I am Bai Feng

Chapter 245 The soul master dies, the body is born naturally

Chapter 245 The soul master dies, the body is born naturally
Bai Feng is in the sea of ​​will.

While merging the divine script, Bai Feng combined the two divine scripts into one, and planted them in the acupuncture points, while weaving and continuing the avenue.

The opening of the physical body and the opening of the chaos are essentially the same. They both open up the avenue, merge the avenue, and weave the avenue.

Of course, the same as the outside world, there is also the original avenue of opening up the sky. Because there is no way to open up the true self, Bai Feng simply uses his own body as the way, which is both the base and the starting point!
This is also the reason why Bai Feng can trap the soul master. The two people in the sea of ​​will are equivalent to a part of an avenue in the open sky, and it is still the original avenue. Unless the entire world is broken, they cannot get out.

If you want to go out, you have to destroy Bai Feng's will body, collapse Bai Feng's will sea, and shatter Bai Feng's physical body.

It is actually possible for these soul masters to do it. After all, the power of heaven and earth brought by Bai Feng is limited. If you really want to go all out, you won't be able to last for a few minutes.

However, the soul master doesn't understand Kaitian at all, and he doesn't know the special nature of Kaitian in the physical body. If he doesn't kill Bai Feng and keeps trying to get out, all he does is useless!
This is also the reason why he was easily fooled by Bai Feng. He didn't understand, so he was able to deceive him, including the fact that he couldn't do small tricks in the will fight. Now he has a little belief and a state of half-belief. Next, he just needs to dispel his doubts. You can make him believe it completely and give up trying.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng looked at the soul master, and while continuing to open the sky, he also smiled and said: "This world is the second world I opened. I have calculated that when this world is first formed, there should be 20 paths. The power is much stronger than my world outside! Moreover, it has devoured all the creatures in the entire soul domain, including those monks with 16 or more levels. It's still possible!"

"Then, integrate the willpower of you and me, the power of the avenue, the power of the acupoints... everything except that touch of consciousness! A world of 30 or even 31 paths is about to be born!"

Bai Feng's tone was frantic: "Thirty-one Dao! Looking at the world, no one can match it, let alone the 31 Dao Opener! Even if it is 31 Dao, even if there is a huge watershed between 32 Dao and 31 Dao, but 32 Dao The opener of the Tao can definitely compete, and even defeat the 31 Taoists!"

"How about it, are you very excited, do you want to get this world as soon as possible?"

"That's right!"

With a morbid smile, Bai Feng raised his hands high: "This is a huge gamble! If you win, you will be able to get out of this state of being neither human nor ghost, and the 32 hopeless ways of this life are right in front of you. It is not a dream to stand shoulder to shoulder with those top existences! And if I win, not only can I save a lot of time and become the strongest, but I can also take root in Tianmen smoothly!"

"Ah, life and death, how exciting! Winner takes all, how reasonable! What I bet on is this chance of survival, and what I want is this huge profit!"

"You lunatic!"

At this moment, the soul master felt a little chilly, and couldn't help cursing out, is he really a lunatic!

He was moved by what this lunatic said just now!
No wonder he would do such a thing. The soul master was still wondering just now, wondering if there was some kind of trap. After all, Bai Feng obviously had a disadvantage visible to the naked eye, but he took the initiative to compete for will... Now it seems that it is not surprising at all .

This is a guy who likes to gamble!

This kind of person is insanely crazy, accustomed to making big gains with small things, and pinning everything on that tiny probability... It's really incomprehensible!
Bai Feng said dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a lunatic, I'm very normal! Really, whether it's you or the Human Emperor, one or two of them think I'm a lunatic, and that fellow Human Emperor actually kicked me out, It's really unreasonable! If you want to become strong quickly, what's wrong with making big gains with a small amount? If you want to become strong, but don't want to take risks, how can there be such a good thing in this world!"

"Human Emperor?"

Catching two familiar words, the soul master was taken aback, and said unexpectedly: "You mean Human Emperor Xingyu?"

Bai Feng nodded: "Yes, that's him. He's so famous? Even you guys in Tianmen know him?"


Human Sovereign Xingyu, the most powerful person in the Ten Thousand Realms, made waves through the phantom of the Tianmen, and was followed by the Lord of Tianqiong Mountain... He was already famous outside, but after the two kings of civil and military entered, everyone in the Tianmen knew it. It would be strange if he didn't know him !
At this moment, the soul master was a little surprised:
"Isn't he seriously injured? Has he recovered? The Ten Thousand Races have been dealt with?"

The Lords of the Forbidden Lands knew a lot about Human Sovereign. After all, when Human Sovereign was seriously injured, some Lords of Forbidden Lands also helped.

Bai Feng smiled and said: "The Wan Clan is not strong, so how could it be the Human Sovereign's opponent, even a seriously injured Human Sovereign!"

"The reason for the stalemate is only because the Human Sovereign is unwilling to pay the price. He wants to wait until King Wen and the others come back. Then, it can be easily resolved."

Bai Feng laughed and said: "As a result, you also know that you haven't come back yet. No, the Heaven's Gate is about to open again, and the Human Sovereign can't sit still, and has eliminated the Wanzu."

"The price is not small, and the strength has declined. Now, it's about the same as me, with 28 nines."

That's it!

The soul master understood, and said:
"He kicked you in?"

"That's right, it's too much, drive me in for no reason!"


The corners of the soul master's eyes twitched. How crazy is this guy? What did he do to be driven into the gate of heaven by the emperor!

Do you want him to harm Tianmen?

The soul master was speechless, and Bai Feng, who had succeeded in pretending, also concentrated on weaving the road and stopped talking.

Speechless for a while.


in the void.

A humanoid, looming.

The physical body and the sea of ​​will were differentiated and floated side by side. Bai Feng and the soul master, like two little ants, existed in the huge sea of ​​will.

There are 720 acupuncture points on the body, shining like stars.

Avenues spread out!

Based on the flesh, not rootless duckweed!

The avenues spread like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and gradually grew up. Gradually, these avenues spread into a ball, and this ball enveloped Bai Feng.

After a while, the ball... was deformed.

Gradually... it turned into a door!


In the sea of ​​will, the soul master couldn't help but make a sound, extremely surprised.

720 holes, 1440 roads, the avenues weave the world, weave along the natural direction, Bai Feng doesn't care, but at this moment, these avenues start to weave towards a portal!
The most natural state has been cultivated, turned into a door, and the door of the sealed era.

The soul master turned pale in shock!


How could it be a portal?

From the era of Kaitian to the present, there are only three gates, the three gates of heaven, earth and people.

Now, the fourth portal has appeared!
It was born before his eyes!
The portal of heaven and earth, the fourth gate of the sealing era, has also appeared. Is it said that the prosperous heavens and worlds are about to come to an end?

So is it really meaningful for them to go all out to enter the heavens and worlds?
Wouldn't the era be sealed once you entered it?


Suddenly, the soul master's heart moved.

If he got this world, wouldn't the person in the sealing era become him?
He is not from the Era of Ten Thousand Realms, he would not do such things in the Era of Sealing, it is not important.

What matters is strength!

To seal an era, how much strength is required, and I may reach that level...

The soul master's eyes became hot, even if Bai Feng could let him go now, he would not go.


On the other side, Bai Feng, who was incubating the avenue, was also a little surprised.

How could my world form a portal?
Didn't you choose Su Yu for the way of disaster?

It should be Su Yu's world that forms the portal, how did it become him?
The luck of all worlds gathered in me, so what came into being also became me?

What about the way of disaster?Why don't you come?

Bai Feng thought for a while, okay, I got it.

The spot for the Tao of Calamity was taken by Su Yu, but the luck of the myriad worlds is on me again, so... the portal world is for me, and the Tao of Catastrophe is for Su Yu?
Casual enough!
Looking at the gradually formed portal, Bai Feng complained inwardly.

At this moment, the two of them quietly watched the avenue grow, gradually weaving the avenue into a portal.

Heaven and earth, or the portal has not yet formed.

The avenue is still spreading, absorbing everything from Bai Feng, his willpower, his physical strength, just like the last time he opened the sky, at this moment, Bai Feng feels a little bit sucked to death.

Looking at the flying locusts in the distance like locusts crossing the border, there are many, many, and vaguely feel the breath of many masters of rules, and there may be many masters of rules. Bai Feng knows that it is time here we go.

Because, the catastrophe never passed.

There must be a catastrophe when the sky is opened, the Lord of the dead spirits will open the sky, there will be a catastrophe, and the masters of countless forbidden places will come to kill, this is the greatest catastrophe.

Bai Feng opened the sky, and there were also calamities, and there were several waves. The first level was the locust devouring, the second level was turned into the soul master by Bai Feng, and the third level... should be the Lord of the Lost Soul Valley.

It is super calamity, and Bai Feng's strength is naturally not weak. At this moment, Bai Feng can feel that his own strength is increasing, not the power of the world, but the power of the world here. If he was here before, Without the power of Myriad Realms, it is probably only the power of 18 Dao.

If you use it, you will have 28 powers.

But now, Bai Feng has removed all his power in Ten Thousand Realms, and he feels that he has once again possessed the strength just now, which can be regarded as officially possessing the power of 28 ways!
In this world, he stepped into the first class and quickly strengthened to 28 ways.

Great speed!

This is the result of experience plus chance!
And this strength is still increasing, but the speed has slowed down. Under the weaving of the avenue, it feels like it is coming to an end. Once the portal is fully formed, it means that Bai Feng will succeed in opening the sky.

Not too difficult!

The most difficult thing is actually to form a closed circle, but this time, for Bai Feng, there is almost no difficulty. On the one hand, it has been experienced, and on the other hand, it is the power of 1440 Dao, which is formed and woven naturally through the power of 720 orifices.

In this way, the most difficult step for the Sky Opener is much easier when it comes to Bai Feng.

The speed is also a lot faster.

Otherwise, a first-time opener may still be weaving the avenue at this moment.

Different from the last time, this time, he quickly opened the sky, and now it's almost the end, and the locust eaters over there didn't come over.

When the locust devourer arrives, Bai Feng has probably succeeded in advancing, and Kai Tian has also succeeded!
Time difference!
Bai Feng suddenly smiled!
There is no unparalleled road in the sky, such a time difference is the only way for Bai Feng to survive.

As long as the time difference is well grasped and handled well, the calamity of the Lost Soul Valley Master can be easily passed.

Maybe, he can be used to block the robbery!


"It's about to start!"

Bai Feng looked at the soul master with a smile.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​will, there is suction coming from each of the orifices, including the 360 ​​orifices on the side of the body, and the strength of the two of them is constantly being swallowed.

The soul master snorted coldly, the beginning has begun, wishing for it!
A guy who is weaker than him actually wants to beat him in his best field, what a joke!
The spiritual power and power of the great way of the two are constantly being swallowed up, and the world, which was already approaching calm, has begun to grow rapidly again!
Soon, a long river appeared, swallowing everything, only a touch of consciousness remained.

The will is about to flow back, and the two must get rid of the other person before that, otherwise, the authority of heaven and earth is not enough to absorb the backflow force, and both of them will die!

Fortunately, the willpower of both of them was swallowed up, and before the will flowed back, the loss of consciousness could not be recovered. After a few times, the winner could be decided.

What is compared is the intensity of consciousness and the firmness of will.

This is also the reason why the soul master feels that he must win. In terms of willpower, he has lived for so many years, and his willpower cannot be unsteady. In terms of strength of consciousness, he is not weaker than the peak of the 31st Dao. How can Bai Feng compare with him?


In the long river,

Two figures appeared, extremely illusory.

Bai Feng licked his lips and said with a smile:

"Finally at this moment, it's hand-to-hand combat, which doesn't fit my temperament. Fortunately, no one knows."

The soul master smiled faintly: "Do you have any relatives outside? After getting your memory, I can help you take care of one or two."

"Hehe, let's get rid of it."

After all, the two collided instantly, Bai Feng swung his fist, and punched the soul master in the face, making the soul master even more illusory.

At the same time, Bai Feng himself became a little more illusory.

Fighting with consciousness, there is no one who is more seriously injured, and the injuries are all the same.

But if hand-to-hand combat has the upper hand, the momentum will be stronger, which can drive the cohesion of the will, and can also frustrate the morale of the opponent, so the two will start to fight each other like warriors.

You punched me and kicked me, and the two of them wrestled together, extremely barbaric.

If there are people from Myriad Realms here, they will definitely feel that they have misread it.

Are you kidding me, is this Bai Feng?

Punching and kicking, scratching, biting and twisting, all of them are used, standard martial arts!


One minute later, Bai Feng and the soul master separated. Both of them were extremely illusory, much more illusory than before, and felt as if the wind would blow away.

The soul master was panting, just now he was almost crushed and beaten by Bai Feng. Bai Feng who came from across the world.

If it wasn't for the fact that the damage suffered by both parties was equal, the soul master would really have fallen this time.

However, I still won!

Looking at Bai Feng, the soul master smiled: "It seems that your consciousness is going to dissipate, one blow? Or two? I need 5 collisions to dissipate. Even if you insist on it with willpower, you can't bear it too much." , can’t beat me.”

Bai Feng gasped, looked outside, but couldn't see anything, and said to himself, "Should we be there soon?"

"What did you say?"

The soul master frowned.

"It's nothing."

Bai Feng smiled, looked at Dao Changhe again, and said with a smile: "The derivation of Dao is completed, and the will will flow back in 30 seconds. It's time."

"what are you talking about?"

Suddenly, the soul master was a little uneasy, his eyes became cold and stern, and he rushed towards Bai Feng.

I can't wait any longer, kill this guy, and things will change later!

Facing the rushing soul master, Bai Feng calmly said with a smile: "By the way, there is one thing I forgot to tell you... here, my consciousness is actually continuous."

After saying those words, Bai Feng's figure suddenly solidified, and he punched the soul master in front of him head-on!
All of a sudden, the soul master's figure began to tremble, as if it was about to dissipate, and Bai Feng's figure became solid again just after becoming transparent.

"You lied to me!"

The soul master let out a miserable laugh, and said in confusion: "Why, why did your consciousness recover? It shouldn't be. Even if I reach the 32nd Tao, I can't do this kind of thing. How can you?"

Hearing this, Bai Feng chuckled lightly, "Do you know where this is?"

The soul master was startled.

"Here is my body, my sea of ​​will, my avenue, and my world! Consciousness also exists in the flesh and avenue... It can be said that there are my consciousness in all directions, and here is my home, you ask me why?"

The soul master was silent, how could this kind of thing be possible, who in a normal person would disperse his consciousness into the physical body?Aren't you afraid of the body giving birth to the spirit?
The truth is correct, but unfortunately, Bai Feng is not a normal person, he is the spirit of the Dao, and his physical body is also condensed by the Dao, this kind of thing can't be more normal.

Bai Feng didn't bother to explain to him, and punched him, breaking the soul master's consciousness!

Before dying, the soul master suddenly said: "Don't hurt my brother."

Bai Feng said lightly: "I can't do it."

"……I understand."


The consciousness of the soul master dissipated and melted into the long river of the Dao, and there was no movement from the outside world. After all, this was voluntary by both parties, and the power of the Dao was voluntarily removed. No one noticed that there was one less Lord of the Forbidden Land in Tianmen!
Dead without a sound!


The next moment, the will flowed back, and a sea of ​​willpower poured into Bai Feng's body. Like the rain, Bai Feng's consciousness instantly grew stronger, returning to the sea of ​​will, returning to the physical body, and returning to the world.

What followed was the memory of the soul master, which was quickly filtered, watched, and imitated by Bai Feng.

Soon, Bai Feng discovered that part of this memory was missing, as if it had been erased.

What did the soul do, and what did he want to cover up?
Ordinary memory erasure is useless, other parts of the memory will be exposed, and the soul master does not have time to erase too many memories.

That should be the most recent memory, the memory that cannot be connected with other parts of the memory, the memory that can expose Bai Feng...

Bai Feng was still thinking, but at this moment, an incomparably powerful aura descended from the outside world, unfamiliar but somewhat familiar, he knew that it was the aura of the Lord of the Lost Soul Valley!
Bai Feng's heart skipped a beat, he's already here, he doesn't have time to think about it, he'll be cheated first, maybe he can be cheated!

At the same time, the outside world.

The figure of the Lord of Luohun Valley emerged, looking at Bai Feng floating in the void, a little surprised, and even more surprised when he looked at it.

This person is... opening the sky?
Open the sky within the gate of heaven?
The people outside the gate, or the descendants of the people outside the gate inside the Tianmen?
which type?
No matter which one it is, take it away first.

The Lord of Luohun Valley was about to make a move. At this moment, Bai Feng suddenly opened his eyes, which were as bright as the sun, moon and stars.

Bai Feng looked at the Lord of Luohun Valley, his eyes were like the sun and the moon, and suddenly he laughed: "Dear brother, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time. How is it, is my new body powerful?"

The Lord of Fallen Soul Valley was taken aback for a moment, and said hesitantly, "You?"

"What's the matter, brother, you don't recognize me anymore? Oh, it's because of this body."

Bai Feng smiled faintly: "That's a long story. To put it simply, the original owner of this body was opening the sky. I took the opportunity to possess him and snatch the world!"

"Brother, now I am already the opener of the sky. The heaven and the earth are my body, which can protect my willpower. I don't need you to help me maintain it. I can quickly reach the power of the 32 paths, and I will be with my brother." Fighting outside the gate of heaven..."

Bai Feng smiled and said: "That guy's not completely dead yet, I'm going to deal with him now, my dear brother depends on my safety."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the Lord of Lost Soul Valley to reply, he closed his eyes and continued to stabilize the world.

And the Lord of the Lost Soul Valley, frowning slightly, accidentally ran into someone who was opening the sky, and just happened to take the other person's body, usurping the world... How lucky is You?

After thinking about it, I still didn't make a move, and decided to wake up and investigate again.

He also felt that the world is not weak, but there are no 32 ways, which is enough, even if the other party has problems, it can't cause any trouble.


And in the sea of ​​will,
Bai Feng inhaled slightly, and suddenly laughed.

The Lost Soul Valley Master didn't act immediately!

Good thing, this shows that the other party has already believed it a little bit. Bai Feng pretended to be the soul master, but he acted strictly according to the image in memory. Except that he was not a soul master, everything else looked like a soul master.

As long as the next performance is qualified, the level of the Lord of the Lost Soul Valley will be considered as passed, and then he can leave in a fair manner, wait for the 32nd, and then come back, maybe he can sneak attack the Lord of the Lost Soul Valley!
"Time is indeed the most valuable thing!"

A moment earlier, a moment later, it is a completely different result.

If the Lord of Falling Soul Valley came a few minutes earlier, he would see the soul owner who was not yet dead. At that time, Bai Feng would be the one who died!

In the outside world, the aura of the Lord of the Fallen Soul Valley was revealed slightly. If other Lords of the Forbidden Land came, they would naturally know that he was here and obediently go back.

After a while.

A violent shock spread across the world!
The 1440 avenues instantly turned into a portal, and in the blink of an eye, 720 acupoints were incorporated into Bai Feng's body.

And that portal was also imprinted on the original location of Tianmen.

At this moment, Bai Feng's physical body appeared, and gradually, some golden colors appeared, Bai Feng succeeded!
Yes, it did so easily.

And the catastrophe... the Lord of the Fallen Soul Valley is not far away, it depends on his ability to fool.

At the same time, he can already see the locust eater, not far away from him, and in a few tens of seconds, the front locust eater will fly over. First-class, with about 20 powers, it is not weak.

As for Bai Feng, he succeeded in opening the sky at this moment. He felt it, about 30 peak powers, and almost 31. He was talking about the power of heaven and earth here.

A big improvement!

From the 18th way to the 30th way, this is the strength that Bai Feng has increased by absorbing the powerhouses of the entire soul domain and the world of the soul master himself after the Dao weaves.

There are 1440 avenues, some of which are actually very weak.

Under normal circumstances, like the first time, the current Bai Feng is still trying to weave the Dao. If he is exhausted, he still has the power of 18 Dao. Against the swarms of locust eaters, who are the strongest with 20 Dao, it will be a big trouble !
What's more, there is the biggest catastrophe of the Lost Soul Valley Master!

"Time, stand by my side!"

Bai Feng's physical body was shaking, and his smile was extremely bright!
The power of 1440 avenues spread in the body.

The flesh body is golden yellow, extremely powerful.

At this moment, in Bai Feng's physical body, the newly born gate emerged, completely covering and covering up the phantom of the entire Tianmen. At this moment, his Tianmen was completely restrained.

In this way, all of Bai Feng's aura of myriad worlds completely dissipated at this moment!

At this time, Bai Feng had a tendency to be a real insider.

Before that, his power of Tianmen still had some influence. The weak can't see anything, and those who are weaker than him can't sense anything. Bai Feng's identity.

He has the power of ten thousand realms, so Bai Feng may come from ten thousand realms.

But now, when the Gate of Civilization covers the Gate of Heaven, everything disappears. Not only that, in order to hide his identity, Bai Feng is unceremonious. In an instant, the Gate of Heaven is sealed. , was completely blocked by him!
I am going to be the younger brother of the Lord of the Lost Soul Valley, a lucky one who has inherited the heaven and the earth and supplemented with yang qi. There should be no such things as Tianmen, let alone inputting the power of heaven and earth to King Wen. This is not to increase my exposure chance?
You better hide!


at the same time.

In the area of ​​Eternal Life Mountain, there was darkness and emptiness. King Wen's face changed, and the white shoes under his feet instantly turned black. Suddenly, King Wen's sensitivity to the power of heaven and earth outside fell to the lowest point!

Fortunately, he also has Tianmen. At this moment, the boots of the core of heaven and earth are here. Although it is not the Wan Dao Jing, some power can be channeled through himself.

However...compared to before, it was much worse.

King Wen's face turned green!

I fuck you!
If you don't give me input at all from the beginning, I'll just forget about it, but Bai Feng, the grandson, first input a lot of power of heaven and earth into himself, and now...he is completely closed, gone!

King Wen is going crazy!

My plan is in progress. Originally, with the power of heaven and earth, he could reach the power of 32 realms, but now...what is it?
31 and a half courses?
Half a step ahead?

Want to vomit blood, do you?

King Wen's face turned green, King Wu sensed it, and looked at him curiously, King Wen suddenly cursed: "Damn you, you're trying to break through right now, how much time did you waste?"

It's not to defend the bastard, I have already completed the plan!

I really want to hammer you to death!

Bai Feng is not here, there is no way, he can only vent to King Wu now!

King Wu looked innocent, and couldn't help but said: "Why are you scolding me? Did that Bai Feng cause trouble for you? You sensed it? Then don't vent to me, I want to break through, then I can't help it... ..."

King Wen wants to cry but has no tears!

After a long while, he gritted his teeth: "It's useless if you break through!"

I originally thought, when you break through, we join forces, hehe, two superheroes, two against one, we can't kill you bastard.

But now, I have broken the connection with the power of heaven and earth, and count on King Wu, how can I kill someone?
Resisting is fine, but killing... Super hard to kill!

Wu Wang can fight with the opponent, and he may even win. Of course, it is only possible, but if he wants to kill Chao... there is no way!

Only you can be sure of how to kill!
At this moment, King Wen was extremely tired. He looked into the distance, did Bai Feng come in?
Most likely yes!
The point is, where is he?

Why did Tianmen suddenly close all connections, leaving no passages behind? This guy, he should know what he needs, right?
Is the identity exposed?

Or... was killed?

It's not that easy to be killed, right?

At this moment, he suddenly looked towards the south, frowning slightly, does it have anything to do with that?
In that distant place, he vaguely felt something, but it was not very clear, but it was already terrifying to be able to spread to him. The moment just now, the moment Bai Feng closed the Tianmen, there seemed to be a special force over there. Waves are coming!

"Is Bai Feng over there?"

"Near Falling Soul Valley?"


At this moment, he was a little speechless. Bai Feng's previous Tianmen projection was near Luohun Valley, and he specially reminded... this kid, he won't be discovered as soon as he enters, right?Are you being hunted down now?
Does that special fluctuation have anything to do with him?

Thoughts echoed in King Wen's mind. At this moment, there was too little information. Even if he was extremely smart, he couldn't deduce too much. No way, that guy Bai Feng didn't come to him, and he didn't have any information at all. to speak of.


With a sigh, sometimes, I still think Wufu is cute, but looking at King Wu, it's not so annoying, look, how obedient!
People like Bai Feng... are not obedient at all!

Seeing him like this, King Wu curled his lips, cursed in a low voice, and muttered: "Your family is all martial arts!"


King Wen looked at him unexpectedly.

King Wu didn't bother to pay attention to it. I still don't understand the meaning of your eyes. Every time I suffer from scholars, I have to look at me like this.

Sure enough, I guessed right!
King Wu closed his eyes and continued to practice, not bothering to pay attention to him.

What happened to Wufu?
When I break through, I will punch you to death, you despise warrior!

at the same time.

The moment Bai Feng's portal was formed, a wave, very subtle, was spreading.

The weak have no feeling, only the top strong have some weak sense.

For a while, many people were a little puzzled, what happened?
at the same time.

Myriad worlds.

The ground door shook slightly!
The Human Sovereign instantly appeared in front of the underground gate, looked towards the underground gate with some doubts, and said strangely: "Are you about to recover? Did your will overflow just now, and you are about to recover?"

Sanmen has been sleeping, even if there is some movement, it is an instinctive reaction.

But just at that moment, he seemed to feel that the ground door was trembling, and some weak willpower overflowed.

He looked at the ground door and frowned. Are the three doors about to open?

But at this moment, a faint willpower emanated from the gate of the earth, very weak, like a voice from outside the sky, but it echoed in the Emperor's mind: "The fourth gate has appeared... this era... is coming to an end! "

Human Sovereign changed color, suddenly, grabbed the void, and suddenly, Tong Tianhou appeared, looking at Human Sovereign with some bewilderment, what's wrong?
Did I provoke you again?

The Human Sovereign looked at him, frowned, and said after a while, "What did you do just now?"


Tong Tianhou felt a little guilty: "I... I didn't do anything!"


The Human Sovereign was suddenly extremely majestic, Tong Tianhou had no choice but to whisper: "I really didn't do anything... I... I didn't steal the power of King Ming's door, I just passed by and saw that King Ming was cultivating, so I will protect him!"


Human Sovereign is speechless, I understand, this guy was wandering around King Ming just now, I said when I arrested him, he was wandering around all the time, co-authoring is to absorb the power of King Ming's door.

"get out!"

The Human Sovereign threw him away, and looked at the gate again, but the gate was silent, as if he had just been awake for a moment, but at this moment, fell into a deep sleep again.

"The fourth door appeared?"

The Emperor frowned.

The end of the era?

The Human Sovereign suddenly snorted coldly: "Joke! This era has just begun! If you want to end this era, it depends on the strength of your three sects! So what if the fourth gate appears?"

What does this fourth door refer to?
Babel, or what?
For a while, Renhuang didn't know.

However, if it appears or not, so what?
The Emperor's aura suddenly became stronger, shaking the heavens and the world for a while!
Man can conquer heaven!
I will not let this era end just like that, no!
I don't want this era to be sealed, there is no reason to be sealed, maybe I have lived enough, but many people's lives have just started, I am not willing to end this era like this, and become the next one just like those existences in Tianmen and Dimen The thorn in the side of the times!

The Human Sovereign murmured: "Perhaps, you want us to make way for the newcomers... But I want to tell you, the change of the times is not like this! The decline of the times is not like this! This kind of change, this way Decay, force us to seal it...I don't want to!"

"I can be overthrown, I can be destroyed, but... I don't accept being sealed, people are neither human nor ghost, I don't accept it!"

The emperor's aura is getting stronger and stronger!

He does not accept such a result!
Is it the will of the Lord of Time?

But even if it's you, I don't accept it!
"Eliminate the three sects, sweep the heavens, the so-called destruction...do you take action yourself?"

The Human Sovereign looked up at the sky and snorted coldly, then let's talk about it when you come in person!

Otherwise, this era is eternity!

(End of this chapter)

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