Chapter 207 Battle

At this moment, Shen Yi was on an empty plain.

Green mountains and green waters, fragrant grass and fertile fields.

He took out seven or eight talisman boxes from the storage bag and pinned them to his waist. He patted the storage bag again and summoned the Wuhuan Sword. The sword spirit trembled and shouted: "Wuhu! You can kill again, master, How about we kill a bloody river today!"

"It depends on your patience."

While Shen Yi was vigilant about his surroundings, he said to Jian Ling.

He looked around, but there was no one around. The teleportation array teleported all three students into the secret environment, but randomly teleported.

Shen Yi's target is Pei Donghong, he must be found first!

Not staying for long, making sure there was no threat around, Shen Yi controlled the Wuhuan Sword and flew towards the east at low altitude.

Before entering the secret realm.

Yang Dong said, let them go to the east to meet together under the premise of ensuring safety as much as possible, and the probability of survival will increase if more people survive.

Pei Donghong should also go to the east.

Shen Yi touched the hemolysis secret box on his chest. He didn't know if the trump card he had prepared to deal with Pei Donghong would work.

Just when Shen Yi was distracted thinking.

The consciousness that he radiated suddenly issued a warning.

"Meet the enemy so soon?"

Without hesitation, Shen Yi immediately smashed out a stack of defensive talismans, water shield, earth shield, golden light shield, all kinds of defensive talismans flashed on his body.

His consciousness scattered around caught the enemy attacking from the left side behind him, and he immediately turned his head, his eyes locked on the magic weapon attacking him.

I saw a small gray-brown treasure ship with short arms, charging towards Shen Yi at a speed no less than that of a flying sword.

Shen Yi has a defensive talisman on his body.

But he didn't dare to resist the enemy's attack, when he manipulated the flying sword to dodge backwards, Shen Yi smashed out another stack of talismans.

Try to shoot down that treasure ship.

The cultivator who controlled the treasure ship obviously had not reached his level of cultivation. He tried to control the treasure ship to avoid the damage from the talisman, but Shen Yi's talisman was too dense to hide, and it was difficult to dodge.

The talisman hit the treasure ship, and easily exploded the ultra-small treasure ship, which was as short as the forearm.

Not only was Shen Yi not happy, but he quickly manipulated the flying sword to dodge, dodging far away.

as predicted.

After the treasure ship was blown up, a glaring white light emitted from the treasure ship.

In an instant, there was an explosion!
Fortunately, Shen Yi dodged in time and escaped the explosion, but was swept away by the aftermath of the explosion, and several defensive symbols on his body were broken.

Shen Yi took a breath.

"Self-explosive ship? With such explosive power, it must be a top-tier one. The students of Seablue Shrine are so rich!"

He didn't have time to think about it.

The enemy was nearby, Shen Yi's eyes were piercing, and he used all his strength to expand his consciousness to the maximum range, searching for the whereabouts of the enemy.

Unfortunately nothing.

"It should be some magic weapon of the concealment system." Shen Yi murmured.

At this time, several ultra-small treasure ships slowly lifted off.

Different from the self-destructing ship just now, these three treasure ships are twice as large as the self-destructing ship, and a rune gun with a barrel as thick as a teacup is installed on it.

Shoot at Shen Yi!
Several talisman bombs were thrown towards Shen Yi.

While driving the flying sword to dodge, Shen Yi threw a talisman to confront him.

The student from Seablue Shrine who was fighting against him must be a kid from a rich family.

These treasure ships and talismans are not something ordinary students from a family can afford.

Fortunately, I am not bad either.

Although Shen Yi didn't have treasure ships or imperial beasts, he had a lot of talismans and pills on him.

While throwing the talisman, he took out a yellow gourd from the storage bag, which contained more than 100 ganoderma pills that can quickly restore mana.

When your mana is running low, chew on a few pills.

After fighting for about five or six minutes, the opponent's three attacking treasure ships ran out of runes, and immediately wanted to withdraw without saying a word.

How could Shen Yi let it go.

He rushed forward, manipulated the Wuhuan Sword, and cut down a treasure ship that was trying to escape with one blow.

The materials for refining this treasure ship are not bad.

Shen Yi's Wuhuan sword only left a shallow sword mark on it, and it didn't hurt the core at all.

Landing on the ground, the treasure ship swayed twice, then slowly lifted into the air, trying to fly away.

Shen Yi did not continue to attack the treasure ship.

Instead, think about where the enemy is hiding.

The direction of the treasure ship's escape was a dense forest in the distance. It seemed that the other party should be hiding in the dense forest.

However, if people are not stupid, how can they throw themselves into a trap and draw the enemy to them?
The treasure ship flew to the dense forest, it should be to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

He wanted to lure Shen Yi away.

He thought about it carefully, from the self-destruct ship to the three attack ships, it seemed that they all floated from the ground.

Shen Yi looked at the ground, the plain was open and open, without any place to hide.

He manipulated the flying sword to fly towards the ground, and at the same time controlled the divine sense to probe underground.

As a monk on the tenth level of Qi training, Shen Yi's spiritual consciousness can be as high as ten feet.

His consciousness went deep into the ground, and after careful investigation, Shen Yi finally found where the enemy was!
"go with!"

Shen Yi pinched a standard sword finger.

With a cheer, the Wuhuan Sword stabbed towards the ground. It pierced through the soil on the surface and penetrated deeply.

after awhile.

Shen Yi then heard a muffled groan coming from the ground, and at the same time heard Wu Huanjian's excited howl!

Shen Yi's body slowly landed on the ground.

His mana turned into a pair of big hands, digging out the people who used the earth escape technique to hide in the ground.

This is a thin young man in a sapphire blue Taoist robe.At the heart, there was a wound the size of a fist.It's ugly to die.

It was he who hid underground and attacked Shen Yi.

Wu Huanjian flew back to Shen Yi's side, excitedly said: "Master, this scumbag looks like a mouse. Before I killed him, he was digging a hole deep underground to escape."

"You did very well."

Shen Yi casually praised Wuhuan Sword Spirit, and then took away the storage bag that this Seablue Shrine student was hanging around his waist.

Looking inside the storage bag, there was a pile of sundries, which seemed to be of little value.

Check it out after you get out.

As for the young man's body, Shen Yi put it where he was and did not pretend to leave.

This is not unusual, it's a live broadcast.

Unless it is a special case, otherwise, in the entire Taoist sect, only a few corpse refining sects such as Huang Quanzong will kill the enemy and take away the corpse along with it.

Killing someone so easily.

It made Shen Yi feel good, and at the same time, it also strengthened his confidence in killing Pei Donghong.

At the same time, he also noticed that not far away, there was a mechanism bird following him.

The little bird is made of wood, even though it is made of wood, the workmanship is very fine.

This bird is called Mu Junzi, and it is a kind of live broadcast equipment that Mingjiasha loves to use.

Shen Yi took a few glances at Mu Junzi, then withdrew his gaze, and continued to look east.

At the same time, Mu Junzi broadcasted everything he saw live.

Outside the secret, on the white jade square.

Zhang Da, the elder of the Golden Core of Beast Mountain, laughed loudly and said: "Who is that student? He really gave us the face of Beast Mountain. He killed a person from Seablue Shrine so easily. It's a good start. Congratulations!"

(End of this chapter)

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