Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 438 The Legendary Secret Realm

Chapter 438 The Legendary Secret Realm
"Captain Seiji, we only have five days' worth of fresh water left..."

While the exploration team was resting, the staff ninja found Uchiha Seiji again and said, in the name of carrying out perimeter security.

"……I know."

Uchiha Seiji was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Based on the straight-line distance calculated from the coordinates, we are only one day away from the end of the wilderness at most. It would be a pity to give up like this... "

"Maybe there is a sea at the end of the wilderness, and then the chakra water purification system we carry can be put to use."

"And if we give up, even though Master Tokuguang won't blame us, the suffering we have suffered in this month will have no meaning..."

Uchiha Seiji suppressed his inner uneasiness and said softly.

As for the other team members under his command, there is no need to worry too much. Those guys whose hands move faster than their brains are all desperadoes, and they don't care about supplies at all.

"You are right..."

The staff ninja hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded: "After all, it was agreed upon when selecting the team members..."

"Life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky."

Uchiha Seiji skillfully began to drink chicken soup to inject chicken blood: "If you want to succeed, you must go crazy first! If you don't fight, it will be in vain!"

"That's right!"

The staff ninja's breathing became rapid, and he said with determination: "Although my strength is still a little bit behind, I will definitely become a jounin this time based on merit!"

"now it's right……"

Uchiha Seiji was very relieved.


The staff ninja suddenly sniffed, a little surprised.

"what happened?"

Uchiha Seiji asked casually.


The staff ninja stood up immediately, facing the direction and sniffing carefully.

"Steamy wind!"

"The direction is correct! We are very close to the end of the wilderness!"

At this time, the exploration team members who were resting woke up one after another, and after hearing the shouts of the staff ninja, they began to sense it.

Uchiha Seiji immediately took out a special inspection scroll and tore it open. After injecting chakra into it, the magic runes on the scroll slowly turned into light blue!

really!There is extremely weak Myobokusan Senjutsu Chakra in the air!
"That's right! It smells like the sea!"

The temporary camp suddenly began to boil.

"All together!"

Uchiha Seiji also acted decisively and struck while the iron was hot: "The communication team lifted the radio silence and sent a report to the village; the sealing team immediately set up a transfer station; each combat squad immediately replenished their ration pills!"

"I am destined to have no sleep tonight, victory is just ahead!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The exploration team members immediately cheered.

"You bastards of Myobokuyama! Just wait!"

Uchiha Seiji looked forward, with murderous intent in his eyes.



Regardless of the fact that it was late at night, Uchiha Shisui hurried to Uchiha Tokumitsu's mansion and called out repeatedly.

"Hold on!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was disturbed from his sleep, replied angrily, comforted Uchiha Makoto, who was also awakened, and then stood up to change clothes.

"……whats the matter?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also knew that his disciple would not disturb him in the middle of the night for no reason. After arriving in the living room, he suppressed the heat of being awakened and asked gently.

"The first team lifted the radio silence and sent back the first telegram!"

Uchiha Shisui also knew that it was inappropriate to disturb people's dreams in the middle of the night, but after all, this was an important matter that Uchiha Tokumitsu had warned beforehand, so he could only bite the bullet and come to report: "The content of the telegram is-"


"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly became energetic, and the drowsiness of working hard all night disappeared without a trace in an instant: "The information Asura gave us is indeed true!"

"The first team will probably reach the outside of the target area in the early morning!"

Uchiha Shisui said.

"Send the initiative to the second team and ask them to prepare!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "With further notice, the Shogunate Engineering Institute will immediately transfer all manufacturing plants to chakra cannon production!"

"We need to collect a thousand chakra cannons within three months!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shisui responded immediately, and then seeing that the teacher had no other instructions, he excused himself and left.

"Miaomu Mountain..."

Uchiha Tokko licked his lips, the murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be contained.

Miaomu Mountain, known as one of the three holy places, is definitely not weak, especially the large psychic beasts that can be called a "battlefield steamroller".

But the ninja world is always making progress after all. Although the various new ninja tools of the shogunate are expensive, they are not vegetarian!
Although the labor expedition will definitely consume a lot of money, compared with the benefits obtained after destroying the line of ninja frogs in Mt. Myouki, it is all worth it!
"We will have to add Asura in a while..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu walked to the bedroom, thinking at the same time: "In addition, before the armament is ready, we have to give Kumogakure and Iwagakure a hard blow! It can also consume the strength of them and the Ninja..."

"Tokumitsu-kun~ What's wrong?"

After waking up, Uchiha Makoto was still waiting for Uchiha Tokumitsu's return.

"Good things are coming~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stepped forward and hugged him, "Since I'm awake, I won't sleep anymore~"



In the brightly lit Miaomu Mountain Palace, the Great Toad Immortal, who had been dozing with his bubble eyes squinted, suddenly woke up.

Then he gasped for breath, and his face showed a trace of confusion and panic.

"Great Immortal..."

Gao Guang, who was on duty outside the palace, also heard the Great Immortal's exclamation and jumped in quickly, shouting worriedly.

I don't know whether it's because of his advanced age or because he has too many worries, but Great Immortal Toad hasn't entered deep sleep for a long time.

"I'm fine..."

The Great Immortal Toad took a deep breath and casually sent Toad Guang away.

But how could it be all right?
After slowly closing his eyes, the image that had just caused him to wake up echoed in the mind of the Great Toad Immortal.


"Fires all over the sky..."

"The fire raging in Mt. Myoboku..."

The great Toad Immortal's mood was getting worse and worse.

Then, he calmed down again and tried to continue to peek into the future.

But this time, all it 'saw' was blood!
"This is an ominous sign..."

The Great Toad Immortal gave up his plan to continue to peek into the future.

Fire and blood symbolize war and death.

And associating it with Miaomu Mountain means the Holy Land's disastrous defeat or even destruction!

This is something the Great Immortal Toad cannot tolerate!

But who can pose a threat to Miaomu Mountain?
Two options quickly flashed into Toad Immortal's mind.

"The shogunate of Uchiha Tokko!"

"And... Asura!" Moreover, theoretically, apart from the Holy Land, the only person alive who knows the location of Miaomu Mountain is Asura!
"...You know that I will not sit back and watch any possibility of my tribe declining or dying!"

The Great Toad Immortal suddenly said to himself.

The bedroom was still quiet, and even the candlelight showed no sign of flickering.

"Everything is out of control now..."

The Great Toad Immortal continued to 'talk to himself'.

"The trajectory of the ninja world is unpredictable. There are too many unknown variables!"

The breeze blew and the candlelight began to sway slightly.

The light in the bedroom also changed slightly.

"If you haven't made up your mind yet, then let me be the villain!"

Toad Immortal's tone became cold and hard, even revealing a murderous intent: "Hagoromo! You don't want the order you established to be completely overturned!"

The wind in the bedroom suddenly became stronger and blew out some of the candles.

"Uncontrolled absolute freedom means absolute chaos! And chaos will definitely lead to the complete destruction of the ninja world! By then——"

The voice of Toad Immortal became urgent: "Even if you continue to hide in the Pure Land, you will inevitably be impacted by the Ninja World. Even the one on the moon may break out of the seal, and then everything will be lost." It’s over!”

"Thousands of years of planning between you and me will be in vain!"

"Are you just willing to see this desperate scene?"

The Great Toad Immortal's words became more and more urgent, and his tone became more and more high-pitched.

However, under the influence of immortal magic, Gao Guang, who was on duty outside the palace, did not notice the movement inside the palace.

The wind stopped.


The Great Immortal Toad remained silent, quietly waiting for the reply from his old friend who was living in the Pure Land.

After a long time, a breeze blew by, tilting the candlelight, and the swaying flame lit up several extinguished candles.

"There is no possibility of recovery! At least I don't have the ability!"

Upon seeing this, the Great Toad Immortal immediately shook his head and continued: "What I can do is try my best to eliminate any factors that may endanger Miaomu Mountain!"

"Don't persuade me, let alone stop me. This is my only request... Hagoromo!"

The breeze in the palace subsided again.

The Great Toad Immortal stopped talking and just looked at the giant lighting candle in the palace in trance.

After a while, the breeze picked up again, blowing the candle flames here and there.

The Great Toad Immortal watched the changes in candlelight silently and did not speak in a hurry.

Suddenly, the wind speed increased sharply, blowing out the candlelight and almost extinguishing it——

The Great Toad Immortal's heart immediately rose to his throat!

The extinguished giant candle suddenly burst into flames, burning the uncondensed wax and splattering it everywhere.

The bedroom is brightly lit again!

A smile appeared on the face of the Great Toad Immortal.

"I understand."

The voice of the Toad Immortal echoed in the empty palace, and then he slowly stood up, left the throne under him, and walked to the candlestick.

"Order is eternal, I will personally go to White Snake's place..."

"The future of the ninja world will definitely return to the right path!"


"Captain Seiji..."

As a result, after a night of running around, all members of the exploration team arrived at the end of this adventure - the end of the wilderness!

What is presented in front of you is an ocean with turbulent waves, and in the distance is a vast fog!

Therefore, ninjas who have participated in the "Akatsuki Organization" encirclement and suppression campaign can clearly and unmistakably sense the special chakra fluctuations emanating from Mt. Myoboku in the mist!
Uchiha Seiji licked his lips and ordered: "Get water first, and then move to the rear for desalination. The sealing team pays attention to chakra fluctuation shielding!"

"As ordered!"

Even the dullest ninja understood that the goal of this trip was actually not as simple as exploring the end of the world, so he immediately began to restrain his aura and began to absorb sea water according to the division of labor.

Uchiha Seiji took out a special kunai with a three-pronged blade and a scroll from his arms. After throwing the special kunai into the reef in the sea, he tore open the scroll.

But Uchiha Seiji looked a little struggling.

This scroll is a special beacon.

After the scroll is torn open and placed into a radio for activation, there will be a special chakra fluctuation carrying information about the current location to be "broadcast" to the entire ninja world. Theoretically, as long as any radio is turned on, then They can all passively receive this extremely powerful chakra fluctuation.

Of course, whether this can be deciphered is another matter.

The second team, which has been holding the rear, will also send out signal flares and establish sniper positions to assist the first team in evacuating.

Because Myobokuyama has no reason

"Captain, the fresh water has been replenished!"

After nearly an hour, Uchiha Seiji received the answer he wanted.

"The communication team arranges the radio station..."

The communication ninja immediately unsealed the radio station from the scroll. Uchiha Seiji placed the prepared scroll into it, hung his hand over the transmitting button, and then ordered again: "The combat squad performs a close reconnaissance mission! The sealing team You can retreat to the rear transfer station!"

"As ordered!"

Without any hesitation, the exploration team members immediately split up and took action.

Even though the ninjas on the reconnaissance mission knew that their trip was extremely dangerous.

As the nine fighting ninjas stepped through the water and rushed into the distant fog, Uchiha Seiji's heart was also hanging. The ninjas who stayed behind also began to look for fighting positions and were ready to respond.

Not long after, the figures of the nine fighting ninjas disappeared into the mist.

After a while, an extremely violent explosion sounded from the fog!

Uchiha Seiji didn't even think about it and immediately pressed the transmit button!

A pillar of light immediately rose into the sky, straight into the sky, and then turned into a flame and exploded!


The transmitting radio station was also burned down due to the severely excessive chakra power!
The communication ninja immediately collected the remains of the radio station, and then began to evacuate to the rear.

"who is it!"

The Great Toad Immortal, who was pretending to be scheming in his palace, also sensed the strange movement outside the settlement at this time, and was suddenly shocked!
"Is Longdi Cave killing coming?"

This was the first thought that came to his mind.

Theoretically, no one can have such a drastic impact on the fog outside Mt. Myouki, except for the archenemy Ryujidong!

What's more, Miaomu Mountain, which is far away from the wilderness, has not been visited for countless years!

"It's a ninja!"

Toad rolled and crawled into the palace, shouting in panic.


The Great Toad Immortal's brain suddenly got stuck!
Where did the ninja come from?
"Where are the ninja frogs on the outer reef sea! How did they let the ninjas touch the mist!"

Immortal Toad suddenly became furious!

Toad Guang suddenly became speechless.

It is true that there are theoretically patrolled ninjas on the outside of Mt. Myoboku, but hasn't this been the case since no one has set foot there for thousands of years? Therefore, the patrol system has long been ineffective.

"Then why are you still standing there!"

The Great Toad Sennin also knew the reason, but he continued to vent his inner anger: "Gather the ninja frogs! Kill them all!"


Toad Guang was so frightened that he crawled out and ran away.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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