Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 436 The Times Are Progressing

Chapter 436 The Times Are Progressing

"Do you know why you failed so miserably?"

Hei Jue, who was rarely high-spirited, specially asked his subordinate Bai Jue to build a high platform, and then put on a tall Bai Jue as a vest, looking down at the dying Xie lying on the hospital bed.


The weak-breathing Scorpion drooped his eyes and ignored the black mud on the high platform.

This extremely inexplicable defeat was a devastating blow to his nindo.

He assassinated the Third Kazekage, who had always admired his talent, and created countless killings in the Land of Wind. Before the puppet army could play its expected role, he was defeated by a strange ninja tool. , all the savings have been basically exhausted. At this time, the Scorpio did not actively seek death, which can be regarded as a stronger will.

And... although this black mud is long-winded, it seems to have some merits!
Scorpio slowly closed his eyes and began to feel his physical condition.

Hei Jue on the high platform was not angry when he saw this, he just shrugged and drove the possessed Bai Jue away.

Anyway, the scorpion that it rescued after being seriously injured was already in its pocket, so there was no need to worry. Moreover, the reason why it was willing to take risks to save people was to capture a useful tool.

"Siege the city as the bottom, attack the mind as the top..."

Hei Jue once again took out a copy of "De Guang Quotations (One Million Copies Commemorative Edition)" and read it, and he was convinced of the golden rules contained in it.

"As expected of a ninja who loves his mother! He is indeed so smart!"


"What on earth are these white bodies? But their effects are also strange!"

Xie Qiang sat up and looked at the "patches" everywhere on his body.

After being hit by Uchiha Ishiba's rocket, first the outer body of Hirauko was blown to pieces, and the body hidden in the puppet was also severely damaged. Not only was the left leg completely blown away, but even the abdomen was damaged by the puppet. The pieces were torn apart, and many other parts were missing meat and bones.

But now when I woke up, I found that the disabled body had been repaired, and the vitality of the body was better than ever before!

Although he still felt very tired, Scorpion could clearly feel the heat flowing out of his white body, nourishing his body like a hot spring, which was on the verge of collapse due to excessive chakra extraction.

"If your entire body were replaced with this magical substance..."

Scorpion couldn't help but start touching the pale white body, his eyes full of intoxication!
If he had such a strong body, then his puppet technique would be even more powerful!Instead of relying on those puppet constructs as protection!

In addition, you may be able to carry out experiments you wanted to try before!

For example, you can install complex puppet components inside your body to turn yourself into a perpetually moving undead that can neither eat nor drink!
And the foundation of all this comes from the opportunity brought to me by that piece of mud!

"Come on!"

The darkroom was empty, with only Scorpion's voice echoing between the four walls.

But no one responded.

Xie closed his eyes and sensed it, and found that there was indeed no one in the dark room.

However, since the other party is willing to spend such a high price to treat himself, he must have something to ask for, so after thinking for a while, Xie lay back on the hospital bed again and continued to rest with his eyes closed.


I don't know how long it took, but the confused Xie suddenly heard funny laughter coming from all directions.

Immediately, my heart suddenly jumped!
"I actually fell asleep!"

Scorpion immediately opened his eyes and glanced around alertly.

But at some point, he saw countless ugly, pale humanoid monsters with different styles emerging from the dark room, fighting with each other with weird smiles on their faces.

For example, removing the opponent's arm and placing it on your neck, such as pulling out the opponent's head and kicking it as a ball...

Even Scorpion, who dared to transform himself, couldn't help but be stunned!


Scorpion felt that his brain was in chaos and he was unable to comment on what was happening in front of him.

"Maybe it's because of the fierceness..."

Xie comforted herself, then rubbed her eyes, closed them, and then opened them again——

That's right!
"You should have sensed and investigated the general physical condition yourself!"

At this time, a hoarse voice sounded again from the high platform.

"I already know it very well..."

Xie raised his head and looked at the towering Hei Jue.

"Then do you still remember my question?"

Heijue asked again.

"I was careless, no flash!"

Xie Ye had already reviewed the course of the battle and expressed his conclusion: "Although the special ninja tool that hit me at that time had a very fast rate of fire, if it were not for the strong defense of the self-held puppet and the lack of dodge, I would not have been defeated. So miserable!”

Thinking of all his savings being wiped out overnight, Scorpio felt extremely painful, but then he thought about it and realized that he now has something better...


Hei Jue on the high platform denied Xie's self-analysis: "That's not the case at all!"


Scorpion's tone also contained a bit of anger.

He has admitted his failure, what else do you want!

"The reason for your defeat was that you underestimated the enemy in the first place!"

Black Zetsu said: "But it's not that he underestimated a so-called rocket, but that he lacked the most basic respect for the strongest shogunate ninja army in the ninja world!"

"How stupid it is to face a detachment on your own without any cover!"

Hei Jue struck mercilessly: "You are simply seeking your own death!"

Although Scorpion's face was full of displeasure, he did not deny it.

After all, if you lose, you lose. Excusing yourself will only show that you don't have the courage to face reality, not to mention that you were rescued by this black mud, so there is nothing to say.

"However, the most fundamental reason..."

Black Zetsu continued to point out the country with high spirits: "That's because you have completely fallen behind the current ninja world!"

"Those iron and wooden toys of yours are just ridiculous playthings in front of the reorganized ninja army!"


Although Xie still didn't say a word, the veins on his forehead revealed his inner thoughts.

"Even if it is not the shogunate ninja army, if the same number of Iwagakure Kumogakure fights against your toy, they can still blow your ironwood toy to pieces! The result is just more casualties, but your defeat is certain It’s destined!”

After hearing this, Xie began to calm down and began to listen carefully to what Hei Jue had to say on the high platform.

"Do you know how many detonating charms are standard in today's Ninja Army detachments?"

Heijue asked again.

"do not know……"

Scorpion was finally willing to speak.

"The base number of the shogunate ninja army is 150 cards per person! Iwagakure and Kumogakure have about [-] cards!"

Hei Jue said a sensational figure.

"how is this possible!"

Sure enough, Xie was shocked: "Sunagakure is not even equipped with a Jonin..."

What is the concept of three hundred detonating symbols!
This is equivalent to three hundred C-level ninjutsu!

He also served in the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force for a period of time. How could the Konoha Ninja Army at that time have such a generous configuration!
"Sunagakure is the weakest ninja village in the ninja world!" Black Zetsu immediately shouted: "Don't use your shallow knowledge to question the true situation of the ninja world today. This will only make people laugh!"


Scorpion was speechless.

Although he also knew that Sunagakure had been weak and impoverished for a long time, he had never paid attention to the combat readiness of the standing ninja armies of other ninja villages. However, since Black Zetsu said so decisively, there was generally not much difference.

"The times are advancing!"

Hei Jue emphasized again: "So, you are lagging behind without knowing it, so you will be beaten!"


Scorpion has nothing to say.

"...What exactly do you want?"

After a long time, Xie finally said: "You tried so hard to save me, and you said so much, and you have this group of weird guys under your command..."

When the Bai Jue heard Xie mentioning themselves, they immediately turned their heads and looked up and down with smiles.

The look was like a hungry wolf peering at a piece of fat meat.

"Submit to me!"

Black Jue said loudly: "Give your loyalty to serve me, and I will give you what you need!"

Scorpion frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He was still somewhat aware of his fate. After all, people in the ninja world, especially the ambitious ones, had nothing to gain and couldn't afford to die early. There was no reason why he would use such precious materials to treat himself for no reason.

As for the so-called loyalty and service, it's not that he can't pretend to be loyal. Anyway, at worst, he will rebel when he sees the opportunity.

But at this time, the seemingly impassioned tone displayed by Hei Jue on the high platform seemed to be a bit of a pretentious performance in Xie's eyes.

It's as if he is trying to imitate other people's postures, and he feels like painting a tiger is not enough to classify a dog.

But Xie still suppressed his inner thoughts, got up and got down with seemingly difficulty, and bowed to Hei Juena on the high platform.

His movements were coherent and his attitude was crisp and clear, making Hei Jue a little dazed.

It also thought that an arrogant person like Scorpion, who has been known as a genius since he was a child, would have to spend more time to convince him!

The result is this?

"Do I really have the aura of a tyrant?"

Even though he is a thousand-year-old monster, Hei Jue still feels a sense of relief in his heart!
It turns out...it's so easy to conquer a genius ninja!

It turns out... what "Deguang Quotations" said is true!

Black Zetsu felt like he had discovered a new continent!

If I had known it would be so easy, I would have taken the initiative to recruit heroes from the ninja world!Maybe you don’t have to sit in the dark and plan for so many years without accomplishing anything!


"Did you really defeat Scorpion's protective puppet with just one rocket?"

Uchiha Tokko looked over Uchiha Ishiki's report several times and couldn't help but marvel.


Uchiha Shihuo replied respectfully: "The reason why this battle went so smoothly was that Scorpion was caught off guard."

"In addition, the institute's secret weapons also played a key role in defeating the enemy."

"not bad……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, put down the report, picked up the lead box with the Ichibi Shukaku's chakra sealed and weighed it a few times.

Although the lead box was wrapped with Sunagakure's unique cloth sealing technique, due to the flaws in the sealing technique, a trace of the tailed beast's aura still leaked out.

Judging from Uchiha Tokko's experience in dealing with tailed beasts, Ichibi Shukaku's power is indeed low.

However, now Uchiha Tokko no longer needs tailed beast chakra to strengthen himself, and more uses the characteristics of tailed beasts to supplement his Senjutsu Five Release chakra attributes, so the strength of One-tailed Shukaku is not the same. What a big deal.

"You did this beautifully."

Uchiha Tokumitsu first praised: "Tell me, what do you want? Say it boldly."


Uchiha Ishihara's heart was burning, and he was so filled with gratitude that he couldn't restrain himself: "I hope to get a secret technique..."

"Which technique?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with great interest.

He has always been very tolerant to his clansmen, and apart from using a knife on some stubborn conservatives, he has never been mean to the Uchiha ninjas.

This is also to better support his family of origin.

After all, no matter how strong the shogunate is and how many ninja troops there are, there will still need to be outstanding clansmen to lead and garrison on their behalf.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has no discrimination against the ninjas of the shogunate, such as Kirigakure, Kusanagi, and Rain ninjas, privately, he rewards ninjas who come from the same clan.

After all, no one knows the importance of the “nationality” of the basic base better than him.

"...Flying Talisman Formation."

Ichiha Uchiha whispered.

"This technique..."

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, remembering this secret technique he had developed and used in conjunction with the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans.

"This technique requires very high requirements for chakra control..."

Uchiha Tokko hesitated for a moment, then agreed to Uchiha Ishiki's request: "But since it is your wish, then I will satisfy you!"

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokko took out a pen and paper, wrote down the key points and secrets of the Flying Talisman Formation, and handed it to Uchiha Ishio.

"In addition, in recognition of your contribution and achievements, go to the United Company later to withdraw [-] detonating charms!"

"After all... with the cost of multiplying the detonating talisman's technique, I'm afraid you can't afford the massive expenses of the detonating talisman."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Uchiha Stonefire immediately bowed in salute.

"Tail beast..."

After Uchiha Stone Fire retreated, Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly unlocked the cloth sealing technique on the lead box, and used the Senju Five Escape Chakra to trap the one-tail chakra that was about to escape.

Then, the five-color divine light flashed, and the chakra was refined on the spot!

"...The improvement is really not big!"

Uchiha Demitsu studied it carefully for a while and couldn't help but shook his head.

Now that the chakra of the six tailed beasts has been refined, it still failed to achieve the effect Uchiha Tokko expected.

"There are also three tailed beasts..."

Nowadays, the only ninja village in the ninja world that can still completely preserve the tailed beast given by Senju Hashirama is Iwagakure.

In addition, the only thing that could be captured without provoking a full-scale war was the eight-tailed ox-ghost that he personally killed but didn't know if it had been resurrected now.

"Notify the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to increase manpower deployment in the Kingdom of Thunder!"

Uchiha Demitsu summoned the attendant ninja and said: "I want to get all the information about the Eight-Tails!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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