Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 396 Immortal Chakra

Chapter 396 Undead Chakra (Two in One)

Theoretically speaking, when a large-scale sealing circle is officially deployed, all time and space ninjutsu, secret techniques, etc. within the range covered by the barrier will be completely restricted.

Of course, it's not that it can't be used, but its effect is forcibly offset by the power of the barrier; if it can burst out the power of time and space far exceeding the power of the barrier in a very short period of time, maybe it can still break through in a short time Blocked by a barrier.

Therefore, in the previous alien eradication battles, the sealing circle had been forcibly broken through by Miaomu Mountain's magical spells several times.

Just like the confrontation between the spear and the shield, the competition between banning and breaking the ban is spiraling and never-ending. Uzumaki ninjas are also constantly improving the structure of the sealing circle. After Orochimaru officially joined the research, Iterated the enchantment to version 3.0.

And the latest version also added an interesting thing, that is the key.

And at this time the key is in the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Therefore, in theory, except Uchiha Tokumitsu, no one else can use time and space ninjutsu such as spiritism and flying thunder god within the range of the barrier.

Of course, if Asura's sealing skills were higher than anyone else's, then it would not be difficult to break this expensive sealing barrier.

But the problem is that it takes time to break the enchantment.Just like computer attack and defense, either find out the loopholes in principle, or overwhelm the existence of the "server" with overwhelming force to paralyze it.

Uchiha Deguang would not let him have this kind of leisure to ponder slowly.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu is alone at this time, in fact, as long as he does it, he can summon Matata Natsuo through psychic techniques, or Sakumo Hatake can be psychically summoned by psychic scroll nesting dolls to help out.

But he was not in such a hurry. Before the useless attendant ninjas evacuated, he just silently adjusted the chakra state in his body and locked the qi machine firmly on Asura.

"You really know a lot..."

Asura observed the dark sky due to the existence of the barrier, and then sighed quietly.

"I know and know more than you can imagine."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said arrogantly.

The flame fan that has been held in the right hand also begins to have extremely gloomy black flames rising and rolling - this is the characteristic of being highly condensed to the extreme and having an excessive amount of Yin Escape Chakra!
Asura obviously also noticed the strangeness in the weapon made by his elder brother Indra.

This is what he cares most about.

"You are not the reincarnation of Indra."

Asura said with great certainty: "So, there is definitely something wrong with your power..."

This is indeed true. In fact, the reason why Asura delayed until now to hastily resurrect the corpse with the help of the Great Toad Immortal and the Immortal of Six Paths is to wait for the reincarnation of Indra, who has always been dead but not stiff-that is, Uchiha Madara.

It's just that this time the last reincarnation still had something wrong.

"Maybe you still have to thank me!"

A smile without warmth appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face: "After all, your brother died because of me!"

"Really...then should I say thank you?"

Asura scratched the back of his head, not caring about the malice in Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, but smiled heartily: "Brother was actually defeated by his own heir~ I can laugh at this joke for several lifetimes!"

"Probably no chance..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's body also began to rise and fall with the ups and downs of flame escape arrogance, "But it doesn't matter, I will let the two ancestors meet at Huangquan Kudanzaka - you will have no chance to go to the Pure Land!"

"What a ferocious junior..."

Asura sighed and looked up at the sky again: "But such a clever and strong barrier shows that you, as the lord, do have some capable people under your command..."

While Asura was talking, he took out a kunai and threw it to one side, concentrated on it, and then shook his head.

This space-time ninjutsu obtained from the Thousand-Handed Gate of the Pure Land is indeed unusable.

But it's not impossible...

Asura glanced at Uchiha Tokumitsu's left hand without leaving a trace...

"Enough said."

After sensing that the attendant ninja had gone far, Tokumitsu Uchiha stopped talking nonsense, and raised the flame fan in his hand to point at Asura: "Are you ready for awakening?"

"See the real chapter in your hand!"

Asura snorted, and pulled out a Kunai Chao Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his flame fan and struck out a sword energy, leaving a shadow clone in the same place, and the real body also rushed towards Asura.

The shadow clone grabbed the psychic scroll left by the main body and tore it apart, summoning a ninja dog from it.


"As ordered!"

The ninja dog named Osuke had already been entrusted by Sakumo Hatake, and he would not talk nonsense as soon as he appeared, and immediately pressed his palms on the ground——

"Reverse Spiritualism!"

At the same time, the German light and shadow avatar also quickly formed a seal, pressing the ground with both hands to start the psychic summoning——

"Spiritualism · Two Tails and Brigade!"

As the light of reverse necromancy flashed, Asura's eyes flashed and he seized the opportunity.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

A shadow clone broke out of Muji's body and resisted Uchiha Tokumitsu's attack.Asura's true form flashed back.

"This is……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows, thinking he was going to run away.

"The art of psychic!"

Just when the reverse necromantic technique that summoned Hatake Sakumo was shining at its peak, Asura activated the necromantic technique at the same time!

Three streaks of green smoke rose——

Sakumo Hatake, Mataru Nio, Fukasaku Myogiyama, and Senjin Shima appear at the same time!

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face turned livid!

This is the gap in the barrier when Asura caught the shadow clone using the barrier key!

The two immortals from Mount Miaomu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately jumped onto Asura's left and right shoulders and stood still.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also jumped on top of the Second-tailed Brigade and confronted the Asura group.

As for Hatake Sakumo, he didn't know when he had hidden his figure and lurked.

"Hit slowly, bye!"

After completing his mission, Ninja Inuosuke immediately moved his legs and ran back, quickly escaping from this terrifying place.

Due to the existence of the sealing circle, it cannot directly return to the place of residence by dispelling the psychic spell.

And the shadow clone also turned into smoke and returned to Uchiha Tokumitsu's body.

The extremely deep dark red kaleidoscope pupil power fused with the huge chakra, turned into a piece of armor and slowly covered the bodies of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Nio Matata.

Erwei Youlu also shrunk down very cooperatively, turning into the size of a tiger.

Asura and the two Miaomushan immortals were also silently linking each other's celestial chakras, stirring up surging chakra storms.

Both sides did not act immediately, but looked at each other quietly.

As for Hatake Sakumo, who was lurking underground, he was secretly complaining. He didn't know whether the Nagano Taito he had specially switched to would be effective in such a situation. When fighting enemies, there were many situations where the White Fang dagger could not completely penetrate the enemy's outer layer of protection, so he was specially equipped with an additional Nodachi made of chakra metal.

With the continuous operation of the sealing circle, the sky was completely plunged into darkness like ink; and some people in Fushimi County in the distance may have discovered the abnormality of the sky, and some noisy voices began to come.

"Do you not care about the life and death of those common people at all?"

Ashura suddenly broke the silence.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't speak, and continued to pump chakra slowly but firmly.

And the fluctuations of immortal magic that it emitted also surprised the two immortals on Asura's shoulders.

Although Uchiha Deguang once showed the use of Senju Chakra in the battle of the destruction of the Akatsuki Organization, but it was simply using Senju Chakra as a "combustion aid" to perform ninjutsu, which was nothing more than the use of Senjutsu. It's just the most superficial application; but now it seems that it has blended the celestial chakra with the kaleidoscope pupil power of the Uchiha family and the power of the tailed beast. Immortal art routines with completely different systems!

As for the Holy Land, this is the biggest threat to them!
No one understands the power of natural energy better than them!

Sento Fukasaku and Sento Shima looked at each other and made up their minds at the same time.


Asura stepped to his feet and shouted softly. Highly condensed chakra winds formed in the air instantly and shot towards Uchiha Tokumitsu's powerful Susanoo. At the same time, he condensed chakra blades with his hands and teleported away. Rushed forward.


Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and the Fire Lord burst out of his body, blocking or swallowing the incoming wind balls, and then activated his powerful Susanoo to kill the Asura group.

Both sides did not seal, nor did they have specific spells, but tacitly adopted the most primitive and brutal way to carry out the most intense collision!


The violent collision of two extremely powerful chakra aggregates aroused a ferocious chakra annihilation storm, blowing away all the trees in all directions and even the soil under him!
And Hatake Sakumo, who was hiding underground and was about to attack from behind, was caught off guard and almost exposed his figure.


At the same time when the two sides collided, Uchiha Tokumitsu's mighty Susanoo immediately gave birth to four arms, each holding a Chakra weapon and swinging towards the Asura combination.

Asura's arms are struggling to parry Uchiha Tokko's powerful Susanoo's original arms, while the newly spawned four arms are being dealt with by the two immortals on his shoulders.

"Frog team hands!"

The two sages also immediately urged the sage chakra to magnify their arms and fight with Susan's four arms, but in this way, they could not be distracted by manipulating the sage chakra to perform the sage.

Therefore, at this time, the advantage of the sequel to Nenghu is revealed - there is a tailed beast under Uchiha Tokko!
The two-tailed brigade immediately opened its mouth wide, and combined the power of the tailed beast with a small part of celestial chakra as a booster to display its own skills——

"Fire Rat Jade!"

Rat-like blue and red chakra balls continuously spurted out from the mouth of Erwei Mata, fiercely blasting away the Asura combination that was parrying each other!
With such a short distance, coupled with the threat of Susan Six Arms, the Ashura team couldn't dodge the attack of Natsuo Matabu at all!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The fierce tailed beast skills hit the Asura combination's Senjutsu chakra protection, and the extremely violent chakra explosion blasted the thin and tough Senjutsu chakra protection layer into flickers.

Thanks to the two celestial beings on their shoulders frantically drawing celestial chakra to replenish, the outer layer of protection was stabilized.


Uchiha Tokumitsu further increased the intensity of chakra release, and the powerful Susanoo shook his head, spawning two heads again.

So far, the prestige Susano has almost appeared in the form of three heads and six arms.

"Immortal Art·Fire Escape·Dragon Flame Singing Art!"

"Immortal Art · Wind Escape · Great Breakthrough!"

"Immortal Art, Lightning Escape, Pseudo-Darkness!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also has another advantage, that is, the demon heads of his powerful Susanoo can use ninjutsu to launch attacks under the control of the main body.

And the combination of Asura, who is fighting each other with six arms, can't avoid the ultra-close-range ninjutsu bombing at all!
"Immortal Law: Eight Hands of the Moon!"

Asura had no choice but to back away, and at the same time, his palms condensed a bright and smooth disc like a mirror, reflecting Uchiha Tokuko's three sage arts back.

"What you're waiting for is yours!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu yelled, and then waved the flame fan towards the reflected senjutsu in the mighty Susanoo.At the same time, the kaleidoscope Sharingan of the left eye is above the scarlet light——

"The God Emperor gives birth to the Spirit Venerable!"

After getting the boost of the kaleidoscope pupil technique, the three celestial techniques bounced back at an extremely fast speed and ruthlessly hit the Yaya of the Moon that was being maintained during Asura's retreat.


This time, Yata Yata failed to reflect Uchiha Tokuko's celestial art again, and the Dragon Flame Singing Art and the mirror surface disappeared at the same time, and the violent wind blew Asura's body unstable, and the two sages on his shoulders almost It was blown away, and then the Thunder Spear transformed by Thunder Dun False Darkness hit Ashura hard in the abdomen!

No matter how tough the outer layer of protection is, it can't resist the bombardment of immortal spells blessed by multiple boosters.

Asura's abdomen, which was hit by Thunder's big gun, was bloody and bloody, and his mouth also had a fishy taste.

A dim light of the knife also swept out from behind Asura, hitting his knees straight!

Hatake Sakumo, who has been lurking for a long time, finally saw the opportunity for a sneak attack!
Perhaps the blade of the currently used Nota sword is too long, so Hatake Sakumo did not use the usual "Tejutsu Mystery Millennium Kill", but adopted a slash with a wider attack range.


"Immortal Art - Whirlwind Back Formation!"

The Fukasaku Immortal Frog Eye on the shoulder noticed the strange movement behind him, and immediately shouted.

Asura tried his best to clap his hands and activate the magic.

The fierce whirlwind blocked Hatake Sakumo's sword light and protected Asura to stand firm.

Hatake Sakumo disappeared without a trace again, and Uchiha Tokumitsu urged the mighty Susanoo to kill him.

"As expected of a generation of ninja masters!"

Although his body was injured, Asura still laughed excitedly, and once again condensed his celestial chakra to greet Uchiha Tokumitsu.

The wound on his abdomen began to produce granulation and heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"It is indeed a fairy body!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has the upper hand, naturally won't back down in the slightest. Susan's three heads and six arms are far and near, plus the two tails under the seat are watching fiercely, what can be done against a two immortals who may not be perfect, Ashura and Miaogishan? difficult!

What's more, there is Sakumo Hatake who seems to be upright but has a dark belly and who is lurking somewhere, ready to make up the knife at any time!

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't even know how he's going to lose!

But if nothing else...

——What a surprise!
Asura, who was full of fanaticism, seemed to be getting braver as he fought, his chakra surged like a tidal wave, and at the same time, he also spewed out a series of fairy arts from his mouth to parry the attacks of the three heads of Susanoo!

For a time, they were evenly matched!

And Tokumitsu Uchiha also sensed that Asura's absorption of natural energy in the air is getting faster and faster, and his attack power is getting more and more fierce!

"What the hell! This guy actually has the ability to explode!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was extremely angry in his heart!
He hates this kind of character who has a protagonist template besides him the most!
It was as if his current fierce offensive was a whetstone. Although he suppressed it, he could not completely subdue it; and it was also helping Asura quickly regain his senses and regain his strength!This feeling of helping others make wedding dresses is really uncomfortable!
"Fire Lord!"

The Fire Lord, who was wrapped around the mighty Susanoo to assist in blocking and defense, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out his original power of celestial fire escape towards the fighting Asura group!

Asura, who was shot straight by the Xianshu Yantun, suddenly burst out with flickering light!

And Huoguang Zun, who had used his original power, also became sluggish.

"What the hell is this!"

Ashura suddenly woke up from the frantic battle.

The Immortal Technique Flame Release spewed out by Huo Guangzun did not dissipate as quickly as ordinary Immortal Technique Chakra, nor did it completely penetrate his Immortal Technique protective layer. Instead, it adhered to his Immortal Technique protective layer and continued to cause chakra martyrdom. The explosion annihilated the reaction, and at the same time, a small part of the chakra that was burned out of control was refined and stolen!

And its induction with natural energy is also blocked!


Although Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to urge Susano to rush to kill, the message sent back from Huoguang Zun also made his heart move.

——The feedback from Huoguang Zun's Immortal Flame Escape refining feedback contains a trace of spiritual power that is imperceptible, but extremely tough and indigestible!

"This is……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to wave the flame fan to force Asura away, and then stopped the offensive.

And Asura jumped back, panting to recover.

Huo Guangzun took the initiative to open his mouth, and took back the source of the Immortal Flame Escape that was still attached to Asura's body and had not yet been completely killed.

Asura didn't stop him either.

Compared with reducing the power of a chakra creation, it is more important to restore the connection with the natural energy of the outside world!

"I know the mystery of why you can be reincarnated..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu savored carefully the information that Huo Guangzun gave back after recovering the origin of the senjutsu flame escape.

Even Hatake Sakumo, who was lurking underground, couldn't help pricking up his ears.

"You have no soul!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with certainty.

Hatake Sakumo didn't know why, so the eyes of the two immortals of Mount Miaomu were fixed!
Asura was suddenly shocked!
"Your will is completely contained in chakra. Perhaps it is the protection of chakra that allows you to continue to parasitize your descendants!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not use the theory of reincarnation, but described Asura's continuous reincarnation as a parasitic behavior.

"To put it bluntly, you are just a hermit crab~"

"So! As long as your chakra is completely wiped out, you won't even have a chance to return to the underworld!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha couldn't help but licked his lips, and a pair of kaleidoscope Sharingans turned faster and faster!
"Travel again!"

Asura cast his eyes on Matata Natsuo under the seat of Tokumitsu Uchiha, "Did you forget the kindness of your father's creation!"


Erwei Youlu's choice was to spray a piece of Fire Rat Jade at him!

"The one who arrested me, sealed it, and gave it away is the reincarnation of you bastard!"

To this day, Futao Mataru still remembers the scene when he was caught by Senju Hashirama like a kitten!

 I have to work overtime these days to catch up with the progress, and I have to catch up on the construction period that was delayed by the rain a while ago; so the updates are a little short, which is about a thousand words less per day. I hope everyone will treat it as Mountain Monkey to help book friends save money. Point coupons~
  PS: Try to finish the progress in these two days, and then resume double updates on Monday!

(End of this chapter)

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