Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 441: The Frenzy of the Arms Race

Chapter 441: The Frenzy of the Arms Race

The news of a general war in Konoha cannot be concealed.

Although the Uchiha clan can produce high-quality detonating charms, after all, the output is limited, and they are basically supplied to the ninjas of the clan. Other ordinary ninja tools require assistance from various parts of the ninja world, Konoha clan industries, and even the ninja cat clan. .

For example, the Nara Clan's Hyōryō Pills, the Senju Clan's secret medicine, the Hyuga Clan's healing ointment... and even the Aburame Clan's royal jelly has been designated as a tonic by the Medical Ministry and included in the procurement system due to its rich nutrition.

As for the other ninja clans and ninja families in Konoha who have no specialties, they can get a lot of income by joining the ordnance factory, or directly sign up for the reserve column to get an additional allowance income.

"For us, arms expansion has never been about consuming the savings of the Ninja Village. It is about increasing our strength while benefiting more ninjas and civilians at the bottom of the Ninja Village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said so.

"...If you had told me this beforehand, I would definitely not believe it."

Hatake Sakumo looked at Konoha's semi-monthly economic report and marveled: "But now~ I can only say that Tokumitsu-sama is really smart!"

"Thank you, Sakumo-kun~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled modestly and said: "This is the beauty of the internal cycle of the economy after it forms its own system."

"...Inner loop?"

Hatake Sakumo suddenly became interested.

"Look at these five escape attributes..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu condensed a five-color divine light on the palm of his hand, and borrowed a fable: "The properties of chakra are mutually reinforcing, and the same is true for economic growth."

"I understand the properties of chakra, but what does this have to do with the economy?"

Hatake Sakumo was still confused.

"To maintain the internal circulation of the five major attribute chakras and to be fully restrained when facing the enemy, what is needed is the senjutsu chakra based on the smelting of natural energy and the power of the tailed beast, as well as super strong chakra control power... "

"The fundamental reason why ordinary ninjutsu only uses one attribute of chakra is that the control difficulty will be greatly reduced; this is the case with the armament expansion of Iwagakure and Kumogakure."

"For example, if Kumogakure and Iwagakure want to purchase a complete set of standard ninja tools, then they may need to purchase kunai from the Land of Craftsmen, chakra metal from the Land of Iron, and replenish detonating talismans at high prices from black market channels... "

"The more links there are, the greater the cost, and the results will not be much better."

"It seems interesting, but I'm still a little confused..."

Hatake Sakumo was still puzzled.

It's okay to be confused, because this is pure and far-fetched nonsense made by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Then let me take the village's military preparations as an example~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also became interested: "For example, the industries of each ethnic group in the village have their own advantages, but they can all be used for raising arms; therefore, in this case, the village will definitely give priority to purchasing from them~"

"That's right~"

Hatake Sakumo thought this was no problem.

"Then, the village's funds will flow into the ninja clan, right~"

Uchiha Tokko re-condensed a celestial chakra in the palm of his hand, and then integrated the ordinary chakra with the five-escape attribute into it, and finally turned it into five-color divine light.

"After the Ninja clan gets funds, they will think about making more money, so they will expand the scale of production. Therefore, other small and medium-sized Ninja clan in the village will also benefit from their expansion. No matter how bad it is, the common people can also find a way to contribute. Working life..."

"Expanding production will inevitably bring about economies of scale, thereby reducing production costs. Then the village's arms purchase price will become cheaper and cheaper..."

"Or they will use the funds they earn to purchase cultivation materials to increase the strength of the tribe. In this way, the merchants in the village who can provide such materials will also make profits."

"When everyone has money, they will naturally spend money. For example, the barbecue Q business will be much better."

"In this way, you will find that although the village's finance department has indeed spent money, and there is a lot of deficit, the village's economy has actually improved."

Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled the five-color divine light to spin: "The village's financial revenue depends on taxes and rents. The more developed the economy, the more taxes it can receive, and the more expensive the rents in the new area, so You can still get your money back after you spend it.”

"I see!"

Hatake Sakumo suddenly realized as he looked at the five-color divine light that became increasingly brighter as the rotation accelerated.

One of them dares to tell stories and the other dares to believe them, so they complement each other well.

"So the ninja's chakra method is all-encompassing, and he should be the master of the ninja world!"

Uchiha De said without changing his face.

"But why did the village's preparations for war in the past lead to a major economic recession?"

Hatake Sakumo humbly asked for advice again.

"Because in the past, all the funds in the village relied on the daimyo's allocation and the pitiful mission commission, the ninjas had a hard time. Once they stopped performing missions, they lost their source of income, so everyone was busy running around for food and clothing. With the extra money in your pocket, you have to prepare your own tools, etc., so the economy cannot circulate at all.”

"In addition, old monkey Sarutobi is too selfish, and old thief Shimura is plundering without restraint. Even the ninja clan cannot trust them, so everyone is used to hiding wealth."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied: "Now that the raising of arms has stimulated the village's economy, even if the ninja producers are temporarily short of funds, they can still raise funds through the stock exchange, joint companies or Hyuga Foundation and other channels. In addition, everyone I have full confidence in the future of the village, so I naturally dare to spend money and be willing to spend money!”

"But what happens to all the expanded production capacity after the war is over?"

Hatake Sakumo's senses are still very sharp.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already prepared: "By then, we will definitely get dividends from the war, and then everyone will naturally be able to get a share of the profits. At worst, it will just be a transformation. Anyway, we have made enough money..."

Of course, overcapacity is more likely to lead to intensified vicious competition, but isn’t there still the Uchiha clan~
The shogunate's tailed beast chakra-powered money printing machine for printing golden yuan coupons has long been prepared. At worst, all the idle production capacity of each family will be taken over by then. As for the method of recovering funds, Uchiha Tokumitsu has already thought of it - build another one. Just sell land in Konoha New District!

And as a kind of credit banknote, gold yuan coupons provide purchasing power, and there is no need to reserve gold coins as exchange gold!This is a status that even Dao Le in his previous life could not envy!
"Makes sense!"

Hatake Sakumo took it seriously and kept nodding.

"So, the arms race is good for Konoha!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu even believed in himself.

Of course, this statement is also full of loopholes in logic, but after all, it is supported by Uchiha Tokumitsu's five-color divine light, so after putting on this "tiger skin", it seems to be extremely credible.

Sometimes, what the superior person says may not be completely correct, but the power and status of the superior person will make the audience automatically rationalize it and achieve logical self-consistency.

...Different from the manpower-centered combat system of the past ninja wars, the shogunate ninja army system built by Uchiha Tokumitsu was extremely valuable because of the extremely valuable members of his trusted clan. The military's configuration of ninja tools is getting higher and higher. While the combat effectiveness is further improved, the resources consumed are also increasing exponentially. Therefore, such a large-scale mobilization will inevitably involve the concentration of massive commodities in a short period of time, resulting in a continuous increase in the price of scarce resources. .

Even without spy information, Ohnoki could tell from the recent rise in steel prices that Uchiha Tokimitsu must be making big moves.

Although the Earth Country, which is rich in mineral resources, can indeed make a lot of money from this market, and the money obtained will also help strengthen Iwagakure's armaments, but from the perspective of the growth rate of strength, the shogunate with its own production system Undoubtedly the benefits will be greater!

If the Earth Kingdom made an extra ten liang from the ore trade and then gave Iwagakure an extra three liang to expand its armaments, then the shogunate spent ten liang to achieve 20 liang. If this continues in the long run, it will only lead to problems for both sides. The disparity in strength between the two countries is getting bigger and bigger, to the point where the outcome of the war is decided without even starting a fight.

Therefore, Ohnoki's anxiety is understandable.

"We must develop our own arms industry system!"

At a high-level meeting within Iwagakure, Onoki solemnly pointed out: "It is necessary and urgent to produce explosive talismans, kunai, shurikens and even protective gear on our own! You must come up with feasible strategies to promote the industrial development of the village! "

Including Huang Tu, all the senior officials of Yanyin remained silent.

Especially the younger ones are afraid to open their mouths.

In fact, with the rise of the Tokumitsu shogunate and the revival of the Uchiha clan, everything established by Uchiha Tokumitsu has been studied countless times by interested people; including the joint company and Nanga River as the shogunate's purse stock exchange.

Iwagakure is no exception. Driven by Ōnoki, the "Learning from the Shogunate's Skills" movement led by Huang Tu has been very popular within Iwagakure for a while. Many self-built commercial complexes have also been established, and even more imitators have been imitated. Bonds were issued, but it didn't take long for Loess to be suppressed by the hot-tempered Onoki, and the "Shibu Movement" lost its helmsman.

Then came the overdue Iwagakure bonds, which caused the issuer to become insolvent due to the excessive issuance of collateral. Many of the so-called "high-return" bonds were actually tools used by some Iwagakure executives to arbitrage money - as for There is no way to pay!

As a result, Iwagakure Securities successfully closed its doors to achieve perfect default, and various emerging business associations also closed down due to the various bribes taken by the management ninjas, leaving only a few small smelting companies that Onoki attached great importance to. The factory is still operating poorly - this is one of the few sources of "industrial added value" in Iwagakure, which is to smelt ore into steel ingots and then sell them.

With the complete collapse of Iwagakure's financial credit, even the nobles of the Earth Kingdom no longer play with them - after all, these granite-headed barbarians can only get in and out to get money!

Therefore, a large amount of funds from the nobles and wealthy merchants of the Earth Kingdom poured into the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, which had better credit and controlled the source of production, and promoted the further expansion of the shogunate.

It can be said that the key to the reason why Uchiha Tokimitsu was able to unscrupulously expand the ninja army directly under the shogunate and build a standing ninja army in Konoha is that the nobles and wealthy businessmen from various countries continue to squeeze their heads and send money - after all, maybe one day The shogunate defeated them, but their bonds can still be used as life-saving charms!

It's not that Iwagakure's senior officials don't know that they need to strengthen their own arms industry, but again, they all understand the principles, but whether they can do it is another matter.


After a long silence, Onoki once again named his wronged son: "As an assistant, first tell me how to develop armaments in the village!"

"Making ninja tools not only requires qualified steel from smelters, but also requires enough skilled workers or low-level ninjas to be responsible for casting. It also requires sufficient capital investment to purchase various equipment."

Huangtu said expressionlessly: "In addition, if you want to mass-produce basic ninja tools such as kunai and shuriken, you have to set up a large-scale workshop to reduce costs by expanding the scale, and the village must also support them and purchase them all." …”

"Do we have to accept everything if the quality is not up to standard?"

Another executive whose family runs a small ninja tool workshop immediately jumped up and objected like a conditioned reflex: "Purchasing those inferior ninja tools made by civilians is a crime against Iwagakure compatriots!"

"If we want to continue to manufacture high-end ninja tools on a large scale, we need the contribution of families who master the technology..."

Huang Tu ignored the words of the senior executive and continued to talk to himself, but was stopped by Onoki before he finished speaking.

"The secrets of the Ninja clan are inviolable!"


Loess has nothing to say.

"However, it is urgent that the village needs to produce its own ninja tools to reduce costs. It is better for the village to inject funds into each family to expand production..."

Another senior executive made a seemingly fair suggestion: "In this way, we can not only preserve the technical secrets of each ninja clan, but also achieve the goal of self-production of military equipment; wouldn't it be nice to have the best of both worlds~"

“But the price must be lowered and the quality must be improved!”

Ohnoki felt that this was not impossible.

At least with this joint venture, the village does not have to find ways to squeeze huge sums of money out of its already stretched funds to invest in an industry that is uncertain about success or failure. Moreover, through the joint venture, it can also master the production data of each ethnic group, which will also facilitate the expansion of production capacity nearby in the future. .

"If it can't be done, the village will withdraw its investment and stop purchasing the ninja tools from those workshops!"

The senior executive who made the suggestion said solemnly: "In the final analysis, the interests of the Ninja Village come first!"

"makes sense……"

Ohnoki was convinced.

"Weird talk, full of farts!"

Huang Tu whispered.

"Assistant Huangtu, what are you talking about!"

Onoki's face was extremely unhappy.

"I say...Congratulations, Tsuchikage-sama!"


"The shogunate is coming fiercely, we have to guard against it!"

In Kumogakure's Raikage office, the Third Raikage made the final decision: "We must also increase the speed of arms expansion!"

This is also a cliché. Ever since the southern region of the Kingdom of Thunder was occupied by the shogunate and the coast was beaten to pieces by the Kirigakure ninja army led by the Third Mizukage, the Kumogakure ninjas who have been working hard to become stronger cannot remember how many times they have said something like this. words.

But no money is no money.

In the Land of Earth, it was just a matter of financial credibility problems that led to a loss of funds. In the Kingdom of Thunder, the financial system completely collapsed and the shogunate gold yuan coupons became popular. Even if the daimyo was willing to support it, they could not squeeze out much money.

"I will go to Daming Mansion immediately tomorrow to discuss my interests with His Highness! We must let him continue to increase the allocation of military expenditures!"

Ai stood up immediately and said.

"Very good! That's it!"

The Third Raikage was full of praise: "This is our upright Kumogakure's example!"

As for whether the Daimyos of the Land of Thunder can get gold coins from their already empty treasury, or whether the noble businessmen of the Kingdom of Thunder, who are on the verge of bankruptcy, can squeeze out more oil, the senior leaders of Kumogakure are not sure. care.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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