Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 334 Real estate development is the kingly way

Chapter 334 Real estate development is the kingly way
"According to the deployment and arrangement of your Excellency, the anti-terrorism force will not waver in the anti-terrorism and anti-insurgency combat policy, insist on implementing the guidance of the Governor's Office on the elimination of Mt. working principle……"

"After detecting the movement of the terrorists in Mt. Myogi, under the coordination of Commander Shiina, the anti-terrorism force assembled five detachments of elite ninja troops. The captain of the Yatsushiro Uchiha detachment and the chief of staff Hinata Hinata performed the impromptu command ... Annihilated nearly [-] Mt. Miaomu Ninja frogs above the Chunin level..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, feeling a headache for the bureaucratic literature of the anti-terrorism force.

"Hachidai Jonin, who wrote this report!"

"Lord Deguang, the report on the border clearing campaign was compiled by the command center of the anti-terrorism force, and both Shimo and Hizaka Ninja made some insignificant contributions to the compilation of the report!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro immediately replied solemnly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu felt tired again, while Uchiha Yatsushiro felt a little confused.

Could it be... Master Deguang is dissatisfied with not being able to wipe out the Mt. Miaomu toad?Or is it because the report is not beautifully written?

Then continue to improve next time!
Uchiha Yatsushiro secretly encouraged himself.

"Yatsushiro Jonin, are you planning to transfer back to the village?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu flipped through the battle report again, and nodded with satisfaction when he saw that a Ninja Frog with Senju Chakra had been captured again.

The research institute has only one Toad Zhong to conduct research, and it is still a bit stretched. If there is another one, the research on Xianshu Chakra should be accelerated appropriately.

Although due to some mistakes in the peripheral deployment in this battle, the sealed ninjas of each detachment suffered some losses, but this is nothing compared to the fruitful results.

The anti-terrorism troops dispatched in this battle directly lost more than 150 people, annihilated and killed more than [-] Mt. Miaomu ninja frogs, and captured twelve; and if this exchange ratio continues, the anti-terrorism troops of Mt. Miaomu will die. alive and kicking.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care about the little tricks in the text used by the anti-terrorist forces in the report.

"Since you are willing to transfer back to the village to work, then there is a place that should be more suitable for you..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a letter of appointment from the folder and handed it over.

"Thank you Master Deguang for your compassion!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro was overjoyed, and quickly took the letter of appointment from Uchiha Tokumitsu with both hands.

"New district police station... the acting director of the superintendent rank?"

Although the police rank is one level lower than the expected chief superintendent, it is quite a pleasant surprise to have another powerful position as acting director.

But where is the jurisdiction of the so-called New District Police Station?
Yatsushiro Uchiha has been stationed abroad for some time, and he is a little unaware of the recent changes in the village.

"The village was unanimously decided to develop the Muye New District by the resolution of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives established a new district development management committee, and the Nangachuan Stock Exchange, the United Company and various ninjas jointly funded and established a village investment company to jointly develop the village. Nanhechuan eastern plot project..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained.

"In addition, I have arranged for your partner..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up a document again and handed it over, "Chief Superintendent Namikaze Minato will work with you to form a new district police station. I hope you will work together and cooperate well."

"I will do my best, abide by my duties, and live up to Lord Deguang's expectations!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro immediately saluted and replied.


Konoha Village Investment Company is the last link for Uchiha Tokumitsu to achieve soft control of Konoha.

In the economic system of the Uchiha family, the Nangagawa Stock Exchange is responsible for making money. Its main business is to issue and underwrite various bonds, and to obtain interest spreads in large capital flows. In addition, the stock exchange also undertakes The task of issuing gold coupons for the shogunate is equivalent to the central bank of the Tokumitsu shogunate; and the joint company is the link between the Uchiha clan and internal and external vassals, maintaining a loose but large number of non-staff ninja troops. A way to obtain high profits by controlling and monopolizing the supply of goods.

One focuses on funds, the other focuses on commodity circulation, and the village investment company, as the last link to control Konoha, is to grasp the "infrastructure" closely related to Konoha in the future.

"Integrate into the life of every Konoha person like water and electricity!"

This is the purpose of Konoha Village Investment Company, which Uchiha Tokumitsu personally drafted.

Of course, in fact, Uchiha Tokumitsu’s expectations for the village investment company are more than that——

"Only death and village vote are inevitable!"

——This is the purpose of his proposal to establish a village investment company.

In terms of equity setting, after many rounds of bargaining among the Uchiha clan, the Jōnin House of Representatives and Ninja senators in the Senate and House of Representatives, a decision was finally made.

The Konoha Senate and House of Representatives have 51% of the shares, of which the House of Representatives entrusts the New Area Management Committee to hold 30% of the shares, and the Senate holds 29% of the shares.

The reason why it is called a share interest is that the establishment of the village investment company was jointly funded by the Uchiha clan, the United Company, the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, and various wealthy families. Before the principal and interest, the collective shares controlled by the village can only extract no more than 30% of the profits for the construction of the village.

In the other 49% of the shares, the Uchiha clan owns 15%, the Nangagawa Stock Exchange and the United Corporation each own 8%, the Senju clan owns 6%, the Hyuga clan owns 5%, other ninja clans and individual jounin. Own 7%.

Although this shareholding structure is very loose, except for the Uchiha clan, everyone in the village is very satisfied.

In the eyes of civilian ninjas, the village holds 51% of the shares, which means that this is the village's absolute control over the new area. For the debts of wealthy institutions, the village investment company can also extract part of the profits for the benefit of the villagers of Konoha. This is a win-win situation—won twice!

The civilians who have won numbness have no objection, and the ninja naturally have no objection.

Although the total shares of the Uchiha clan and the two institutions it actually controls have reached 31%, this is not the Uchiha clan eating alone!

Senshou, Hyuga, each ninja family, and individual investors are equal except for voting rights as shareholders, which means that everyone can dictate the development of the new district or seek some benefits from it—for example, certain locations are extremely The "long-term lease" of a good shop, this kind of oil and water is really a lot!

Although the fat meat developed in the new area is not much for everyone to eat, but just a piece of fat meat is enough to cook a pot of soup.

In addition, the Uchiha clan originally had the ability to eat all the share of the new area development, but it was still forced to let the various ninjas eat 18% of the shares. This is a victory for the powerful Uchiha clan Ah - the ninjas also won!

As for the opinions of the Uchiha clan on the village investment company, the reason is also very simple, that is, they feel that the loss of 18% of the stock rights for no reason makes everyone's future income less for no reason.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu also patiently held a clan meeting to publicize the clan members.

"The village is everyone's village, and the Uchiha clan should not earn the last copper coin!"

"Although the family has made some concessions, we still have the right to speak in the actual development process!"

"For example, the plot of land for the development of the new district is located in the area east of Nanhechuan, so...in addition to the new district, is the wasteland of Nanhechuan also..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not continue, but the tribe immediately understood what he meant.

"It turns out that it can still operate like this!"

A group of Uchiha Jonin who are proficient in various slashing skills suddenly realized.

"Moreover, the development of the new area is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Except for the empty shelf of the village investment company, the specific construction needs to be carried out in the form of a professional company. I believe that with everyone's ability, you can get the share you want. of……"

You must know that although the so-called "Konoha New District" is still a wasteland, the candidate Uchiha Tokumitsu, the new chief of the New District Police Department of the Police Department, has been officially appointed. For the Uchiha people, wanting to intervene is not a matter of words.

If it is a contractor who has a good relationship with the Uchiha clan, then you can get the certificate early and start work early. If everyone is not dealing with it behind the scenes, then everything has to follow the rules of the New District Management Committee-take your time , Do a solid job!

In this way, resentment comes from above, and grace comes from Uchiha.

No one in Konoha knows more about political achievements than Tokumitsu Uchiha.

Furthermore, the idea of ​​"making a spectacle" is something that every person in power will have, and the high-level members of the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives are no exception. Uchiha Tokumitsu does not believe that they can control the short-term high profits of real estate temptation.

Moreover, the other shareholder ninjas do not have such huge financial resources as the Uchihas. If they want to benefit further, they must support the expansion of the village investment company.

So, within the fixed total capital of the village investment company, what should we do if we want to continue to expand in the short term-raise debt!Nanhechuan Securities Research Institute will serve you wholeheartedly!

I'm not afraid of you borrowing money, I'm afraid you borrow less!
For example, the commission commission of the village mission center can be used as mortgage, the water and electricity facilities and charges of the village can be used as mortgage, and even if the Senate and House of Representatives are willing, their office buildings can also be used as mortgage!
After obtaining funds, the village investment company is not allowed to spend at will, but must select partners within the scope of designated "high-quality suppliers"-in this way, it is equivalent to returning to the Uchiha clan after a round of money pocket, but also get additional interest and other construction benefits!
As long as the company continues to raise debts to expand, the shares belonging to the village can only extract less than 30% of the income. At that time, the Nangagawa Stock Exchange, which is actually controlled by the Uchiha family, will really win!

"In addition, the family intends to include the wasteland in Nanhechuan into the family fund for unified development. At that time, all profits will be shared equally by head!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again dropped a blockbuster on the tribe, "Whether it is a ninja or an ordinary tribe, whether it is a child or an old man, their share in the development of Nangachuan is the same!"

Some family ninjas with a large population immediately showed satisfied smiles, while families with a small population secretly made up their minds to create humans as soon as possible!

Although absolute average does not mean absolute fairness, for the Uchiha clan, this is also one of the means used to stimulate population growth.

Sitting on the sidelines and listening, Elder Setsuna also showed a satisfied smile on his face. Although he didn't quite understand Uchiha Tokumitsu's way of doing things without seeking complete control and only focusing on practical benefits, as long as it was good for the family, he would Willing to show support.

What satisfies him most is Uchiha Tokumitsu's consistent way of doing things: he does not pursue the ultimate benefit, but is willing to share with the family, vassals, and other ninjas in the village to a limited extent, so as to realize the richer clan and ninja A richer vision.

Even Tokumitsu Uchiha did not directly exercise the privilege of Governor Konoha a few times.

In addition to being arbitrary in dealing with sinners such as Sarutobi and Shimura, Uchiha Tokumitsu has discussed other matters with the family and the village. He will neither bully others nor damage the interests of the family. Virtue is extremely abundant, he is simply the most perfect Uchiha leader!

"Mr. Deguang! The management committee of the new area is ready. When will the official development start?"

Hatake Sakumo came to Uchiha Tokumitsu's office excitedly again.

At this time, Tokumitsu Uchiha had just signed an order for the amount of capital contributed by the stock exchange and the joint company.

"Let me see~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked through his itinerary, "How about August [-]th? It's the middle of the month, everything will be fine!"

"I have no opinion!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately agreed.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Uchiha Tokumitsu sent away the smug Hatake Sakumo.

"Sure enough, real estate development is the kingly way!"

Even an honest man like Sakumo Hatake was coaxed into joy by the gaudy data of the traders at the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange.

Of course, a ninja village cannot only have real estate. For example, all kinds of ninja equipment, detonating charms and other military supplies are the most important.

However, Governor Tokumitsu of Daren Dade didn't want the ninjas in the village to be so tired. He planned to invest in bringing all such arms businesses back under the control of the family after the dividends from real estate development made Konoha go crazy.

As for the ninjas in the village, they only need to receive dividends and perform some tasks to get a lot of income, so that they can contribute their strength to the village for the rest of their lives; as for ordinary villagers, they can enjoy the blessings of the village investment company It's enough to report, and the Uchiha clan will pay for the dirty work!

"How can there be a good person like me in this world!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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