Chapter 189 The Secret Realm
the next few days.

As usual, Shen Yi attended lectures, made alchemy, and occasionally went to the Hall of Merit.

One afternoon, Shen Yi went to the logistics office to purchase alchemy and elixir. After leaving the logistics office, he walked towards the dormitory. He suddenly saw the figure of Teacher Hou Wen not far away. He hadn't been to the university for some days.

Shen Yi took two steps in three steps, chased after him, and said to Hou Wen, "Teacher, long time no see. Where have you been these few days?"

Hou Wen turned around and saw that it was Shen Yi, he smiled and said: "It's nothing, something happened in the gang a few days ago, I'll ask for leave to go back."

"What happened to the gang you belong to, can you tell me in detail?" Shen Yi was curious.

"It's convenient, it's okay, the former leader has retired, and our Tianyan Gang has re-elected a new leader." Hou Wen raised the corners of his mouth and smiled casually.

"Wow, your Tianyan Gang is quite open-minded and democratic." Shen Yi praised.

The inheritance of most gangs and sects is a hereditary system or a master-apprentice system, and there are very few electoral systems.

Hou Wenchang sighed: "That's it, everything has advantages and disadvantages, and gang elections are the same. Forming parties for personal gain, attacking each other and such things are the normal state of gang elections. I hope that the Tianyan gang will change to a hereditary system, so that there is no need to Because of the election, there was a lot of trouble in the gang, I wanted to be a leisurely ordinary person, but others refused to agree, so I was forced to stand in line, alas."

At the end, Hou Wen sighed again.

Shen Yi nodded in understanding.

"Being in a gang has few benefits but a lot of trouble. Mr. Hou Wen, you'd better quit the gang as soon as possible." He suggested.

Hou Wen smiled helplessly, shook his head and said, "There is nothing simple in this world. It is easy to join a gang, but it is difficult to quit a gang."

Shen Yidao: "I thought it was simple. Teacher, are you going to the cafeteria next?"

Hou Wen was a little unhappy, "Why, in your eyes, I have nothing else to do except eat?"

"No, I just asked casually." Shen Yi smiled awkwardly, and at the same time thought to himself: "The teacher's guess is really accurate."

"I'm going to help Xiang Lei sign up. He doesn't know what's wrong, but he's going to participate in some secret battle." Hou Wen said: "I want to help him sign up, and then go to the cafeteria for dinner, why do we want to go together? ?”

Shen Yi had also heard of the secret realm, the secret realm is a paradise with chaotic laws.

Huang Quanzong has a green tomb secret realm, which is the first-class secret realm for raising corpses in the world.

But what is this mystery dispute, Shen Yi has never heard of it.

He asked curiously, Hou Wen said: "It's a long story, how about you accompany me to hand over Xiang Lei's application materials, and then let's go to the cafeteria to eat and chat?"

After all, he was abducted in the cafeteria.

Shen Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Okay."

Signing up to participate in the competition for the secret realm is the responsibility of the Internal Affairs Department. The two came to the office, Hou Wen went in to submit the application materials, and Shen Yi waited at the door of the office.

Just when Shen Yibai was bored.

In the corridor, a person suddenly walked towards the office of the Internal Affairs Department at a very fast pace. The person was ordinary-looking, neither tall nor short, and only the muscles that stretched his school uniform and robes were so tight that he was deeply remembered after seeing him. .

The key is that there is a small green snake about an inch long wrapped around that person.

When Shen Yi saw that person, his breathing stopped for a moment, he glanced lightly for a few times and then withdrew his eyes, looking at his nose and mouth and heart.

The man glanced at Shen Yi, then walked straight into the office of the Internal Affairs Department.

It happened that Hou Wen came out of the office.

He smiled at Shen Yiyi: "The matter is settled, let's go."

Shen Yi said softly: "The person who entered just now, he must be."

"Pei Donghong of Long Zhu Pei's family!" Hou Wen turned his head and took a look, and said softly: "Seeing that he also came to the Internal Affairs Department, he probably signed up for the competition of the secret realm. This competition of the secret realm competition is probably very interesting. of."

"The Battle of the Secret Realm."

There was a strange light in Shen Yi's eyes.

The two came to the cafeteria to take a seat.

Shen Yi couldn't wait to ask Hou Wen about the details of the dispute over the secret realm.

Hou Wen picked up a braised duck foot with chopsticks, stuffed it into his mouth, gnawed and sucked, and said:
"The origin of this dispute over the secret realm is simple to say. It is the secret realm that has no owner discovered by the Beastmaster Mountain, the Bamboo Sword Sect, and the Seablue Shrine. The secret realm discovered by the three sects also belongs to the ownership of this secret realm. For the three sects, in order to monopolize the secret realm, the three sects established a rule that every year there will be a match between students from their respective sect universities, whoever wins, the secret realm will be used by that sect for this year."

"It's kind of fun."

Shen Yi smiled and said, "Are freshmen only allowed to participate?"

"Interesting? This is not a simple competition, but a deadly one." Hou Wen said with a serious face, "But you are right, only freshmen can participate in this secret realm competition."

The dead man did not scare Shen Yi away.

On the contrary, it made Shen Yi even more excited.

God-sent opportunity, God-sent opportunity!Shen Yi saw an excellent opportunity to kill Pei Donghong!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then asked Hou Wen for more information about the dispute in the secret realm.

Hou Wen also answered every question. He talked for a long time, his mouth was dry, and he picked up the wine cup full of clear wine. Hou Wen took a sip, squinted at Shen Yi, and asked, "It seems that you don't like it. You seem very interested, why do you want to participate too?"

Shen Yi did not respond impulsively, but grinned and said:

"This is a great opportunity to earn credits, and you can also make a name for yourself and win glory for the university. How wonderful it is."

Hou Wen also nodded in agreement:

"That's pretty good, but departments like our biochemistry department, alchemy department, talisman department, and weapon refining department, since they are not from the martial arts school, don't join in the fun."

"Well, I know that." Shen Yi smiled slightly.

Holding the wine cup that had not been put down, Hou Wen reminisced:
"I think at the beginning, when I was a freshman, I also participated in the battle of the secret realm. At that time, I was also passionate. After I entered the secret realm, I realized that the freshmen of other Zongmen universities were better than each other. Teacher, I almost I'm dead."

"Oh, by the way, what kind of competition is this competition for the secret realm?" Shen Yi was curious.

"There are ring battles, and there are also students who are thrown into secret realms to fight each other. Whichever sect university's students survive more will win."

Hou Wen took another sip of the clear wine in the wine cup, took a few breaths comfortably, and said, "It's not fixed, but most of the time it's throwing the students into the secret realm, you know the battle royale, it's like Because of that, there was a lot of chaos, and many people died."

"If you kill someone during the battle of the secret realm, you will not be rewarded with your life."

Shen Yi asked.

"Depending on the situation, if you kill students from the other two sects, instead of punishing you, Wanshou University will reward you with credits. If you can't stop, you have to pay for your life!"

Hou Wen paused for a moment, then said quietly:
"At the beginning, many students took advantage of the opportunity of the dispute in the secret realm to take revenge on their fellow sects and kill their own siblings, causing a lot of commotion. Later, the various sects became stricter."

Shen Yi was awe-inspiring.

It seems that there are quite a few people who think the same as him.

(End of this chapter)

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