Chapter 223 Black Ink
Pei Donghong narrowed his eyes. After seeing Li Wei and other students from Sealan Shrine, he smoothly displayed his family tradition, got rid of the two bamboo hearts, and immediately used the wood escape technique to prepare to escape.

Who would have guessed.

Li Wei snapped his fingers as if he had expected it, and a halo of formation suddenly lit up on the arm of the huge treasure ship soldier about 22 feet tall behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the fist of the Treasure Ship Soldier slammed down hard.

The brilliant golden light also crashed down.

It smashed hard on the ground, and the wind and waves stirred up shook the big trees in the forest, causing the leaves to scatter.

Pei Donghong, who was performing the wood escape technique and had fled dozens of meters away, suddenly appeared, and the technique was interrupted. Pei Donghong forcibly endured the pain caused by the backlash of the technique. He straightened his waist and looked coldly at the Li Wei et al.

Get rid of the students of Seablue Shrine.

Some students from Zhujianmen also rushed over.

From the looks of it, it should be the people from Zhujianmen who informed the students from Seablue Shrine to come here.

The two Zhu Xin who had besieged Pei Donghong earlier returned to their fellow students and began to heal silently.

"You can be regarded as witnesses to history. This treasure ship soldier is the latest research of our Treasure Ship Pavilion. Today is the first actual combat. I didn't expect the effect to be remarkable. It was able to beat the mighty Yushoushan student to such an extent. What a virtue, and honestly, I'm proud of it!"

Li Wei laughed triumphantly.

Pei Donghong said coldly: "You are so proud, if you hadn't teamed up with Zhujianmen, and just relying on your Sea Blue God Palace, it would not be certain who would win!"

"Haha, the winner calls the king and the loser a bandit, can I understand that your words are the wailing of a defeated dog?" Li Wei laughed.

"It's not certain who is the defeated dog. After all, the relationship between Zhujianmen and you guys doesn't seem to be particularly friendly. I saw with my own eyes that the disciples of Zhujianmen killed two students from Seablue Shrine."

At this time, Shen Yi suddenly spoke.

"If I'm not wrong, you Sealan Shrine and the Bamboo Sword Sect will have to fight in the end. Who wins and who loses will be known at that time. It's useless for you to be happy too early!"

Hearing Shen Yi's words.

Li Wei's face was gloomy for a moment, but he quickly returned to his original state, and said with a smile, "So what, what a pity, you'll be dead by then, and whoever loses and who wins is not what you should consider."

"Not necessarily."

Shen Yi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, he pondered and said: "The death rate of the three martial arts makes people feel chills down the spine, if you dare to participate in the three martial arts, how can you not have a hand of cards hidden in your body!"

The way Li Wei looked at Shen Yi changed.

But he still did not show weakness and said: "Since I don't know you, it means that you are neither the freshman king of Wanshou University, nor a child of a family in Wanshou's Inner City! I don't believe you for an insignificant person. What powerful hole cards can you have!"

"Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, you can come here and try it out!"

Shen Yilang said.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you!"

Although Li Wei said so.

But he turned his head and said to Shui Ling'er who was not far away: "Ling'er, you are the new king of our Sea God Palace this year, go and give this kid some color!"

Behind Shui Ling'er, a female student from Sea God Palace couldn't help saying:

"There are only two people on the other side, and we have a large number of people. Wouldn't it be nice to kill them both together? Why do you have to ask Shui Linger to come forward to test it? Isn't it superfluous?"

Li Wei said with a stern face: "We are a respectable and upright family. We can't do things like this all the time. Besides, Shui Ling'er is invincible in the world. Wouldn't it be easy to take care of the two remaining Wanshou students?"

"Besides, there are still students from Zhujianmen. The Wanshou students hiding in the cave have been wiped out, and now there are only three or four Wanshou students who have not been found. After killing the two Wanshou students in front of us Student, we have to fight with the disciples of Zhujianmen."

When Li Wei said this.

Not hiding and tucking.

Everyone in Zhujianmen could also hear it.

They didn't show much expression when they heard this, and turned a deaf ear to it.

Shui Ling'er gave Li Wei a blank look. Although Shui Ling'er didn't like Li Wei's behavior, she even hated it, but she didn't say much. Money flew away.

When Shen Yi saw the opponent, he was alone, turned his target to the students of Zhujianmen, and shouted: "Zhu Xin, don't you want to kill me, come here!"

A dozen or so Zhu Xin raised their mouths and smiled at the same time, but they didn't say anything.

Shui Ling'er flew to a position ten steps away from Shen Yi, saluted, and then said in a sweet voice: "The little girl is the chief freshman of the Sea God Palace, please enlighten me!"

"Teach me, okay." Shen Yi said with a smile.

Shen Yi actually wanted to attract the disciples of the Zhujian Sect, because they practiced swordsmanship so that they could be framed.But because the disciples of the Bamboo Sword Sect were suspected to be controlled by some super sword spirit.

Let's use the hands of the students of Seablue Shrine to kill Pei Donghong.

From the corner of his eye, Shen Yi slowly glanced at Pei Donghong not far away.

This guy didn't speak for a long time, and he was silently lucky, always ready to escape.

He looked in Xu Changsheng's direction again, and found that the dog had disappeared, probably hiding it, or running away while no one was looking.

Right now is the best opportunity!

Shen Yi finally looked at Mu Junzi who was flying high in the sky.

At this very moment, their every move was being broadcast live by Mu Junzi for tens of millions of people in the three sect cities to watch!

It is quite difficult to kill Pei Donghong in such a scene.

But no matter how difficult it is, there is no solution.

Shen Yi took a deep breath, put one hand into the storage bag, and said in a deep voice to the beautiful girl in front of him, "Let's get started."

The voice fell.

Shen Yi quickly took out the items in the storage bag, which were black, palm-sized, and rectangular in shape.

This is a square of black ink, which is the black ink used to grind ink when writing brush characters.

This is just in Shen Yi's hands, it's not a piece of ordinary black ink, but a second-order low-grade magic weapon!
A one-time second-tier inferior magic weapon!

The only function of this magic weapon is to create an extremely wide black ink mist that blocks people's sight!

Shen Yi took this thing out, frantically mobilized mana, poured it into this magic weapon, and squeezed it hard.

A thick black mist spread like ink.

It is indeed a Tier [-] magic weapon.

The occulting black mist enveloped the surrounding area for a mile.

In an instant, everyone sank into the black ink mist.

No one expected that Shen Yi would do such a trick.

The most surprising thing was Pei Donghong. He was surrounded by black ink mist, he couldn't see anything around him, and even his consciousness was affected.

"Good opportunity!"

Without a word, Pei Donghong took out the Earth Mother Banner that he had used before, and prepared to use the Earth Escape Technique again to escape from this place!

"Li Gui, I will never forget the kindness you received today. If I still remember it in Qingming next year, I will definitely burn some paper money for you!"

When Pei Donghong activated the magic weapon and was about to escape.

He suddenly widened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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