Chapter 183 Embarrassment
After seeing a few large characters written in gold paint on the plaque.

Everyone was silent.

In particular, several eyes were focused on Shen Yi, after all he is a student of the School of Biochemistry.

And this laboratory belongs to the School of Biochemistry of Wanshou University.

This made Shen Yi and everyone else very embarrassed.

Shen Yi scratched his head and said, "I'll inform the dean now and see how she handles it."

"Alright. Let's follow Dean Ran's order." Wei Changsheng had an unnatural expression on his face.

The same is true for Mo Laosan.

Their investigation department has a famous name, and it can only scare the students. For a big man like the head of the first hospital.

The investigation office is just a dog of the university.

This case is related to the Institute of Biochemistry, Wei Changsheng and Mo Laosan no longer dare to act rashly.

Huang Shasha asked puzzledly, "How do you notify the dean?"

Shen Yi rummaged through the storage bag for a while, and found a very beautiful colorful paper crane.

"I have a token from the dean, and I can contact the dean at critical times," he said.

Huang Shasha looked at Shen Yidao in surprise:
"I can't see it, you still have the trust of your dean, and you are willing to give you this kind of token. Unlike me, I haven't spoken a word to the dean of our Beast Academy for several years in college."

Wei Changsheng said: "Normally, the dean of the Imperial Beast Academy is a busy man."

Shen Yi used a thousand paper cranes to send a message to the dean.

The Thousand Paper Crane held in the palm of his hand flapped its wings and disappeared into the void after a few strokes.

after awhile.

Another thousand paper cranes appeared out of thin air.This is Dean Ran's reply.

Wei Changsheng quickly asked, "What did Dean Ran say?"

Shen Yi read the mana sound transmission of the red orange dyed in the thousand paper cranes, so he said to several people:

"Dean Ran said that this laboratory was built with the approval of Yushoushan. Because it was suspected of human experimentation, it was built secretly in the wilderness for fear of bad effects. The special elixir for the body failed, and the laboratory was abandoned. It was intended to be destroyed, but after thinking about it, it was not easy to build such a secret laboratory, so it stayed. It actually came out of the cultivation tank and killed five Ten Thousand Beast students."

Wei Changsheng was short-tempered and interrupted:
"Okay, just tell me, what should Dean Ran say?"

Shen Yi pondered and said: "Later, the seniors from the School of Biochemistry will come to take over this matter and tell us to evacuate."

Wei Changsheng frowned, and he and Mo Laosan looked at each other.

The other party's face is not very good-looking.

Several monks from the investigation department did not get any benefits, which made them very dissatisfied.

Besides, this case was caused by the university itself.

Naturally, the two cases were major incidents, and trivial incidents were eliminated. In the end, the benefits of oil and water were not reaped, and even the rewards for handling the cases were gone.

Who is not annoyed.

Forced by the majesty of Jindan Daoist, although Wei Changsheng and Mo Laosan were dissatisfied, they could only hold back for now, swallowing their breath and having no choice.

Seeing this, Shen Yi continued: "Don't worry, Dean Ran said that he will compensate you."

Upon hearing this.

Wei Changsheng and Mo Laosan immediately showed smiles on their faces.

"Brother Li Gui, did Dean Ran say how much he would compensate me?" Wei Changsheng licked his lips and rubbed his hands.

Mo Laosan also looked at Shen Yi longingly.

Daoist Jindan must not be stingy in his actions.

"Eight hundred credits per person, plus three high-grade pills refined by the Institute of Biochemistry." Shen Yi turned his head to look at Huang Shasha who was beside him and said, "You are no exception."

Huang Shasha clutched her chest with a look of excitement.

She also has a share?

Such generous compensation.

The crowd laughed.

Shen Yi pondered and said: "Everyone, Dean Ran also said that this matter is the negligence of the Institute of Biochemistry, and if it spreads, it will have some adverse effects on the Institute of Biochemistry. Therefore, Dean Ran asked me to remember your names. "

Everyone was stunned.

How can they not understand that this is a naked threat.

Wei Changsheng was silent for a while, and then he smiled heartily: "Don't worry, these two cases are neither big nor small. There are me and Mo Laosan, and we will deal with the investigation office. I guarantee that there will be no news at all. through!"

Huang Shasha also said: "Don't worry, I won't go out and talk nonsense."

"Well, thank you all, let's go then." Shen Yi said.

Since this place is a secret laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry.

Shen Yi, Wei Changsheng and others also gave up the idea of ​​searching.

Everyone obediently exited the laboratory together and came to the ruined temple.

"We both want to go back to the city, Brother Wei, can you give us a ride." Shen Yi said to Wei Changsheng.

"Of course." Wei Changsheng nodded, hesitated and said, "But you are also a student of the School of Biochemistry, so why don't you stay?"

Shen Yi: "No, the dean didn't tell me to stay, not to mention the junior and senior students in our School of Biochemistry will arrive soon after being ordered by the dean."

"Okay, let's go now."

Outside the ruined temple, the acid rain is still falling.

After getting on the flying boat, Wei Changsheng controlled the flying boat and returned to Wanshou.

Huang Shasha asked Shen Yi curiously: "Junior Li Gui, what do you study in the Institute of Biochemistry? Is it like studying the monsters in the laboratory just now?"

"Almost, using the power of elixir to transform the human body or beasts, so that they can obtain incredible power, this is the research topic of the Institute of Biochemistry."

Although Shen Yi has never learned biochemical alchemy, but after staying in the Biochemical Institute for such a long time, he more or less knows something about it.

"It's good, but." Huang Shasha frowned, hesitated and said, "Using living people for experiments, I always feel a bit cruel."

"It's not bad. Although they are living people, those living experimental subjects are all prisoners in death row, so they can be regarded as making the best use of everything." Shen Yi said.

Dean Ran explained it in his voice transmission.

"What's this? Our beasts are already benevolent. You don't know the city of eternal life that Huang Quanzong notified. That ghostly place, the dead can't do it even if they want to be buried in the ground. If they die, they have to be refined into zombies and sent to Factory assembly lines or mines continue to work," Wei Changsheng interjected.

"Netherworld Sect is really devoid of conscience!" Huang Shasha said.

On the side, Shen Yi was calm on the surface, but he was a little embarrassed in his heart.

I was in Eternal City before, and I felt that Eternal City was okay, pretty good.

But after coming to Ten Thousand Beasts, he was almost numb to being scolded everywhere.

Ten Thousand Beasts has a bad relationship with the City of Eternal Life.

The main reason is that besides the business of food supply, Wanshou's biggest business is the sale and sale of beasts with various functions to various sects.

There are those who are good at digging and mining, those who are good at fighting, and so on.

Similarly, the biggest business of Huang Quanzong is selling zombies.

The miner zombies and fighting zombie puppets produced by Huangquanzong have good sales and quality, and the main one is high quality and low price.

Yushoushan and Huangquanzong have business competition, and there will naturally be fights.

Immortal cultivators will not play any high-IQ business wars with you.

Going to war directly to destroy the opponent and occupy all the business is what the cultivators are best at.

(End of this chapter)

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