Chapter 151

Shen Yi and another unlucky guy, Guo Sifan, walked forward slowly.

The gentle-looking teacher Chen said to the two of them with a gentle face:
"The teacher was wrong just now. Your talents are not suitable for alchemy. It's better to transfer to other departments."

After all, in front of many students, you can't speak too bluntly.

Teacher Chen tried his best to use euphemistic language to express the meaning of "get lost immediately".

The teachers of the college have a very thorough understanding of the situation of the freshmen who have received the admission notice and come to report to the college.

What is the level of cultivation, the level of spiritual root, what is the qualification, whether there is any talent in alchemy, drawing symbols, refining weapons, etc.

Teachers who should know know it.

Therefore, those who are talented can easily enter the corresponding departments even if they don't spend spirit stones.

Those without talent can only spend money to bribe them.

Among the 81 new students in the alchemy academy in the classroom, 68 of them entered the alchemy academy relying on their own alchemy talent and deep background.

They were confident and looked at the scene in front of them with great interest.

The remaining 13 people, including Shen Yi and Guo Sifan, all had no background, and Hua Lingshi bribed the admissions teacher to enter the Alchemy Academy.

They all looked complicated and flustered.

"Speak, you two are dumb."

The male teacher surnamed Hu couldn't help urging.

Shen Yi and Guo Sifan couldn't help but look at each other.They all saw helplessness on each other's faces.

Guo Sifan showed a decisive look on his face, and said: "Teacher, I am willing to pay double, just keep me!"

"Me too."

Although he was reluctant to give up, in order to stay in the Alchemy Academy, Shen Yi had no choice but to do bloodletting.

did not expect.

That Teacher Hu's complexion changed, and he yelled loudly:
"What are you doing, blatantly bribing the teacher? Get the hell out of here now, or don't blame me for killing you two!"

Teacher Chen also said blankly, "Let's go."

Shen Yi was startled, and Suizhi immediately understood the reason for the anger of the two teachers.

This is what they did wrong.

In order to make room for the young master and young lady in the inner city, they had to be driven away.

Shen Yi and the other person didn't want to leave, so they increased their bribes.

The others didn't want to leave either, so they could only increase the bribes and spend more spirit stones.

In the end, naturally, the two who bribed the fewest spirit stones left.

But in doing so, everyone spent hundreds more spirit stones for no reason. Who can swallow this breath?
If they do this, they will definitely offend the next thirteen people.

Offend two people, or offend 13 people?

This account can be calculated at a glance.

Anyway, there must be two unlucky guys, and these two unlucky guys have already been selected as Shen Yi and Guo Sifan.It's just their bad luck.

Shen Yi can swallow this breath for the time being.

But Guo Sifan was young and vigorous, and refused to give up easily.

He yelled to see the dean, to find the principal, and let them judge.

After finishing speaking, Guo Sifan walked out the door angrily.

A murderous look flashed in Mrs. Hu's eyes, and without a word, he immediately struck out. A gold silk short sword popped out of his palm, like a crossbow aimed at Guo Sifan's back, the short sword shot out, and the hundred-step flying sword pierced Guo Sifan's abdominal cavity directly. Pierced his dantian.

Guo Sifan didn't even have time to scream, and passed out.

Teacher Hu glanced over many students coldly, without saying a word, the threat was beyond words.

In the cyber age, interests come first.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are respected.

The combination of the two naturally puts interests first and respects the strong.

It's nothing for a teacher to kill a student with no background.

In this world, there are not a few people who hired killers to kill people along the network cable because they were cheated for playing games.

There are so many killer platforms such as "Didi Killing", "Is It Dead", and "Jingdaodao".

In the talisman store on the side of the street, you can buy a powerful killing talisman for a few spirit stones.

The legal hallucinogenic pills that make people crazy and addicted are sold in vending machines on the street.

Not to mention all kinds of powerful magic weapons and prosthetic bodies.

Of course, there is no such thing as a circle without rules.

The order of the world of cultivating immortals is also very clear.

Naturally, no one would dare to touch a person with background and connections.

This is why there are countless gangs in the city.

It doesn't matter, ordinary people with no strength, keep a low profile, don't offend others, and there is a high probability that they will not encounter sudden disasters.

Teachers kill students.

If the student has a background, is talented, or has a good spiritual root, if any of the three are present, then the teacher will definitely be punished by the school.

But this student has no background, no talent, and his spiritual roots are not good. Even if the teacher kills someone, the school will not be too harsh on the teacher.

Guo Sifan didn't die, but his dantian was damaged and his mana was broken, so it would be better to replace it with someone else's.

From the looks of it, this Teacher Hu kept his hand and didn't kill him.

Shen Yi glanced at Guo Sifan who was on the ground, and left the classroom of the alchemy academy's freshman class in silence.

In this world, no one dared to deceive him with his spirit stone.

The grievances he has suffered will be recovered sooner or later.

Shen Yi's obsession with practicing alchemy has deepened a bit.

Today you just ignore me, but tomorrow I will make you unable to climb high.

Returning to the admissions hall again, Shen Yi stood in the hall, looked at the jade slip, pondered for a while, and then walked towards an admissions room called "Biochemical Institute".

According to the jade slips, this "Biochemical Institute" also teaches people to make alchemy.

Because the School of Biochemistry was a new department five years ago, and there were no famous teachers or students.

Therefore, among the dazzling faculties and departments of Wanshou University, his reputation is not obvious.

It doesn't matter, anyway, alchemy is taught here.

With the golden finger, Shen Yi is confident that he can learn alchemy, just like the talisman technique, and become famous in a short period of time!

This time, Shen Yi did not intend to keep a low profile.

Just follow Feng Heli's words, be more high-profile, and complete the task quickly, so that he can be freed and return to the City of Eternal Life as soon as possible.

The admissions teacher of the School of Biochemistry is a handsome guy with handsome features.

On the table, there is this person's name tag.

His name is Hou Wen, and he has nine levels of Qi training. He has a golden prosthetic eye implanted on his forehead, which looks like Erlang God.

Hou Wen looked up at Shen Yi, then looked down at Shen Yi's information, shook his head and said:

"I'm sorry, our School of Biochemistry is small, but the admission of students is quite strict. You don't have the qualifications for alchemy. I suggest you change to another department."

Shen Yi clasped his hands and said: "I have admired the Institute of Biochemistry for a long time, and I am willing to give away a hundred spirit stones, only to enter the Institute of Biochemistry! I beg the teacher to accommodate me."

"One hundred spirit stones."

A struggle appeared on Hou Wen's face.

See hopeful.

Shen Yi hurriedly said again: "I'll add another fifty spirit stones."

"Deal, this is the token of our Institute of Biochemistry, take it to the logistics office to get new products."

After hearing the addition of fifty spirit stones, Hou Wen immediately agreed.

This Academy of Biochemistry is no more famous than the Academy of Alchemy.

The admissions teacher's appetite has also decreased a lot.

With 150 spirit stones, Shen Yi became a student of the School of Biochemistry.

Taking the token, Shen Yi paid the Lingshi, bowed and left.

"Don't forget, after receiving the supplies, go to the classroom of the department. The dean will teach you the exercises today."

Hou Wen exhorted behind Shen Yi.

Shen Yi turned his head and responded: "Understood."

He turned around and said in his heart: "The head of the School of Biochemistry is quite generous. He has just joined the department and is going to teach himself the skills. I don't know what skills he is teaching."

Come to the logistics office.

Wei Zhenren was busy getting new items for the new students.

He was alone.

Don't be afraid to tire people out.

In this regard, Eternal Life City is doing well. Most of the work is done by zombies. Although this has also led to the low employment rate in Eternal Life City. Most living people cannot find jobs and can only indulge in illusions, Internet and alcohol. .

It can be regarded as good and bad.

The spirit beasts of Ten Thousand Beasts are not as practical and popular as the zombies in the City of Eternal Life after all.

As for Shen Yi, he came again with the token.

Wei Zhenren didn't know whether he didn't recognize him, or he was too lazy to bother, he didn't say a word to Shen Yi, looked at the token in Shen Yi's hand, took a package from under the counter, and threw it to Shen Yi.

Out of the back office.

Shen Yi opened the package, the contents inside were mostly the same as those in his previous package, of course there were some differences.

Like magic school uniforms.

Ten low-grade Huocang Talismans were exchanged for ten Purification Talismans.

The Jade Slips of the Four Gates of Kung Fu include "Primary Herbal Encyclopedia", "Beast Heart Jue Basic Edition", "Yan Yan Control Fire Jue", and "Basic Alchemy".

There is also a "Pollution and Corruption Record" jade slip.

And an extra set of biochemical and chemical protection suits.

"This Biochemical Institute is a bit interesting."

Shen Yi murmured while studying the biochemical suit.

To the classroom of the School of Biochemistry.

In the huge classroom, seven or eight people sat scattered.

Shen Yi glanced quickly across the faces of several people, then looked away, and found a corner to sit down.

As a newcomer, Shen Yi didn't rush forward to socialize with his future classmates.

Instead, he took out the jade slip of "Pollution and Corruption".

He is quite interested in the content recorded in this jade slip. Judging from the name of the jade slip, it seems to be a poisonous method.

But the content of the Jade Slips is to teach people how to save themselves if they are accidentally polluted by spiritual power.

It seems that this Institute of Biochemistry is specialized in the study of spiritual pollution.

This made Shen Yi more and more interested.

As time goes by little by little.

In the blink of an eye, it was almost evening, when it began to rain lightly.

There was silence in the classroom, and the light rain outside fell on the city, forming a wonderful cyber rain scene with the neon lights in the city.

In light rain.

A beautiful woman in a red dress holding a paper umbrella walked briskly towards the classroom.

Many people saw her through the window.

Someone recognized her and whispered, "The principal is here."

Shen Yi was sitting in danger, and to be the dean of Wanshou University, the girl in the red dress must be at the Foundation Establishment Stage or Golden Core Stage.

They must be treated with respect.

The woman in the red skirt walked straight into the classroom, put away the paper umbrella, and stood it at the door.

She glanced at the nine people in the classroom with a smile on her face, parted her red lips, and said, "Hi everyone, my name is Ran Hongju, and I am the dean of the School of Biochemistry. Students, I hope that in the next four years of university life, , everyone gets along well."



"It's the dean."

Everyone replied sparsely.

"Okay everyone, this is the first gift that the dean gave you during the school term."

The sleeves of the dress dyed red and orange waved.

The storage ring on her slender finger flashed with light, and nine delicately carved wooden boxes slowly flew in front of the nine of them.

Shen Yi opened the wooden box, and inside was a skill chip.

"Nine Deaths"

First-level top grade, effect: reduce the pain sensation of the practitioner, and can greatly improve the pollution resistance of the practitioner. Every time he experiences near-death, this exercise will increase by one level!
(End of this chapter)

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