Chapter 155 Little Deer Pill

The bloody plot means a messy ending.

Shen Yi felt a little bit of regret in his heart, he was careless back then.
The principal only told him that Li Gui's private life was chaotic, but he didn't expect it to be so chaotic, which made him amazed.

It is very in line with the first impression of the city of "Beasts"-there are many animals.

After closing the shutter door, Shen Yi continued to make alchemy.

The light in the room was dim, and Shen Yi's face was extraordinarily reddened by the light from the pill furnace.

Life is a series of problems, and the first solution to life problems is self-discipline.

Shen Yiku sat beside the alchemy furnace.

With alchemy proficiency +0.01, +0.01, +0.01
Thirty copies of the medicinal materials for refining Huanglong Pill that Shen Yi bought, most of them were quickly consumed.

Originally, one piece of medicinal material could be used to refine five Huanglong pills.

Because the alchemy furnace is small, it cannot accommodate so many medicinal materials. One medicinal material is divided into five small portions, and thirty portions is 150 small portions.
The proficiency of alchemy seems to be based on whether each furnace of elixir can be completed or not.

Shen Yi's eyes lit up, he seemed to have found a small bug in Goldfinger!

A furnace of Huanglong Pill takes about 5 minutes.

You can refine 12 furnaces of elixirs in one hour, which can increase your proficiency by 0.12!

It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive endeavor to improve the quantity of basic alchemy to the first level.

He doesn't eat, drink, or sleep, and works 24 hours a day. It will take more than a month to be promoted.

a bit slow
Shen Yi frowned slightly.

He pondered in his heart, waiting to ask Hou Wen tomorrow to see if there was an easier recipe.It is best to practice a batch of elixirs in 1 minute.

Anyway, he was also doing it to improve his proficiency.

Since it's about brushing proficiency, the grade and quality of the pills naturally don't matter.

The next day.

Wanshou University, the entrance to Laboratory No. 1 of the School of Biochemistry.

Hou Wen on the vinewood reclining chair looked at Shen Yi in surprise: "Why do you think Huang Longdan is too difficult?"

Shen Yi hesitated for a moment and nodded, "That's right, is there any simpler formula, preferably a fool's one, you can succeed with just a little practice, and it doesn't take too much effort."

Hou Wen said with a strange face:

"Yes, of course there is, but since you dream of becoming a famous alchemist in the future, you must constantly break through and challenge yourself. Although it is easy to practice the elixir that is too simple, your alchemy skills will not increase by half. I advise you Think carefully, although the life of an immortal cultivator is long, it is also very precious! You cannot afford to waste it."

"What the teacher teaches, the students know." Shen Yi said respectfully.

Hou Wen sighed, and the inlaid and implanted sky eye on his forehead also dimmed a bit.

He said: "Forget it, let me tell you, this pill is called 'Xiaoludan' because the main medicine is called 'Minglucao', so it has a homophonic name called 'Xiaoludan', the medicinal effect is weak, swallowing the pill The five or six breath time, which can make people energetic, was developed by me inadvertently in the early years."

The medicinal materials for refining Xiaoludan, the main medicine and the auxiliary medicine are added together to make a total of three medicines, and a few spiritual coins can buy a lot.

This recipe.

It won Shen Yi's heart.

After he thanked Hou Wen, he immediately went to the pharmacy outside the university.

Purchased a lot of medicinal materials for refining Xiaoludan.

After returning to the residence, Shen Yi closed the rolling door and started alchemy.

The refining of this Little Deer Pill is indeed very fast and very simple, and there is no need to pay much attention to the heat and time of refining the alchemy.

Throw the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace.

After controlling the fire and burning it, it only takes half a minute to refine the elixir.

However, Shen Yi felt that it was not fast enough. Because of one transfer, he received new items twice. It happened that both colleges had alchemy disciplines, so he was given two small semi-automatic alchemy furnaces.

He also took out another semi-automatic alchemy furnace, opened his bow left and right, and made alchemy together.

This efficiency has really doubled.

The flames from the two alchemy furnaces made his face flushed and his eyes sparkling.

Wanshou University, Hall of Merit.

Shen Yi, like the rest of the students, stood in the hall, with his head raised, staring at the sky above the hall, where dozens of light curtain symbols listed various tasks.

[Collection task: Go to Thunder Ape Mountain, three thousand miles north of Wanshou City, to collect [-] Thunder Flowers. The reward is [-] credits. 】

[Private task: Who can help me get the imprint of Liu Wenwen's spiritual consciousness from the Junior Beast Academy, I am her admirer, and the reward is [-] credits. 】

[Private task: I am Liu Wenwen, anyone who dares to reveal my privacy will die!The reward is 1 credit. 】

[College Mission: The School of Biochemistry recruits experimental volunteers, and the reward is [-] credits. 】

[Investigation mission: There seems to be a change in the largest wilderness gathering place south of Wanshou]

Shen Yi looked over the tasks displayed in the Hall of Merit.

He didn't find any tasks that interested him, so he walked out of the Hall of Merit without interest.

The university campus is colorful.

Shen Yi felt a little lonely.

The students who studied traditional alchemy in the same department as him were all disciples of the dean, and only Shen Yi followed Hou Wen to learn alchemy.

The two sides drifted apart.

The four of them have become good friends, and they can often be seen gathering together to discuss alchemy, or to act together.

Shen Yi walked around alone, which seemed a bit different.

But he didn't care, although he was lonely, he could bear it, and he didn't forget his true identity.

As a fine worker, you should be indifferent and ruthless, and you should not be emotional!
It seems that Huang Quanzong will have a fight with Yushou Mountain sooner or later, and it is best for him to be alone here, otherwise he will definitely be in a dilemma when the fight really happens.

After figured it out.

Shen Yi walked quickly on the campus. The dean has a free class to teach today, so don't miss it.

At this moment, he suddenly heard someone calling him behind him.

"The classmate in front, help me, catch my spiritual pet, don't let it escape!"

As soon as Shen Yi turned his head, he saw a tiny black shadow rushing past his eyes.

Without thinking too much, Shen Yi stretched out his hand to grab that black shadow directly!
Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a low-rank gray squirrel.

This thing looks cute, and it is a kind of spiritual pet that is common among beasts, most of which are kept by girls.

"Huh, classmate, thank you so much."

A pretty girl came to Shen Yi briskly and thanked him.

She was wearing a brand new Wanshou school uniform, she should be the same as Shen Yi, also a freshman.

"It's nothing, this should be your pet."

Shen Yi said, and handed the gray raccoon in his hand to the girl.

"Thank you so much, classmate. Xiao Huihui is my favorite, but it is too naughty and keeps running around."

The girl smiled and said, "My name is Han Dongdong, what's your name? Let's get to know each other."

"Li Gui." Shen Yi said.

"Student Li Gui, are you free next time? Let me invite you to have a cup of milk tea." Han Dongdong Zhientu reported.

"I have to go to class next, and today I have a class from our dean." Shen Yi said.

"Okay then, let's exchange the imprints of our spiritual consciousness, and I will play with you when I have time."

Han Dongdong was very warm and cheerful, and left happily after exchanging the imprint of spiritual consciousness with Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked at Han Dongdong's leaving back, with doubts in his eyes.

He always felt that Han Dongdong seemed a little too enthusiastic.

Is it because Li Guipi is a good friend that girls like him?
But Shen Yi always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Immortal cultivators respect their strength, and they will not receive preferential treatment and love because of handsome men and beautiful women.

Shen Yi didn't continue to think about it, and came to the classroom of the School of Biochemistry. The four freshmen who were in class with him came to the classroom early, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

But when Shen Yiyi entered the classroom.

The four of them immediately stopped talking.The classroom was silent.

"Could they be talking bad about themselves?" Shen Yi asked suspiciously.

The weird actions of the few people and the strange eyes they looked at him made Shen Yi think wildly.

He chose a corner and sat down.

After a while, the dean came. Today she was wearing a long snow-white dress with bloody red plum blossoms printed on it.Bright atmosphere, very beautiful.

Dyeing Red Tangerine didn't say a word of nonsense, and went straight to class when he came.

This class lasts for 10 minutes. Because it is a free class, the dean will leave after finishing the class.

After the dean left, Shen Yi also went out immediately, and went home to continue alchemy.

Wait for Shen Yi to leave.

Among the four people, one of them was a girl with baby fat, said in a low voice: "That person is called Li Gui, I think he is quite withdrawn."

"Indeed, it's been so many days, and we haven't said hello or a word to us." Another girl with long hair in Tsing Yi also nodded.

"It's probably because we don't have a common language with us. You don't want to see what kind of teacher he has found. It's not that Teacher Hou Wen is not good, but there is a famous teacher like Dean Ran. He didn't lose the watermelon to pick sesame seeds. Well."

"Is he short of spirit stones? Dean Ran's class is good, but it's really a bit expensive."

The girl with a bit of baby fat said seriously.

"I don't know, who knows what he thinks."

The boy who spoke earlier spread his hands.

Another boy with a somewhat grim appearance said:
"I advise you to stop caring about other people's gossip and pay more attention to yourself."

"Yo, Master Xiang Lei, it seems that you have made some progress in alchemy recently, and you have already started to teach us a lesson." The boy who spoke earlier joked.

Xiang Lei raised the corner of his mouth and said with a little pride:

"I asked Dean Ran, and she said that in a year and a half, I'm expected to be officially promoted to the first-tier alchemist!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The other three people all looked at him with envy and hatred.

Xiang Lei calmly said: "Alchemy requires aptitude. Since the three of you can make friends with me, it proves that I recognize your aptitude. Let's encourage each other!"

"Indeed, alchemy aptitude is the most important thing, and I'm sure I'll be promoted within two years!" The long-haired girl in Tsing Yi agreed.

"Looks like I have to work harder!"

The fat baby girl cheered herself up.

"That lonely Li Gui, I heard that alchemy aptitude is inferior, not to mention the dean, in fact, even Teacher Hou Wen doesn't value him, it's so pitiful, I don't know when he will become an official alchemist."

The boy who spoke earlier sighed.

Xiang Lei still said calmly: "There is nothing pitiful or not. Everyone has his own life. This is not just talk. The rich have their own lives, and the poor have their lives. Just let each one live in peace."

the other side.

Basic alchemy proficiency +0.01, +0.01, +0.01
Shen Yi, who was trying to improve his proficiency, suddenly sneezed.

"I don't know who is talking about me." Shen Yi rubbed his nose and thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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