Do Cyberdoctors Dream of Mechanical Zombies?

Chapter 218 "Undead Beast Soul Art"

Chapter 218 "Undead Beast Soul Art"

"Ah?" Shen Yi showed surprise on his face, but he quickly reacted and said to him, "Yes, I still have two buns here, do you want some?"

As he spoke, he reached into the storage bag and took out two large meat bags that had cooled down.

"Yes, give it to me quickly. This bastard is a starving ghost. He can't get enough to eat. He's starving to death."

Xu Changsheng did not know what kind of secret method he used to occupy the body of this white-haired black wolf.

Like a human, he stood upright on his hind legs, snatched the bun with two wolf paws, and stuffed it into his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the two meat buns fell into the stomach of Xu Changsheng in wolf form.

He looked at Shen Yi, licked his lips, and asked again: "Is there anything else?"

"I'll look for it." Shen Yi rummaged through the storage bag and found some food for Xu Changsheng to eat.

Xu Changsheng has a huge appetite.

He ate for half an hour, seeing his fluffy wolf belly bulging into a bulging ball before he stopped.

Shen Yi used to live in the wilderness and slums, he couldn't eat enough all day long, he was afraid of hunger, and the root of his disease was always stuffed with a lot of food in his storage bag.Just in case.

Moreover, the cafeteria of Wanshou University is free, so Shen Yi will bring something with him every time he eats.

After eating.

Xu Changsheng was lying under the tree root, resting his head on a short tree root, facing up his soft and fluffy stomach, pressing his two wolf paws on his stomach, rubbing it back and forth, a sense of happiness appeared on the wolf's face .

"Thanks to you, classmate, I can't stand hunger, and I can't find anything to eat, otherwise I will have to eat shit when I'm hungry." Xu Changsheng thanked Shen Yi.

"Are you a wolf or a dog?" Shen Yi was curious.

"Boys and dogs are the same." Xu Changsheng said cheerfully.

Shen Yi looked at Xu Changsheng who was lying beside him, his eyes were filled with deep curiosity, and he couldn't help asking: "What kind of secret method did you make this?"

"It's not a secret method, but a family-inherited exercise "Undead Beast Soul Jue"."

Xu Changsheng lazily said:
"This technique focuses on the soul body. Similar to ghost cultivation, it can survive in the world with a soul body, but it is still very different from ghost cultivation. In short, people in our family can change their bodies at will. As long as the soul body is not destroyed , I won’t die!”

After Xu Changsheng's explanation.

Shen Yi also roughly understood the mystery of Xu Changsheng's exercises.

"By the way, classmate, I don't know your name yet?" Xu Changsheng asked.

"Li Gui, the chief disciple of the School of Biochemistry." Shen Yi replied.

Xu Changsheng said in surprise: "I've seen the scene when you were fighting with others, and the talismans were thrown out as if you didn't need money. I thought you were from the Fulu Academy."

Shen Yi smiled, but didn't speak.

Xu Changsheng stood up and walked around. When the food in his stomach was almost gone, he raised his head and looked around a few times, and said to Shen:

"Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for long, the bastards from Zhujianmen and Seablue Shrine are probably coming after you soon!"

"Where are you going, to the center of the secret realm?"

Shen Yi asked.

"Of course, otherwise, where else can I escape?"

Xu Changsheng sighed and said, "This Qingxuan secret realm is neither big nor small. Judging by the attitude of Seablue Shrine, I'm afraid it will kill us all. Fortunately, there are three restrictions in Qingxuan Mountain, and the one on the outermost circle is ours. The real person from Yushou Mountain has given us a chance, otherwise"


After saying that, Xu Changchang let out a sigh.

Shen Yi asked: "The Bamboo Sword Sect formed an alliance with the Sea Blue God Palace and slaughtered our sect's students wantonly without any regard for sympathy. Aren't they afraid that Yushou Mountain will retaliate in the future?"

"It's probably under someone's power."

Xu Changsheng said firmly:

"Sea Blue Shrine is now a group of rich and profitable businessmen from the head to the elders. They don't like to suffer losses, but they rarely initiate grievances with others. They seem to be confident. They probably found a backer, or For some other reason."

"As for the Bamboo Sword Sect, it is a sword cultivator sect who knows how to fight and has no brains. The idea of ​​forming an alliance this time must have been brought up by Seablue Shrine!"


Xu Changsheng said with certainty.

Shen Yi nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, let's go. We'll talk when it's safe."

Xu Changsheng said anxiously.

All his imperial beasts were killed or injured in the previous battle.

If he dies again, without a suitable physical body, his soul body is extremely fragile, and if he is exposed to the outside for too long, his lifespan will be lost.

"Okay, then how do we go?"

Shen Yi looked Xu Changsheng's current body up and down, and asked.

"You just have to go. My beast master is specially customized and deployed. Its combat ability is average, but it runs extremely fast. Don't worry, I can keep up with you!"

Xu Changsheng waved his wolf claws and said.


Shen Yi didn't care about him anymore, controlled the flying sword, and headed towards the center of the secret realm.

Xu Changsheng landed on all fours and ran vigorously.

What he said was true, his wolf body ran extremely fast, almost as fast as a flying sword.

The two were careful along the way, and soon arrived at the center of the secret realm.

Qingxuan Mountain soars into the clouds, with emerald green phoenixes on the mountain, surrounded by fairy mist, and there are three golden lights shining around it.

After arriving here safely.

Xu Changsheng was finally able to breathe a long sigh of relief.

"Next, I will lead the way. I know where a weak point of restraint is. Let's go quickly."

Xu Changsheng urged.

Shen Yi followed Xu Changsheng's wolf butt, and said casually: "The students who survived our university should have escaped to this place."

"I don't know about others, but that bastard Pei Donghong must have escaped here a long time ago!"

Xu Changsheng cursed as he walked.

Shen Yi's heart trembled, and on the surface he pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Pei Donghong is a child of the military department, to be honest, he is a little too greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"It's not just greedy for life and afraid of death, it's simply stinky and shameless!"

Xu Changsheng was very disdainful of Pei Donghong's behavior of running away without saying a word.

Cursing and swearing, she never stopped talking.

He didn't close his mouth until Mu Junzi from Mingjiashe slowly flew over and approached.

after awhile.

Xu Changsheng led Shen Yi to the entrance of a cave.

"Look, there is a secret realm inside."

Xu Changsheng raised a wolf paw and pointed at the entrance of the cave. As he was talking, he suddenly frowned and his expression became serious.

"What's the matter, are there any enemies chasing you?" Shen Yi asked.

"It's not that the enemy is chasing after us, but there are people in this cave. It is probably our classmate, or it may be the enemy. My current body has a keen sense of smell and can smell human scent, but I can't tell if it is a classmate at the moment. Still the enemy."

Xu Changsheng hesitated while sniffing vigorously.

Shen Yi looked at Xu Changsheng and blinked.

During the previous battle, he had seen Xu Changsheng's incomparable bravery, and he had a bit of admiration for him.

Looking at it now, Xu Changsheng was quite cowardly.

The previous bravery was something to rely on, so he looked like he was not afraid of death.

Now that his support is gone, Xu Changsheng has become greedy for life and afraid of death.

(End of this chapter)

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