I am Bai Feng

Chapter 197 Research Barriers

Chapter 197 Research Barriers
Outside the White Emperor's Hall,
Bai Feng waited for a while before Doubao came out of the hall, accompanied by Su Yu who had finished his comprehension.

As soon as he came, Su Yu asked:
"Teacher, are those three people Time, Necromancer, and Human Emperor?"

Bai Feng nodded.

"I didn't see it, the Human Sovereign is quite proud..."

Su Yu sighed with emotion and smiled: "Teacher, I... want to be the fifth person, or the fourth person in the real sense!"

Bai Feng was surprised: "The fourth person? Do you know the third person?"

"Teacher, don't say that, you don't have that idea!"

Su Yu smiled, he has self-knowledge, his understanding of Wan Dao is far inferior to Bai Feng, if he really wants to open the sky, Bai Feng will definitely be earlier than him!

Bai Feng also laughed, "That's right, when the time comes, I'll make a sample for you!"

The two chatted for a few words, then Bai Feng looked at Dou Bao.


"That... Baihuang, what do you want from me?"

Dou Bao looked at Bai Feng with two small eyes.

Bai Feng said directly: "Doubao, how long have you been in the second class Hedao?"

"how long?"

Doubao swayed for a while, recalling memories, when suddenly, the sound of purring sounded...it fell asleep!
Lan Tian had a weird expression on his face, and Su Yu was also holding back his laughter. He knew that Doubao liked to sleep, but he didn't expect that he could fall asleep!

Beside Doubao, small bubbles popped up and popped again.

Do you want to wake it up?

Bai Feng was a little hesitant. Doubao slept so soundly that he couldn't bear to wake it up, but if it slept for more than ten days, it would be bad.

The next moment, Doubao shuddered and woke up by himself.

"I don't remember, probably... It's been a long, long time!"

As soon as he woke up, Doubao said so.

Seeing it wake up, Bai Feng didn't care about what happened just now, and said directly:
"Then do you think this is normal? Those who used to be weaker than you, those who are not as talented as you, have become heavenly kings, or even gods, and you are still a second-class Taoist. Is this normal? You know, you are the master of the great way. Ling, how could it be impossible to move an inch for tens of thousands of years?"

Doubao froze for a moment, a little confused,

Is this... not normal?
...It seems that it is a bit abnormal.

"Your way, the direction is wrong!"

Doubao murmured: "No, right? My way should be the way of reversing time, that's right. Didn't you see it before, I can turn back time to a long time ago, with the help of King Wen, let King Wen My lord possesses me... and I have been dreaming all the time, I don't know the time in the dream, it seems that I can go back to the past..."

Bai Feng smiled and shook his head: "You are wrong, time is irreversible!"

Doubao froze for a moment.


Bai Feng smiled and said: "Time is irreversible! For example, if you borrowed the power of King Wen last time, if you really reversed time and even reversed it to the ancient times, then with King Wen's strength, you can use this as a coordinate to tear it apart." Splitting time, coming to the present... so, do you think it is possible?"

Doubao is at a loss, is that so?
It seems quite reasonable, after all, he can turn back time if he is second-class, so King Wen can definitely come to the present.

Bai Feng explained:
"The so-called time travel, going back to the past, returning to a certain node, is actually a kind of willpower interference method! For example, you used the power of King Wen to communicate with the past source of King Wen through willpower, so that the past King Wen came into being. A sense of whim."

"It's a kind of prejudgment. Somewhere, there is a force left behind, and it was borrowed by you after many years!"

"If you don't believe..."

Bai Feng thought for a while, then smiled and said:

"Come and reverse it for me, reverse me to the past and see!"


Doubao said unexpectedly: "You...you are too young, if I reverse you to the past all of a sudden, what if you were not born, you will die!"

Bai Feng laughed: "How is it possible? This kind of thing still depends on strength, and your influence on me will only be negligible!"

"Come on, try it out."

Although Doubao is at a loss at the moment, he is still willing to give it a try.

In an instant, the power of the avenue exploded.

Bai Feng didn't defend, resist, and didn't resist, he let the power of the Daobao invade.

Of course, Dou Bao only gave Bai Feng a little power of rules, just a little.

However, Bai Feng remained motionless, without any reaction, like a stone.

Doubao froze for a moment, then continued to increase the influence of the power of rules.

And Bai Feng, still keep the original state!

After a while, Doubao was extremely annoyed, and continued to increase the output of the power of rules, Bai Feng shouted: "Stop!"

Doubao gasped a little: "How did you do it?"

Unexpectedly, it was not affected, and Bai Feng didn't seem to use the power of rules to resist it!
"do you understand?"

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Your way is not a way of reversing time, but a way of illusion, similar to will interference, and also has a strong guiding nature, which can interfere with others, hypnotize others, and make them feel that their own Being disturbed, reversed... In fact, it was indeed weakened, but it was not changed by you, it was simply that the other party felt that he had been reversed and his realm had fallen... a kind of idealistic change."

Bai Feng concluded: "In general, I think it can still be explained as an illusion!"

As for the fact that Bai Feng was not affected just now, it was because of his strong willpower and his firm belief, so he was not affected too much.

At this moment, Doubao said in frustration: "Then am I a hypnotist who creates illusions?"

Doubao is extremely frustrating, isn't it?

I am a strong man who can turn back time!

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Don't be so depressed, this way is not weak. In fact, as long as it is used properly, any way is very powerful! Whether it is turning back time or hypnotizing by illusions, in fact, I don't think there is much difference in essence. !"


Bean Bao is still depressed.

Bai Feng shook his head and smiled:

"Everything, you still need to use your brain more, Doubao, think about how to use the way of illusion! What's more, your kind of illusion is not purely illusion, but also mixed with a kind of hypnosis of will, it is simply a god match!"

"This is actually a method of control, very powerful! Of course, it may not be the top among the same level, but for those who are weaker than you, the effect is much easier to use than other avenues!"

Bai Feng smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, change your original thinking now, don't think about hypnotizing people to go back to the past... Think about it, Su Yu is a woman, use the power of rules to deal with him, even if he knows that he is hypnotized, You may also feel like a woman..."


Bean bun accident, okay?

As for Su Yu, his face darkened, he grabbed the blue sky clone next to him and threw it forward, and said quickly: "Senior Doubao, use Lantian to try it. He has many clones, so it doesn't matter to use one for the experiment."

Lan Tian smiled and said: "Little Ayu, the idea is good, but my avatar consciousness is all connected, and the bean bag can't hypnotize me."

"It's okay, as long as the connection is cut off, it will be an independent clone consciousness."

Su Yu's tone was hurried, he was really worried that Doubao would try it before he finished speaking!

Doubao was stunned, who should be used to try it?
Bai Feng laughed, the brat reacted quite quickly!

"Just use the blue sky."

Hearing this, Lan Tian glanced at Bai Feng resentfully, and then at Dou Bao, "Wait a minute, this is my usual avatar, I'll change it to a weak avatar for you to play with."

After finishing speaking, another blue sky appeared silently, standing in front of Doubao.

Dou Bao was not too polite, and the power of rules erupted instantly, with a strong appeal, "You are a woman, you are a woman!"

In the blink of an eye, Lan Tian's eyes became confused, and soon, he shook his head, as if he was still confused.

Suddenly, Lan Tian looked at herself, frowned, and her clothes began to change, and she let out a coquettish smile.

"It's someone else's mistake to wear the wrong clothes."

In the blink of an eye, Lan Tian turned into an extremely charming woman, wearing a knee-length skirt, smiling coquettishly at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng felt cold, gritted his teeth and looked at the blue sky.

Lan Tian quickly shook his head and said innocently: "I didn't do anything, it's because of the influence of the bean bag, and it has nothing to do with me!"


Dou Bao was also stunned, and quickly withdrew her rule power.

But Lan Tian gradually eliminated the influence of the power of rules. The next moment, he suddenly lifted the skirt on his body and murmured: "Is this what it feels like to wear a skirt? It seems...not bad?"

Bai Feng was speechless, my good fellow, is this Lan Tian an awakened new obsession?

At this moment, Doubao's eyes were blank, this was the first time he had tried this.

In its inherent impression, it is the powerhouse of time reversal!
Why...not a time reversal?

At this time, Bai Feng smiled and said:
"Do you understand now? Your Dao can do this kind of thing! It is also a very useful Dao! If you reach the Heavenly King, it will be difficult for the existence of the same level to interfere, but maybe under the Heavenly King, you can control everything." !"

Dou Bao was a little frustrated: "Are you okay? It feels... useless!"

What's the use of dealing with someone who is weaker than yourself, once you meet someone who is not weaker than yourself, isn't it useless!
Bai Feng laughed, these old guys, their thinking is a bit rigid: "Don't just think about reverting others to the past...the past will weaken their strength and make them resist a lot. This is actually not a good choice!

You have to diverge your thinking, you can have some small influences on them, for example, you make them feel that they cannot move for a second... In that case, the resistance is not strong, the probability of success is high, and for a second The time is enough for you to kill your opponent! "

"It's one-on-one, if you're in a group battle, you can interfere with some weak people, the weak ones, and instill a concept in them... You can make them have the illusion, for example, you make Lan Tian think that he is a tree, no The kind that moves..."

Dou Bao quickly used the power of rules towards the blue sky!

The next moment, Lan Tian suddenly turned into a tree, and there seemed to be Lan Tian's face on the tree, with some confusion, "I'm a tree, I can't move!"


Does this work too?
Dou Bao was stunned, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and the next moment, the blue sky turned into a fish, "I am a fish, everyone can eat it!"

Then, he turned into a little fur ball, "I am the God Devourer, I can devour the world... Bean Bao is my uncle!"


Lan Tian looked at Dou Bao and smiled faintly, but Dou Bao was having a great time playing, a little jumpy, a little joyful, a little excited.

This... is fun!

It feels much more fun than turning back time!

Bai Feng looked at Doubao strangely. It was so happy to play that it probably didn't notice that Lan Tian had been staring at it...

I mourned for Doubao in my heart for a second. Suddenly, Bai Feng reached out and grabbed the Doubao who was about to enter the hall, wondering: "What are you going to do?"

Doubao excitedly said:
"I'm going to play with Fat Ball and Old Turtle, and see if I can turn them into females..."


Bai Feng coughed, not knowing what to say, the next moment, he said softly:
"They are still realizing the Dao, let's talk about it after they come out."

"Now you should adjust your perception of Dao first, and then go in and feel it once, to see if you can become the king of heaven. If you can advance to the king of heaven, I will give you a gift."


Doubao blinked, curious: "What gift?"



Doubao thought for a while and said:

"Then I'm going to practice."

"go Go."

Bai Feng waved his hand, and the bean bag disappeared instantly.


"How is the cultivation of the virtual avenue going?"

After Doubao left, Bai Feng looked at Su Yu and asked softly.

He didn't spy on it specifically, and he didn't know what Su Yu's recent achievements were.

Su Yu smiled and said: "It's almost there. There are more than 2000 pages in the book. The senior Tianzhu King is quite powerful, but... it's still a bit weak. Most of the pages are in the Sun Moon Realm, and a small part are in the Eternal Realm. It's too far away."

Bai Feng smiled lightly and said:
"It's ok, don't be too anxious, this is a time-consuming process, the problem in the upper realm is not a big one, just open the way with peace of mind."

"By the way, I got some good things when I entered the Upper Realm this time. I'll give you one as a gift."

After speaking, the book appeared, and he threw something out. In an instant, an extremely powerful force shook the void!

A demon corpse, suspended in the air.

In the next moment, several figures emerged, all of them were people who had completed their comprehension or had comprehended the road map before.

King Da Qin glanced at the corpse, then at Su Yu, and suddenly said, "The corpse of the Lord of Rules? Indeed, it is very suitable for Su Yu."

On the side, some people who didn't know about it were shocked when they heard the words. Is this the body of the Lord of Rules?
And Su Yu was also a little depressed, and the coercion was too strong. Hearing this, he licked his lips and was a little excited: "Teacher, this is the master of the rules of the demons?"

Bai Feng nodded: "Yes, although this guy's blood essence is still there, his Dao is broken, and it is of little use to me. I will send you to cultivate Dao."

A demon corpse in the realm of the master of rules!

Su Yu laughed, "Then I'm not going to be polite! The Lord of Rules... What a treasure, my civilization history, the page of Demon Race, may be completely complete!"

"The way of the demons, I may not need to waste any more time!"

With such a powerful existence, to accumulate the power of the demonic way, the hypocrisy can be quickly consummated!

Su Yu looked at the demon god's corpse again, it was very powerful, and its energy was also inside!

Ordinary people would seek death if they moved this corpse.

However, Su Yu is not afraid.

The history of civilization emerged, and at this moment, one of the pages, the one belonging to the Demon Race, was already very powerful.

Su Yu shook his hand, and a phantom of an almost eternal second stage demon emerged, devouring the corpse.

However, the opponent is too powerful!
This phantom of the demon god is a little jealous, and it is forcibly swallowed, and there are some signs of indigestion.

Everyone watched silently.

Min Shanhou and the others were also watching, and they were also very curious, how good is this master's direct descendant?

And Su Yu frowned slightly.

The pen path appeared, and suddenly, a pen appeared in his hand!

"Wen Wang pen!"

General Yingwu was slightly startled, she didn't expect that the master's heir would be inherited by King Wen!

Marquis of Minshan, Marquis of Dingjun and others are also a little strange, that is the way of King Wen!
All around, King Da Qin and others were not surprised at all, but rather surprised by the surprise of General Yingwu and the others.

King Wen's way is very strong, but there is no need to be so surprised, right?
That kind of way, we have four here!


At this time, Su Yu let out a low cry, went all out, and poked a small hole in the body of the demon god. The originally restrained aura began to overflow, and the pressure around him became stronger, but Su Yu's face turned pale. Slight joy!
Momentum was activated, and the phantom of the demon clan also took the opportunity to devour the corpse!

The corpse that was still motionless before, at this time, a little bit of strength began to flow away, sweat rolled down from the forehead, and the phantom continued to devour it.


The enemy is weak but we are strong!

After all, this corpse is the corpse of a master of rules. Even after countless years of death, the power of essence and blood has not flowed out, but the power of the avenue has been shattered.

On the page of the Demon Race, the phantom that was originally about the second stage of eternity suddenly increased its breath, and suddenly, it felt like it had the strength of the fourth or fifth stage.

The phantom aura began to become stronger!
Eternal Six Stages!

Continue to devour.

After a while, the aura of the corpse began to weaken significantly, while the power of the phantom began to increase.

Seven paragraphs!

The Great Zhou King and the others were also secretly shocked!
Su Yu, a soldier who proves the Tao, is quite terrifying.


At this moment, the breath of the corpse is still weakening, the blood is passing away, and the strength of the phantom of the demon race has once again increased, eighth stage!
At this moment, the phantom gradually showed some signs of solidification!
On his body, the power of a great avenue wrapped around him.

This is actually the incarnation of Tao!
If Su Yu endowed this phantom with some aura and made phantom enlighten his wisdom, it would actually be equivalent to the existence of Doubao.

Of course, Su Yu at this moment is not interested in making this Dao become a spirit.

Besides, this is just hypocrisy.

It is the virtual avenue he outlined!
It's not the real way, unless you successfully open the way with ten thousand ways, then these virtual avenues can turn virtual into reality.


At this moment, Xuying's strength increased again!

The avenue wrapped around his body became more and more solid.

Like a black dragon, entwined around Xu Ying's body.

I don't know how long it took, but half of the corpse was absorbed
A loud bang came out.



That phantom, like an ancient demon god, roared suddenly, and the black avenue on his body quickly condensed, extremely powerful, and in the blink of an eye, his breath exploded!
The breath overflowed, and in an instant, the faces of the Great Zhou King and the others changed slightly, and they agreed!

Entered the way!
Su Yu actually cultivated a spirit of harmony, no, it's not a spirit, it's just a spirit of weapons, one of the spirits.

When the phantom stepped into the Hedao, the phantom condensed a lot, and showed some appearances, which were exactly the same as Su Yu, but it was full of demonic energy, with demonic nature, and looked extremely cold.

If Su Yu himself had a cold face, he would probably be like this.

Of course, it is normal for the spirits in the Soldiers of Proverbs to be the same as their masters.

Bai Feng was a little itchy, he wanted to help Su Yu cultivate the Tao of Meizu!

Su Yu in Meizu form... Cough cough cough, this definitely meets the criteria for being included in an autobiography!
Autobiography, this is something that no one knows except Bai Feng. All the interesting things he collected are put in it.

Su Yu, Wan Tiansheng, Great Zhou King, Lord Xia Hou, Great Xia King, Xia Longwu, Great Qin King, Huang Teng... He has all kinds of things.

Of course, it's an autobiography...it's actually not that mysterious, it's his books.

The book made based on the Dao of True Self contains his whole life, which comes with the Dao... That's why it is called an autobiography.

He also included his own collection, so it is a collection!

His book is a collection of Daoist soldiers, collections, and autobiography, and it is quite a weapon that suits his wishes!


At this moment, most of the power of the body of the Lord of Rules was absorbed.

Su Yu didn't let it go, and continued to absorb it.

The phantom swallowed wildly, much faster than before.

The breath began to grow stronger again.

The corpse is getting weaker and weaker, and its strength has been swallowed by [-]%, [-]%... Boom, the ghost's breath has changed again!
King Da Zhou raised his eyebrows, glanced at Xinghong, Xinghong glanced at him, dissatisfied with the voice transmission: "Look at what I am doing? At most fourth-class joint power, I will soon be third-class... But this The phantom, it may be able to destroy the sky, it's really scary!"

This is just one page, but Su Yu wants to create ten thousand pages!
Of course, other pages probably don't have such strong hopes, after all, this is the Lord of the Rules.

Even if this is a dead master of rules!

The corpse gradually began to dissipate.

When the last bit of power was swallowed, the corpse completely disappeared, and the phantom's aura changed again, extremely powerful!

The power of the third class!

A dead master of rules, and the power of the great way is broken, can create a phantom of the magic way that has just stepped into the third-class combined way... It's already good, not too bad!
At this moment, the entire Civilization Chronicle is full of demonic energy.

Su Yu's soldiers who prove the way are much stronger than before.

But Su Yu frowned: "No, the book cover is too weak to suppress the demon page!"

Bai Feng laughed lightly, "Don't say that the teacher doesn't take care of you, if you have the ability to make your own book cover for the map of the road, I will give it to you!"

Su Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile, "Thank you teacher!"

"Remember to wait for others to realize it before speaking."

"I know."


Upper Bound.

The Chaos Clan officially surfaced.

Under the control of several great celestial beings, soon, news of the Chaos Clan and what happened in the Land of Dao Origin spread throughout the Upper Realm almost instantly.

The five quasi-kings and many top-level Hedao entered the land of the Dao source, unblocking the Hundred Wars, and the two sides killed 18 quasi-kings in total, dozens of Hedao, and all the strong men who unsealed the Hundred Wars fell!
In the battle 6000 years ago, some unknown secrets were also spread.

Back then, Bai Zhan trusted Yue Luo, the strong man of the Chaos clan, and was swayed by lust. He was betrayed by Yue Luo and sealed in the long river of time, resulting in the death of hundreds of human races and allied human races!
Now, the Chaos clan unsealed Bai Zhan just to let Bai Zhan lead the rest of the human race and continue to be their pawn, their vanguard!

In order to stimulate Bai Zhan, there were even rumors that Bai Zhan would never die, even if it was because of himself and Yue Luo that the human race was defeated, this time, Bai Zhan escaped, and maybe he would cooperate with Yue Luo to please Yue Luo, Don't hesitate to let the race be defeated again, willing to be the vanguard of the Chaos race!
As soon as these news came out, even some powerful people from the Ten Thousand Races would despise them.

Hundred battles!

It's not enough to suffer a loss once. Could it be that after fleeing, he still has to hook up with Yue Luo and sell the human race again?
The news spread wildly!
The entire Upper Realm is discussing this matter.

The affairs of the Hundred Battles, the affairs of the Chaos Clan, and even suppressed the death of a large number of quasi-kings in battle.

As for Bai Zhan's escape, it's not like it was back then, when Bai Zhan was alone, and when Bai Zhan was sealed and the myth was broken, now Ten Thousand Clans don't have much fear of Bai Zhan.

Run away!

In addition, in the rumors, hundreds of battles ruined the heritage of the human race, and the lust is swaying, which naturally makes people look down upon three points, so there is not much awe.


Iron eaters.

When the news came out, Ju Zhuhou's expression changed.

In the entire hall, the faces of several He Daoists changed.


They looked at Jiuyue one after another, but Jiuyue didn't care much about it and shook her head: "It must be a rumor. The White Emperor is extremely powerful and has a lot of means, and the means to save his life are even more frightening. How could he fall so easily."

As he said that, he smiled again: "If you are really about to fall, there should be some movement. Has the power of the rules exploded? None of the strong men who chased and killed the White Emperor survived. Then I don't believe it! This doesn't fit Baihuang's character! If he is really about to fall, Baihuang will definitely take those guys with him!"

Anyway, September didn't take it seriously, didn't take it seriously.

Just rumors!

With Bai Feng's character of planning before acting, how could something happen?
Even if there is really no way out, he will definitely explode himself, and if he dies, he will have to bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh!It can't be the same as now, quietly, without even a little wave.

Ju Zhuhou looked at him thoughtfully, "You trust him so much?"

Jiuyue shook his head: "It's not that I believe him, it's that the ancestors should believe in everything they see. At the beginning, I, the Iron Eater, didn't believe that he could win. The ancestor June helped him not because of him, but because of him." Another human race who has learned how to cast iron 72...everything after that, our race did not expect such a result!"

"Before, did Patriarch Juzhu believe that the White Emperor could kill 13 heavenly kings? As for the dead Ziyan, he was actually an enemy, and he was actually 14! Up to now, all races have been kept in the dark, like idiots, to fight against Chaos One line..."

Jiu Yue laughed and said, "Since that's the case, what are you worried about? A few patriarchs, don't worry, if the White Emperor is fine, he may come to Zhushan soon! There are still many people in the human race in the upper realm, and the White Emperor will not give up on them." .”

Juzhuhou and the others didn't say anything.

Beside Jiuyue, that Yuanyue said worriedly: "Jiuyue, I heard that the King of Hundred Wars has also been unsealed. If the King of Hundred Wars comes to our Iron Clan, how will our clan deal with itself?"

Jiuyue smiled and said: "I will serve you with good wine and good food, and then tell the White Emperor, let the White Emperor decide! First, let it be perfunctory, it is not appropriate to be an enemy with Bai Zhan, but you don't need to be a friend, and as for the alliance, don't bother!"

Ju Zhuhou laughed, "Is it to perfunctory him?"

"of course!"

Jiu Yue took it for granted: "Not to mention that he has no clear relationship with the Prison King, even if he has nothing to do with the Prison King's lineage, the choice between Bai Zhan and the White Emperor... the ancestors know how to choose !"

"Our clan's alliance with the human race is not for death!"

Jiuyue also talked eloquently, "So far, the alliance between our race and the human race, the White Emperor has brought only benefits. If you fight a hundred battles... I will pay back my grandfather's life! There is also the lineage of the Prison King, who killed my second ancestor. Deep as the sea! How can we cooperate with Bai Zhan!"

His grandfather, that is, July, went to aid Bai Zhan and was beheaded, he remembered this.

Si Yue also nodded slightly: "Bai Zhan's side really shouldn't join forces! Jiu Yue's words are good, so let's put it lightly. If it really comes, don't be hostile. After all, Bai Zhan is powerful."

Several iron-eating beasts quickly reached an agreement.

As for whether Bai Feng is dead or not, let's wait and see.

Jiuyue firmly believes that he is alive, Ju Zhuhou and the others thought about it, the possibility is indeed not small, and this new host is a very ruthless person, let him kill five Hedao, and he killed 13 heavenly kings .

If you think he is dead, then you can do whatever you want... Then you have to be careful about the consequences.


The entire Upper Realm is discussing all of this.

And as the center of the topic, the Chaos Clan and the Prison King's lineage are also very upset at this moment.


In the depths of Chaos Mountain.

In that huge valley plain.

A new world like a kingdom.

At this moment, there was a burst of angry shouting in the ancient hall!

"A bunch of trash!"

"Damn, why is this happening?"

"Zi Yan is dead, how did she come up?"

"She came up, why didn't she contact us?"

"It is said that Ziyan unsealed Baizhan, so where did the other four quasi-kings come from?"


The roar continued.

Although the prison king's lineage is extremely low-key in the upper realm, it's not that they can't receive any information, but it's only a few days' work, and the whole upper realm knows the existence of their lineage!
For so many years, they have been hiding very well. Even if Chaoyue Luo made a move last time, the Wanzu didn't find anything. They only thought that there were only a few people in their lineage, and they were hiding in a certain place.

It turned out to be better now... You have killed 13 quasi-kings of Wanzu in a row, and 14 of Hedao... All idiots know that their clan is powerful, so you should go all out and be extremely vigilant!
The ancestor knew in his heart that they were being tricked!

Now, we have to think of a way, how to win the round!


All worlds.

The river of time, the bottom.

There are rivers rushing past all around, all kinds of forces gather, the power of ten thousand ways, powerful and frightening.

Bai Feng was sitting on the barrier. At this moment, the huge river force was still impacting him. Both the Xingyu seal and the Renzhu seal exerted great power, stabilizing Bai Feng's existence.

Bai Feng touched the barrier of the long river of time, this is the bottom of the long river of time, it is also chaos, it is the power of chaos, it is the power of the fusion, the power of the myriad ways mixed after sorting out.

With chaos as a package, open the sky of ten thousand ways, stabilize the long river of time, outer chaos, inner ten thousand ways... This is the way of the Lord of Time to open the sky.

It's amazing!

Bai Feng sighed in his heart. The barriers of the avenue wrapped by chaos contained the order in which the Lord of Time sorted out the chaos, which provided him with a lot of ideas for the next step.

Chaos is a chaotic net. If he figured out the position of each line of this net, it would be very simple to make another net!

This is equivalent to dissecting the Tao of Chaos. Ordinary people really can't do it!

In this tide, apart from Bai Feng, Su Yu, Lan Tian, ​​and Wan Tiansheng hope to analyze the Chaos in depth. The others should have no chance, because they don't know Wan Dao deeply, and they don't know Chaos deeply.

Although the correct order of the avenues is in the recipe, it is still a bit different from what I saw and touched with my own eyes.

This is more difficult to see clearly, but once you see clearly, there must be a lot of corresponding insights!

This is equivalent to theory and practice. If you know the theory, you may not be able to do a good job in practice. You still have to try it yourself!


After a while, Bai Feng was completely immersed in the analysis of chaos.

In Bai Feng's hands, the power of the Dao rose up one after another, and the corresponding Dao's brilliance was reflected on the barrier. The power of Bai Feng's Dao became stronger and stronger, and the corresponding Dao on the barrier became stronger and stronger.

One force after another pulls the corresponding force in the chaos. Sometimes, several forces are mixed together to test whether the order is correct in the barrier.

Sometimes, when the strength collapses and the chaos returns, Bai Feng spits out a mouthful of blood, so he just ignores it and keeps trying.

Sometimes, the power of the Dao is too weak and the traction is not strong enough, Bai Feng will borrow the virtual Dao in the book to pull together.

Bai Feng is quite focused. Now everyone is in the promotion period, and no one comes to quarrel with him.

He has nothing to do, and he has nothing to do now, just concentrate on studying chaos.

As for what I said before, I have to take some people through the long river of time... This Bai Feng is left to Su Yu to do it. He also has Tianmen, and he can do it too.

Not only this matter, but also the settlement methods of those ancient marquises, and some other things, Bai Feng handed it over to Wan Tiansheng.

Wan Tiansheng has no objection to this. As for whether Su Yu has it, he doesn't know, so whatever!
(End of this chapter)

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