Do Cyberdoctors Dream of Mechanical Zombies?

Chapter 149 The First Night of Ten Thousand Beasts

Chapter 149 The First Night of Ten Thousand Beasts (5K)

"My lord, are you going to the city? Do you want to take a taxi?"

Several taxi taxis were parked on the side of the asphalt road, and one of them, a taxi driver with slightly bald hair, about 50 to [-] years old, solicited business enthusiastically.

The beasts are huge, and after entering the city gate, they have to walk for three or four hours to reach Li Gui's elixir shop.

Therefore, near the city gate, there are many metered flying boats waiting for business.

Wanshou has an air ban and a no-movement order, and only certain personnel are qualified to fly the flying sword over the city.

Large cities generally have these two prohibitions.

Otherwise, monks who control magic weapons are flying everywhere in the sky and on the ground in the city, wouldn't it be a mess.

According to Shen Yi's temperament, he would rather waste time walking to the city center than spend Lingshi on a metered flying boat.

But now he is not Shen Yi, but Li Gui, a little boy.

The little boys who are willing to eat soft meals with rich women are all masters who don't want to endure hardship and are greedy for pleasure.

How could it be time-consuming and strenuous to walk to the city center?

Shen Yi didn't think too much, and immediately responded: "Sit."

"Okay, my lord, I'll come right away." The taxi driver immediately got into the flying boat, and drove the flying boat to stop beside Shen Yi.

Shen Yi boarded the flying boat, the flying boat started, and it was moving forward along the asphalt road at a fast speed.

There are three walls in Wanshou, dividing Wanshou into three areas.

The outermost layer is the animal farming area, with huge animal pens and vegetable sheds arranged compactly, covering the entire animal farming area.

About one or two meters below the ground, one after another spiritual power arrays are connected in series to provide energy for the animal pens and vegetable greenhouses on the ground.

"My lord, you don't look like a local?" On the way, the taxi driver spoke up.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Shen Yi asked with a smile.

At the same time, he was also a little nervous, why did a little taxi driver see the clues as soon as he arrived at Wanshou?
The taxi driver said with a smile: "My son, you have been looking at the animal pens and sheds outside. The locals have long been tired of watching those things, and only outsiders who have just arrived at Wanshou will look at them endlessly."

"Haha." Shen Yi smiled and said: "Wrong, I'm a local, but I don't come back often, I think about it when I see it."

"oh, I see."

The taxi driver just said casually and didn't care about such trivial matters.

Soon, the Ji Cheng Feizhou drove to the gate of the second city. After showing the identity token to the disciple of Yushou Mountain guarding the gate, the other party let it go.

Ten Thousand Beasts, the city is divided into three major areas, the animal farming area, the outer city and the inner city.

In fact, this place is roughly similar to the City of Eternal Life.

The outer city is where ordinary people live, while the inner city is the site of dignitaries.

It's just that some things are called differently.

"Where are you going, my lord? Please give me a detailed address." The taxi driver asked.

"10014 Huaihua Street."

Shen Yi proficiently spoke out an address.


The taxi driver quickly entered the address on the control panel of the flying boat.The metered flying boat was speeding along the road along the designated route.

After a while, we arrived at our destination.

"My lord, the fare is 900 spiritual coins."


Shen Yi paid the money quickly and got off the flying boat.

Huaihua Street is a street located under the inner city wall.

This neighborhood is quite prosperous, with bars, magic treasure shops, restaurants, small shops, prosthetic body repair shops, talisman shops, medicine shops, elixir shops, etc., everything is available.

People come and go, quite lively.

The elixir shop of Li Gui's family is a small frontage house sandwiched between "Ping'an Small Shop" and "Lao Wang Shaomai Restaurant".

There are two old red lanterns hanging under the eaves.

On the door is a plaque with a lot of dust, with gold letters on a black background, and the four characters "Li Ji Danfang" are written.

Shen Yi took out the key and opened the shutter door.

In the dark room, the first thing that catches the eye is a dead body, a dead body not long ago, hanging from the beams, with three short knives stuck in the chest, disembowelled, and the intestines and viscera spilled all over the floor Corpse!
If ordinary people.

As soon as I got home, I ran into such a scene, and I was afraid that I would be scared to death.

But Shen Yi is not an ordinary person.

He wasn't afraid, on the contrary he was pleasantly surprised.

"Wuhu, I picked up a dead body for nothing."

Shen Yi was overjoyed, and hurried forward, put down the corpse, and then he didn't think it was too dirty, stuffed the intestines and viscera back into the abdominal cavity with his hands, then took out a yellow talisman and stuck it on it.

A gray light lit up.

A few black silk threads penetrated from the amulet into the belly of the deceased.

The open wound on the stomach of the corpse.

Under the magic power of the talisman, it was stitched together.

Shen Yi turned his head and looked out the door, seeing that no one was paying attention, so he stuffed the corpse into the storage bag.

"This Ten Thousand Beasts is a good place, just picked up a corpse for nothing." Shen Yi snickered.

His hands were covered with blood, and a large area of ​​the store was stained with blood.

Shen Yi got up, wandered around in Li Ji Danfang, and quickly found the bathroom, to wash off the blood on his hands.

This Li Ji Danfang has two floors, the first floor is for alchemy, and the second floor is for people to live in. The combined area of ​​the two floors is about one hundred square meters.

Li Gui was romantic by nature and didn't like alchemy.

The alchemy workshop left by his parents is not easy to operate, and it has long been abandoned.

The alchemy furnace placed on the first floor had just been inspected by Shen Yishi, and it was devoid of spirituality. The furnace was covered with rust, and there was a thick layer of ash. One could tell at a glance that no one had cleaned it for three or four years.

The medicine cabinet against the wall and the shelf with many pill bottles.

Shen Yi checked them one by one, and they were all empty.

Simply clean the house.

Shen Yi sat on an Eight Immortals table next to the kitchen on the second floor. On the table, there were three short knives. These three short knives were just inserted into the corpse.

It was inserted very deep, directly piercing through the corpse.

This corpse was deliberately hung in the shop.

Obviously, it should be for Li Gui.

in the gang.

There is a saying that whoever seduces the second sister-in-law will be punished with "three knives and six holes" and "disembowelment"!

Li Gui is a veteran who eats soft food, and he can do things like seduce the second sister-in-law.

Then this is likely to be a warning to Li Gui from a certain gang.

Shen Yi was a little worried.

Not long after he came to Ten Thousand Beasts, he was targeted by the gang.

At the beginning, he shouldn't have chosen the identity of Li Gui, a little boy, and caused a lot of trouble for no reason.
Shen Yi sighed.

It's too late to say anything now.

He took out the shiny golden card, which depicted many birds and beasts.

Admission notice from Wanshou University.

The day of admitting new students started yesterday and lasted for a week, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm.

Shen Yi planned to register at Wanshou University tomorrow morning.

When he officially became a freshman of Wanshou University, he would not believe that there are still gangs who would dare to provoke him!
Just as Shen Yi was thinking.

Suddenly heard movement below, someone entered the house.

Shen Yi's eyes became sharp, and he said loudly, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Xu Chunjiao from Laowang Shaomai Restaurant next door, it' it Li Gui back?"

Downstairs, a female voice replied.

Shen Yideng breathed a sigh of relief, and walked downstairs.

While walking, he replied, "Well, it's me, I'm back."

Downstairs, a beautiful young woman with good looks and a voluptuous figure, wearing a hip-wrapping skirt, stockings, high heels, and an apron, is standing at the door with a plate of siu mai in her hand, looking forward to it.

Seeing Shen Yi, the beautiful young woman smiled:

"Li Gui, you're back. It's been two or three months since you left."

Shen Yi smiled politely: "That's right."

"Your voice is also much lower than before, I didn't hear it just now." The beautiful young woman laughed.

Shen Yi smiled lightly and said: "I just came back, I was in such a hurry, I didn't even have time to drink, so my voice is a bit hoarse."

"Just come back. My husband saw your shop door open, guessed that you might be back, and asked me to bring you a plate of mutton siu mai."

The beautiful young woman said flatteringly.

Shen Yi smiled and said, "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to take the plate of mutton and siu mai, and accidentally touched Xu Chunjiao's white, tender and smooth hand.


Xu Chun's charming eyes are like silk, biting his lip, looking at Shen Yi very charmingly.

As if in the next moment, she would throw herself into Shen Yi's arms recklessly, and be lingering with him.

Shen Yi didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Looking at her, she seems to have an ulterior relationship with Li Gui.

At this time, a rough and tall man came to the door in vain.

"Chunjiao, what are you doing, why did it take so long to deliver a siu mai?" the man scolded dissatisfied.

Xu Chunjiao replied indifferently: "It's nothing, Li Gui just came back and chatted with him for a while."

The man glanced at Shen Yi, then turned his head to Xu Chunjiao and said, "Go back quickly, are you ignoring the business in the shop?"


Xu Chunjiao blinked at Shen Yi, then left with her hips twisted.

And her husband, instead of leaving with her, stayed behind.

He said to Shen Yi: "I'm back."

"Ang, you're back."

This is Shen Yi's first time "passively" hooking up with a married woman.Although he didn't have any relationship with Xu Chunjiao, he always felt a little guilty.

"Shaomai is what you like to eat. You are losing weight, eat more." After finishing speaking, the man didn't stay for long, turned around and left.

"Thank you, Brother Wang." Shen Yi said politely.

"Brother Wang? You call me Brother Wang?"

The man suddenly stood on the spot, turned his head to look at Shen Yi in disbelief.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Yi's heart pounded, could it be that this person's surname is not Wang?Since his surname is not Wang, why is his siu mai restaurant called Lao Wang siu mai?

There was a look of grievance on the man's rough and resolute face.

"You used to be called Xiao Tiantian, but why did you treat me so indifferently after you went out for a few months? You must have found a good friend again. You are too cruel!"

After all, the man staggered away with tears in his eyes.

Shen Yi was left alone with a confused face.

This is too fucking messy!
Li Gui, Li Gui, I misread you, you are really kind!

Shen Yi took a deep breath, in short, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

It would be fine if there was just Xu Chunjiao, but with Xiao Tiantian, it would be too much for him.

Take a look at the time.

It is now three twenty in the afternoon.

There are still 10 minutes left before the end of registration for Wanshou University, and there is still time!

Without hesitation, Shen Yi directly locked the door of the store and went to Wanshou University to report!

He couldn't wait.

Shen Yi's previous light curtain talisman was made by Huang Quanzong, and it can be used online in Immortal City, but it cannot be used in Wanshou.

Fortunately, in Li Gui's storage bag, there is also a light curtain amulet made by Yushou Mountain.

Shen Yi opened the light curtain symbol and entered the word "map" on it.

A detailed map of "The Outer City of Ten Thousand Beasts" suddenly appeared on the light curtain symbol.

An important place like "University of Beasts" is specially marked on the map, so you can see it at a glance.

It is about three or four miles away from Shen Yi.

It takes about 1 minute to arrive by taxi
Shen Yi immediately stopped a taxi flying boat on the side of the road and headed for Wanshou University.

The advantage of Ten Thousand Beasts over Eternal City is that they can see the sky.

By chance in the afternoon the clouds cleared.

Exposure to dusk stained blue sky.

The setting sun is setting, and the setting sun is like blood.

The neon lights on the business signboards on both sides of the street lit up one after another, and the spirit beasts that were busy working in various parts of the city brought a different kind of vitality to Wanshou Outer City.

In the blink of an eye.

Shen Yi arrived at the place.

Wanshou University is even more magnificent than he imagined.

The building of the university is made of white marble, majestic and resplendent, like the official residence of a fairy. At the entrance of the university is a fairy jade square covering an area of ​​tens of acres. There are tens of thousands of jade carvings of birds and animals, which look wonderful and beautiful. lifelike.

The entrance of the university is bustling with people coming and going, and it is very lively.

Shen Yi had an admission notice, and the security guard at the gate simply let Shen Yi into the campus, and told him intimately where he should go to register.

It was a palace near the entrance of the university.

There is also a plaque above the entrance of the palace, with the words "Welcome Hall" written in large characters.

Entering the main hall, the number of students queuing up to register at this moment is much less, including Shen Yi, there are only three or two.

Shen Yi waited silently, waiting for the students in front of him to register.

He just stepped forward.

The person in charge of the registration of new students was a female teacher in Tsing Yi Taoist gown, she looked okay.

But it looks like she has undergone plastic surgery many times. Although she is beautiful, she always feels too fake.
When it was Shen Yi's turn, she held a blank jade slip in her hand and entered the content without raising her head.


Shen Yidao: "Li Gui."




"10014 Huaihua Street."

"Give me the admission letter."

Shen Yi handed over the notice he had prepared long ago.

After the teacher accepted it, he said, "Okay, come over tomorrow morning and take the sorting exam."


I heard that I have to take the sorting exam.

Shen Yi was startled, didn't say much, turned around and was about to leave.

"Oh, don't go yet."

The female teacher suddenly called Shen Yi to stop.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Look at the way you don't understand anything, I'm also kind enough to remind you that our Wanshou University is divided into more than a dozen departments, and there are good and bad among them. If you are self-motivated, you want to join a good one." I suggest you don’t waste your time tonight and do more activities. Only by building a good relationship with the admissions teachers of each college can you enter a better department.”

Shen Yi was taken aback, then nodded.

"I see."

When he was about to leave again.

The female teacher stopped him again: "Wait a minute, why are you leaving in such a hurry, I haven't finished talking yet."

Shen Yi stopped in his tracks, "Is there anything else?"

"Do you know the teachers of each school?"

Without waiting for Shen Yi to answer.

The female teacher asked herself and answered: "I guess you don't know him either, so here I have a piece of information on the departments of Wanshou University, the preferences of recruiting teachers, and contact information, and I will sell it to you at a cheaper price, 50 spirit stones. "

"50 spirit stones?"

Shen Yiyi frowned and said, "It's a bit too expensive."

The female teacher sneered and said:

"Don't think I can't see it. As far as your spiritual root qualifications are concerned, the admission notice must have been bought. A notice is not cheap. You have spent so much money, and it is not bad. Don't be fooled by the small money. Big loss!"

Shen Yi hesitated for a while.

Finally nodded.

"Okay, I want one."

Without further ado, the female teacher caught a fat pet that looked like a toad from under the table.

She reached out and scratched Toad's chin.

Then, Toad opened his mouth comfortably and yelled twice, and spit out a white jade slip.

Although it hurts a bit, Shen Yi still paid 50 spirit stones and bought a jade slip.

I just came to Wanshou University and spent 50 spirit stones without doing anything, so heartbroken.

Shen Yi was walking home.

At the same time, think about the next move in your heart.

At this moment, he is in charge of the Heavenly Spiritual Root, as long as he reveals the Heavenly Spiritual Root, he will surely gain the attention of Wanshou University.

It's just that the origin of this heavenly spirit root is hard to explain.

Besides, I'm new here.

Shen Yi was also not sure what to do if the Heavenly Spiritual Root was exposed and attracted the covetousness of the strong.

Therefore, for a while, he had to hide his cultivation and spiritual roots.

Walking on the streets of the outer city of Wanshou, this place is similar to the city of eternal life, the only difference is that cyber zombies can be seen everywhere on the streets of the city of eternal life, and in Wanshou they have become spirit beasts and pets.

Go back to Liji Danfang.

The plate of mutton siu mai was still on the counter on the first floor.

Shen Yi carried it to the second floor, brought a pair of chopsticks, and while eating the siu mai, he put the white jade slip on his forehead, and his spiritual sense peeped into it.

The colleges and departments of Wanshou University include: Royal Beast Academy, Royal Sword Academy, Magic Treasure Academy, Artifact Refining Academy, Prosthetic Magic Treasure Academy, Fulu Academy, Pill Academy, Art Academy, Divine Conscious Academy, Huanyu Academy, Lingzhi Academy, etc. .

among them.

The best departments are the Royal Beast Academy, the Pill Medicine Academy, the Huanyu Academy and the Lingzhi Academy.

Wanshou University is the Immortal Cultivation University founded by Yushouzong.

Zi Shi is the best at and most proficient in the art of beast control.

Followed by Huanyu Academy and Lingzhi Academy.

The Huanyu Institute is dedicated to cultivating various types of spirit beasts for the Beastmaster Sect.

Shen Yi has seen it on the way back and forth, mandrill who knows how to clean the road, wears an orange uniform and holds cleaning tools in hand, blue-feathered pigeon who is responsible for express delivery and home delivery, and consonant elephant who undertakes all kinds of physical work.
All of the above are the masterpieces of Huanyu Academy.

Lingzhiyuan is responsible for cultivating spiritual herbs, fruits and vegetables.

Don't underestimate Huanyu Academy and Lingzhi Academy.

The war behemoths, mine masters, and urban herds of beasts bred by Huan Yuyuan are selling very well in Daomen.

Their cloning farming technology is also leveraged.

Now the meat in the city of eternal life is provided by all beasts.

The same is true for Lingzhiyuan.

The Danyao Academy has risen suddenly in the past two years.

It's just because Yushoushan picked up a treasure, a talented and outstanding alchemy genius!

She is only in her thirties, and she has already become a third-tier alchemist.

Looking at the entire world of cultivating immortals, it is rare to be able to become a third-tier alchemist at such a young age!
And she is also the current dean of the Alchemy Institute of Wanshou University.

Shen Yi ate the last siu mai, dropped his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with his hands indiscriminately, and thought about which department he should join.

Imperial Beast Academy. Don't even think about it.

Most of the students in this department will be the inner disciples of Yushou Mountain in the future.

Therefore, it is even more difficult to join this department.

Followed by Huanyu Academy and Lingzhi Academy, one raises spirit beasts and the other cultivates spirit plants, both of which are not suitable for Shen Yi.

Pill Academy. He is quite interested.

Either the Pill Academy, or the Fulu Academy, or the Artifact Academy, Magic Treasure Academy, etc. will do.

In short, any department that can make Shen Yi's golden finger play a role will do.

Since the cultivation base and spiritual roots cannot be revealed, then start from other aspects.
(End of this chapter)

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