I am Bai Feng

Chapter 14 The Battle of the Eastern Rift Valley

Chapter 14 The Battle of the Eastern Rift Valley (6000-word chapter please recommend)

The battlefield of the heavens, the sea of ​​desire and the plain.

Bai Feng was rushing towards the human race's jurisdiction.

In the sea of ​​will, the word "death" erupted, releasing a large amount of death energy.

A white mask appeared in Bai Feng's hand.

Bai Feng washed Lie Tiange's mask with his dead energy.As far as he knew, the mask of the Hunting Sky Pavilion would glow when positioned, so he wasn't worried about such positioning.

What he was worried about was whether Xuanji would put some tricks on the mask to secretly locate him.

Bai Feng is not a soldier builder, and he can't tell, so he thought of another way.

Solve it with dead air.

Under the wash of death energy, even if Xuan Ji left anything behind, it must be gone now.

Bai Feng smiled in satisfaction, now he can use this mask with confidence.

put on a mask,

At this time, Bai Feng's appearance changed drastically. He changed the white robe into a green robe, and wore a white mask on his face.

He disguised himself as... no, he recovered his true identity, Lie Tian Ge Xuan 53.

The figure was looming, and Bai Feng ran towards the human realm with all his strength.

day and night,

Bai Feng is about to arrive at the Human Pioneer Camp.

In the sea of ​​will, the divine script of the word "death" suddenly trembled, and a sense of death emanated from it.

Bai Feng's complexion changed, what's wrong?
Bai Feng felt a little uneasy. With the change of the character "death", he felt that he must die.

"Life" and "death" are intertwined with gods and scriptures, blessed by the power of life and death. The divine text of the word "I" blesses all the power of the divine text on the divine text of the word "sheng".

Suddenly, a chuckle came into Bai Feng's ears.

"I didn't expect to meet Baimian from Lietian Pavilion here."

Following that, a powerful force hit Bai Feng.

Bai Feng's complexion changed, and he backed away.

Bai Feng was fast, but that attack was even faster.


One of Bai Feng's arms disappeared.

"Eh? You actually avoided it?"

A purple-haired demon youth appeared, with a very obvious flame mark on his forehead.

This is a primordial demon clan, and the realm of the fifth level of Lingyun is undoubtedly revealed.

Bai Feng's pupils shrink slightly, this realm, this posture, this strength.

Bai Feng thought of someone.

"Are you Modona?"

Modona smiled, and said strangely: "The white face of Lietian Pavilion doesn't know me?"

really him

The first place on the list is Modona from the Shimo Race.

The fifth level of Lingyun can kill the fifth level of mountains and seas.

Invincible!This was Bai Feng's first thought.

He quickly lowered his head and said, "I've seen Lord Modona, I was just too surprised just now."

Modona didn't believe Bai Feng's reasons, but he didn't care, and punched Bai Feng.

Bai Feng stepped back quickly and asked, "What is the devil doing? I still have tasks to do, so I won't accompany you."

Modona smiled lightly and said, "What's so surprising, isn't it common for geniuses to hunt and kill your Tiange hunters?"

Bai Feng continued: "The demon king is powerful, why kill me, a small early stage of Shanhai."

Modona said calmly: "In the early stage of Shanhai...the strength is indeed right, but I always feel that there is something wrong with you. Take off your mask and let me see your true face."

"The most important thing for the people in Lietian Pavilion is their true appearance, why should the devil make things difficult for me."

Modona said nothing, took off his mask, and let you go without any problem.If you don't pick it...then kill it before picking it up.

Modona didn't intend to let Bai Feng leave at all.

Bai Feng gritted his teeth, the word "sheng" jumped, and Bai Feng's disappeared arm reappeared.

"Oh, and there are healing scriptures?"

Modona said with great interest.

The God Expansion Hammer swung out and hit Modona.


The God Expansion Hammer was knocked into the air by Modona.

"Healing oracle, hammer-like willpower and martial arts, and the strange feeling I feel...you are Yushi!"

Modona's eyes brightened, this is not Lietian Pavilion Baimian in the Mountain and Sea Realm, this is Yushi from the Nine Layers of Soaring Sky!

Bai Feng remained silent, the word "speed" erupted, and Bai Feng rushed towards the human race's jurisdiction.

"Master Yu, you want to return to the human realm."

Modona chased after him, and smiled as he walked, "Master Yu, I've wanted to see you for a long time."

Bai Feng took off his mask while running, he didn't want to be killed directly by being regarded as Lie Tiange.

"Master Yu, come, let me see your methods."

Modona is still chasing after him.

"Damn Desire Sea Plain!"

Bai Feng cursed in his heart, this is definitely the influence of Yuhai Plain.

As much as Bai Feng was satisfied with this kind of rule, now he dislikes it.

The divine script of "war" launched to Modona, and Modona smiled,

"Is this a divine text that weakens the fighting spirit?"

It's useless. Although Bai Feng had expected it, he was still a little disappointed.

When a genius is running away, the person who is most afraid of chasing him is also a genius.Because the means of genius are too many.

If he encountered a strong person with high mountains and seas, Bai Feng would have a chance to run away.

But if Modona, who is also a genius, even if he only has the combat strength of the fifth level of mountains and seas, it will be extremely difficult for Bai Feng to escape from Modona.

While running, Bai Feng hit Modona with the God Expanding Hammer, trying to interfere with him.

Suddenly, Bai Feng felt a lot heavier on his body, and his speed slowed down.

"It's really fast enough to run."

Modona laughed from behind.

"Modona, why bother to force each other. You really want to fight. When I get to Lingyun, you and I will have a fair fight."

While fleeing, Bai Feng kept trying to interfere with Modona with various divine scripts.

"Want a fair fight? Yes, as long as you can escape, I will wait for you to Lingyun."

Madonna smiled.

Bai Feng stopped talking, and the word "speed" was urged to the extreme.

Suddenly, Bai Feng felt a chill behind his back, his face changed, he roared violently, and punched him backward.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Bai Feng flew backwards with the power of Modona's fist.

"Huh? You actually still cultivate the body?"

Modona was surprised, he didn't know that Yushi's body is not weak.

"Interesting, Master Yu. Maybe when you get to Lingyun, you might really be able to fight me."

Bai Feng didn't speak, he felt that he had hurt his internal organs.The God Expansion Hammer hit Modona again.

Modona chuckled, and a flame lit up.


Bai Feng screamed, and he felt that his willpower was going to burn.

No longer using the God-Expanding Hammer to attack, other divine spells are useless.Bai Feng concentrated all the power of the divine script on the two divine scripts of "speed" and "birth".

Bai Feng's speed was extremely fast. Occasionally, when Modona caught up with him, he used his body to block him, and then used the word "birth" to recover.


Pioneer Battalion,
Qin Hao, the leader of the vanguard battalion, was talking with a general in black armor.

"Deputy General Cao, what's the recent battle damage of the Pioneer Battalion?"

General Heijia, surnamed Cao, is the deputy general of the Pioneer Battalion.

"The battle loss rate is not high, Commander. Especially the two clans of gods and demons, their attack frequency has gradually decreased recently."

Qin Hao snorted coldly,
"The heart of the human race will never die, and they want to corrupt the interior of the human race with false peace."

While the two were talking,
Qin Hao suddenly turned his head and looked at a place.

"Vice General Cao, is there any fighting happening today?"

"No, Commander, is there something wrong?"

Qin Hao said calmly: "There are fluctuations at the level of mountains and seas in that direction. Vice General Cao, send someone to check."


Deputy General Cao retreated.


Bai Feng felt like he was about to die.

At this time, Bai Feng looked particularly miserable, with disheveled hair and blood all over his body.I staggered.

At this time, Modona also had some scars on his body.While escaping, Bai Feng counterattacked Moduo several times.

Modona feels that today is enough, and he has found his opponent in the future.

Today's Yushi is naturally not enough to be his opponent.But the future Yushi will be Modona's great enemy.

Thinking of this, Modona was a little excited.

Just when Modona was about to give up chasing Bai Feng, his face suddenly changed and he looked aside.Then Bai Feng also looked over there.

A soldier of the Eighth Layer of Mountains and Seas appeared over there, and said coldly: "Modona? How dare you come to the jurisdiction of the human race."

Modona smiled, looked at Bai Feng, and said, "Master Yu, I'm waiting for you to come to me."

After speaking, Modona left.The soldiers of the mountains and seas did not stop Modona, he was not suitable to attack Modona.

The Shanhai soldier looked at the bloody Bai Feng beside him, his eyes were a little strange.

This is Yushi?Sure enough, a genius, the Nine Layers of Soaring Sky can last for so long in Modona's hands.

The generals of Shanhai said to Bai Feng: "Master Yu, come with me, the general will see you."

Bai Feng panted and asked, "General?"

"Yes, Qin Hao, the leader of my vanguard battalion."

Bai Feng understood, it turned out to be Qin's second child.

The Shanhai soldier led Bai Feng to the vanguard camp.

Along the way, Bai Feng saw many sloppy soldiers, and Bai Feng knew that they were all dispatched because of mistakes.

When they came to a big camp, the Shanhai soldiers said: "The master is inside, go in by yourself."

After finishing speaking, the Shanhai soldiers left.

Bai Feng straightened his clothes, and under the influence of the divine character "生", his appearance had returned to its original state.

Entering the big camp, looking up, there is a man in black armor standing in the tent, with extraordinary heroism and full of murderous aura.

Qin Hao looked at Bai Feng and said, "You are Master Yu?"

Bai Feng nodded.

Qin Hao said again: "The method of transformation is good, even I can only see a little difference."

Bai Feng was silent.

Seeing that Bai Feng was silent, Qin Hao asked, "Are you going back to the Human Realm?"

Bai Feng nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then act according to the regulations. Since you want to hide your identity, I won't say anything. I will ask someone to help you deal with it."

Bai Feng said gratefully: "Thank you, General."

Qin Hao said calmly: "No need to thank you, since you are a genius of my human race, then I will help you. I look forward to hearing your real name shine in the heavens in the future."

"Will do."

Qin Hao nodded and asked Bai Feng to back off.

After Bai Feng left, Deputy General Cao walked out from the side.

"General, who is this Master Yu?"

Deputy General Cao was a little curious.

"I don't know, I can only see that something is wrong with him."

Deputy General Cao was a little surprised, even Qin Hao couldn't see through it, this Yushi was really not simple.

off the account,

There was already a Lingyun soldier waiting for Bai Feng.

"Come with me, and let the Lord arrange a place for you to live in."

General Ling Yun brought Bai Feng to a stone house, and said to Bai Feng: "This is where you live. If you have anything, you can report to someone."

"It's work."

General Ling Yun left, and Bai Feng walked into the stone house.It's a bit dilapidated and dirty inside.Bai Feng didn't care either, the bloody clothes on his body hadn't been changed yet, he was the dirtiest now.

Taking off the blood-colored robe, the acupoints all over his body vibrated, and his vitality washed away.Bai Feng removed all the dirt on his body.

Putting on the white robe, Bai Feng felt that he had become a handsome and handsome man again.

"I didn't expect to enter the vanguard camp. I wanted to come back as Bai Feng." Bai Feng's plan was disrupted by Modona.

"I have no choice but to make up for it after I go back." Bai Feng was a little helpless.If he went back without reapplying, he would definitely be arrested for trespassing.

But if this is the case, as long as Qin Hao wants to check, he will definitely be able to find out his identity.

"It's all Madonna's fault." Thinking of Madonna, Bai Feng felt a little angry.

Bai Feng was not very worried about the possibility of his identity being exposed.He still trusts Qin Hao.

Besides, his identity might have been discovered by someone long ago.They just kept a tacit understanding with each other and didn't point it out.

Bai Feng sat cross-legged on the stone bed, preparing to recover from his injuries first.


"Ping pong pong."

The sound of weapons colliding came into the ears.

Bai Feng opened his eyes and frowned. A fight broke out?
Walking out of the stone house, the soldiers stationed there were gone.

Bai Feng walked towards the direction of the fighting sound, he planned to help.


In a huge valley, the Pioneer Battalion is fighting here.

Bai Feng came here, looked up, there was a battle between the sun and the moon in the sky, and the aftermath continued.I can't see the figure clearly, but just the aftermath can shock the weak mountains and seas to death.

On the ground, many soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion were fighting the Yaozu.

All around melee.

The valley is divided into several war zones, with sun and moon, mountains and seas, and mixed clouds and sky.

Occasionally, there will be strong battles in other theaters, so each can only rely on his own ability, and whoever dies will be unlucky.

Bai Feng originally wanted to go to the Shanhai war zone, but after thinking about it, he went to Ling Yun and Tengkong's war zone.

If his identity is exposed, it will be very troublesome. The Wanzu will definitely send strong people here in order to kill him, and more people will die that way.

When he came to the war zone, the people around him glanced at him and ignored him.A flying Jiuchong dared to wander around in the Vanguard Battalion battle zone, and there was nothing he could do if he died.

Bai Feng took a deep breath, and the God-Expanding Hammer was hidden in the void. He spotted the target and smashed it out with one blow.

A soldier of Lingyun Sanchong was fighting a monkey monster.Suddenly, the monkey monster stopped attacking.

The soldier was stunned, what's going on, he didn't miss the opportunity, and killed the monster with one blow.

In the war zone, this happened everywhere, and the opponent in the battle suddenly stopped moving.

The soldiers didn't have time to think about the reason, so they turned around and threw themselves into the next battle.

Bai Feng smashed out the hammer again and again, he didn't kill those monsters, but just stunned them, which would be more efficient.

With Bai Feng's efforts, more and more monsters were knocked unconscious.

The atmosphere in this war zone has changed, and the demon clansmen are all terrified, for fear that it will be their turn next.The soldiers of the human race guessed in their hearts, which big shot made the move again?

A soldier in the sky warned Bai Feng, and when Bai Feng saw it, a warrior from Lingyun was calling towards him.

Bai Feng hit him with a hammer.


Lingyun Warrior's sea of ​​will was directly smashed by him.

Ignoring it, Bai Feng continued to do his auxiliary work.

Surrounded by silence, this way of dying...

Some monsters shouted: "Please ask a strong man from Lingyun Nine Layers to kill this person, he must have been playing tricks just now."

The soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion all moved closer to Bai Feng, wanting to protect Bai Feng.

A big bird at the Ninth Layer of Lingyun got rid of his opponent and charged towards Bai Feng.

"Protect him!"

Some soldiers shouted loudly, and nearby soldiers also came to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng has no choice but to be too good to be hated by others. He has only been here for a long time, so they all have to come to him.

The big bird reached in front of Bai Feng and grabbed Bai Feng with one claw.

As soon as the hammer hit, the void seemed to be shaken into ripples, and the big bird was so shocked that he fainted and fell directly to the ground.

He punched the unconscious big bird, breaking its heart.

Putting the big bird in the storage ring, Bai Feng no longer hid, and flew towards the battlefield where Ling Yun was high.

"Two moves killed a Lingyun Jiuzhong."

The nearby soldiers were excited and followed Bai Feng to kill the Yaozu.

A monster clan murmured, seeing Bai Feng coming towards them, they shouted fiercely: "There are people here who have the power to fight in mountains and seas, but there are mountain and sea experts who will take him away."

The word "shock" jumped, and Bai Feng stunned the nearby monster clan while flying.

"Kill them!"

Bai Feng reminded.See what I am doing, kill me quickly.

Wherever Bai Feng went, the surrounding monster races retreated one after another.

They were all afraid of being black-handed by Bai Feng, that way of dying was too aggrieved, they didn't want to do it.

Just as Bai Feng was making crazy assists, a great mountain and sea monster came over.


Some soldiers shouted at Bai Feng, and roared again: "Where are the mountains and seas in my vanguard camp?"

There are also soldiers from Shanhai in the Shanhai war zone who want to come, but they are tightly entangled by other monster clans.

That mountain and sea monster is a big monster of the Tiger Clan, in the third realm of mountains and seas.

"Boy, it's unlucky for you to meet me, go to hell."

Hu Clan Shanhai said something and waved his paw at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng sneered, did you really think I was determined?

"Life" and "death" are intertwined, and Bai Feng hits the mountains and seas of the Tiger Clan with a hammer.

The dead air filled the air, corroding the vitality of the Tiger Clan's mountains and seas.

The face of the Tiger Clan Shanhai changed, he shouted angrily, and turned his attack to the God Expansion Hammer.

Bai Feng rushed out from the side, with the strength in his hands concentrated, he punched Huzu Shanhai with his fists.

Hu Clan Shanhai was in pain and wanted to fight back, but they didn't dare to let the God Expansion Hammer attack.

Bai Feng took Hu Clan Shanhai away from the Lingyun battle zone. He didn't want everyone in the battle zone to die after the battle.

There was silence all around, and some monster clan shouted: "You human race are really shameless, the mountain and sea powerhouses are hiding in the Lingyun battle zone."

The human Shanhai next to him was also a little embarrassed, but he still said, "Didn't you see that he was flying?"

There are monster races who disdain, vacate?Can you fight mountains and seas in the sky?The kind of genius that would come to the little pioneer camp?

The quarrels around did not affect Bai Feng's fight.

Bai Feng felt that he was getting stronger.

He is as strong as Hu Clan Shanhai, and during the battle, he gradually digested the gains of this period of time.

Bai Feng's word "Zhen" erupted, and the God-Expanding Hammer hit 130 shocks, madly hammering at the mountains and seas of the Tiger Clan.

The tiger tribe's mountains and seas trembled, why did the guy fight harder and stronger.

The sea of ​​will shook, Bai Feng's face was a little weird, his "killing" word divine script was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a tendency to advance.

The murderous aura on Bai Feng's body became heavier and heavier, and he brought out all the divine characters to the extreme.The Hu Clan Shanhai who fought was miserable.

"Why does this guy have so many mountain and sea myths?" Hu Clan Shanhai cursed in his heart.

The Tiger Clan Shanhai suddenly became dazed, and Bai Feng's eyes lit up.

The word "Zhen" was about to split apart, and the hammer of the God expanded to the mountains and seas of the Tiger Clan.

At the same time, the Yang orifice in Bai Feng's body was half opened, and violent vitality gushed out from Bai Feng's body.A punch to Hu Clan Shanhai.

Huzu Shanhai came to his senses, his complexion changed drastically, his body was burning with vitality, and he was going desperate.

A flash of anger flashed in Bai Feng's eyes, are you the only one who will explode?

Bai Feng's vitality also burned up, and a strong murderous aura surged out from Bai Feng's body.


The two collided together.


Bai Feng vomited blood, and his body continued to crack and heal.

One of Bai Feng's hands pierced into Huzu Shanhai's body, and the God Expansion Hammer split his will.

Bai Feng won!

A colorful cloud appeared above Bai Feng's head.

Heaven and earth rewards!Bai Feng fought from the ancient city of Yunxiao to the Pioneer Camp, and finally got another reward from heaven and earth.

Under the reward of heaven and earth, Bai Feng's realm cannot be hidden.

That Huzu Shanhai's eyes were dim, he was going to die.Looking at Bai Feng, he didn't expect that Bai Feng was really flying nine times.

Bai Feng's various means appeared in his mind, he smiled,

"I didn't expect to be able to die at the hands of Master Yu, who is the second in the heaven list. It's not a loss."

After finishing speaking, the Tiger Clan Shanhai's body was shattered, his will collapsed, and he died.

There was silence all around, no one cared about the dead tiger clan mountains and seas, they all looked at Bai Feng who was bathed in the rewards of heaven and earth.

A monster race went crazy, and he yelled into the sky: "My lord, Yushi, Yushi, who is the second on the Tianbang list, is here."

The monsters in the valley are all crazy, as long as Yushi can be killed, the battle with the Pioneer Battalion is nothing at all.

The strong human races around hit the monster who made the sound.

The soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion also went crazy, Master Yu couldn't die, if he died, it would be a big defeat.

Everyone was crazy, no one could have imagined that Yushi, the strongest genius of the human race, would appear here.

In the sky, Qin Hao was confronting a Dragon Clan Sun Moon.

The Dragon Clan Sun and Moon laughed and said: "Qin Hao, you dare to let Master Yu join the battle, come and kill him."

A gun shadow pierced towards the Dragon Clan Sun and Moon.

Qin Hao said coldly: "You want to kill him? You're dreaming!"

The sun and moon in the sky fluctuated more and more violently.

Bai Feng didn't care so much, and he didn't expect that there would be rewards from heaven and earth.

Bai Feng turned around and headed towards another monster clan, Shanhai.

With a strong murderous aura, his "killing" character divine text was promoted when he killed Shanhai of the Tiger Clan.

"Master Yu, don't come here, leave quickly." A strong man shouted.

Bai Feng stopped walking, not because he was persuaded, but because he felt that killing one or two mountains and seas would not affect the direction of the battle.

Bai Feng's divine script of "birth" appeared, and his strong vitality surged towards the fighting soldiers.

He intends to continue as an assistant.

The soldiers on the scene were greatly boosted, and their injuries were healed.

The battle situation began to tilt towards the vanguard battalion.

"Kill him." The eyes of the nearby Yaozu were all red, and they would lose if this went on.

The surrounding human powerhouses surrounded Bai Feng not because he was a genius, but because he was a comrade in arms.

A strange sight appeared in the valley.All the mountain and sea powerhouses fought around Bai Feng, and Bai Feng stood in the middle and concentrated on assisting.

Bai Feng thought for a while, and the word "Ju" also appeared in the air, and a large amount of vitality gathered towards the soldiers of the Vanguard Battalion.

The injury was healed, and the exhaustion was restored, and the soldiers of the Vanguard Battalion returned to their heyday.

Those monster races are a little desperate, and they can't consume them all. How can they win?
Above the sky, the Sun Moon Dragon Clan was pierced by Qin Hao.


The Sun Moon Dragon Clan roared unwillingly.The one above couldn't go down at all, and he also saw the situation below.

There is no chance to kill Yushi at all, in order to reduce losses, they can only evacuate.


A sun and moon general also shouted.

The strong men of the Vanguard Battalion quickly evacuated, and Bai Feng also left.

As for the trophies, someone will take care of them, especially Bai Feng's.

(End of this chapter)

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