Chapter 332

A ninja frog couldn't help sticking out its tongue, and stuck a bug flying above its head back into its mouth.

"The worms in the Ninja World are pretty good...with a slightly spicy taste and a bit of chewiness, which is quite different from the worms in Mt. Miaogi. It tastes different..."

After violating the sentry discipline established by Sarutobi Shinnosuke to prey on insects, this ninja frog couldn't help but discuss with his companions.

"I really don't like this kind of dirty food, and the natural energy content in the air is too little, and it doesn't have that sweet taste..."

The other Ninja frog retorted with a grunt.

"The air in the ninja world is so dirty, I feel like I have a breathing problem, and I don't know why the Great Immortal wants us to run over to fight those vicious ninjas."

"It's all here, it's good to eat something fresh~"

The other Ninja frogs said something casually, and they stuck out their tongues to catch bugs and ate them.

As for discipline or something, it has long been thrown out of the blue by this group of ninja frogs.

"A group of rabble..."

Uchiha Yatsushiro, who was lurking in the distance waiting for the arrival of reinforcements, listened to Hyuga Ninja's wonderful scene description, and couldn't help but sneer at the ninja crowd.

Unlike the ninja troops with strict discipline and emphasizing orders and prohibitions, although the strength of the Mt. Very different.

After a series of fierce micro-management, the detachment led by Uchiha Yatsushiro has gradually advanced to one kilometer away from the Ninja Frog control area, but this group of Ninja Frogs did not find any signs of the whereabouts of the Konoha Ninja Army. Lazy, and even started to openly catch bugs for fun.

If this was placed in the period of the cruel ninja world war, no matter how strong the ninja frogs are, once they are exposed, they will be surrounded and killed by several or even ten times more ninja troops.

"It's really interesting..."

Uchiha Yatsushiro chuckled twice, the inexplicable tension in his heart had completely faded away.

"Hey! How long will it take for the other detachments to arrive?"

"There are about 15 minutes left..."

The communication ninja estimated the time and replied.

"Notify them, be prepared to set up the sealing enchantment at the same time!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro ordered.

"As ordered!"

According to the experience shared by Chief Superintendent Namikaze Minato of the Police Department, if one wants to completely strangle a group of Mt. Therefore, as a basic combat command unit, each detachment of the anti-terrorist force is equipped with ninjas who can activate the two sealing techniques of the sealing magic circle and the steel ground magic circle.

It's just that due to the distance problem and the obstruction of mountains and rocks, Hyuga ninjas under Uchiha Yatsushiro failed to see what kind of situation the ninja frogs were in the cave of the realm.


"The eighth generation captain..."

Nearly 10 minutes later, Hinata Hinata, who served in the anti-terrorist force, also quietly came to Uchiha Yatsushiro's position.

"It's the daily chief of staff~"

Uchiha Yatsushiro was a little surprised, "Why did you also go into battle in person?"

"President Shiina was a little worried, so he ordered me to come over as well."

Said the day to day difference.

Then he also rolled his eyes and began to observe the movement in the direction of the target.

"There are 170 ninja frogs in the cave. Judging from their size, all of them are above Chunin. In addition, there are two with different appearances. They are probably the direct blood of the so-called Toad Immortal..."

"Is there a special species of toad with the legendary fairy chakra?"

Uchiha Yatsushiro is also interested.

"Failed to gain insight, but it should be..."

Hinata Hinata replied while writing the information in hand.

"Captain, all reinforcement teams have arrived at the preset positions."

The communication ninja whispered the report.

"—Communication preparation!"

Following Uchiha's order to Yatsudai, the communication ninja immediately became nervous.

"Notify all ministries that at [-]:[-], all ministries will activate the boundary-sealing magic circle at the same time!"

"As ordered!"

The communication ninja immediately took over and started sending telegrams tick by tick.

"The four reinforcement detachments are all ready!"

After receiving calls from various ministries, the communication ninja immediately reported.

"very good!"

Uchiha praised casually, and started counting down in his heart.

"10, 9, 8—"

"...3, 2, 1!"

As Uchiha Yadai thought "1" in his heart, the ripples of the five sealing art barriers swayed from different directions, covering the place where the ninja frogs gathered.

"Seal · Steel Land Dharma Realm!"

The ninja frogs who were on guard at the entrance of the cave hadn't reacted to the sudden chakra fluctuations, and then another sealing barrier was laid.

"Enemy attack!"

When the murderous ninjas of the anti-terrorism force officially jumped out of the ambush position and rushed, the ninjas uttered mournful cries.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

But before the ninjas could organize themselves, the combined ninjutsu of the anti-terrorist ninjas smashed viciously.

"Water Escape·Water and Iron Cannon Art!"

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Water escape……"

In a panic, the sentry ninjas fought on their own, using various water escape ninjutsu to try to resist.

But in the face of the absolute difference in numbers, the Vigilant Ninja Frog's resistance was particularly weak, and was quickly bombarded by a series of fire escape ninjutsu!
"Enemy attack!"

Hearing the shrill cry from outside the cave, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's expression changed drastically.

A group of ninjas who had just come to the ninja world through the psychic circle from Mount Miaomu suddenly fell into a panic.

Some picked up their weapons and prepared to rush out, some prepared to cancel the spirit summoning and escape directly, and some planned to escape through the ground.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke hadn't had time to issue a combat order in the future, and seeing this situation, he almost turned his nose with anger.

"Spiritualism can't be lifted! It's blocked!"

"Why is the technique of diving in the soil useless!"

"Brothers, come on!"

The chaotic ninjas fully embody the diversity of biological temperament, kicking Sarutobi Shinnosuke into the abyss of despair again.

At this time, the sound of ninjutsu bombing from the passage above the cave was getting closer.

"Is the last moment coming..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke exhaled, and suddenly became calm.


Following his angry shout, the flustered Ninja frogs suddenly fell silent, staring at Sarutobi Shinnosuke with their bubble eyes.

"Uchiha's ninja army will not survive..."

On Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body, the brown eight-tailed chakra began to release to form a tailed beast suit.

"Even if you are lucky enough to be captured, you group of aliens will only be sliced ​​and dissected in a dark laboratory!"

Against the backdrop of the cold Eight-Tails Chakra, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's words made the ninjas shudder, "Nowadays, spiritism and earth dungeon diving have been banned. If you want to survive, follow my command and kill from the front. go out!"

Accompanied by Sarutobi Shinnosuke's words, the sound of ninjutsu explosion and ninjutsu death in the cave passage is getting closer and closer.

"Kill kill kill!"

The Vigorous Toad and the Iron-armed Toad, who had a blood feud with the Uchiha clan, responded immediately. Driven by them, more than 170 ninja frogs quickly formed a counterattack array in the cave, and moved slowly towards the cave passage.

"Those toads are starting to fight back!"

Hinata Hizashi, who had been staring blankly, noticed the strange movement in the cave, and immediately yelled at the five detachment leaders.

"And, the leading commander is Shinnosuke Sarutobi!"

"There are also two special toads, which should be the Vigorous Toad and the Iron-armed Toad that appeared in the bloody case!"

"Mt. Miaomu's toad is in the village's ninja defensive counterattack formation!"

One after another of ninja information poured out from Hinata Hinata's mouth, revealing all the arrangements of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

And this is also the fundamental reason why the Hyuga clan is known as the most important vision and eyes in the ninja battle. As long as there are Hyuga ninjas, then all the enemy's arrangements will be like running wild in the downtown area in broad daylight, and there is nowhere to escape. shape; and Hinata Risai is also therefore sitting on the position of chief of staff of the anti-terrorism force.

"A group of toads have set up a ninja battle array!"

A Jōnin detachment leader laughed strangely, "It seems that this group of aliens really have a way to kill them!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy! These toads are not good people, and this environment is not conducive to our numerical advantage!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro ordered: "Except for the Blade Assault Unit, the others will join up immediately to form a ninjutsu barrage Xu Jin formation!"

In addition to the detachment of Yatsushiro Uchiha, the anti-terrorist forces participating in the war also had four detachments that came to reinforce them; apart from some ninjas who arranged seal barriers on the periphery and performed close protection, there were still some ninjas who entered the cave. Nearly 500 people.

Compared with the Ninjas who are marching towards the cave tunnel, the anti-terrorist force has more than twice the numerical advantage.If it weren't for the fact that the sealing squad that was maintaining the barrier on the periphery couldn't last long, Uchiha Yatsushiro and others would not count as a direct attack, but would choose to use ninjutsu to slowly blast the group of ninja frogs into scum.

However, in order to quickly resolve the battle, the experienced Uchiha Yatsushiro selected some elite ninjas from various detachments to form the Blade Commando, and then other ninjas carried out ninjutsu bombing support according to their respective ninjutsu formations.

This is also the only way to take advantage of one's own number of people in the case of limited space in caves and tunnels.

"Fire escape · Ash accumulation burns!"

A stream of high-temperature smoke and dust drifted out from the depths of the tunnel, and drifted towards the Blade Commandos who were advancing cautiously.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Uchiha Jonin, who was lined up in the rear, snorted coldly, and commanded his subordinates to launch ninjutsu to counter it.

"Water Escape·Water Rush!"

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Under a series of ninjutsu counterattacks, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's pathfinding ninjutsu was quickly dispelled.

"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

Afterwards, several Uchiha jounin teamed up to perform high-level ninjutsu, and with the help of the wind escape from the military formation, they reversed and suppressed the past.

The ninjas of the Blade Commando lowered their figures one by one, giving way to the ninjutsu bombardment space above their heads, and everyone in the ninja army behind was also ready to perform the technique.

Uchiha's revenge battle is imminent.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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