I am Bai Feng

Chapter 194 Human Palace

Chapter 194 Human Palace

in the long river,
Bai Feng kept coughing up blood, and the strength he forcibly borrowed caused him to suffer a lot of backlash.

But at this moment, Bai Feng was still under constant attack.

The huge impact made Bai Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

Both Xiaoshi and Renzhuyin are suppressing!
On the book, the power of rules also erupted.

The Great Zhou King and the others are all working hard at this moment.

Bai Feng gasped violently and went upstream.

rush out!
As long as you break out of this hole and enter the real long river of time, you can return to the heavens and worlds.

Bai Feng let out a low cry, and went upstream again. In this huge long river, Bai Feng's figure was like a drop in the ocean!
Huge waves kept hitting Bai Feng, Xingyu Yin, Renzhu Yin, and books were constantly suppressing the waves!
Pages of the book came along the real river of time, were caught by Bai Feng, and put into the book.

Bai Feng shouted again, and went upstream, all his strength burst out!
As long as he rushed through this opening, he was sure to be able to leave.

Lan Tian and the others are all doing their best!

There were bursts of crashing sounds, and Bai Feng kept coughing up blood. He didn't know how long he had been hitting upwards. Suddenly, Bai Feng felt the pressure lighten.

In an instant, he floated on the surface of the river!

At this moment, Bai Feng was terribly exhausted and seriously injured, and so were the others in the book, all exhausted.

Bai Feng panted and looked down, a vortex appeared, and a big hole could be vaguely seen below... The Emperor is really not a human being, he almost dug through the river of time!
Bai Feng coughed up blood and smiled.

He looked around, and sure enough, with the opening of the gate of heaven, he saw a small tributary on the side of the long river of time, which was different from the general avenue. Bai Feng had a feeling that it should not be the avenue, but ...the opening secretly opened by the Emperor himself!

The gateway to Xingyu Mansion!
Coincidentally, the avenue map in the Human Palace can't be wasted, so here it is!
The next moment, Bai Feng slammed into the opening!

With a loud noise, Bai Feng's figure disappeared into the long river of time.

He went out!

At this moment, he entered Xingyu Mansion.


Bai Feng rushed out of the long river of time and entered a large room, panting violently.

After panting for a while, Bai Feng's book opened, releasing Lan Tian and the others.

The moment the Great Zhou King and the others came out, the Great Zhou King was slightly taken aback, looked around, and after a while, said softly, "We... seem to be... in the Human Palace?"

Others... including several ancient princes, looked at him one after another.

Although they are all ancient princes, in fact...they are not familiar with the emperor.

There are four extreme human kings in the ancient human race, 36 human kings, and 360 ancient princes. There are so many strong people, but they actually have very little time to meet the human emperor.

The Human Palace is not a place where one can come at will.

Is this place the Human Palace?

They arrived at Xingyu Mansion?

Everyone was slightly in a daze. From the upper realm, they suddenly returned to the lower realm?
King Da Zhou didn't speak, looked around, and said after a long while: "I just feel a little similar, not necessarily. However, the layout and layout are all in the style of His Majesty the Emperor."


Bai Feng looked at it for a long time, but didn't see any unique style. The layout of the room is quite simple. What caught his eye was a big bookshelf, and on one side of the bookshelf was a weapon rack.

In the corner of the room is a coffee table with two chairs, while the area where Bai Feng and the others are located is quite empty, with only a futon... Is this a simple style?
King Da Zhou looked around, showing some nostalgia.

This place should be the training ground of the Human Sovereign.

In the blink of an eye, countless years have passed.

A farewell to 10 years!

After the ancient times were destroyed, no one came to the ninth floor again, no one could do it.

Now, suddenly came here, suddenly entered the Human Palace, King Zhou's thoughts were complicated, I... came back!

But when will His Majesty the Emperor return?


"Human Palace!"

Lan Tian also turned into a little girl at this moment, looked around, and said with a smile: "It seems that they are all treasures, but... why do you feel that there is not even a magic weapon, and the Emperor is poor?"

In the room, some decorations and furniture have been influenced by the Emperor all the year round, and the Dao Yun is actually very strong, and it can be seen as a treasure at a glance.

However, it seems that it is only formed by the accumulation of daily Dao Yun, and it is not a treasure in itself.

The King of Great Zhou said softly: "When it comes to His Majesty the Emperor, all treasures and magical weapons are useless. They are just for daily use, and the only thing you like is the only thing you like."


Lan Tian nodded slightly, although he didn't know what realm the Human Sovereign was, but just like they didn't care about the heavenly soldiers, the Human Sovereign wouldn't care about the divine soldiers either!
But at this time, Huo Yunhou and the others were actually very restrained, they didn't dare to look around or move around.

This is the residence of the Emperor!

In their hearts, this is a holy place!

A true sanctuary!
Be it Bai Feng or Bai Zhan, no matter how eye-catching Bai Feng was before, at this moment, compared with the Emperor, he is still competing with the sun and the moon!

Human Sovereign, the supreme being who truly unified the heavens and the world!
Leading the rise of the human race, suppressing the world for tens of thousands of years, and creating the only dynasty since the beginning of the world!
So far, there are still countless strong people, all from that era, from the era of the Emperor!
This is an existence that is still awe-inspiring even if it has disappeared for 10,000+ years.

These ancient princes could show their seniority in front of Bai Zhan, and they could show their seniority in front of Bai Feng.

However, in front of the Emperor, they were just the elite soldiers of that era.

The human emperor was the core of that era, the four kings were important ministers, the 36 kings were the pillars, and the 360 ​​marquises were just the generals of one side, and there were many levels away from the human emperor.

Especially for titled generals like General Yingwu, in that era, there was almost no chance to meet the Emperor alone.

The few remaining ancient princes are not the top princes of that era.

The real top people are almost all dead.

Died in the turmoil again and again, the top existence is the target of everyone's attention, the target of siege!
In the end, what is left is actually only a small role at the beginning.

At this moment, even if the emperor has disappeared for countless years, even if it is Yingwu who has been scolding all the time, he is very cute here.

Several ancient powerhouses bowed slightly to show their respect.

They actually came to the palace!

And Bai Feng didn't say anything.

After taking a rest for a while, he calmed down a bit, and when the panting sound stopped, Bai Feng had time to observe carefully.

Originally, his back was facing the rear wall, facing the front portal.

You can see bookshelves, weapon racks, and tables and chairs on one side.

In fact, it is very common, no big deal.

Bai Feng looked around, didn't pay much attention, and turned his head to look.

Behind the wall, hangs a huge portrait.

It is a work of splashed ink alternating black and white, and the first impression it gives is abstraction!
The second feeling is depression!
The black seems to be dark clouds covering the sky, and the white seems to be finally seeing the light. Black and white alternate, and there are vaguely other things in it.

When Bai Feng saw it, he was completely attracted!
At this moment, he ignored everything else in the room, and only this painting was in his eyes.

The others were actually observing Bai Feng. Seeing Bai Feng suddenly turned his head to look at the painting, everyone also looked at the painting.

At this moment, everyone followed Bai Feng's gaze and looked at the picture.

All in a trance!

Everyone sees it differently.


And Bai Feng was also watching at the moment.

What he saw was darkness.

Endless darkness!
Bai Feng knew that what he would see was Human Sovereign's understanding of the Dao, and also his understanding of the Lord of Time and the Lord of Undead.

And his ambition for himself, to become the master of the dead and the master of time!

Under Bai Feng's intentional intervention, the sound of heartbeats in the darkness, the black shadows walking in the chaos, the black shadows tore through the chaos, the long river opened up, spread, and then penetrated the chaos, and finally the black shadows disappeared... everything began Speed ​​up playback.

Soon, the scene came to the second act.

There is a huge existence standing in the long river.

"Life and death, life and death, there is life and death, life is visible, death is dissipated? Who can live forever?"

"I want to open the way of death, grasp death, all races and all things, reincarnation of life and death, you palm the living, and the dead belong to me..."

The long river was turbulent, and a breath of death spread across the world. Soon, those breaths of death gathered, and the huge figure continued to open up the world along the long river, toward the dark place below the sky and the earth!
Open the realm of the undead!Open the Undead Avenue!

At this moment, Bai Feng seems to be following this person, opening up a road together, opening up a road that will shake the ancients and the present!

Way of the dead!

Of course, this is not the scene when the avenue of the undead was actually opened up, but the human emperor's perception of the avenue of the undead, but it also inspired Bai Feng a lot.

Finally, another person appeared, the Human Emperor.

Without too much prelude, what Bai Feng saw was that the Human Sovereign looked up at the sky, and said softly: "Open my humanity, protect my common people, I want to open it for another day!"

A voice came from nowhere: "Your Majesty, the sky is dangerous..."

"I know, but my human race, if I want to inherit it for thousands of generations, I should open my heaven, the heaven of humanity!"

As soon as the screen turns, Renhuang will open the world again, upwards!


The scene stopped abruptly after the Human Emperor opened the sky!

Bai Feng's eyes were cloudy at first, but soon became clear again.

At this moment, when Bai Feng looked at it again, the painting in front of him seemed to have lost its previous charm, and the charm was restrained and restored to its original state.

It's just an ordinary splash-ink painting with alternating black and white.

Breathing out lightly, a little feeling emerged and settled in Bai Feng's heart.

Turning around, I saw that the others seemed to be immersed in the painting.

At this moment, whether it is the Great Ming King or the Great Zhou King, they are all fluctuating in the aura of Dao!
Min Shanhou's body was covered with a heavy mountain aura.

Sword energy emerged from Xinghong's body.

There was also a hazy aura coming from King Daming's body.

Others also have their own gains.


I don't know how long it took.

In the room, everyone's breaths were tense, and gradually, they began to calm down.

A strong man opened his eyes.

A long sigh of relief resounded in the room.

"I seem to... have advanced?"

At this moment, Xinghong spoke first, with some shock, "What a Yuyue Xinghai map!"

Everyone looked at him one after another, are you blind?

What Yuyuexing chart!

General Yingwu said unhappily: "Obviously it's a great way to transform a thousand pictures!"

Yun Xiao also said in distaste: "It's clearly a map of the sword cutting the blue sky!"

Xinghong was taken aback, so were Yingwu and Yunxiao.

Daming King said softly: "Wrong, it is the foundation of formation!"

"What the hell, this is obviously a map of flames destroying the world!"


Several strong men, you said something to each other, and gradually, they all seemed to realize something.

What we see may not be the same.

And Lan Tian smiled and said: "It's all wrong, this is the Cangsheng map! Cangsheng Bao Wandao, what I see should be the most complete!

I saw Xinghong turned into a fish and was eating a small fish!

I saw King Daming set up an formation, and the formation is just like...

When I saw King Da Zhou being beaten, he knelt down and begged for mercy, and they all shouted 'I will endure'! "

King Daming is a little upset, do you dare to question my formation level?

King Da Zhou is also dark-faced, I'll fuck you!

Just know how to make up nonsense!
At this time, everyone actually knew it, and what everyone saw was different. Perhaps, it was the power of this picture, it seemed to be a Taoist picture!
What you see may be related to your own avenue.

Looking at Bai Feng, General Yingwu was a little curious, "What did the Lord see?"

"I saw three people."

Looking at the black and white picture, Bai Feng didn't look back, but simply said something.

Several people were slightly taken aback.

What do you mean?
The King of Great Zhou was thoughtful, and said softly, "Did the White Emperor see His Majesty the Human Emperor?"


Bai Feng chuckled, turned around, looked at the crowd, nodded slightly, and said with emotion: "It seems that everyone has gained something, Xinghong, and Yunxiao, maybe in a few days, you will be the third-class harmony!"

Xinghong smiled and nodded: "If I see Tian Mie again, I'll beat him out of shit!"

Tian Mie, was only at the fifth-class strength before.

Maybe slightly stronger than Xinghong.

As for Xinghong, he had absorbed a lot of the power of rules before, and the improvement of absorbing the power of rules is actually limited, and the understanding of the Dao is the fundamental.

Today, he saw many things in this picture and felt a lot.

Give him a little time, and he might be able to quickly step into the third class.

Third-class harmony is also the realm that many ancient princes still maintain.

Second-class He Dao, those are top-level existences.

The king of heaven is not an existence that can be achieved by any path.

And the so-called Tianzun is the peak limit of the king of heaven.

General Yingwu also beamed with joy, "I think, if I live up to the Lord's standards, after a while, I have hope, and I'll step into the ranks of second-class harmony!"

Everyone has gained a lot!
At this moment, they all looked at the picture, and Lan Tian smiled and said: "This picture is a treasure! Take it back and show it to everyone, I think, there must be some gains, the existence of us, the masters of the rules, is very important to Dao The comprehension has not reached the limit... But, it seems that I can only watch it once."

Bai Feng shook his head: "It's not that you can only watch it once, it's just that you need to understand something before you can get new things. You don't understand it yourself, and you have exhausted your background. How can you understand new things?"

"However, even watching it just once can make some people gain a lot."

Taking out the small stone, Bai Feng prepared to take the picture away.

This thing is a treasure, and it can quickly improve the understanding of the Dao among the strong under his command.

This may be more intuitive than Bai Feng showing them the long river of time.

Looking at the long river of time, just telling the other party where they went wrong, and looking at the road map, you can get insights!

For Bai Feng, this picture is just for reference and comparison, but for others... this thing may be enough to drive the master of rules crazy.

Human Emperor's Explanation of Dao!



Bai Feng took out the small stone, and at this moment, a faint radiance overflowed from the small stone.

Gradually, the radiance became stronger and stronger.

After a while, the surface of the stone suddenly showed signs of breaking.


With a soft sound, gradually, the skin on the stone began to crack, and a golden radiance spilled out, making others feel a little worshipful.


The shattering continued.

After a while, with a bang, the outer layer of stone skin suddenly cracked, and a golden light shone across the entire room.

A small big seal appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


Yes, on the big seal, two characters appeared - Xingyu!
As for the Great Zhou King, he was slightly startled at this moment, with some complexities and feelings, and after a while, he suddenly half-kneeled on the ground, and said softly: "My minister Zhou Tian, ​​I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

On the side, Lan Tian turned into a little girl, continued to eat the lollipop, looked at King Zhou curiously, looked at it for a while, and asked curiously, "Why are you kneeling down?"

"See you like an emperor!"

King Da Zhou looked at Bai Feng, looked at the seal in his hand, and said softly: "I actually have some guesses, but when the seal was broken, I was sure that this is the master seal of His Majesty the Emperor!"

He looked at Bai Feng, "This is not the Seal of the Human Emperor. I have seen the Seal of the Human Emperor before, and it doesn't look like this! But the Seal of the Human Emperor was forged by His Majesty the Human Emperor after the unification of the heavens. become!

He may have been taken away by His Majesty the Emperor, after all he has the seal of the Emperor and can suppress all races..."

"This should be the human master seal left by His Majesty the Emperor! Before the unification of the heavens, the seal was cast to unify the human race!"

The King of Great Zhou was filled with emotion, "I seem to have heard in the past that this seal existed, but I heard that it has been lost long ago. Some people said that it has long been integrated into the Human Emperor's Seal, and I just found out today that it does not exist!"

"Congratulations, His Majesty the White Emperor, for harvesting this seal!"

The King of Great Zhou knelt down and said softly: "The Seal of the Lord, His Majesty the Emperor's Seal of the Lord...His Majesty the White Emperor has obtained it and has been recognized. Your Majesty is the real orthodox person!"

"It's justified!"

The King of Great Zhou's voice suddenly became high-pitched, "Thousands of years from ancient times to the present, King Wen has left an inheritance, King Wu has descendants, King Ming has descendants, King Prison has betrayed, only His Majesty the Emperor has never had any inheritance!"

"The first nine generations of human masters were only surrounded by descendants. There was no one inherited by His Majesty the Emperor, nor did he hold the seal of His Majesty the Emperor. Only the White Emperor, who was recognized by the Emperor, inherited the seal of the Lord... If the White Emperor is not orthodox, In this world, who dares to say that he is orthodox?"

The Great Zhou King said in a high tone, "Your Majesty, whether it is inheriting the ancient times or establishing a new dynasty, only His Majesty the White Emperor is qualified to do so in this world!"

As soon as these words came out, Ding Junhou and the others changed their colors slightly.

This is the seal of the emperor!

This...is unbelievable.

It is said that the Lord Seal of Emperor Ren, who had disappeared long ago, appeared unexpectedly.

It has been countless years, and no one has ever obtained it. Today, I actually saw it in Bai Feng's hands. Before that, everyone was still curious about what kind of treasure it is, which can suppress the land of the source of Dao.

At this moment, everyone understands!

At this moment, Ding Junhou's eyes changed, and after a while, he knelt down slowly, "My humble minister Ding Jun, kowtow to Your Majesty!"

Minshan, Huoyun, Yingwu...

These ancient powerhouses, you look at me, I look at you.

For a time, the emotions were extremely complicated.

After a while, they all knelt down to worship.

The King of Great Zhou... Did he do it on purpose?
they do not know.

But they know that this obeisance... is surrender and allegiance.

"Get up."

Bai Feng said something casually and didn't pay much attention to it. The Xingyu seal floated and covered the road map!

There was a loud noise, and there was a brand mark on the road map, and all the murderous intentions that were originally there were all dormant.

Holding the Dao Map in his hand, the Dao Map disappeared instantly and appeared in Bai Feng's sea of ​​will.

Bai Feng nodded, looked at other things in the house, thought about it, and smiled.

"Give me a senior emperor, and exchange for new furniture!"


A group of people froze for a moment, what do you mean?
Bai Feng smiled lightly and said: "The human race is short of treasures, so we replaced the old ones with new ones to give His Majesty a clean up and a new look, so that His Majesty can come back and have a new experience!
Well, King of Great Zhou, you take everyone to do it, remember, don’t damage anything, destroy everything here, keep it as it is! "


King Da Zhou couldn't laugh or cry, he was a little helpless, but soon nodded,

"If His Majesty the Emperor is here, he will agree! I will do it right away!"

Bai Feng wasn't doing it for himself either. The Great Zhou King thought about it, and the Human Sovereign really knew about it, so he would probably be willing to turn these things into useful things and give them to the human race!
Because His Majesty is very responsible, he will definitely agree!
As for Bai Feng, he didn't care about them any more, just changed some furniture, there was no need for him to do it himself.

At this moment, he looked at the door and walked towards the door.

Time to get out!

(End of this chapter)

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