, "So, there is a high probability that Uchiha Tokumitsu is doing something on purpose!"

"Why? If you want to liquidate...it can't be justified!"

Orochimaru said he didn't understand.

"Probably that idiot is full of loopholes or something is being coveted..."

Tsunade snorted coldly, opened a bottle of sake casually, and drank it gulpily.

"ok, I get it."

Orochimaru nodded hesitantly.

"When will he be released on bail again?"

After Tsunade drank a bottle of sake, he hiccupped and asked casually.

"It will take another seven days..."

"At that time, I will ask several family jonin and you to jointly issue bail, so as not to cause any more trouble!"

Tsunade said in an unquestionable tone.

"fair enough."

Orochimaru naturally has no objection.

"That's it, drink it before leaving!"

Tsunade involuntarily stuffed a bottle of sake into Orochimaru with a wry smile on his face.


After returning to the detention room, Jilai also closed his eyes for a long time to rest his mind. After sensing that there was no one outside the prison, he slapped the soles of his feet and reluctantly activated a weak psychic spell.

Although he was still wearing the Chakra Imprisonment Bracelet, Jiraiya managed to squeeze out a trace of Chakra and summoned a special Mt. Myogi toad.

"...Master Ziraiya, what are your orders?"

The blue-grey-skinned Miaomushan small contact frog quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and lowered its voice to report to Jiraiya.

"Tell the two immortals that if I don't give special notice after seven days, use reverse psychic spells to guide me away at noon!"

Zilai also said in a low voice.

"As ordered!"

The contact frog quickly said: "The two masters also plan to let you go back to the Holy Land a few more times recently, but I don't know why I can't contact you. It is said that Master Jiraiya is going to start the practice of strengthening immortality!"

"I see, I'll go back to Mount Miaomu after I've dealt with things here..."

Zilai also nodded, promising.

As soon as he mentioned the cultivation of immortal arts, Zilai also immediately remembered the "natural nutritious meal" composed entirely of worms, and couldn't help but sour water from his stomach.

"In that case, then Master Jiraiya... I will go back first..."

The contact frog glanced at Jiraiya's current environment again.He said with a serious face.

"Don't talk nonsense with the two immortals, I'm fine..."

Zilai also quickly explained.

"Hmm, I see..."

The contact frog nodded again and again, and then canceled the spirit summoning.

Before leaving, he secretly looked at the Chakra Imprisonment Bracelet on Jiraiya's hands.


After a long sigh, Jilai also lay back on the hard wooden bed, quietly staring at the pure white ceiling in a trance.

If Zilai wants to leave, the mere confinement bracelet won't be able to catch him.

Moreover, if he absconds on his own, not only Jiraiya will be labeled as a defector, and since then he has added a lot of color to the black history of the original Hokage series, and Orochimaru, who is a bailman, will also be implicated.

But what puzzled him the most was when the village system was implemented so efficiently.

A mere voyeurism incident that had been suppressed for a long time was not known for how many years, but it was all caught up to talk about it, which shows that there may be someone else behind this incident.

"Uchiha, report, police department..."

Jiraiya silently pondered about this ongoing case, trying to connect the forces and purposes behind it.

 Today's update (2/2) Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket~
  seek (ω)

(End of this chapter)

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