Chapter 580 Oil

【Yes. Yalu, a world where the sun is always shining and the waves of golden wheat are rolling. There are no wars, no famines, good weather all year round, and as long as you cultivate, you will be rewarded. After all, the Romans were a farming nation, and we must have land to farm in order to be practical. Hanging in Cybernia and accepting offerings from others is no different from vampires. They will not feel at ease. They always feel that their life is in the hands of others. The old Romans, after all, still wanted their own one-third of an acre of land to grow something. They want real harvest, real wheat, not growing cyber wheat in the cyber world of Cybernia. 】

"Then why don't you plant it? Where is your land?"

[Amon Zeus and his Dragon Tooth Soldiers are responsible for this part of the work. They are responsible for opening up 'Aru'. They are also responsible for building the core of 'Aru', 'Thebes City', just like burning lamps. The core of the field is the same as Alexandria. But we spent money and invested resources, and now we don’t know where Yalu is. Yaru was hidden by Amon Zeus. Victoria has sent troops, but there is no result yet. 】

"Need a helping hand?"

【Can't pay. You are too expensive. Asking you for help will cost you money. 】

"Forget it. We still have to focus on our own affairs now. So, Miss Phaethon, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay. Anyway, we have agreed. I will try my best. Oh, by the way, there is a small problem."

Suddenly, Phaethon took out his book: "There is another little knowledge point that I forgot to ask Yanqiu just now. It is this paragraph, the third chapter of the Eight Hundred Years of the Analects."

Shangluo glanced at it, this chapter is:

Offer sacrifices to (ancestors) as if they are present, and offer sacrifices to gods as if gods are present. Confucius said: "I don't offer sacrifices, just like I don't offer sacrifices."

"I would like to ask, what does 'as if' mean?" Phaethon asked, "When worshiping ancestors, the ancestors 'as if'. What does 'as if' mean? Are the ancestors really present?"

"As in."

"Are you here or not?"

"Hey, Ruzai! Do you understand? Ruzai." Shangluo replied.


"As in." Shangluo nodded.

"..." Phaethon slapped his head, "Okay, okay, remember it as you are. In other words, when you are offering sacrifices, no matter what you think, actions are the most important thing, right? After all, actions are used. I’m here to unite strangers. Is this right? Do I understand?”

"If you are right, if you understand."

"See you later." Phaethon went to find the answer with the question.

[By the way, are you here? 】

"I don't know either. I'm not a benevolent scholar. I can only answer Ru Zai. She knows whether she understands or not."

[Tsk, I don’t know what she will learn in the end. 】

"She is not engaged in benevolence. Her research direction should be alchemy, so it's almost enough. There is no need for him to use these knowledge to solve problems like benevolence. Learning these now is just to learn some basic knowledge, which will be convenient later. It’s just an exam—although these are just basic research for alchemy.”

[Okay. So what’s our next business? ]   Shangluo glanced at the world and said, "Let's go get oil."

Jinshen Hall is the last of the three main halls. The place where Zhu Xianfen works. The air conditioning was still on slightly when I came here last time, but now the heating is on.

"Oil?" During working hours, Zhu Xianfen was sitting behind his desk, pouring tea from a purple clay pot. He also had to pour a glass from Shangluo across the table.

"Yes, I need oil."

"Well, about oil, you should have known about it when you were in Yangzhou. We are trialling the 'oil lead' system for all fuels in the world because we are limiting global fuel consumption. Because the fuel itself will accelerate industrialization, but we hope Industrialization is controlled industrialization, not uncontrolled expansion caused by killing civilians. So a very important point is that we control the pulse of the entire society by controlling fuel. So, how much do you want?"

"Lots and lots of unlimited oil - but I don't need fuel, I want crude oil."

"The same goes for crude oil. I know you have to refine oil there, but the refined oil will evaporate. Our production of this kind of heavy industry product across the country is planned. There is no place to consume the extra production. Hmm .You wait a moment, I will bring Master Lan in."

"Lan Zhenren?"

"Well, you'll find out later."

Zhu Xianfen said hello, and then the Jin Yiwei came in and closed the curtains, and then lowered the curtains on the other side of the room. Another plotter with a stand was moved, and Lan Daoxing's image appeared on the screen.

"Fu Sheng Boundless Heavenly Lord." Lan Daoxing bowed slightly to Zhu Xianfen and Shangluo, and they both said hello to each other.

“It turns out we can hold video conferences here.”

"There are not many places where it can be opened." Zhu Xianfen replied, "It's different from your place. You can open it everywhere, right? Here, only a few twins of Tianyi can provide this kind of instantaneous service. Video connection. There are not too many twins, they are all in important places. However, Lan Shenxian, I have sent you everything Shangluo has to say, what do you think?"

"Well, I received it before. Our situation here is roughly like this: Shang Tianjun, you want to introduce your part in domestic oil production. This is okay, but you need to apply. But you said You want those heavy oils? I don't know if the heavy oils you want are the same thing as what we call heavy oils in the industry."

"Perhaps," Shangluo replied, "Although not all heavy crude oil can be used, light crude oil is certainly less usable."

"The oil itself is easy to solve. We occasionally have problems with the quality of domestic crude oil that is not suitable for refining. There are too many weird things in it. But if what you want is weird things, that's just right. I'm afraid there is no place for it. It’s more suitable than what we have here. However, if you want to apply for oil products, you have to file a report and apply.”

"Make a report? Who is the report for?"

"To the Beidou system. The Beidou Large Difference Machine is the 'Central Production Management System' of Beizhili, under the Yuxi Palace in Shuntian. The corresponding one is the Nandou Large Difference Machine of Xuanwu Lake, the 'National Automation System', which is mainly Guanhuang's library is filled with those file cards. Beidou's main responsibility is to coordinate the economic production of Beizhili and manage production and reproduction within Beizhili. So if you want to add something new there, you need to give Beidou Make a report on the large difference machine and then add it to the comprehensive planning for the next year. At that time, we will allocate part of the production capacity from the new year's reproduction to complete it for you."

"Is there such a convenient machine? What should I report?"

"Just report how many raw materials you need, how much input you need, and how much output you need. I will pass you a form now. You fill it out."

(End of this chapter)

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