Chapter 458

"Tokumitsu-kun, the village now has five fully-equipped standing columns and fifteen fully-equipped reserve columns ready for battle at any time!"

Early the next morning, Hatake Sakumo found Uchiha Demitsu and said.

In just one night, the name of Uchiha Tokimitsu's "righteousness" spread throughout Konoha again. No matter how Hatake Sakumo was the Speaker of the House of Representatives, he naturally knew about the "Tokumitsu Declaration" of the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange.

This time, he did not try to prevent the dispatch of troops. Instead, he quietly arranged for the Reform Society ninjas under his command to collect statistics on the standing ninja army. At the same time, he urgently mobilized the Reform Society ninjas and stuffed them into the reserve column overnight. The personnel assignment of fifteen reserve shelf columns was completed.

"Let's only bring five standing columns to fight this time. In addition, the ninja army directly under the shogunate has notified them to go north. In addition, the ninjas of the joint anti-terrorism force are still confronting Onoki's coalition forces. In terms of numbers, we have an absolute advantage. "

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"It's time for the younger generations of the village to go to the battlefield. After all, they can't stay in the village all the time..."

Hatake Sakumo advised tactfully.

"Since you've already mentioned this, let's bring ten more reserve columns~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't refuse either.

The standing column has about 500 people, while the reserve column has only more than 500 people. If added together, Uchiha Tokumitsu has recruited [-] ninjas from the village alone this time.

In addition, more than [-] ninja troops directly under the shogunate have been dispatched from Fubo City in the Country of Whirlpool overnight. At this time, they have roughly reached the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Taki; and the joint anti-terrorism force stationed in the southern region of the Country of Taki There are also thousands of troops directly under the headquarters - and this does not include the anti-terrorist ninjas who were scattered in various places for suppression and flew to reinforce after hearing the news; so the number of ninja troops under Uchiha Tokumitsu this time has easily exceeded [-] .

And if a full-scale war is really going to start, the ninja army directly under the shogunate and some of the remaining troops in Fubo City can be dispatched. There are also various border defense forces, garrison camps, etc., which are all well-known and powerful ninja armies. In addition, Kirigakure The number of recruited ninjas mobilized in , Grass Ninja Village, Rain Ninja Village and other places can easily exceed [-].

And this is far from the limit!

Therefore, with such overwhelming strength, if there hadn't been an obstructive Myobokuyama who was jumping up and down to cause trouble openly and covertly, Uchiha Tokumitsu would have sent his troops north to completely bulldoze Iwagakure and Kumogakure!
However, Ohnoki's nose-and-eye thrust this time was just right on the muzzle of the gun. The task force responsible for opening the route to Mt. Myoboku had just crushed the coalition forces at Mt. Myoboku and Ryūchi-dong. For a while, they were unable to attack. It happened to be You can use your hands to give Kumogakure and Iwagakure some strength!

"A new ninja army has arrived..."

Looking at the direction of the shogunate's garrison camp in the distance, Huangtu couldn't help but groan.

Onoki had been standing on the treetops all night.

His eyes were also looking at the shogunate ninja army camp where ninja troops continued to move in.

And just overnight, the anti-terrorism force camp with more than a thousand people was expanded. Various large-scale war ninja tools and sealing techniques were deployed, instantly eliminating the numerical advantage of the Iwagakure and Kumogakure coalition forces. And presented an overwhelming technical advantage on the battlefield.

As for the number of people, due to the hasty dispatch this time, after Akato led the two thousand alliance ninja troops stationed in the northern part of Takino Country across the border, Onoki only led the hastily summoned [-] ninja troops to go south. In addition, there were five ninja troops from the Iwagakure headquarters behind. The Thousand Ninja Army is gathering, and Kumogakure is also urgently summoning the Ninja Army.

But before his eyes, the joint anti-terrorist force, which originally had only a thousand people, quickly expanded to six thousand people overnight. Moreover, ninja troops under the banner of the shogunate continued to enter the camp and quickly deployed. formation.

Moreover, these ninja troops are not lightly armed troops like Iwagakure. All kinds of new ninja tools are emerging in the shogunate's positions. Even as a senior ninja who came through the late Warring States Period, Ohnoki cannot tell from the appearance of those giant ninja tools. Specific uses and lethality, but what is certain is that judging from the intensity of chakra fluctuations, these will be extremely terrifying weapons used in war.

Ohnoki wanted to use his Dust Release to fire two shots at the shogunate camp in the distance, but he held back in the end.

Shaking off the dew on his body, Onoki glanced sideways at his eldest son Huang Tu below who was concentrating on observing the shogunate camp.

The dispatch of troops this time can completely explain the problems between the two sides.

Because there is no possibility of intelligence leakage this time, even Ohnoki himself did not know that he would make such a rash decision before he obtained the intelligence from Mount Myoki and made up his mind.

Therefore, just judging from the speed of assembly and mobilization of the ninja army, the shogunate seems to have crushed Iwagakure and Kumogakure.

Onoki sighed slightly, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally.

The world was changing so fast that he was a little overwhelmed.

Today's Iwagakure ninja army can be said to be in its heyday since the founding of Iwagakure village. Both ninjutsu and personal level are far beyond the past, but now compared with the shogunate...

As the saying goes: Compare people to death, compare goods and wait for them to be thrown away; this sentence is enough to describe Ohnoki's mood at this time.

"What did you eat this morning?"

Out of the blue, Onoki said something.

The loess below seemed not to hear it, and was still recording the flag of the shogunate ninja army attentively.

"Hey! I'm calling you!"

Ohnoki was very dissatisfied and said to his eldest son: "What did you eat this morning?"


Only then did Huangtu react.

He thought it was just a hallucination.

"Meat tea, pancakes, etc..."

Huang Tu said uncertainly.

After all, Earth Country does not have any famous food, and Iwagakure advocates frugality. Whether the ninjas are in the village or outside, the recipes basically do not change much.

"We've already entered the country of Taki, but we don't know how to change our ways!"

Onoki said dissatisfiedly: "Since there are so many waterfalls and rivers in the country of Taki, go and ask Akatsuki to arrange for manpower to catch more fish! I want to eat fish!"


Although Huang Tu was very puzzled, he still obeyed and returned to the camp.

After the loess was gone, Onoki jumped down from the tree and sat slumped on the ground, his expression dull and full of exhaustion.

The mind is more tired than the body.

As a person who came to the late Warring States period, Onoki once witnessed the unparalleled combat power of Senju Hashirama who suppressed the ninja world and quelled the troubled times. He also witnessed Uchiha Madara's tyranny of Hashirama who had no one but Hashirama. He also gradually grew from a young ninja to a The leader of the Ninja Village, Iwagakure's founding, rise, growth, and desire to dominate the Ninja World are all closely related to Onoki.

It can be said that although the Tsuchikage of the first two generations cast the Iwagakure Ninja Village, the soul of Iwagakure was given by Onoki.

But all this seems meaningless in the face of changing times.

Just like he could no longer understand the specific uses of the shogunate's war ninja tools, he, and the ninja village he created, were actually far behind the ninja world.

But Onoki was still unwilling.

Since the end of the Second Ninja World War, Ohnoki has devoted all his energy to strengthening Iwagakure, and even reconciled with his mortal enemy Kumogakure against all opinions, achieving a back-to-back confrontation with the shogunate. However, when he really faced the shogunate's full strength, even if something happened Suddenly, the power that the shogunate unleashed was beyond what he and Iwagakure could contend with.

You know, for the sake of Iwagakure, he did not hesitate to encourage the Tachibana clan daimyo of the Earth Kingdom to exhaust the national power and completely drain all the potential in the future before he created such a ninja army!

As for the Iwagakure army, if they officially start a war, what else can they do besides using old-fashioned ninja tools such as kunai, shurikens, and detonating charms to fight against the shogunate ninja army who are armed to the teeth?

Onoki was confused inside.

Suddenly, there were footsteps in the distance behind him.

Ohnoki immediately stood up, straightened his clothes, and returned to his usual solemn appearance.

"...Father, Lord Tsuchikage."

Huangtu, who had gone back, said cautiously: "The Ninja Army has caught enough fish. You see, now..."

"I know..." Onoki nodded calmly, "By the way, let the Kitaki ninjas who are fine go catch more fish so that everyone can have a good meal."

"As ordered..."

Huang Tu bowed and saluted again, and before leaving, he added: "Then...get off the pot now?"


Onoki couldn't help but get angry again, but then regretted it: "I'll go back to eat fish later, don't rush me!"


Huang Tu shrank his neck and left as if fleeing.


Ohnoki could no longer maintain his serious airs and leaned his body against the tree trunk, sighing and feeling worried.

Where is Iwagakure's way out...

This is a question Ohnoki has been thinking hard about.

After a long time, when Onoki was puzzled and ready to go back to camp to eat fish, he noticed a burst of cheers suddenly coming from the Iwagakure camp.

Ohnoki immediately jumped up to the treetops and looked towards his camp.

I saw a figure emerging on the horizon. Judging from the direction, it seemed that the army of the ally Kumogakure had arrived!

Onoki couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this time the incident suddenly did not have time to communicate with Yunyin in advance, judging from Yunyin's current performance, this ally is somewhat reliable.

I don’t know about the shogunate either…

Ohnoki was not in a hurry to go back to eat fish, so he turned around and looked towards the direction of the shogunate camp again.

Although the cheers from the Iwagakure camp resounded throughout the sky, the shogunate camp seemed unmoved. Each department still performed its duties, building fortifications and erecting ninja tools in an orderly manner.

Ohnoki couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

I don’t know if the shogunate ninjas are too slow or too confident...

But based on rational judgment, Onoki believed that it was due to the self-confidence of the Shogunate Ninja Army.

The result of this judgment also made him a little disappointed.

"Forget it, let's go eat fish!"

Onoki shook his head and turned back toward the camp.


"Lord Tsuchikage, we caught a big fish!"

As soon as they landed at the camp, Akatsuchi came towards me and said with a smile: "And it is the most precious and delicious fish species in the cold pond of Taki Country. I have already let Taki Ninja, who is best at fish meat, take care of it!"


Onoki also temporarily put aside his inner depression and showed a cheerful look: "Then I'm going to have a good taste!"

“We also prepared the sweetest cold spring sake!”

Akato who nodded and bowed was completely different from his usual solemn appearance. He looked more like an eunuch serving as a servant to a daimyo.

Back in the Chinese army's tent, Ohnoki pretended to be in high spirits and took a few slices of fish meat, drank a few glasses of sake, and suddenly blushed on his face.

Although he couldn't taste the fish and wine because he was so preoccupied, it didn't stop him from pretending to be confident and sure of victory.

After all, not only him, but all the Iwagakure ninjas actually have a lingering and apprehensive mentality.

Is there going to be a war with the shogunate so suddenly?
Is my Ninja Village really ready?
Can you win?

What to do if you lose the battle?
Every Iwagakure ninja has such a problem in his heart, but due to military discipline, regulations and other constraints, they do not speak out.

But Onoki, who knew it well, did not miss any opportunity to encourage the Iwagakure ninjas.

Onoki was chatting and laughing at the fish feast, which made the Iwagakure jonins relax a little. Even the Kumogakure jonins who came from afar felt the confidence and passion of Lord Tsuchikage.

It seemed that everything was going well, and it seemed that the shogunate ninja army in the distance did not exist.

But the good times didn't last long, and there was a sudden ethereal sound outside the camp.

It sounded like it was coming from afar.

Ohnoki's heart moved, and his expression changed slightly.

Immediately, exclamations rang out from the Iwagakure camp.

Now Onoki really couldn't sit still.

After nodding to the jounin, he took the lead to walk out of the Chinese army tent, jumped up to the commanding heights of the camp and looked towards the direction of the shogunate camp.

I saw that the shogunate ninjas at the forefront were no longer as calm and serious as before, but instead looked like they were dancing.

Then, a giant flagpole towering into the sky was erected!
Flag with fan pattern on black background!
It's Uchiha Tokumitsu!

Ohnoki couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

In addition, countless groups of shogunate ninja troops filed into the camp, and at the same time, many shogunate ninjas began to set up camps on both sides.

Then more camps and more war ninja tools began to be deployed, and they half surrounded the Iwagakure camp in the form of a moon formation!


Along with a roar that resounded throughout the world, a huge figure emitting blue flames was revealed - it was Erwei!


There was another burst of anger, and a huge gray thorn-skinned turtle rose up from the ground, raising its head and roaring - it was three tails!

In addition to Uchiha Tokumitsu, there are also two tailed beasts!
Onoki couldn't help but be surprised!
This time, because he was afraid of the Uchiha ninja's Sharingan restraint, he didn't bring out Iwagakure's jinchūriki!

After a brief calculation, Ohnoki suddenly discovered that the shogunate ninja army in front of him exceeded ten thousand people!

"The younger generation is not very capable, but his posture is still quite sufficient!"

On the surface, Ohnoki looked calm and was chatting and laughing.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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