Chapter 186
"Oh." Shen Yi said while wearing it: "Isn't this what we do and love? The main thing is that I don't know that it was Elder Feng who asked me."

Feng Heli nodded and said:

"I like your attitude towards work. But you can't act like a little virgin, take off your clothes as soon as you enter the door, it will appear that you are too impatient and lose your favor. Remember the identity you are playing now, you are a woman who has been in love for a long time Veterans, not fledgling chicks.”

"I heard that she is a horny and pretty widow, so I did it for her sake." Shen Yi said aggrievedly.

"Okay, get dressed quickly." Feng Heli said with a speechless face: "Take off your clothes for a while, and get dressed for a long time, you!"

Shen Yi put on his clothes with a depressed face, raised his head to look at Feng Heli standing in front of him, and vaguely sensed that there was something wrong with the aura of Feng Heli, the master of the secret hall in front of him.

Feng Heli took the initiative to explain:

"In front of you is a clone of me with supernatural powers. This is the territory of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Mountain of Beasts. Even I dare not come here in person, so I sent a clone of supernatural powers here."

"I understand." Shen Yi nodded, and then couldn't help asking: "Who is that pretty widow?"

"It's a lie. It's an excuse I made up. If I have something to ask you in the future, I will use this capacity to ask you to meet at Yunshan Wuhai Restaurant." Feng He stood up.

"Oh." Shen Yi replied neither happy nor sad.

Feng Heli said again: "The more than 3 spirit stones given to you, you can accept it, it is your activity fund in Wanshou."

"Thank you, Elder Feng."

Shen Yi said happily.

"You're welcome."

After Feng Heli finished speaking, he stared at Shen Yi and asked suddenly: "Did you hide your cultivation?"

Shen Yi was startled, he didn't understand why Feng Heli asked such a question suddenly, Shen Yi raised his head slightly and looked directly at Feng Heli's pupils.

Feng Heli's gaze was like the water in an ancient well, calm and dark.

Shen Yi hesitated for a moment, and replied: "Yes."

"What is your true cultivation?" Feng Heli asked.

"Seven levels of Qi training!" Shen Yi replied.

"Seven levels of Qi training." Feng Heli repeated, and murmured: "It should be enough."

Seeing that Feng Heli believed it, Shen Yi felt relieved. It seemed that Feng Heli just asked casually, and did not see through his true cultivation.

Feng Heli raised the corners of his mouth in vain, revealing a charming smile, because this smile added a bit of color to his handsome face.

"Shen Yi, help me kill someone." He said.

"Kill who?" Shen Yi was curious.

"Pei Donghong!" Feng Heli said in a deep voice, "He is a freshman in the Beast Academy of Wanshou University, and one of the new kings of this year's Beast Academy. You should have heard of his name."

Shen Yi shook his head like a rattle.

"Haven't heard of it? Okay." Feng Heli said with a strange expression: "In short, this Pei Donghong is a monk at the eighth level of Qi training, a child of an aristocratic family in the inner city, just find the right opportunity and kill him."

Feng Heli said these words lightly.

It seems as easy as going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

But Shen Yi was in trouble, he showed distress and said:
"Pei Donghong's cultivation at the eighth level of qi training is okay. I am at the seventh level of qi training and he is not far behind him. The problem is that Pei Donghong is a child of an aristocratic family in the inner city. The high-level magic weapons, talismans, and prosthetic bodies of these aristocratic children are Countless, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent!"

Fenghe stood up and said:

"Pei Donghong's main practice is the "Hunyuan Refining Beast Body", which has been passed down by his family for thousands of years. This is a kind of exercise that can be combined with the imperial beast. Because of the particularity of the exercise, he rarely uses magic treasures, talismans, and righteousness. Body, what you have to be careful of is that he is accompanied by a plant snake with a trace of the blood of the ancient green dragon in his body, as long as you can get rid of that plant snake, killing him will be easy."

Shen Yi fell into deep thought.

He didn't respond in a hurry, but thought about the feasibility of killing Pei Donghong.

This is not as simple as killing Han Dongdong.

Han Dongdong lives in the outer city and has no power or influence. Although her boyfriend is from a wealthy family, he is only an outsider after all.

Killing them, their families and families would definitely not dare to make trouble with Wanshou University.Can only turn to the investigation office.

If the investigation office can find the murderer, everyone will be happy.

If you can't find the murderer, you have to admit that you are unlucky and let it go.

Just like now, as long as he has fooled the investigation office, Shen Yi can sit back and relax.

But the Xiuxian family in the inner city is different.

If the person who died was a child of an aristocratic family, the investigation office would never let it go, it would really be a situation where there would be no end to death.

Unless the real culprit is found out, I will not give up.

At the same time, the Xiuxian family where the deceased belonged will also mobilize their own forces to find the murderer.

The Immortal Cultivation Family in the Inner City is the second ruler of Ten Thousand Beasts besides Yushou Mountain. It is extremely difficult to kill a family member in the Inner City just thinking about it.

Feng Heli walked to the window and stood on the top floor of Yunshan Wuhai Restaurant, where he could look down at the whole city from a commanding height.Looking at the beasts shrouded in bright sunlight, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "I know that killing Pei Donghong is extremely difficult, I will not force you, 30 days! I will give you 30 days, if you can kill you, kill you, if you can't kill me, after 30 days, I will find another Carry out this task alone!"

Shen Yi asked: "I want to know, what is the reward for killing Pei Donghong?"

Feng Heli turned his head suddenly, looked at Shen Yi in astonishment, he smiled.

"What reward do you want?" Feng He asked with a smile.

"A foundation building pill." Shen Yi said.

It is also time to plan for the foundation building pill for the cultivation base of the seventh level of Qi training.

Feng Heli agreed after deliberating for a while.

"I heard that you joined the School of Biochemistry of Wanshou University and became an official alchemist?" he said.

Shen Yi nodded: "That's right."

"You are several times better than I imagined, live well, you will have a bright future and a great future!"

Feng Heli smiled.

"I know." Shen Yi nodded vigorously.

Even without Feng Heli's words, Shen Yi will do his best to live a good life.

"Since you entered the School of Biochemistry, do you know Feng Ji?" Feng Heli asked suddenly.

"Well, I seem to have heard of it." Shen Yi replied.

"Feng Ji is just like you. He is a secret agent of our secret hall. He was ordered by me to lurk in Wanshou University. He entered the School of Biochemistry because of his talent in alchemy. But for some reason, he suddenly had no news a few years ago. As if the world has evaporated, you pay close attention in the Institute of Biochemistry, after all, you are a member of our secret hall, you have to see people when you are born, and you have to see corpses when you die!"

Feng Heli warned Shen Yi.

Shen Yi was still amazed that there was someone in the School of Biochemistry who was also an agent of the secret hall of Huang Quanzong with him. After hearing Feng Heli's words, he said:
"Since he has been missing for many years, he must probably be dead."

Feng Heli shook his head: "Feng Ji's soul slip is still intact, which proves that he is still alive."

(End of this chapter)

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