Chapter 221 Transformation
"I like to fight alone, you can stay." Pei Donghong said coldly.

Shen Yi still didn't give up and said: "It's okay, how nice you are."

At this time, Xu Changsheng stood up on his hind legs, stroked his chin with a dog's paw, and looked at Pei Donghong with suspicion.

Afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, and with a smile on his lips, he said, "I'll go too, don't look at me with a different body, but my body is specially trained by Yushou Mountain. The enhanced Beast Familiar, take me, one more person and one more combat power!"

The corner of Pei Donghong's mouth twitched, and he walked straight towards the cave tunnel without saying a word.

Shen Yi and Xu Changsheng hurriedly followed.

As Shen Yi walked, he looked at Xu Changsheng who was following him, not knowing why he followed him.

Xu Changsheng raised his wolf face, and smiled strangely at Shen Yi.

The three entered the cave tunnel together.

There are people ahead.

Shen Yi's spiritual sense could sense it, the other party was cautious and walked slowly, for fear of accidentally falling into a trap or ambush.

He took out the talisman and prepared to fight.

And Pei Donghong has been staring at Shen Yi and Xu Changsheng coldly, his eyes are complicated, it seems that he is thinking about deciding something important.

Shen Yi also realized something was wrong.

He looked at Pei Donghong and asked in a low voice, "Student Pei Donghong, what's wrong with you?"

Pei Donghong looked directly at Shen Yi, and said with a cold snort, "Let's go."

"Let's go?" This idea just came to Shen Yi's mind.

Pei Donghong suddenly took out a small khaki flag from the storage bag.

"One qi in the universe, the earth mother Fangsha!"

Pei Donghong recited a mantra, and threw the khaki-colored flag into the ground with all his strength, without making any formulas.

The next moment, the ground became convex and sunken into a big pit, trapping Pei Donghong, Shen Yi and Xu Changsheng in it.

In vain.

The three fell into the ground and disappeared.

When Shen Yi saw the sky and the sun in the secret realm again, he had already appeared in a lush forest a few miles away from Qingxuan Mountain.

"This..." Shen Yi said in surprise: "Is this the earth escape method?"

Xu Changsheng answered with a smile on the side:

"That's right, the world only knows about the Pei family of Long Zhu, but no one knows that the Pei family possesses a complete five-element evasion technique. No one can kill the Pei family on the battlefield, because they can run faster than rabbits!"

"Hmph, this Mother Banner, once it is consumed, it won't be able to recover after more than ten years of nourishment. I can be regarded as indirectly saving you. After you get out, you have to make up for me!"

Pei Donghong looked at Shen Yi and Xu Changsheng, and said angrily.

Xu Changsheng didn't take it seriously and said, "Let's owe it first."

Shen Yi murmured secretly: "This Pei Donghong is so scheming and ruthless. He sold the other students in the cave directly. Fortunately, he left with him and didn't let him run away!"

Xu Changsheng smacked his wolf's mouth, and asked in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

Pei Donghong said: "Find a place to hide. The duration of the three martial art fights is one day and one night. The day is almost over. If we stay a little longer, we will survive!"

Say it.

Pei Donghong looked at Xu Changsheng and Shen Yi, and said bluntly: "I suggest that we hide separately, the goal of the three together is too big."


Xu Changsheng was also unwilling to be with Pei Donghong.

Anyway, this guy is ruthless and ungrateful, he will slip away without saying a word when something happens, he can't be counted on.

Xu Changsheng looked at Shen Yi and said, "Li Gui, let's go together. I'm not a burden. My sense of smell and hearing is a hundred times, or even a thousand times, that of a human monk. With me, the possibility of us both surviving will be even greater. !"


Shen Yi readily agreed.

He was fiddling with the Wuhuan Feijian in his hand.

Trying again and again to awaken the artificial sword spirit in the flying sword.

Pei Donghong didn't stay long either, and was about to leave immediately.

But Xu Changsheng's nose twitched, his expression changed suddenly, and he said in a low voice, "Be careful, there are enemies."

An emerald green flying sword pierced towards Pei Donghong who was about to leave at an extremely fast speed.

When Pei Donghong saw this, his face was calm, and when he raised his hand, the green leaf snake wrapped around his arm, the green snake immediately spit out a green light.

The green light was so fast that it collided with the flying sword that was stabbing towards Pei Donghong!

Hit the bamboo sword and fly away.

The bamboo sword lightly circled twice in mid-air, then turned around and flew back to its master.

Three Zhujianmen monks who moved in unison came out of the woods.

They turned their heads to look at Shen Yi with smiles on their faces, and whispered: "We meet again!"

Seeing this "bamboo heart" again, Shen Yifei didn't feel scared, but felt a burst of relief.

"It's finally here!"

Shen Yi thought to himself.

Wuhuan Flying Sword suddenly fell into a strange sleep. At first, Shen Yi thought that it was influenced by the secret technique of Zhu Jianmen Sword Cultivator, which caused the sword spirit to fall asleep.

Later, when he was on the road with Xu Changsheng, he chatted with him and asked Xu Changsheng this question.

After all, Xu Changsheng came from a big family of cultivators, so he was well-informed.

He really knew that the sword spirit was sleeping, and what caused it.

When the swordsmith of Jianzong was refining the flying sword, he manipulated the sword spirit in order to prevent the hacker from hacking the flying sword.

A magic circle will be arranged on the flying sword to prevent spiritual hackers.

If it is invaded and the sword spirit is controlled by others, the formation on the flying sword will make the sword spirit fall into a deep sleep immediately and enter a dead state to prevent the enemy from controlling the flying sword through the sword spirit.

If the sword spirit falls into a deep sleep, it means that the sword spirit is under the control of external forces!

After hearing what Xu Changsheng said, Shen Yi finally understood.

After escaping from the cave with Pei Donghong.

Shen Yi understands that he can no longer escape, he must find a way to attract the enemy immediately, and wait for the opportunity to kill him!
Therefore, Shen Yi kept trying to awaken the Wuhuan Sword Spirit in Feijian, just to attract possible enemies nearby.

Zhu Xin from Zhujianmen knew that Shen Yi was powerful, but he also knew that the other person in front of him, Pei Donghong, was more dangerous than Shen Yi.

So Zhu Xin quickly made a decision to divide two people to kill Pei Donghong, one to kill Shen Yi, and Xu Changsheng who was beside Shen Yi.

It's just a royal beast, nothing to be afraid of!

Zhu Xin, who didn't know Xu Changsheng's true identity, subconsciously ignored him.

He saw two students from Zhujianmen coming towards him.

Knowing that he couldn't escape for the time being, Pei Donghong's face darkened, and a ruthless look suddenly appeared on his face!

he shouted.

The grass snake wrapped around its body also screamed upwards, the green dragon blood in its body awakened, and the size of the grass snake suddenly increased dozens of times, from a small snake as thick as a finger to as thick as a train!

Afterwards, the grass snake swallowed Pei Donghong in one gulp.

At the same time, the grass snake swallowed its own tail in big mouthfuls.

The body of the grass snake twisted into a ring.

The dark green light is getting heavier
(End of this chapter)

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