I am Bai Feng

Chapter 235 One after another breaks through and sets off

Chapter 235 One after another breaks through and sets off

In the long river of time.

Wuzhu Avenue has all been marked, and Emperor Wu has already run away.

After being busy for a while, Bai Feng and Su Yu each held a round ball in their hands, which contained a lot of power of rules, which they each took from Wuzhu Avenue.

Needless to say, the power of Dao in the ball in Bai Feng's hand is much more than that of Su Yu.

At this time, the two were ready to leave, and the power of rules that were easier to draw in the Wuzhu Avenue was drained, and the rest were those that took time to extract, so they will not be drawn for the time being.


"Don't run around after you go back, and stabilize your own world!"

Bai Feng exhorted.

Su Yu nodded, needless to say, he knew it.

"If you feel that the strength is not enough, you can consider incorporating it into the recipe, there is a lot of power in it."

But at this time, Su Yu stopped nodding and hesitated.

"Teacher, actually... I want to wait until I see Time Master, and I will return this thing as it is!"

Su Yu looked at the recipe in the sea of ​​will. This is the treasure left by Time Master and the foundation of her avenue. Similarly, this is also the key to Su Yu's rise. This recipe provides him with the best capital for his rise!

Su Yu hesitated, hesitated, and he sighed with emotion: "Teacher, as you said, Time Master is not dead! But if I break the recipe... Her countless years of preparation will be broken by me!"

Breaking the recipe is actually breaking the time master's way of opening the sky.

To be honest, if this is the opponent, then it is an endless enemy!

But since Time Master threw out the Time Book, he actually didn't want to take it back.

Su Yu could break it by himself, but he never thought about breaking it at all.

With the time master's way broken, can she still have hope to open the sky?

and also……

"Teacher, if she left any core imprints in the recipe, if she is broken, will she fall, or if she is in a battle and her strength suddenly drops, then she will be killed, I can't explain."

Hesitation is also hesitation.

Bai Feng laughed: "Don't worry! This recipe is not the real recipe, it's just a copy, and it won't affect her!"

Su Yu was taken aback, is it true or not?

Bai Feng said with a smile: "Sky Opener, just like you and me, the core strength is in the book, before the sky is opened, once you lose the book, you will fall to the Sun Moon Realm, do you think Time Master is so stupid? "

"If it were you, knowing that you were in crisis, would you entrust all your greatest hopes?"

Su Yu was taken aback for a moment and shook his head.

No, he won't!

"So, it's just a copy!"

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "Teacher, you mean that Time Master also has his own arrangements?"

"There must be."

Bai Feng looked at Su Yu and smiled, "Aren't you the one?"


Su Yu was thoughtful, and Bai Feng smiled and said: "What's the matter? Aren't you her backer? Look, didn't you rise up?"

Su Yu smiled bitterly, too.

"But when I saw some of her marks, she cried..."

"What's wrong with crying? If I want to, I can cry too, and you saw her crying? It's just that the voice is a little sad. What's the matter? The thing she gave you may be what it is."


Su Yu bared his teeth and was speechless for a while.

I go!

Makes sense!

To King Wen's younger sister, Su Yu was speechless for a while, and said after a long time: "Then she won't be living a good life now, right?"

Bai Feng said inexplicably: "How do I know? I haven't seen her before!"


"Teacher, you have also opened the sky, how about giving this to you?"

Bai Feng looked at the book, Wen Yu, Bai Feng, and Su Yu, the three of them are all in the sky, so everyone's avenues have a high degree of fit.

Especially Su Yu, most of his perception of Dao comes from the recipes, and the perception of Dao on both sides is almost the same!

Every page of the recipes made by Wen Yu is actually not weak. After all, it is a top-level existence. Although it is difficult to collect, it can take a long time to collect. Dao perception is not superficial.

Strictly speaking, some of Bai Feng's myriad powers may not be as strong as those gathered by Master Guang.

Once integrated, even if there is some loss, it may be the superposition of the power of the Great Dao.

However, the recipe is Su Yu's inheritance. Bai Feng also knows what Su Yu has experienced. Only Su Yu is qualified to destroy the recipe.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng shook his head: "This is your inheritance, you should integrate it."

Seeing Bai Feng's insistence, Su Yu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then the recipe... I will melt it?"

"Let's melt!"

Bai Feng smiled, and said again: "By the way, the power of Dao in my world is almost occupied by people. If you want, you can let some people merge into your world, such as Lord Xia and the others, although they are not very strong. , but it can also strengthen your heaven and earth."

Su Yu pondered for a moment, then said slowly:

"I have no problem. If they are interested and willing, then there is no problem. I will ask later."

Bai Feng smiled and said nothing.

This can be regarded as a second choice for those who can't keep up with the team. Whether they want to or not is up to them.

After a long time, the two split up.

Su Yu returned to the heaven and earth to integrate the recipe, and after Bai Feng integrated the power of the rules collected into the heaven and earth, he returned to the heavens and the world without stopping.


In the long river of memory.

Bai Feng stepped in step by step, looking upstream, there was not a single wave, all of which were merged by Bai Feng, and looking downstream, there were all illusory scenes.

This time, Bai Feng didn't go upstream, it was meaningless, the source of the past was gone.

He came this time to integrate the future body.

The means that can be improved are basically exhausted, and the rest are either not in the Ten Thousand Realms, or are not strong enough, or are not in time.

The only thing left is to fuse with the future body, a Bai Feng whose strength is similar to his own, and who also has the power of ten thousand ways in his body. The fusion will definitely improve Bai Feng a lot!

Even if there is a so-called period of weakness, it is still greater than the improvement obtained by extracting the power of rules in the long river of time!
I just don't know if I can get it, there is still a period of weakness, if I will not come until I encounter a strong enemy...

Bai Feng thought for a while, and suddenly, he murmured to himself: "In the past and in the future... who created the Three Body Art? And for what?"

"In order to weaken the river of time? What's the point? The river of time is still strong!"

"Is there a strong person who wants to embezzle the long river of time?"


Looking downstream, Bai Feng seemed to be in a daze for a moment, and his tone was erratic: "Gathering the source, the past has entered me, the future... the future is illusory, where does the power come from... Borrow it? And what kind of manpower do you borrow? Do you want to pay it back? What? when?"

"Using too much power will end up harming oneself."

"It's been too many years, and the guy who didn't like it at the beginning has become a big enemy. Time is running out, so I can borrow it!"

"I have nothing to do recently. I can rest and rest. It is suitable for borrowing strength. In the future... it doesn't need to be too strong. It will be about the same as me now. You can also see when and how long it will be..."

Speaking of this, Bai Feng's eyes were clear, at the entrance, he stretched his hand downstream and grabbed a Bai Feng, which was almost the same as his current self!

As soon as this Bai Feng appeared, he merged with Bai Feng in an instant.

This future body is not weak, but powerful!
It is comparable in strength to Bai Feng at the moment.

Of course, this refers to Bai Feng who is beyond the world. This future body is comparable to the strength of Bai Feng here, with 19 powers.

If it is the same as his own strength in the world, the power of 22 Dao, that would be great.

Of course, Bai Feng knew that this was impossible.


When the future body merged with Bai Feng, Bai Feng's aura suddenly changed, with a bang, the river trembled, and Bai Feng fell down from the long river, but Bai Feng's aura was powerful and boundless,
Bai Feng, who has merged with the future body, already has 22 powers, which is the same as before in the world!

The improvement is quite large!

Soon, a similar Bai Feng flew out of Bai Feng's body, and Bai Feng's aura slipped down, reaching 19 powers again.

Two 19-way Bai Feng can be combined into a 22-way Bai Feng, but this thing has a will, and Bai Feng doesn't want to fuse this thing!
Bai Feng, the future body, showed a smile as soon as he appeared: "Fellow Daoist..."

He said hello to the present body!

Just after saying hello, Bai Feng himself suddenly punched out, and just as he punched out, the opponent also punched out, his eyes suddenly became indifferent: "This seat is the ancestor of life and death, just pass by..."

Hearing that, Bai Feng's eyes were strange, but he didn't speak. The next moment, Bai Feng's physical body trembled, and the power of his future body dissipated all at once. Bai Feng smiled, grabbed the future body, and shook his head: "It really is me."

"Three-body method, there is indeed a problem! It's a pity, the past, the present, and the future, the present is dominant!"

"The future cannot be merged!"

After the words fell, he punched out, smashing the future body into pieces.

Don't mix it, just blow it up and eat it!
With him, the future body has no power to resist.


Bai Feng shattered the future body, constantly devouring the power, the power of the same source, the power may be a little depleted, but there will be no situation where one body is blown up and the other is weak...

What's more, merging the three bodies is not for two more lives, no need, what Bai Feng needs is only the original power, the three bodies will share the strength evenly, the three bodies can be strengthened by combining the three bodies, and the separation of the three bodies will lead to decline... This It's not a good thing, so merging the three bodies, or not merging, merging, at the moment of merging, blowing up my past and future, and merging into myself!

This is the correct way to practice the three kayas!
Bai Feng continued to absorb the power of the original source, strengthened himself, and his physical body continued to swell and crack. This has reached the limit, and he cannot continue to integrate.

What's more, the person in charge of all this will not give him a chance to integrate all the time, there are at most two, or one chance.


Absorbing the power, Bai Feng was doing everything as usual, but he was thinking in his heart.

That future body can be regarded as the other party showing his feet.

As soon as the future body appears, she will rebel and want to kill the deity!
This is normal, this is Bai Feng!

However, if the future body actually thinks that he is the master of life and death, then there is a problem, he is not the master of life and death!
This shouldn't be, there are so many people who practice the three-body method and get the future body, that guy can't do everything, usually it's a fixed program, very rigid, so the future body is actually not quite like the current body.

Only a few who are followed will be personally operated.

This one is more similar, but the cognition is a little different. It seems that the guy who manipulates the future body has also been deceived. He really thinks that Bai Feng is the master of life and death...

This also proves that that guy started paying attention to himself!

Whether this is good or bad, Bai Feng is not sure, indeed, this can reasonably explain why Bai Feng knows so many secrets, but it will also raise the vigilance of some guys to the highest level...


The battlefield of the heavens.

Bai Feng quickly devoured all the power in this future body!
Lots of spilled power!
But Bai Feng doesn't care, if it overflows, it will overflow!
At this moment, his physical body was shaking, and the sky and the earth were also shaking. Bai Feng knew that he could at least reach the 20th Dao.

In the world, there may be more than 24 Taos, and this kind of strength is almost the same. If you want to improve it, it will be too difficult. Without a lot of power of rules, it will be difficult for Bai Feng to improve the power of one!

Bai Feng laughed, his physical body shook, and a monstrous force rose up.

The power of 20 ways!
Almost 21 tracks!

In the world, he can have 24 powers!

At this time, it will be very difficult for Bai Feng to improve further!
And in his world, some people, at this moment, took advantage of the moment when Bai Feng was promoted, and they all had new insights, and some people advanced!

Not just one or two!

And at this moment, Bai Feng also felt this, and didn't pay much attention to it. The next moment, Bai Feng's breath suddenly overflowed. He had just beaten the future body to death, and the period of weakness came!
Bai Feng himself was somewhat prepared, and suddenly smiled: "I knew it, I really borrowed the power of the future, I didn't expect it to be so fast! Now I am in a weak period, I don't know how long it will be weak...Fortunately, the future body was beaten by me died!"

This future body is too close to his present. Most people will look for a distant future, when he is the strongest, but Bai Feng chooses the next moment.

Just now, Bai Feng still has 20 Dao powers, but now, he probably only has 15 Dao powers, so he's falling behind!

If he had just fought against a strong enemy, he would have been beaten to death in an instant!

This can be regarded as an experiment first, and then Wan Tiansheng and the others will merge into their bodies.

Integrate the past, no trouble!The premise is, don’t look for someone who is too strong, it’s easy to overwhelm yourself, and it’s still possible to integrate it!
The physical body is strong enough to fuse!

If the body is not strong, you can use the carrying object to carry it first, and when it is strong, just blow it up and eat it!
As long as they can integrate a powerful past, Wan Tiansheng's strength will also be greatly improved!There is hope for the fifth class to enter the fourth class, the fourth class to enter the third class, and the third class to enter the second class, there is hope...

Of course, the difficulty is not small, the stronger the harder it is to improve!

Don't worry about this. After more than two months, before departure, everyone has improved to the limit, and then let them integrate to maximize the benefits!

As for the others, let's wait until Bai Feng passes through the period of weakness first, and then do other things after passing the period of weakness.

Soon, Bai Feng returned to his own world, no longer busy, resting at ease.


Bai Feng's weak period this time lasted for quite a while!

A full half a month!

If this is during the war... more than half a month?
You're dead in half a minute!

Therefore, the future itself is a big pit!

Super huge pit, sooner or later the debt will be repaid!
Of course, it’s cool to use it now, and in the future, it’s cool to integrate with the body and increase the power of the two ways out of thin air!
But when it's time to pay back the money, you have to cry, and if you can't pay it back, you hang up.

Bai Feng doesn't care either, he's fine recently, it's very peaceful, and his world is still expanding, still digesting, plus a large number of strong people, starting to advance, Bai Feng can easily pass this blank period!
Not only that, he even became stronger physically!
The whole world is strengthening, and Bai Feng's own strength is actually improving.

This is also the bonus period after killing Bai Zhan and the others.

During this period, Bai Feng was improving, and everyone was improving.

When Bai Feng passed the period of weakness, time, a month had passed since the battle!


Another month has passed. During this month, Bai Feng did nothing else but try to merge the avenues. There are still 3600 avenues in his world. When he balances the power of the avenues, the fusion of the avenues will reveal his strength. Soaring!

Now, get acquainted with the avenue fusion in advance. Although it will not improve your strength, it will be effective when the time is right.

In addition, he also informed everyone about the information about the past body, and the organization has become the master of the rules. First fuse the past body, and then integrate the future body to strengthen a large wave, and it is just enough to spend this time period of weakness.

Of course, he has also mentioned the corresponding hidden dangers. During the period of weakness, if you don’t swallow it, it will easily cause schizophrenia, and there is no way to resurrect it!

These have all been said, and they were taken there after everyone expressed their views.

As a matter of course, Su Yu also discovered some things in his past, and ran over to make a small report with Bai Feng about the King of Great Zhou, saying that the King of Great Zhou hid it very deeply!
A large group of rule masters in the weak stage were lying in the Baifeng world, practicing silently.

By now, the period of weakness has basically passed.

Their strength has also increased a lot!


Sensing the situation of the whole world, Bai Feng's voice shook the world: "Two months have passed, and March is not far away! After one month, everyone will meet up, and those on the list who have not reached the main state of the rules do not need me to mention more !"

"After one month, go upstream!"

Bai Feng's voice shook again!

This time, when he said March, he gave everyone three months, but he didn't advance any further!
But now, two months have passed!

One month later, if the 33 people on the list still can't break through... Bai Feng can only keep his promise!

One month!

The whole world is very lively, with people constantly making breakthroughs, but there are also people who are restless.

The March period is approaching!

However, among the 33-man list, there were still some people who could not break through.

From the beginning of the first line, to the failure of this breakthrough, retiring to the second line, and starting a retirement life... This is not necessarily the result that everyone wants. Those who really want to avoid the war may not be willing to give up the present road to others.

This time, Bai Feng was generous and gave everyone three months!
And in the past three months, Bai Feng himself has been improving, and his improvement has actually led everyone to improve and understand, so the actual effect of cultivation is still very powerful.

Because Bai Feng is also in a promotion period!

If it is fixed, it has reached the limit, and everyone has to rely on themselves to improve. At this moment, many people are relying on Bai Feng's breakthrough, and they have also broken through!
Bai Feng broke through from 19 to 24!
This is actually a great opportunity!

However, after all, not everyone is Bai Feng, and not everyone has extraordinary aptitude.

In the blink of an eye, the last month has come to an end!
During this period, there were people breaking through constantly, but there were still people who couldn't break through!


In the world of Bai Feng.

Tian Mie is restless!

He is irritable!

The time is almost up, but he failed to break through. If he had grabbed the power of the Dao before, he would have been able to break through. Unfortunately, he couldn't get it!

Not only did he fail to grab the power of the Dao, but he also failed to break through the realm, not to mention losing the bamboo pole, he might have to give up his Dao!
March broke through before him!

Not only in March, but in the past few days, Juzhu had broken through. After all, they had been immersed in the level of Tianwang and Tianzun for many years.

Bamboo pole, throw it away, there is no way.

However, he is not the master of rules, he can't even keep the current Dao!
At this moment, Tian Mie was very anxious and irritable.

He doesn't want this!
However, his comprehension of the Dao still hasn't reached that level, and he can't control his Dao!


Tian Mie cursed loudly, wanting to punch the cave in front of him, how annoying!
Am I doomed to be abandoned?

Stay in the second line?

But this is not the life he wants. He wants to go to the front line with Bai Feng, to go upstream, to fight those strong men from the past. Back then, he was an unknown general, not even a titled general!

Now, he wants to compete with those ancient kings and emperors!

However, he seems to have no chance!

"Most of them have broken through, why can't I?"

Tian Mie became more and more upset, and the more he got to this point, the more he couldn't calm down.

Just when he was upset, suddenly, a soft voice sounded in his mind: "Quiet! When you are upset, how to break through? Sit cross-legged, practice, and listen to me reading for you! Read more, so you don't have to scratch your head at this moment." ..."

Heaven is overjoyed!

Bai Feng!

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Sure enough, I knew that Your Majesty would not forget me..."

Tian Mie couldn’t be more happy, shit, sure enough, my old qualifications are still beneficial, Your Majesty gave me a little trouble!
"Don't tell others, otherwise, everyone will think I'm unfair..."


Tian Mie was secretly delighted, nonsense, of course I keep this kind of thing a secret, how can I tell others!


But at this moment, Bai Feng was very busy, telling Tian Mie, while yelling at Dou Bao: "You can do it, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and practice for me, don't tell others that I will give you a small stove..."

Just after the scolding here, the other side said angrily: "Yingwu, Shanggu Houzhong, I value you the most, even more than Lanshan. You let me down! My avenue is completely open to you, please listen carefully to me. You teach Dao Yun...don't let me down again, remember, don't tell other people, you are my favorite!"

"Yuhuang, your father is the mount of King Wu, and I personally changed lanes for you. Even if you don't want to, you will also become a mount... But now, you have been unable to break through, that's all, if you don't break through, you can only give up devouring Dao Dao! You have to know that Jiuyue and Cooking Cake are devouring Dao Dao, but I handed Devouring Dao to you, let Jiu Yue repair Suikong Dao, and let Cook Bing repair Shi Yuan Dao... I I am optimistic about you, but you let me down so much... I will explain to you the Dao of Devouring one last time, if it is not enough, you just give up!"


At this moment, for those who haven't made a breakthrough, Bai Feng is making a fuss, and telling them one by one, I like you the most!
You are the one I don't want to give up!
I specially opened a small stove for you, this is the treatment that no one else has!
And these people, obviously, all of them were immediately refreshed!
Your Majesty, you value me the most!
At this juncture, I actually secretly started a small fire for me. Now, those people who are excited are no longer in despair!

Sure enough, in His Majesty's heart, I am the most trustworthy!

And Bai Feng was so tired!

Preaching is not just talking, but explaining the Dao to the other party, explaining the Dao, this thing, sometimes I want to explain it clearly, but it is still very complicated!

Simplify complicated things!

And Bai Feng also discovered, sir, the lower the IQ, the harder it is to break through!
See who breaks through later, and you will know who has a lower IQ.

Of course, the giant ax doesn't count, it has already become the master of the rules, so there is nothing to say.

The others are all idiots and reckless people who break through more slowly!
This, Bai Feng can't do anything about it.

You can't really get rid of more than a dozen people!

If you don't start a small fire, the reckless man will not be able to break through. Without the reckless man, he will bring a group of smart people to the rescue, but Bai Feng is not at ease, and he has to let the reckless man break through!


Time flies, three months, here.

This time is regarded as the longest time for Bai Feng's side to practice in closed doors. For many people, three months didn't feel anything at all before, but since they came to Bai Feng's side, they found that Bai Feng regarded three months as 300 years. use.

If you haven't broken through in three months, it means you haven't broken through in 300 years of retreat, and the problem is very serious!

With a loud voice, everyone knew that it was time to decide the fate.

"The three-month period has come, everyone, come and see me!"

In the dark world, the earth split open everywhere, and powerful beings flew towards the direction of the seal of the Lord.

It's time!

At this moment, the joy of breaking through, the frustration of not breaking through, and some even despair.

So desperate!

As for the group of people who broke through before, there is no pressure. They have already broken through, so don't worry about it.


People dominate the Great India.

A strong man arrived quickly.

Including people like Nan Wang, they also arrived at the first time, and some people's laughter could be faintly heard from behind. The past few months have been a bonus period for everyone, and the harvest has been very good.

Those on the list were nervous, but those not on the list were less nervous.

After a while, it doesn't matter if you break through or not, the moment has arrived.

There are many strong ones!
As for Bai Feng, his figure gradually emerged.

As soon as he appeared, everyone saluted, "Meet Your Majesty!"

"Free gift!"

With his hands behind his back, Bai Feng looked around, feeling quite satisfied in his heart. Those who were named by him on the list have actually almost broken through. In the past few months, Bai Feng has been promoted several times in the world.

If you still can't break through, it means that these guys will have a hard time catching up!
In the later stage, it is actually more difficult to master the rules of the Dao. As Bai Feng continues to improve himself, the Dao is also becoming stronger. The stronger the Dao, the more difficult it is for you to control it in the later stage.

Now that you have mastered the Dao, it is adding insights to the Dao you have mastered, and it is a different result from not mastering it.

Bai Feng looked at them and nodded slightly: "Before, I made a list of 33 people. In addition, Wuhuang, Shuling, Yuewang, Nanwang, Dazhouwang, Giant Axe, Hongyue, Xueying, Hongmeng, Tianming , Necromancer King, Eight-Winged Tiger, Chaos Dragon, the 13 strong men have reached the master realm of rules!"

Before that, Bai Feng had these 13 Masters of Rules under his command, counting himself, 14 Masters of Rules.

Bai Feng continued: "As for the 33 people, most of them have made a breakthrough!"

After a pause, he said with a cold face: "However, there are still a few people who still haven't been able to break through after three months!"

Below, someone is full of frustration!
Suddenly looked at several people, "Xinghong!"

Among the crowd, Xinghong stepped out, sighed, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, I give up the way of the sword! I want to give it to Yunxiao... Maybe I'm really old, and my fighting spirit is not as good as before. The way of the sword is also the way of killing... ...As a swordsman, I don't have enough killing intent...not as aggressive as Tian Mie, nor as full of fighting spirit as Yun Xiao..."

This was the second guard who supported Bai Feng a long time ago, but this time, he failed to keep up with the team.

Before Bai Feng went to the Upper Realm, only Yun Xiao and Xing Hong were the guards.

Xinghong was also stronger than Tianmie before, however, after integrating into the sword that day, Tianmie has still made a breakthrough, while Xinghong...has stopped at the level of Tianwang, and has been unable to cross this step for a long time.

Bai Feng looked at him, feeling a little regretful, Xinghong... Bai Feng actually gave him many small fires alone, however, the guard who had always supported him in the early days, now, I don't know if it's because he's tired, or because he really doesn't have enough qualifications, When Tian Mie has stepped into the master of rules, he has fallen behind!
Bai Feng felt a little regretful, nodded slightly, and said softly: "The way of the sword...then pass it on to Yunxiao!"

Down below, Yun Xiao was a little angry, and hated iron for being weak, and couldn't help cursing: "I knew you were so useless, why did you grab the way of swordsman back then! Xinghong, I look down on you!"

She was a little lost, not too happy!
As a guard, with a friendship of 10 years, we share life and death, if it is said that she hopes that Xinghong will fail and give up the way of the sword, that would not be the case.

Now, Xinghong has really failed, but Yunxiao is more disappointed and sad!
Xinghong gave up the way of the sword this time, and there is almost no hope of keeping up with him in the future.

He left, but he was good at swordsmanship, and even with Bai Feng's constant help, he still couldn't break through!

That Xinghong gave up the way of the sword and took a way that he is not good at. Is there any hope for him?
Xinghong felt a little regretful, and said softly: "Yunxiao, I am useless, but... I hope you are stronger than me! Now, the boss of Hongmeng has stepped into the master of rules, and Tianmie has also entered... I failed , I hope you...can succeed!"

Among the crowd, Hong Meng and Tian Mie felt a little regretful.

Tian Mie murmured: "Let you show off all day long... You are a big fish, you must play with swords! Forget it, this time you fail. I think you might as well follow the path of water. Big fish should play with swords!" water!"

Xinghong laughed: "You are a monkey, you call me a big fish, do you have any face?"

Tian Mie curled his lips, too lazy to say anything.

And Bai Feng, looking at Yunxiao, said softly: "Yunxiao, you are in charge of the way of swordsmanship! Before, Xinghong took the way of swordsmanship, and you followed another way. I think you are taking the way you are not good at. You break through... But, if you follow the way of the sword, there is still hope!"

On Yunxiao's side, she doesn't practice swordsmanship, and Bai Feng didn't include her in the list before.

However, if you walk the way of the sword now, you may not be able to step into the master of rules in an instant, but there is still hope.

Yun Xiao nodded, said nothing, and was in a normal mood.

Soon, Bai Feng stripped Xinghong's kendo, and connected it to Yunxiao's side, and Yunxiao's aura also boiled, and it spread a lot in an instant, but it was slightly worse than the master of rules, but at least There is great hope!


The next moment, Bai Feng looked at the ancient emperor of space, the powerhouse named Kongbite, the ancient emperor of space was a little embarrassed: "Your majesty... I... I really can't help it..."

Bai Feng smiled: "Understood!"

His Taoist partner, Lie Konghou, has stepped into the master of rules. The key point is that there is only one avenue of space, and it is controlled by Lie Konghou.

The point is not this...but, he changed paths with Lie Kong in private!
Bai Feng knew about this matter and also assisted, but changing lanes was something Bai Feng did not support.

Because the ancient emperor of space merged into Baifeng world a long time ago, occupying the avenue of space, but it was Lie Konghou who integrated in later, and the ancient emperor of space directly chose to take the ancient clan of space with him, and they all ran to merge into the avenue of space, It seems that he intends to learn from the Five Elements Clan and integrate a Dao to an incomparably powerful level.

In fact, Bai Feng did not agree with this matter, but he did not stop it.

In fact, he hopes that a hundred flowers will bloom, and everyone will merge into one way, but sometimes, people are used to the way of space, and if you let him change lanes, they may not be able to cultivate anything.

This is the second loser, there is no need to change the Tao, he gave him a Taoist companion, which is also the reason why he is embarrassing, because according to the rules, he cannot exchange it for others in private.


Bai Feng looked at one person again, and Hetu came out with some confusion, "Your Majesty?"

I broke through!
Why are you calling me?
Bai Feng frowned slightly: "Didn't you take the way of Hetu before? Why did you go to the way of petrification?"

He Tu was embarrassed, and coughed dryly: "Didn't Princess Qi empty out the way of petrification before? I found that the way of petrification is very powerful. After thinking about it, my ancestor Prince Gong also followed the way of petrification... the same line... So... ahem, Your Majesty, you should know if I change lanes, right?"

He didn't follow the previous way, that's because Bai Feng didn't have a deep understanding of the previous way, and neither did he.

So, within three months, he did one thing, change lanes!
Change the petrified road that Princess Qi integrated into before!

Concubine Qi also has a deep understanding of this way. In the past three months, he has also asked Princess Qi for advice. In addition, his ancestor, Prince Gong, also took the way of petrification. At the end of three months, he used the way of petrification to advance to the next level. !
Bai Feng glared at him, I know if you change lanes.

However, this matter has to be brought up for discussion.

Bai Feng said in a deep voice: "Everyone, if you feel that the Dao is not suitable for you, then don't change lanes rashly! In my world, changing lanes is not a big problem at present. I am here, and I can suppress it!

But... it doesn't mean I will suppress it all the time!It doesn't mean that I will always change it for you!Some Taos are not perfect or strong enough. If you change the Tao, you may kill yourself!Next time, this kind of matter must pass the White Emperor's Mansion resolution, and if you dare to change lanes in private, you will be severely punished! "

The main reason is that there are some avenues that Bai Feng has not perfected. If you change the way indiscriminately, not to mention abolishing yourself, Bai Feng will also break the way because of you, and there will be some losses and deviations.

He Tu laughed quickly: "Your Majesty's lesson is that next time I will not mess around, and I must report in advance if something happens!"

In fact, he is similar to the Ancient Emperor of Space, but He Tu doesn't care, Bai Feng is taking this opportunity to beat up other people, the Ancient Emperor of Space and the others are foreigners after all, so it's not easy to beat them, so it's suitable for him to beat them!

No wonder you called me out, feelings are for beating people!

He Tu didn't care either, he was very happy, as a smart person, he knew that this was what his confidant meant, very good!


Bai Feng continued to look at people, and looked at the side of the Ming clan. Here, Tianming has become the master of the rules, and it is outside.

And the emperor of fate has also become the master of the rules, and also changed the way, changing the way of divination into the way of watching luck!
"Tiance, are you giving up?"

He looked at Tiance, this also belonged to the Fate Clan, who was assisting the Marquis of Destiny in the upper realm, and he was in charge of the Fate Clan when the Marquis of Destiny was not around on weekdays.

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Tiance stepped out and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I still follow the conventional way of the Destiny Clan, just integrate the Marquis of Destiny!"

Bai Feng nodded: "That's fine!"

This is not the first person who chose to give up by himself. He did not take another path, but chose the divination method run by Rongdao Tianminghou.

Among the 33 strong men, Wan Tiansheng and Lan Tian, ​​Bai Feng didn't say anything, and everyone didn't ask.

These two, three months ago, were close to the masters of the rules. After three months, it is normal to have the masters of the rules.

As for the realm, there is no way for the pioneers to force it, everyone knows that.

At the moment, 3 people have failed.

Others, including General Yingwu, she succeeded.

Because Bai Feng strengthened the way of burning last time, Huo Yunhou also took advantage of the situation to break through.

As for Bai Zhan, who was cast later, Wu Ji, needless to say, quickly stepped into the master realm of rules, and Nanxihou and Zhennanhou also quickly stepped into this level.

On Tongtian's side, like Wan Tiansheng and the others, Tongtian didn't even integrate into the Baifeng world, but after digesting the portals that they had eaten before, they probably vaguely have the main combat power of the fifth-level rule.

In fact, in Bai Feng's view, this is not considered the master of the rules, but for Tongtian, Bai Feng has relaxed the requirements.

Bean Bao, Cooking Cake, Jiuyue and others have also stepped into this level. Although they are not taking the Dao of Devouring, the gap is not big, and they have all stepped into this level.

The same is true for Futuling. He took advantage of it. The entire Five Elements Clan is merging with this way, helping him push to the point of being the master of rules.

On Huang Huang's side, Bai Feng saw that he was weak, so he specially handed over the Dao of Swallowing to him, and he was under a lot of pressure. Fortunately, Bai Feng gave him a little treatment, and he managed to break through.

And at this time, everyone else has stepped into the master realm of rules.

Of the 33 people, 3 failed, and 30 strong people who reached the status of master of rules were born.

In fact, there are already many!

Bai Feng thought for a while, and said softly: "Those who are unable to advance because they are good at avenues are occupied, you can consider integrating into Su Yu's world. He has also opened up the world. There is no master in the world, and the fourth-class rules can currently be accommodated." Lord..."

Integrating the recipes, the past body, and the future, Su Yu already has the third-class peak strength in the world, and he also has the third-class strength outside the world.

Everyone looked at Su Yu, Su Yu looked natural, and said with a smile: "If you are willing, I welcome it."

No one speaks, and I don't have any ideas for the time being, but this is also an option when necessary.


Bai Feng looked at those who were not on the list, and at Ding Junhou who spoke so boldly that day, Ding Junhou looked depressed, I didn't take the path of guns, how could it be so easy to advance.

He failed to advance!
There are 30 strong masters of the rules, plus the previous 13, a total of 43!
Adding Bai Feng, that's 44 bits.

Yunxiao has embarked on the sword, and maybe he can break through soon. If Yunxiao can break through, he will be 45th.

Bai Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "That's how many people there are! Has Emperor Wu come back?"


In the corner, Emperor Wu had been hiding for a long time. At this moment, seeing everyone's eyes, he held his head high and held his chest high. He would not admit that he almost fell asleep just now!
Bai Feng frowned slightly, nodded, and continued: "Then everyone is here, and finally, everyone melts into the body and strengthens it once. After everyone's fusion is over, we set off to go upstream!"

"Of course, Ten Thousand Realms can't leave a strong man behind, that would be too easy to cause accidents!"

Bai Feng looked at these people. For a long time, he looked at Wan Tiansheng and King Da Zhou. Normally, when he leaves, one of these two will be left behind.

Glancing at the Great Zhou King, Bai Feng thought for a while and said, "Let the Great Zhou King stay and rule the Ten Thousand Realms!"

The King of Great Zhou was a little surprised, should I stay?
Bai Feng looked at him, and said in a deep voice: "You stay! I believe that before I come back, nothing will happen in the Ten Thousand Realms! Even if someone comes out of the gate of hell temporarily, you can solve it! King Zhou, there are some things that I I can understand you, but... if you let me down, then you can leave!"

The King of Great Zhou's face froze, and he said in a deep voice: "What your majesty said is that until your majesty returns, I will not let anything happen to the world!"

Bai Feng nodded slightly. With the Great Zhou King around, even if a few strong ones come out, that's not a big problem.

"Chekong, Xinghong... You guys, although you have changed your way, your strength is still not weak. Help the Great Zhou King and sit in the Ten Thousand Realms! You may not have nothing to do in the rear!"

Bai Feng said in a deep voice: "Maybe, the front line is in crisis, and I still need reinforcements from the rear! I hope that after I leave, everyone can become the master of the rules and come to rescue me!"

"Yunxiao, if you follow the way of the sword, you may soon be able to step into the main realm of rules... But this time, you don't have to keep up. Don't worry, don't make mistakes in your rush!"

Bai Feng said again: "Leave Lan Tian too!"

Among the crowd, Lan Tian blinked his eyes and nodded: "Your Majesty, I understand!"

King Da Zhou's eyes were strange, and he felt that Bai Feng was worried about him. In fact, Bai Feng was trying to let Lan Tian do something and cooperate with him at critical moments.

The real powerhouse left by Bai Feng in Ten Thousand Realms is Jian Tianhou!

If Bai Feng is strong, he will be strong!
Today's Bai Feng, with the power of 24 ways, Jian Tianhou is the incarnation of the luck of the entire Baifeng world, in fact, his strength is not weak, after breaking the shackles of the seal, Jian Tianhou now has the strength of the second-class master of rules!

Enough to protect the world!

Neither Lan Tian nor Great Zhou King will go, including Bai Feng, 42nd place!
42 strong will go to the front!

In the rear, the strength is not too weak. In addition to a few rule masters, there are also a large number of Hedao and Heavenly Kings.

And Bai Feng quickly said: "Go, go to fuse the past body, strengthen it for the last time, and then... go to the front line!"


This time, everyone followed Bai Feng to merge with the past body.

Strengthening the people in the world is also a way for Bai Feng to improve himself.

If Bai Feng is strong, they can be strong too, if they are strong, Bai Feng can also improve, this is two-way!

This is also the reason why Bai Feng and his Taoist fusion of heaven and earth can progress so fast.

Powerful in two directions, reciprocating, power flipping!

Everyone went to integrate the source, and Bai Feng also had other things to be busy with. He took Xinghong to the long river of time, and chose the avenue in the long river of time.


After everyone has merged with their past bodies, everyone's strength has improved a little.

Especially Martial Emperor, both martial arts and physical body are second-class.

In the past, King Yue was only the third-class master of rules. Fusion is fusion, but he is still the second-class peak, and there is no change.

Nanwang, Hongmeng, Juaxe, and Sanyue have all reached the third rank, especially Nanwang, who is at the peak of the third rank!
Except for a few people such as Tong Tianhou, the others are all fourth class, not a single fifth class!

At this moment, Bai Feng's subordinates are considered strong soldiers!

Liu Hong was also responsible for connecting the Baifeng World, the River of Time, and the River of Necromancers, and radiated the radiation power of Baifeng World into the River of Time.

Let Bai Feng, in the long river of time, also be able to use his own world.

And Bai Feng's own strength has also improved to a certain extent. Although it is still 24 points, it is already extremely close to 25 points.

16 is the first class, which also means that Bai Feng has entered the middle stage of the first class, and even started to move towards the later stage.

This kind of improvement speed is still extremely fast!
At this moment, Bai Feng finally digested all the gains.


In this way, another five days passed.

More than three months after the end of the Battle of Ten Thousand Realms, Bai Feng and a group of people quietly headed upstream of the long river of time!

(End of this chapter)

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