Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 394 The Collision of Times

Chapter 394 The Collision of Times

A super-large barrier spanning the two counties, regardless of whether it can successfully block the time-space ninjutsu of the target person, the scale alone is unprecedented.

But this time, the Konoha Sealing Squad and the Uzumaki Clan, together with the enlisted sealing ninjas, totaled more than [-] people, plus two Jinchuriki and a Tailed Beast as the supply source of Chakra, the investment in both manpower and material resources exceeded imagine.

Even Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but be amazed by such a grand plan.

But this is not to blame Uchiha Tokumitsu for making a fuss over a molehill.

After all, there was a Mudun monster born before, and now a strong time and space ninjutsu similar to Flying Thunder God appeared.

Of course, it's not that Konoha has become weak on the frontal battlefield, but that a lone wolf-style strong man is always the most troublesome for an organization.

In order to avoid falling into the "suppressing more and more bandits", Hatake Sakumo naturally agreed to Uchiha Tokumitsu's request to "strike hard".

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has the risk of facing the enemy alone, in addition to the two-tailed brigade who is used to cooperating, he also extracted Nanao Shigeaki from the body of Harataki Ninja Churiki, and controlled it with the kaleidoscope Sharingan Live as one of the backup means.

Moreover, Nanao has another advantage, that is, it can fly!And fly fast!

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has still not been able to master the technique of Flying Raijin, after he finds the kidnapped Uchiha Jousuke, he can strengthen and lock the position between the bestowed sage seeds through sage chakra. Come to find the whereabouts of the unknown strong man.

So even if there is something wrong with the sealing circle, Uchiha Tokumitsu can fly over to continue chasing and killing through positioning.

As for whether he could beat this person, Uchiha Tokumitsu had not considered it.

"... Be careful in this battle!"

Hatake Sakumo said solemnly.

He also put on light armor with stronger defense and lighter weight, with two swords on his waist and a Nodachi on his back, completely looking like a samurai in armor.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how strong an unknown so-called strong man is, there are limits."

Tokumitsu Uchiha just put on a pair of chakra metal wrist guards, which is also a ninja tool specially made by the Uzumaki Research Institute; there is still a commonly used small sword at the waist, the ninja tool on the chest is bulging, and various scroll ninja tools are carried Complete and ready for a protracted war.

"Even if the two counties are completely smashed to pieces, this strong man with the Flying Thunder God Art must be left behind!"

Hatake Sakumo was also a little ruthless.

According to what Uchiha Josuke said before he was taken into captivity, the target person this time seems to be a thousand-handed ninja who owns the flying thunder god, otherwise it is impossible to explain that such a forbidden technique will be mastered by an unknown person; but even the thousand-handed clan in charge of Tsunade , also denied this statement for the first time, claiming that there is no such person in the Senju clan and supporting the extermination operations organized by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

Although this move seems cold-blooded and ruthless, it is also reasonable.

Because even Tsunade doesn't dare to bet the future of the clan on whether the other party is really a clan member who has a sense of belonging to the clan.

If you don't hurry up and cut it, the Uchiha clan will probably slaughter Konoha's Senju clan by then.

"I'm going first."

Teams of ninja troops are marching to the designated position in full swing. After Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo exchanged greetings for a while, they also got up and prepared to go to Toba County where the target is haunted and Fushimi County where they may go to for inspection.

"Fortune lasts forever!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded, then sat on a chair beside him with his eyes closed, quietly waiting for Uchiha Tokumitsu's impending call.


"It's really satisfying!"

Satisfied, Ashura, who spent nearly three hours eating a hearty meal, took Uchiha Josuke slowly and continued to wander around the county town of Toba County.

The lights have come on and the moon is shining brightly, but the main road of the county city is still bustling, and the crowds of people going to and from shopping are not in the middle of the day.

This scene of prosperity and stability was something Ashura had never seen before.

Although it is completely different from the ideal social structure in his mind, it is undeniable that the civilians of the ninja world today at least live more like individuals than in ancient times.

"How long can these common people live?"

Asura asked casually.

"The average life span of farmers in the countryside is about forty, and residents in towns and cities can probably live to sixty. As for the nobles, it depends on fate."

Uchiha Jousuke made up an answer casually.

He is not a ninja in charge of social research in the intelligence department, how could he know such boring data as the average life expectancy in the ninja world.

However, according to Konoha's situation, it is roughly within this range.

And, it sounds like... the schizophrenia of the blond guy seems to be on the mend all of a sudden?
"Then why don't all the peasants move into towns and live?"

Ashura asked puzzled.

"...Then who will farm and provide food?"

Uchiha Jousuke was speechless, feeling that it was a mistake for him to change his view just now.

Sure enough, he was still a fool with a brain-hip split!
"It makes sense~"

Asura nodded indifferently, and continued to ask: "By the way, what does it mean that a noble's life depends on fate?"

Why do you have so many questions!

Uchiha Josuke became a little impatient, but considering the disparity in strength between the two sides and the fact that his life is in the hands of others, he replied honestly: "Damyo nobles are easily soluble in water and fire!"

"... There is no distinction between superiority and inferiority!"

This time Asura understood Uchiha Josuke's metaphor, but he just let it go with a cold snort, and then continued to browse the pedestrian street under the night with great interest.

This is also the conclusion that Ashura came to after observing the ninja world, that is, in today's ninja world, if there are no nobles, the common people may live better.

At least during Tian Zhiguo's visits to collect news, he also encountered some evil deeds of small nobles. At that time, Asura also carried forward the fine traditions to punish evil and promote good; but when Uchiha helped, he clearly stated that these assisted common people He will surely die in the revenge of the nobles afterwards, so Asura no longer does such stupid things.

But after entering the Land of Fire, he found that in this country where the United Corporation has a strong presence, the nobles seem to be very law-abiding.

Even the taxes they collect are stipulated by the joint company, and they dare not ask for more than a penny!

In this way, the Uchiha clan and its vassals that he wanted to oppose and destroy became the guardians of the common people instead? !
This is completely inconsistent with the description of Fukasaku Sennin of Mt. Myoboku that the ninja world is in dire straits and civilians are tortured by Uchiha!

"Go back to Mt. Miaomu for a while longer and discuss with Immortal Fukasaku!"

Asura once again felt that his way of ninja was right.

After all, there is such a fierce conflict between the Uchiha clan of my brother's descendants and the Miaogishan lineage. To put it bluntly, there is a lack of love and understanding!And isn't this what I have been advocating in the way of Ninja~
As long as Uchiha Tokumitsu is willing to give up the evil deeds of worshiping the goddess Uno and destroy the place of worship, Ashura feels that he can still be given a chance to reform.

Big deal, it would be nice to replace it with this guy...

Asura glanced at Uchiha Jousuke without leaving a trace, and became more and more satisfied with him.

After all, it is also a good choice to have an obedient person to promote the way of Asura.

And this is also in line with my long-standing philosophy of "killing carefully".

"It's better to walk more to gain more knowledge! Are you right?"

Asura sighed: "By the way, what's your name?"

"Uchiha Josuke..."

Then Uchiha Jousuke also asked: "What about you? Until now, I still don't know what to call you."


"Good name!"

Uchiha Josuke once again wrote down this name that did not conform to the logic of naming in the ninja world.

Based on the information I have obtained, it is estimated that I can crush the rice worms from the intelligence department!

Uchiha Josuke was very proud of himself, and felt a little gratified for what he had gained from the humiliation of the past few days.

"Let's go!"

Ashura, who walked around and saw enough new things, said to Uchiha Josuke: "Is there any bigger city nearby?"

"A little further south is Fushimi County, where high-quality glutinous rice is abundant, and the local special dango is also a must."

Uchiha Jousuke also figured out Asura's preferences, so he immediately fell in love with him.

"Fushimi... that's fine too."

Asura agreed without thinking too much, and then left Toba County with Josuke Uchiha.

After asking about the location of Fushimi County outside the city, Ashura took out a strange-looking kunai from his arms, threw it in the direction of Fushimi County, and then sat down in the shade of a tree.

"It's a forbidden technique that can be called a miracle..."

Uchiha Jousuke is very eye-catching. It is not the first time he has experienced the wonderful feeling of transcending space.

Asura's strength is also surprisingly strong, especially after injecting Chakra into the strange-shaped Kunai and throwing it out, the flight distance of Kunai can reach about [-] kilometers!

This is simply comparable to the range of the shogunate's newly developed detonating talisman rocket launcher!

And there is another advantage of realizing teleportation when space ninjutsu is activated by Kunai as a traction, that is, it will not leave traces and smells along the way!

"But fortunately, this guy is obviously behind the times..."

Asura is not familiar with the geography and city distribution of the Land of Fire, so he needs to be guided by Uchiha Jousuke where he is going, and this process can be properly guided.

Coupled with the cough ciphertext left along the way, the consumption records of large-amount gold coupons, etc., it is easy for the shogunate and the joint company to obtain information about his whereabouts.

As for radio stations, short-distance walkie-talkies and other equipment are beyond Asura's imagination, as long as there is no Chakra, he will only feel that what he sees is just a small decoration.

If not controlled by others, Uchiha Josuke could even send out information on his location through the large radio station he came into contact with.

Moreover, in the process of wandering around the street after eating, he also heard the repeated rhythmic drumming from the United Company store not far away. It was the beat of the telegram text, which meant "start moving."

This also shows that the anti-terrorist forces and even Mr. Deguang have found the information he left behind and delineated the area to prepare for action.

"The only tricky thing is this guy's forbidden technique..."

Uchiha Jousuke sighed inwardly.

He also couldn't think of any means that could imprison such forbidden arts that came and went freely, just like he couldn't figure out why the second generation Senju Tobirama, who was proficient in and developed so many forbidden arts, died in the Kingdom of Thunder. Same.

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(End of this chapter)

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