Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 392 If you don’t give money, it’s not a deal.

Chapter 392 If you don’t give money, it’s not a deal.

"Ninja-sama! He planned to live for nothing without giving me the money! He also destroyed my restaurant!"

The owner of the ramen restaurant who ran out in embarrassment shouted at Josuke Uchiha: "Be sure to catch him!"

"This guy has no identity! And refuses to honor payment!"

The hired ninja who was kicked out also quickly stood up and said to Uchiha Josuke.

Uchiha Jousuke waved his hand, motioning them to stay away.

Being able to ignore the illusion cast by his Three-Goal Jade Sharingan shows that the person in front of him is by no means simple!
Either the attainment of illusion surpasses oneself, or the strength is far superior to oneself!
Judging from the chakra fluctuations that erupted just now, Uchiha Josuke is more inclined to think that the opponent's strength is superior.

After making a tactical gesture casually, signaling his subordinates to put on lethal ninjas, Uchiha Josuke said slowly: "The Joint Anti-Terrorist Force received a notification that you are suspected of creating chaos, disrupting order and disobeying control, please immediately arrest and follow us." one trip!"

Asura didn't speak, he just looked up and down at the serious Uchiha Josuke with eyes that looked at rare things.

You really deserve to be a descendant of your brother!The strength is still very good!

It's a pity that like his brother, he is too self-reliant on force, and cannot practice the concept of mutual understanding between people through the way of Chakra.

Ashura felt a little sorry in his heart.

The immortals of Mt. Miaomu are right, there is indeed something wrong with the ninja world today!

"Suspect! Please accept control immediately! Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk!"

Uchiha Josuke drew out his ninja sword across his chest, and the anti-terrorist ninjas under his command were divided into four teams of three, ready to besiege.

"Anti-terrorist force..."

Ashura also learned about this ninja army that had committed many "crimes" against the Holy Land of Miaomu Mountain through the communication with Fukasaku Immortal, but it still felt a little strange to meet for the first time.

Both the equipment and posture are different from the ninja ninjas in ancient times.The anti-terrorism ninja with uniform outfit looks like it was born for fighting.

This is also exactly what Ashura dislikes the most.

In his opinion, this is completely the result of suppressing the personality and self-will of the ninja. It is a very sad thing for a ninja with unlimited possibilities to be reduced to a killing tool.

Just like the way of Indra, which is doomed to failure, it will only be ruthlessly eliminated by the times...

Asura's eyes were full of compassion, and he sighed and shook his head.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

Uchiha Jousuke, who jumped forward, swung his sword quickly, and slashed at Asura wrapped in fierce flames.

And six of his subordinates rushed forward to launch a melee attack, and the other six quickly formed seals to prepare for ninjutsu.

"Wind escape · whirlwind return array!"

Asura repeated his old trick, once again releasing a whirlwind of body protection to rotate around his body. While deflecting the various hidden weapon attacks of the anti-terrorist ninjas, his right hand also condensed a highly compressed chakra branch to attack Uchiha. The ninja sword that comes, strikes away——

"Hurricane Ball!"


With a loud noise, the highly compressed wind chakra exploded while blowing out the flame of the ninja sword, turning into split blades and splashing in all directions.

"Blinking technique!"

Uchiha Josuke felt bad the moment the hurricane ball hit his ninja sword, and he made a quick decision, abandoning his ninja sword and escaping.

Although the vest on his body was cut off by the aftermath of the wind blade, at least there were no scars on his body.

However, due to his subordinates' reaction problems, four of the six anti-terrorist ninjas who approached and attacked were knocked to the ground by the wind blade, and their bodies were cut and covered with scars.

"This level of wind escape..."

Uchiha Jousuke was astonished.

It only takes one blow to decipher the sword attack launched by himself as a Jonin, and the aftermath knocks down six subordinates... How did such a powerful ninja emerge!

"You have strayed from the way of Ninja, so you must correct it..."

Asura regained his posture, and after saying something to Uchiha Jousuke, he launched an active attack.

"You save people and evacuate!"

Uchiha Josuke only had time to give an order, and then he shook hands with Kunimei to fight; and the other two Jnin under his command also quickly attacked Asura.

In a battle at this level, the combat power of a chunin level is no longer effective.

Moreover, this is a town after all, and some overly powerful area-of-effect ninjutsu are difficult to cast.

"Wind Escape · Vacuum Jade!"

"Wind Escape·Wind Blade!"

The two jonin attacked Ashura from the rear, one from the left and the other from the right, intending to delay his frontal attack on Uchiha Jousuke.

"Wind escape..."

Asura grabbed the kunai swung by Uchiha Josuke with his right hand, as if he was not afraid of the sharp edge of the metal ninja tool, and turned his left hand towards the back, preparing to use the ninjutsu.

"Explosive storm!"

An extremely violent shock wave was struck from Asura's left palm, forcing the two Junin back.

At the same time, his right hand also grabbed Uchiha Josuke's Kunai.


Uchiha Jousuke's eyelids twitched, and a pair of Sangouyu Sharingans even showed some signs of collapse.

From the perspective of his Sharingan, the mysterious ancient ninja in front of him seemed not to play by the rules at all. Even his so-called ninjutsu only relied on the huge amount of chakra to be performed at will!

Even the right hand holding the Kunai blade is condensed with ultra-thin but extremely tough water escape chakra!


A smile appeared on Asura's mouth, and the water escape chakra that had been condensed in his hand instantly turned into a violent electric current, which was transmitted to Uchiha Jousuke's body.

"King Kong Tornado Kicks!"

Just when Uchiha Josuke was stunned by the Lightning Chakra electric shock, the Shinobi of the intelligence department who was hidden on the side immediately stepped out, first kicked the stiff Uchiha Josuke away, and then moved towards the Asura spins continuously!
Uchiha Jousuke, who was first paralyzed by the electric shock and then awakened by a kick, rolled away to remove the force of the kick before landing, and rushed towards Asura again with his hands in mudra.

The other two anti-terrorism troop jounin who were forced to retreat also swung their knives again from behind.

After the ten anti-terrorist Chunin who did not participate in the battle first sent out a signal for help, they prepared to perform a combination of enchantment ninjutsu outside the combat range to block the "mysterious enemy"'s retreat.

——Although judging from the current fighting situation, the anti-terrorist force is completely at a disadvantage, the anti-terrorist chuunin still firmly believe that as long as reinforcements arrive, their side will definitely win!
This is also the confidence they have accumulated in chasing and strangling black market ninjas and all kinds of aliens all over the ninja world!

No matter how strong the individual is, all so-called strong men are paper tigers in the face of the systematic combat methods of the Tokuko Shogunate.

To the north of the country of Tian, ​​there are ninja formations such as the northern border defense force and the garrison of the country of thunder. Once they arrive, this difficult mysterious strongman will have nowhere to escape!
And this is one of the reasons why Uchiha is fighting hard with his help. As long as they can hold back their opponents, they are not worried about not having support in the future.

"Wind escape · wind cut!"

With a loud shout, Asura burst out a mighty storm of wind blades, forcing the four besieging Jōnin away, and then stood there with his hands down.

And Uchiha Josuke and others, who still had lingering fears, also stood still at the four corners, holding the momentum of encirclement.

"Your ninjutsu is good, and the application of chakra is quite clever..."

Asura put his hands behind his back and said slowly: "Especially you, Uchiha's ninja, the power of your bloodline is well tapped."


Uchiha Jousuke snorted coldly, his face very ugly.

Although he didn't use the trick of fighting with his life, but during the siege of the four people just now, he also found that his strength was far from that of a man.

The most important thing is that the opponent's resistance to illusions is surprisingly high, and even the Uchiha clan's magical Sharingan cannot have much impact on it.

But he just wasn't happy.

I feel extremely uncomfortable with such condescending and didactic words!

Especially this person is still an unknown person who came out of nowhere!
"Your evidence of illegal behavior is solid, and you will be included in the most wanted list of the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force. The ninja world is so big that there will be no place for you to hide from now on!"

Uchiha Jousuke said slowly: "So, as long as you give up resistance and accept the investigation is the only way out!"

Even if the strength is not as good as others, you can't admit defeat.

What's more, delaying time through words is also a good choice.

"I asked you to bring a detachment here a long time ago!"

The Shinobi from the intelligence department couldn't help but rambled: "This is all right, I can't even set up a large enchantment."

"Can you say a few words less!"

Uchiha Jousuke had blue veins popping out of his forehead, and couldn't help scolding angrily.

"I don't recognize your laws, so I have no so-called illegal behavior."

Asura said calmly.

"But you don't pay for eating at a ramen restaurant!"

Uchiha Jousuke shouted.

"Although merchants' behavior of buying low and selling high can help allocate supplies, it is not a good thing for a long time. Self-sufficiency in farming and weaving is the basis for peace and stability."

Asura didn't seem to be worried about the signal flare rising from the distance, but continued to argue with Uchiha Josuke.

"...What kind of logic are you talking about!"

While Uchiha Josuke quickly mobilized Chakra to prepare for the outbreak, he was also dealing with Asura's words.

"This world is already sick. Not only did you fail to heal it, but instead you rushed towards the abyss. It is really unreasonable..."

Asura spread his hands and said with a sigh.


Uchiha Jousuke chuckled, "Is this the reason for not giving money?"

"I don't agree with the behavior of buying low and selling high, but I understand their difficulty, and I will allow their existence, just by persuading them to return to the right path..."

Asura's words were full of compassion, which made Uchiha Josuke and others feel sick.

"So you don't pay?"

Shinobi from the Ministry of Intelligence also interjected.

"I am opposed to businessmen's transactions because they violate the principle of value exchange..."

Asura spread his hands, "But because I also understand the difficulties of businessmen, I won't embarrass them, but give them a precious mission opportunity and friendship in return; in this way, as long as you don't give money, it's not considered a transaction; Besides, as long as they return to the correct lifestyle of farming, weaving and housekeeping after their business setbacks, they will live better than they are now."

"This logic is really touching..."

Uchiha Josuke felt that what this guy said was too harsh.

"What is logic?"

Asura asked curiously.


Uchiha Josuke lengthened his voice and took a deep breath——

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

A sea of ​​flames spewed out and overturned towards Asura.

"That's logic!"

Uchiha Josuke felt that if he listened to it again, he would have to go back to the village and get brain fragments to cure his brain!

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

"Wind escape vacuum blade!"

The two wind-dun ninjutsu of anti-terrorist jnin also further boosted the power of fire-dun.


Asura's figure was instantly submerged by the burst of fire.

"That's not right..."

Uchiha Jousuke's eyelids twitched, and quickly closed the seal again.

"It's really not right!"

Asura put his palm on Uchiha Jousuke's shoulder, his face was as cold as ice.


Uchiha Jousuke was shocked.

When did it come behind me!
"Time and space ninjutsu..."

"Flying Thunder God!"

"You are a ninja of a thousand hands!"

Uchiha Josuke shouted quickly, while using tactical gestures to notify his men to evacuate, he quickly lowered his shoulders and tried to get rid of Asura's control.

"Lei Dun!"

A dazzling Lightning Chakra erupted from Ashura's palm, shocking Uchiha Josuke into a faint, and even a black smoke came out of his open mouth.

"Stubborn people must be educated!"

Asura yelled angrily, and released a whirlwind again to force the anti-terrorist ninjas back, and then formed a seal with one hand, and disappeared without a trace with Uchiha Josuke in an instant.

"Quickly inform the headquarters and Lord Deguang!"

The flustered intelligence department endured repeated reprimands, terrified.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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