Chapter 169 Master
"Then let's chat here for a while."

After Yang Dong finished speaking, he didn't allow Shen Yi to refuse, so he threw a soundproof talisman on the ground.

Yang Dong spoke quickly and said directly:

"Student Li Gui, come to our alchemy academy. If you want a spirit stone, I can give you a spirit stone, and if you want a pill recipe, I will give you a pill recipe. In short, whatever you want, our alchemy academy can satisfy you! Hu Liai Lie, but as the vice president, I will give you protection!"

Shen Yi shook his head resolutely:

"I have already entered the School of Biochemistry, and Dean Ran has treated me well. I can't betray the School of Biochemistry just because of some small favors!"

"To be serious, although there are gaps between the various departments of Wanshou University, they are all disciples of Yushou Mountain, so there is no betrayal." Yang Dong said.

"What's more, what I give you is not a small favor! It should be a big favor." Yang Dong said again.

Shen Yi forced a smile, shook his head and said:
"Since they are from the same school, there is no reason to transfer to another department. No one will love a person who is in a hurry and changes his mind."

Yang Dong didn't give up lightly, he had already guessed that Li Gui would be very stubborn.

Incentives will not work.

Then threaten!
Yang Dong lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Actually, I'm also doing it for your own good. So far, the Institute of Biochemistry has produced many students and teachers with good qualifications, but why is the Institute of Biochemistry still looking like this withered population? Do you know why?"

Shen Yi still shook his head.

"Because they are all dead, in the final analysis, it is Dean Ran, she is not an easy person to get along with. You are a freshman, and you don't know her horror yet."

Yang Dong said with a strange face, as if he was telling a ghost story.

"I think Dean Ran is a nice person, not scary at all." Shen Yi said.

He was actually aware of it, but he wouldn't be so stupid as to say bad things about dyed red oranges to Yang Dong.

Yang Dong cracked his lips into a smile, and was about to continue talking.

His expression suddenly changed, he stopped talking, and said: "Feng Ji, Lei Yazi, Wen Wenzhi. Remember the names of these three people, go and investigate, when you figure it out, come to me, I will protect you your."

After finishing speaking, Yang Dong left in a hurry.

Shen Yi glanced at Yang Dong's leaving back, then looked back.

There are only a few students behind them, waiting for the medicine to be dispensed.

"Did anyone come here just now?" Shen Yi murmured.

The manager of the logistics department brought a large package of elixir and paid for the credits. Shen Yi put away the elixir and returned to the dormitory.

these days.

Dianhongju and the vice-principal led a large group of students who were studying biochemical alchemy, busy in the laboratory and didn't care about class.

Shen Yi was also happy to be at leisure, drawing talismans to make alchemy.

In the evening, I had dinner with Mr. Hou Wen, and listened to him talk about the interesting stories in the gang, and his experience when he was in the society.

three days later.

Shen Yi worriedly got up from the bed.

Today is the day agreed with Master Jingtong, whether he is alive or dead, Shen Yi is not sure.

Master Jingtong is determined to avenge Deng Hailong with the determination to die.

There is a high probability that he will not come back alive.
Near noon.

The sound transmission bird at the concierge came again.

Someone wants to see Shen Yi.

Shen Yi quickly came to the reception room of the concierge. The person who came was not Master Jingtong, but a fashionable old man with gray hair and wearing a flowered shirt.

"Jingtong is dead, it was Daoist Tianzhu who killed him."

The old man said calmly.

When Shen Yi heard the news, he felt a sense of depression in his heart.

The old man said: "I am the master of the Nervous View, my name is Tianma old man, and I am Jingtong's master. I have good news, do you want to hear it?"

"Jing Tong has insurance, are you the beneficiary?" Shen Yi said.

"Well, that's right."

The old man Tianma said neither happy nor sad: "I came here for the same purpose as Jingtong. I beg you to give me three days so that I can avenge Jingtong!"

Shen Yi asked: "Can you beat Daoist Tianzhu?"

"No, he is no longer an ordinary electronic ghost, and I am no match for him." The old man Gastrodia's voice was clear and clear, not as lifeless as an old man, but as refreshing as a young man.

Shen Yi asked in puzzlement: "Why is this so hard, why is it necessary to send death for nothing?"

"Young man, you don't understand. Although our neurological view is a cyber sect, the monks in the sect are all spiritual hackers, but our core is the most traditional sect of cultivating immortals. We are teachers for one day, fathers for life, and disciples of disciples." The reason is that this is not a blood relationship, but a family relationship that is better than blood relationship."

Gastrodia old man's attire looks a bit bohemian.

But today, perhaps because of the tragic death of his lover, he looked very serious.

"Tu'er, support us like fathers. Now that Tu'er has tragically died in the hands of the villains, if we don't even avenge our revenge, what qualifications do we have to accept disciples!"

The old man Tianma pondered.

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, why should he be so eager? Can't you take your time?"

Shen Yi couldn't help asking.

"Having said that, but most of the time in life is due to helplessness. Those who can go against the sky are ultimately a minority. Most people in the world will eventually follow the trend."

The old man Gastrodia's pupils were as black as ink, he looked directly at Shen Yi's pupils, and said: "You are the head of the department, and there is a Jindan real person as the dean, please ask your dean to come out, and the matter can be easily resolved, but we But we didn’t take revenge, at least not by us.”

"Jingtong has a wife and a pair of children. The family is harmonious, but he is still willing to fill in my name as the beneficiary of the insurance. He died tragically for revenge for his apprentice. As his master, how can I live?"

The old man Gastrodia said solemnly.

Shen Yi remained silent.

"Three days later, if I am alive, everyone will be happy. If I die, you don't have to be sad. Anyway, I have lived enough. My master died long ago. When I die, this hatred will be over!"

The old man Gastrodia left gracefully.

Day two.

Teacher Hou Wen found Shen Yi who was doing alchemy in the dormitory.

"Li Gui, someone asked me to pass on a message to you just now at the Neurological Viewpoint." Hou Wen said.

"Is the old man Gastrodia dead?"

Shen Yi asked solemnly.

Hou Wendao: "No, the insurance company suspected that the old man Gastrodia Ma was avenging his disciples. It is true that he wanted to deceive the insurance company. Regardless of whether it is true or not, the insurance company cannot let the old man Tian Ma die in vain. Last night without saying a word, he led a group of people to raid the sky. The nerve concept of the hub street arrested and imprisoned all the disciples of the nerve concept who had purchased insurance from their company, including the old man Gastrodia."


Shen Yi laughed unkindly.

"Which insurance company is this?" he asked.

"The "Huangquan Road Insurance" under the Huangquan sect, the bastards from the city of eternal life, the people there are not good, there is no spirit of contract at all, I heard that the people of the city of eternal life like to sleep with the dead, and it is not too hard Panic, panic! "

Hou Wen mocked.

Shen Yi couldn't laugh anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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