Chapter 210 Bamboo Sword Kills

Before entering the secret realm, Yang Dong specifically warned him.

Let them, the Ten Thousand Beast students, help each other in the secret realm, so that they can't see if they die or save them.

This person's request is not too much, just go together and go to the east to gather together.

If I refuse, I am afraid that it will attract suspicion.

This Wanshou student was an acquaintance, and said enthusiastically to Shen Yi: "Brother, my name is Zhao Changsheng, a disciple of the Prosthetic Institute, by the way, what's your name?"

"Li Gui, a student of the School of Biochemistry." Shen Yi said.

He looked at Zhao Changsheng's handsome face that had undergone plastic surgery, and chatted, "Your name is not bad."

Zhao Changsheng laughed and said, "Many people say that I have a good name and that I am a lucky person. Brother, your name is also pretty good, and it is quite artistic."

Facing Zhao Changsheng's compliment, Shen Yi smiled, didn't take it seriously, and said softly: "Let's go, we'd better gather at the east side quickly to make people feel at ease."

"Okay, okay. The disciples of these two sects are really evil. You don't know. Not long ago, I met a disciple of the Bamboo Sword Sect named 'Bamboo Heart', he..."

Halfway through Zhao Changsheng's words, he suddenly froze.

Shen Yi frowned suddenly, and said vigilantly: "What's wrong with you."

"My body is weird, as if there is something inside me." Zhao Changsheng's face was wrinkled like a torn rag, twisted in pain, he clenched his teeth, but still couldn't help letting out a miserable howl, his body Stiff, but trembling non-stop, indescribably weird.

"What's wrong with you, are you poisoned!"

Shen Yi asked with concern, while quietly backing away.


Zhao Changsheng just said a word, and in an instant, a green bamboo burst out of his body.Zhao Changsheng's upper body was instantly exploded, and his lower body turned into flesh and blood soil for planting bamboo!
Such a weird scene scared Shen Yi to immediately grab the storage bag hanging from Zhao Changsheng's waist, turn around and run away.

He hid himself until it was confirmed that he was safe and there were no enemies before he dared to come to Zhao Changsheng's body.

Take a closer look.

Shen Yi has determined that the one who killed Zhao Changsheng was Zhu Jianmen's Zhu Jian.

The bamboo they use to refine the bamboo sword is the demon bamboo cultivated by Zhujianmen for many years. It has extremely strange supernatural powers, and it will grow at an astonishing speed when it encounters fresh flesh and blood.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a virus.

The sword art practiced by the Bamboo Sword Sect is of the wood attribute, and it is specially used to give birth to bamboo swords, cut through human skin, and parasitize the bamboo swords into their bodies when they meet flesh and blood.

The three sects fight, and the other two sects are powerful, Shen Yi has heard it a long time ago.

I don't know if Zhao Changsheng didn't know the power of Zhujianmen, or was he injured and parasitic but didn't know it?

Shen Yi casually dug a big pit, and asked Mana to lift Zhao Changsheng's body, put it in the pit, and hastily buried it.

This is the rule Yang Dong set for them.

If you encounter a classmate who died in battle, you must bury him, and don't let his body be exposed in the wilderness, it's not decent.

As Dazong disciples, they had to be decent people.

Shen Yi controlled the flying sword, flew close to the ground, and headed east.

On the way, he encountered a few traps. Fortunately, he has lived in the wilderness for many years, and he has a bit of wit, so he avoided them skillfully.

There was no further disturbance along the way, and we arrived at the east side safely.

Encountered a large army of beast students assembled.

They occupied a hill and set it up as their base camp, and set up some simple low-grade magic circles around them, and many patrolling beast divisions were guarding all around.

Shen Yi was wearing the Taoist Robe of Ten Thousand Beasts, after a simple verification of his body.

He climbed up the hill and came to the top of the mountain. There were about fifty or sixty Ten Thousand Beast students gathered here. Some were clean and some were scarred.

Shen Yi looked around.

I saw Xiang Lei, Wu Wei and four others.

All of them were wounded, especially Wu Wei, whose left leg disappeared and was temporarily disabled.

"It's so tragic, I guess I ran into a student from Zhujianmen." Shen Yi murmured.

The best and fastest way to avoid the "Green Bamboo Parasitic Sword Art" by Zhu Jianmen is to cut off the parasitic part immediately. Fortunately, Wu Wei injured his left leg. If the bamboo sword injured his head or chest, etc. , that would be troublesome.

Without hesitation, Shen Yi walked up to Wu Wei, took out one of the healing elixir given to him by dyed red orange, and handed it to Wu Wei.

"Dean Ran gave it to me. It was refined by her own hands. You are seriously injured, take it quickly."

Shen Yi said.

There was a look of gratitude on Wu Wei's pale face, he nodded vigorously to Shen Yi and said: "I have received your love, I will not take this medicine for nothing, I will give you how many spirit stones!"

Shen Yi shook his head, stuffed it in Wu Wei's hand, and said softly, "Take it."

After all, he turned and left.

"Student Li Gui, I will repay you for this favor!" Wu Wei called out to Shen Yi's back.

Wu Wei also knew that now was not the time to be hypocritical, so he crushed the wax seal of the pill and put it in his mouth, the effect of the medicine was quick.

Wu Wei's face turned red in the blink of an eye, his pale face turned red, and his energy improved a lot.

Ji Zhe, with a little baby fat on his face, said gratefully, "Student Li Gui is really a kind person."

Wang Yinyin with fluttering long hair said dully:
"What kind of a good guy is he? He's such a hypocrite. If he's a good guy, he should form a team with us instead of coming forward to pretend to care about us when he sees us hurt!"

Wu Wei said softly: "Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself. Li Gui doesn't owe us anything. He chooses to go alone. This is his choice. Yingying, you'd better say a few words less."

Wang Yingying closed her mouth in disbelief.

Xiang Lei was a little jealous and said: "Why did the dean only give Li Gui the elixir alone, but not me!"

Wu Wei smiled bitterly, although he really wanted to say to Xiang Lei: "After you become an official alchemist, just like Li Gui, the principal will give it to you."

But they were friends, and Wu Wei didn't speak out because he was afraid of hurting his peace by saying this.

Shen Yi withdrew his consciousness.

He heard all Xiang Lei and the others said.

Among the four, only Wu Wei and Ji Zhe are getting along, Xiang Lei is too jealous, and Wang Yinyin is too selfish
The cultivation bases of several people are weak, and it may be difficult for them to survive the battle in the secret realm.

In this battle of the secret realm, none of the disciples of the other two sects is weak in their cultivation.

The few people Shen Yi killed before were all small characters, and he has never met any truly powerful masters.

I heard from Mr. Hou Wen that there were more than 100 people in the contest of the secret realm in his class, and only about [-] people died in the end.

The three fights are really brutal!
There is no need for Shen Yi to argue with a few people who are about to die.

He found a random place to sit cross-legged and meditate to recover his mana. This secret place is good, full of aura, giving Shen Yi a feeling that he has suddenly come to a vast ocean from a dry desert.

The benefits of the secret realm don't stop there.

There are products in most of the secret realms, and this Qingxuan secret realm is no exception. On the Qingxuan Mountain in the center of the secret realm, there is a fairy spring, and the fairy spring water flowing out is very good for alchemy.

It's just that, among the three fights today, the Qingquan Mountain in the center of the secret realm was sealed with a great supernatural power by the Jindan monks, and the foundation-building monks couldn't break in, let alone the little Qi training monks.

Shen Yi closed his eyes, seemingly meditating to recover his mana.

In fact, he was secretly observing the myriad beast Qinglong Pei Donghong talking and laughing with people in the distance!

(End of this chapter)

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