Do Cyberdoctors Dream of Mechanical Zombies?

Chapter 141 Boss Zhang's Funeral

Chapter 141 Boss Zhang's Funeral

Boss Zhang, whose real name is unknown.

Shen Yi has known him for almost a year. He only knows that his surname is Zhang, that he has a wife named Shuhua, and a daughter named Zhang Xiaozhu. Besides, Shen Yi knows nothing about him.

After Boss Zhang hanged himself.

He left his body as an inheritance to Shen Yi.

In the refrigerated room of Zhangji Noodle House, there is a large pot of braised pork, a casserole of stewed chicken and mushrooms, some wrapped dumplings, wontons, and other natural ingredients such as pork, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage.

It's the noodle shop's reserve.

These foods and ingredients were left to Ah Ran as a legacy.

Boss Zhang has a pair of second-hand illusion glasses. In his spare time, he occasionally watches novel and interesting illusion films. This is one of the few hobbies of Boss Zhang.

And this second-hand illusion glasses were left to Su Ya as an inheritance.

Boss Zhang also treasured seven or eight small movies, which were used to relieve loneliness after his wife left.

Small movies were naturally left to Chen Ping.

But Boss Zhang may have forgotten that he had asked Chen Ping to buy all these small movies.

At that time, Chen Ping also gave Boss Zhang a friendly price.

[-]% off.

That's right, before practicing puppetry, Chen Ping was a well-known film brother on the eighth floor.

That was the main bread and butter he used to make a living.

Closer to home.

Shen Yi did not intend to refine Boss Zhang's corpse into a corpse puppet.Instead, it is intended to be taken to the wilderness for burial.

Into the ground is safe.

No matter in the secular world or in the world of cultivating immortals, this is a very normal tradition.

The human race was born on the earth, and they had to be buried in this land after death.

This is called falling leaves returning to their roots, with a beginning and an end.

But in Eternal Life City, a city ruled by Huang Quanzong where zombies and living people coexist.

Let the dead rest in the ground instead of refining into zombies.

As funny as whores talking about virginity.

But Shen Yi didn't care.

He doesn't mind using the enemy's refined zombies, but he will never accept that he will refine the corpses of his friends who died unexpectedly into zombies.

It felt weird that way.

Shen Yi bought a corrosion-resistant alloy coffin and a large pile of ingot incense candles at a coffin shop and a funeral supplies store respectively.

Just as Shen Yi took out the spiritual money talisman and was about to pay the bill.

Ah Ran hurriedly stopped him, and said: "Let me do it, you earn hard money, do less work, your body is important."

Shen Yi knew in his heart that Ah Ran was doing it for his own good.

But he still has an inexplicable feeling!
Shen Yi also tried to explain to Ah Ran, but every time at this time, Ah Ran would show a look of "I understand everything." "No matter what you say, I will believe it." "Good brother, I will never dislike you! " expression.

This made Shen Yi quite annoyed.

I don't even bother to explain.

Fortunately, Ah Ran is very trustworthy and tight-lipped.

After preparing the items needed for the funeral.

The two and one ghost left the city and came to the wilderness.

Originally, Chen Ping would also come, but last night he and Dr. Fan did not know what to do, one sprained his waist and broke his leg.

Another knocked out several teeth and broke his hands.
According to Ah Ran, in Dr. Fan's apartment, there were still five prostitutes lying unconscious for some reason.

Although Shen Yi and Su Ya didn't understand.

But shocked!
Outside the city, the clouds are thick.

A dense pile of Devil May Cry flags was planted outside the city, fluttering in the wind.

The dead souls trapped in the Devil May Cry Flag screamed in pain!
The two walked together, walked for a long time, found a geomantic treasure, and then began to dig the grave.

Although Chen Ping didn't come, he gave Shen Yi and the others a coolie puppet.

Although this thing can't be used for fighting, it can be handed over to coolie puppets for general cumbersome coolie work.

It is driven by spirit stones and consumes one and a half spirit stones a day.

Nowadays, the virtual spirit stones of spirit money talismans are used. If you need real spirit stones to power flying boats, puppets, and flying swords, you can go to the "Spirit Exchange" to exchange them for real spirit stones.

It's just right for coolie puppets to dig graves.

Worrying about the monster wandering in the wilderness smelling the smell and digging out the corpse.

Shen Yi manipulated the coolie puppet to make it dig a nearly 20-meter deep pit, and then he stopped.

Take out the alloy coffin containing Boss Zhang's body from the storage bag.

He opened the coffin lid and took one last look at Boss Zhang.

Shen Yi had a complicated expression. He controlled the coolie zombie, put the coffin into the deep pit, and then filled it with soil.

They did not erect a monument to Boss Zhang.

Dare to build a tomb and monument on the territory of Huang Quanzong?I dug it up the next day!
Ah Ran took out several tied paper figurines, as well as a pile of ingots, incense, candles and coins.

They were burned one by one in front of Boss Zhang's grave.

Su Ya took out a wonderful sound conch and played a piece of "Sorrow and Music".

In the very sad erhu playing, the two of them and the ghost were both a little sad.

"Boss Zhang, have a good journey."

Ah Ran had a solemn expression, and while burning the paper money, said solemnly.

"You said, do Boss Zhang's wife and daughter know that Boss Zhang has committed suicide?" Su Ya asked curiously.

Shen Yi shook his head.

He doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.

The next day.

Eternal Life City·Second floor college dormitory.

There is one day left before the Inner Court assessment.

The day after tomorrow, the assessment will officially begin!

The school held a carnival for those students who were going to be admitted to the inner courtyard.

It can be regarded as relaxation before the examination.

Shen Yizi also received the invitation letter, at seven o'clock tomorrow night, the carnival will be held on time!


Shen Yi received the sound transmission talisman from the principal, tonight, on the first floor, Yunting Mengxiang Restaurant, the principal wants to invite him to dinner.

Shen Yi has to give the headmaster's face no matter what.

What's more, the headmaster pays for the dinner out of his own pocket, so that's even more important!

I just don't know why the principal invited him to dinner suddenly.
Wait until seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

The principal personally drove the flying boat to the college dormitory to pick up Shen Yi.

Shen Yi didn't have a pass to go to the first floor, he must be accompanied by someone with a pass before he can go to the first floor.

on the boat.

Shen Yi asked the principal: "You invited me to dinner today, do you have something to discuss with me?"

"That's right." Principal Jin Hong said with a smile.

"What is it?" Shen Yi was curious.

Principal Jin Hong said: "When you get to the place, you will know!"


Shen Yi spoke lightly, but his heart was pounding.

Alas, what should come will always come.

After receiving so much favor from the principal, it is time to repay the principal!

Shen Yi was silently doing psychological work for himself, telling himself that he was ready.

Tonight, there was no rain on the first floor.

The night sky is clear, the sky is full of stars, the sky is full of stars, the city's high-rise buildings, vermilion buildings and green tiles are beautiful, jade-built and carved.

All kinds of exquisite illusion advertisements.

placed in the city.

The clouds are steaming and the rosy clouds are shining, and the lights are brilliant.

Shen Yi stared out the window of Feizhou, with a look of excitement and longing in his eyes.

Soon, after he passes the examination, he will be able to stand above the surface in a fair manner, instead of staying underground like a mouse in the dark!
Principal Jin Hong glanced at Shen Yi, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the meaning was unknown.

The flying boat stopped in front of Yunting Mengxiang Restaurant.

A zombie doorman in vermilion deacon uniform gracefully opened the hatch of the airship.

Shen Yi got out of the car first, followed by the principal.

The flying boat has an autopilot function. When the hatch is closed, the headmaster makes a formula, and the flying boat will automatically go to the parking lot.

"Let's go, there is a big man waiting for you." Principal Jin Hong smiled.

"Big shot? Who would it be?"

Shen Yi was puzzled, and it became more serious.

Step into the restaurant, under the leadership of a beautiful waitress with bluish-white skin.

Shen Yi and Principal Jin Hong came to the No. [-] Private Room of Tianzi in Yunting Mengxiang Restaurant!
Open the door and enter, the interior decoration of the private room is very elegant.

A young man with an elegant appearance and a gentle temperament sat at the head of the Eight Immortals table, and he seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Principal Jin Hong fell to his knees as soon as he entered the door.

"This subordinate kowtows to Elder Feng, and I hope that the elder will forgive me for being late!" He said respectfully.

"Is this person an elder?"

Hearing this, Shen Yi immediately widened his eyes, also knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: "Student Shen Yi, kowtow to the elder!"

The elders of the Netherworld Sect must be at the Golden Core Stage.

A Jindan real person!
Shen Yi didn't dare to be sloppy or slack in the slightest, and made a big gift respectfully.

"Excuse me, there is no need to be more polite."

Feng Heli smiled lightly.

After Principal Jin Hong stood up, Shen Yi followed closely.

"Sit." Feng Heli stretched out his hand to signal the two to sit down.

Shen Yi didn't dare to sit until he saw Principal Jin Hong sitting down.

Feng Heli turned his head to look at Shen Yi, smiled slightly and said, "You are Shen Yi?"

"It's the students." Shen Yi said.

"Okay, very good." Feng Heli said two good words in a row, picked up the jug on the table, and poured a glass of wine for Shen Yi himself.

"This wine is Yunting Mengxiang's signature green ant wine. It is the only one, and there is no other semicolon. Green ant wine is a spiritual wine brewed with spiritual materials and medicines. Drinking too much wine can hurt the body and liver, but the spiritual wine is not the same. The more the better, it has the effect of prolonging life!"

Daoist Jin Dan personally poured wine for him.

Shen Yi was flattered.

He respectfully and politely said: "Elder Xie Feng!"

"Shen Yi, do you know who I am?" Feng Heli put down the jug and asked.

"I don't know." Shen Yi shook his head.

"I am the master of the secret hall, Feng Heli. I came to you today not for any other reason, but to tell you that you have become a disciple of the secret hall and are my direct subordinates, and you only obey orders and serve me alone." Feng Heli smiled.

Shen Yi pondered for a while, and said:
"Yes, obey!"

He originally planned to join the military after joining the Yellow Spring Sect, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Daoist Jindan was sitting next to him, the distance between him and him was only one foot.

Shen Yi really didn't have the courage to refuse Feng Heli's request.

I had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, the benefits of the secret hall are quite good.

"You are already a disciple of the secret hall, so you don't need to participate in the day after tomorrow's entrance examination." Feng Heli said again.


Shen Yi nodded yes.

You can join the inner courtyard without examination.

At least it can save him a lot of trouble and time.

Feng Heli seemed very satisfied with Shen Yi's straightforward answer.

The smile on his face widened even further. He picked up the green emerald wine cup, took a small sip of the green ant wine in the cup, then put the cup back on the table, and asked:

"Do you know beasts?"

"Of course I know, the food we eat every day is all transported from beasts." Shen Yi said.

"That's right, more than [-]% of the food and ingredients in Eternal Life City come from Ten Thousand Beasts, including Shangcheng District." Feng Heli smiled brightly and said, "Then do you know who the ruler of Ten Thousand Beasts is?"

"Hmm, it seems to be the Mountain of Beasts?"

Shen Yi pondered for a moment and replied.

"The answer is correct." Feng Heli said softly: "Yu Beast Mountain, one of the 72 earth demons of the Taoist sect, is good at controlling beasts and spiritual planting techniques, and is one of the mortal enemies of Huangquanzong. Of course, in order to maintain the stability of the Taoist sect, Yu The fact that Beast Mountain is the mortal enemy of Huang Quanzong will rot in the stomach, so don't talk nonsense outside."

"Uh, our Netherworld Sect has a lot of mortal enemies."

Shen Yi said with emotion.

Feng Heli laughed and said:

"Netherworld Sect is based on the art of refining corpses, and has a huge demand for corpses, especially the corpses of senior immortal cultivators. Naturally, the more the better."

"In order to obtain a large number of corpses, the Netherworld Sect often provokes wars. In this world, there have been a total of twelve sect wars, and each time the Netherworld Sect actively participated."

"So there are many mortal enemies of Huangquanzong, and Yushoushan is one of them."

Shen Yi nodded as if suddenly realized.

No wonder the City of Eternal Life has always been very repulsed by Wanshou's goods!
Only recently has it gotten better.

The goods and goods of Wanshou gradually appeared in the market of the city of eternal life.

"The Yellow Spring Sect and the Yushou Mountain used to have several conflicts in a small area. Both sides dispatched their military headquarters. The Hanba Army of the Huangquan Sect faced the Fire Crow Camp on the Yushou Mountain. Both sides had their own victories. In order to restrain The fire crow army, the top of the Yellow Spring Sect's military department even specially ordered to add a frozen talisman bullet department in the fifth talisman factory, I remember you worked in the fifth talisman factory for a few days, do you still have any impression?"

Feng Heli looked at Shen Yidao.

Shen Yi replied: "That's right, and I just work in the Talisman Division, refining frozen Talismans all day long!"

Feng Heli continued:

"All in all, for some reason, the Taoist sect intervened in the battle between Huang Quanzong and Yushou Mountain, forcing the two sects to shake hands and make peace and get back together."

Shen Yi pondered and said: "This is why the Immortal City has re-accepted the products of Wanshou and the reason why the ban on Wanshou was cancelled?"

"That's right, the Taoist sect even stipulates that Huangquanzong and Yushoushan will exchange ten students each year. It just so happens that I have a quota for exchange students."

Feng Heli looked deeply at Shen Yidao.

"Could it be that"

Shen Yi's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself: "Elder Feng Heli wants to give himself the opportunity to study at Yushou Mountain?"

This is a good job.

There is a Taoist sect to supervise, whether it is Huangquanzong or Yushoushan, even if both parties are on fire, they dare not kill the exchange. !

Take good care of the exchange students.

Only in this way can the grand style be displayed.

Moreover, if you go to Yushoushan as an exchange student, there is a high probability that you will learn the beasts that Yushoushan is proud of and the unique skill of spiritual planting.

Shen Yi asked anxiously:

"Elder Feng, do you want to give me the exchange student quota?"

Feng Heli shook his head resolutely: "Of course not, I plan to give up this spot to my nephew."


Shen Yi looked puzzled.

Since you don't give him the exchange student quota, why tell him so much?It made him happy in vain.

Feng Heli smiled mysteriously and said:
"I want you to be a secret agent, infiltrate into Yushoushan, become a disciple of Yushoushan, and work for me and Huangquanzong!"

(End of this chapter)

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