I am Bai Feng

Chapter 255 Su Yu Enters Eternal Life

Chapter 255 Su Yu Enters Eternal Life

Forbidden Canyon.

Since the establishment of the March Period, the entire Forbidden Canyon has become chaotic, and killings have continued.

In fact, the major forbidden lands felt a little vaguely, but for them, chaos is normal.

Because of the news from the Eternal Life Mountain before, now, the entire world inside the gate, casual cultivators are in turmoil!

Big fish eat small fish, everyone wants to participate in the eternal mountain meeting with the strongest posture.

The chaos is not limited to the Forbidden Canyon.

As for the forbidden area, they just sit and watch the ups and downs of the situation, no one will think about it, the casual cultivators dare to attack the forbidden area, they don't have the guts, they don't have the strength.

It doesn't hurt if casual cultivators die a little!
If there are too many, it will be messy.

It is enough to choose the best from the best and leave a group of strong ones.

And under such circumstances, in the Forbidden Canyon, a large number of powerful people in the territory were killed or captured in silence!
If a strong person observes carefully, he can find that, except for the four forbidden lands, which are still standing, other small territories are constantly being eaten away!

Surrounded by the Forbidden Canyon among the four forbidden areas, a powerful force has risen rapidly without making a sound!
At the same time, some casual cultivators in the surrounding area also began to quickly move towards the Forbidden Canyon.

The casual cultivators who are close to each other have already reached the forbidden canyon.

Because of this, no one pays attention to the increasingly chaotic Forbidden Canyon, because more and more people are coming!


Just in the last few days, news suddenly spread around.

Several big forces in the Forbidden Canyon, Liufang Mountain, Hupo Cave, Panshiya... These big forces want to build a void city in the central area.

The news spread quickly, and even Bai Feng, who was far away in Samsara Mountain, could vaguely hear some voices from all around.

Those in Samsara Mountain are basically recruited from casual cultivators, and some information circulated among casual cultivators will also be circulated into Samsara Mountain.

Nowadays, there are many casual cultivators in the Forbidden Canyon.

On the side of the Forbidden Canyon, several major powers have established the Void City and are preparing to recruit casual cultivators. Some people are still interested!
Not only normal casual cultivators, but also some void monsters wandering in the void, and the devils who secretly kill and seize the Dao are actually interested.

Some big owl-level powerhouses even have the idea of ​​banning the strongmen of the canyon.

In this world, there is no shortage of strong men who secretly kill and seize the Dao.

There is also no shortage of void monsters that wander in the void and may devour them if they see their territory. They are extremely ancient and powerful.

The Forbidden Canyon at this moment is very chaotic!
Every day, casual cultivators disappear.

No one cares, no one cares.

However, everyone is actually very vigilant.

Some loose cultivators who are a little familiar will gather in groups, even if there are fewer people, they are worried about being killed by others. Under normal circumstances, dozens of people act together.

Many casual cultivators who have joined Samsara Mountain are rejoicing. If not, they would have to be like the casual cultivators in the Forbidden Canyon. Be careful of the strong, be careful of monsters, and even be careful of fellow travelers. life.

The Void City built in the center of the Forbidden Canyon is said to be called the City of Light, and the light... is so desirable!

The apocalypse lasted for too long, in fact, casual cultivators also yearn for light.

Otherwise, they would not want to get out of the Heavenly Gate and return to the Ten Thousand Realms.


"Bright City..."

On the Samsara Mountain, Bai Feng smiled, and finally started to build the city. It seems that the Forbidden Canyon has been taken by Su Yu.

However, after the establishment of Samsara Mountain, many casual cultivators came to Samsara Mountain. With so few casual cultivators, I don't know how far Su Yu can improve.

No matter what, as long as he can hold the sun and the moon, in terms of strength... Bai Feng doesn't force it.

The chances in the heavens, myriad worlds and the three sects are inherently limited, and there are only so many strong people that can be created. Bai Feng can reach this point so quickly, and naturally he also occupied many of them, and also seized some of the original Su Yu's Fighting, chance, so even if Su Yu can't achieve super in Tianmen, Bai Feng won't care too much, it's normal.

The stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility. Su Yu is actually just right now. If he is tired, he can go back to the human realm to rest for a few days and relax his spirit that has reached its limit. This is exactly Bai Feng's original intention.


at the same time.

Mount Eternal.

On the huge mountain, a splendid palace stands, and people come and go, but they are all quiet. From time to time, some people look into the depths of the hall, not daring to look too much.

Today, the Mountain Lord is receiving Sword Master from Tianqiong Mountain!
For many years, there are no strong people in the forbidden area, because these years have been entangled with King Wen and others, and other people don't want to cause trouble.

In the huge palace.

Fa leaned on the throne, and below, the Sword Master stood and bowed slightly, "The Lord of the Mountain, that is what the Lord of the Sky wants. On the day when the Forbidden Land will be opened, I hope that the Lord of the Mountain can fulfill the Lord of the Sky!"

Fa kept his composure, below, a strong woman with colorful eyes shone, said softly at this moment: "Sword Master, moving the forbidden area is not a small price, not to mention, the distance is not too far, that Xingyu was a few years ago Just being severely injured... It's better to let Tianqiong Mountain Master come over. As for Xingyu, I think it is more than enough to stay with a hall master!"

Move the mountain of eternal life to where?

This is not a question of price, it is a question of face!

It was agreed that it will be held in my Eternal Life Mountain, and I paid a big price for it. In the end, the owner of Tianqiong Mountain didn't care about anything, and let the Eternal Life Mountain move there after the arrangements are made!

what is this?
Fa didn't speak, but it was a master of the Immortal Mountain who spoke. The setting of the Immortal Mountain is also somewhat different from that of other forbidden areas. What Fa follows is the way of ten thousand laws.

In Eternal Life Mountain, only when the Dao is gathered and formed into a meridian can one become the master of the meridian. In terms of strength, it is generally not too weak, and it is also the power above 25 Dao.

Sword Master thought about it, and said softly: "What the Lord of the Rain Vessels said is actually reasonable... However, now that Human Emperor Xingyu has recovered, it is said that he may have defeated the Ten Thousand Races and returned to the Ten Thousand Realms! At this moment, it is different from before. Sky Lord can't leave!"

As soon as these words came out, the silent Fa above suddenly said: "Xingyu left the upper reaches of the Changhe?"


Jian Zun responded, this is what the mountain master said, and he doesn't know whether it is true or not. Recently, the mountain master has been very busy, either drinking tea with the person from Samsara Mountain, or holding a big seal to read all day long. He didn't have the mind to take care of himself, and he had no choice but to obey orders.

Fa frowned slightly.

The Emperor has recovered?
This, he can't be sure.

According to some previous judgments and calculations, the Human Emperor did not solve the trouble so quickly, he was severely injured, and without him, the Human Race would not be able to take down the Ten Thousand Race.

"The Heavenly Gate of the Human Emperor has opened again?"


Jian Zun nodded.

Fa Yu frowned, what is Qiong doing?
Don't care?
Or, what is this guy's plan, isn't he trying to lure the Emperor in?
Thoughts came up one by one, Fa was silent for a while, and said: "I'll think about it again! Even if I agree, other forbidden places may not be willing to go there... Qiong hasn't been involved in forbidden places in recent years, and suddenly wants to participate. People may not be happy."

Sword Master seemed to know what he meant, and nodded: "The Lord Qiong said, if anyone refuses to agree, the Mountain Lord only needs to tell Tianqiong Mountain the name of the person who does not agree, and Tianqiong Mountain will naturally solve it! In addition, the Lord of Samsara also agrees with this I will help you if necessary, this point, the mountain master can rest assured!"


All around, it was quiet.

The Lord of the Vault of Heaven, although he doesn't care about things, is arrogant, and he is not ordinary.

I expect that you may not agree, it doesn't matter, just tell me the list of those who disagree, and I will trouble them personally!
What's more, the Samsara Mountain Lord actually intervened, and when necessary...it's the time to come and find fault!
With these two together, among the masters of the forbidden land, how many people can match?
If you are really hit on the door, then you will have good fruit to eat!
Fa is also speechless, Qiong, doesn't he look down on other people?How did it get mixed up with life and death?

Of course, the arrogance is still as arrogant as ever!
"I see!"

Fa responded lightly, let's take a look.

Anyway, not yet.

Sword Master nodded and said nothing more, "Then don't bother the Lord of the Mountain, I still need to go back and return to the Master of Heaven!"

Fa slightly nodded and said nothing.

Soon, Sword Master walked out of the main hall, and behind him, the Rain Vein Lord who had just spoken followed him, and sent him out of the forbidden area. While walking, he said, "I heard that Tianqiong Mountain and Samsara Mountain often communicate recently. The master is also often together, and I really envy fellow Taoist Sword Venerable, who can listen to the two adults discussing the Dao at any time."

Master Yumai seemed to be chatting, but Sword Master didn't care, and what she said was the truth.

Even if the people in Samsara Mountain are from casual cultivators, as long as the mountain master is there, no one in the forbidden area will look down on them.

However, Jian Zun still reminded: "Master Yumai, it's okay to talk about other people, but it's best not to talk about Shanzhu and others. If it spreads, the influence will be bad."

Lord Yumai smiled and said: "I understand, I'm just curious, thank you, Fellow Daoist Sword Master, for reminding me."

"It's okay, as long as Master Yumai understands, then I will take my leave."

After the words fell, he had already reached the door, so he left without saying anything.

Lord Yumai watched him leave, shook his head slightly, turned and entered the hall, and discussed with the Mountain Lord whether he wanted to move.

Sword Master came in person, bringing the meaning of Tianqiong Mountain Lord, if he directly refused, it would easily make Tianqiong Mountain Lord angry.


City of Light.

In a pavilion, Su Yu looked at the man in front of him with strange eyes, and said after a long time: "Your name is Sun and Moon? In the era of Kaitian, a strong human race, a descendant of Sun and Moon?"

The man was extremely depressed, and sighed: "I knew it, I can't say my real name!"

Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly: "Are you with people like Xing and Wen?"

The man was silent.

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "As far as I know, people like Sun Moon Xingwen are top powerhouses. The tribal leaders of the human race back then were powerhouses in the same era as Renzu Zhou, so you are the descendants of this group of people ?”

"Not these people..."

The man was speechless: "It's just the two of you. My father is the sun and my mother is the moon..."

What is a group of people?

Su Yu ignored him and fell into deep thought.

He actually captured the descendants of the sun and the moon?What is this guy doing here?Participate in the meeting of the Forbidden Land?Or...was it related to King Wen and the others?

King Wen... Speaking of which, Bai Feng should have met King Wen and the others, right?After all, it's been so long since I've been here, it's not normal if I haven't seen it.

By the way, when I met Bai Feng before, didn't Bai Feng say that he has something to do, what exactly is it that needs him to do?It is clear that Feng is so much stronger than him, does it have anything to do with this sun and moon?
Su Yu fell into deep thought, Sun and Moon looked at him for a while, drank a cup of tea, and didn't know what the guy in front of him was thinking.

Soon, Su Yu recovered, and suddenly said: "I'm asking you something, it's not too important, Xing, are you with me?"

Sun and Moon didn't speak.

And Su Yu's eyes gradually turned cold.

Sun Yue was helpless, and said, "It's useless for you to ask this?"

Su Yu continued to look at him coldly. The sun and the moon felt a little numb from his gaze, so he said, "I do know Xing."

Know Xing, know Wen Wang, and know Wen Yu!

And more than ten years ago, Xing entered the Ten Thousand Realms with a copy of the time book.

Thinking of this, Su Yu suddenly said: "Ten... no, four or five years ago, Wen Yu sent a copy of his time book out of Tianmen, do you know?"


The sun and the moon nodded, there is no need to hide this, the movement back then was not small, the Eternal Life Mountain was fluctuating, the Tianmen was shaking, many strong people knew about it.

"At that time, Xing seemed to be following behind, and no one else reacted, only him... how did he know? Do you know the specific situation?"

If it is really what I think, then the sun and the moon are very important.

The sun and the moon were silent again.

Su Yu looked at him coldly, still dishonest.

Sun Yue felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, and sighed: "Hei Tomb, I don't even know your real identity, I don't know anything about you, you just ask me some secrets, can I just say it?"

Su Yu frowned: "I am the son of King Wen!"


Sun and Moon became suspicious now, and muttered, "You...you call your father King Wen? You...you don't even know King Wen's name, do you?"

"For the sake of the venerable!"

Su Yu said lightly: "You call your father's day and your mother's month every day?"


Makes sense!

But to introduce to the outside world, I will also directly say the name!

He coughed dryly: "That... what is the name of King Wen, do you know?"

Su Yu cursed in his heart, don't say it, he really doesn't know!
That's right, no one seems to have ever said what King Wen's name is.

What is King Wen's name?
I know King Wu is called Taishan, Time Master is called Wenyu, and Emperor Ren is called Xingyu. As for the others, including King Ming, Su Yu has never asked, who would specifically ask what their names are.

It's not the same generation, just know the title.

This time, Su Yu was really stumped.

But who is Su Yu?

I don't know, can you still know?

The next moment, Su Yu said lightly: "Wen Dao!"

Don't care what it's called, the name should be big, Dao, how about it?

King Wen, of course the name should be bigger, look, the emperor and I are both universes, his name is Wen Dao, there is nothing wrong with him!
"Wen Dao?"

Sure enough, Sun and Moon muttered.

is it?

King Wen's original name was Wen Dao!

He doesn't know either!
How normal is it, and it’s not from the same era. In the era of Emperor Renhuang, few people dared to call King Wen’s name. Those who did, such as Taishan and the others, all called Second Brother, or Wen’s Second Brother.

Su Yu is sure this guy doesn't know!

The fact is indeed the case, Sun and Moon are just asking tentatively, now that they know the name, they don't know what to say for a while.

After a while, he said, "That...is there any other evidence?"

Su Yu looked at him coldly, and after a while, a pen appeared in his hand, the pen of the great way, and said coldly: "Is that enough?"

"This is... the legendary pen?"

He looked at it carefully and made a judgment. It was not forged by the power of the Dao, but the kind that was born with the Dao as a pen, but...why doesn't it look like a pen?

As for King Wen, he had only heard some mentions, and he was not too clear about the specifics.

Is he really the son of King Wen?

He said again: "Then your mother..."

Su Yu was annoyed, and the next moment, there were big waves rolling around, and the sky was turned upside down!
Gazebo gone, tea gone!
Su Yu's voice was cold: "Don't think I won't kill you! A prisoner, a bird in a cage, I'm asking you, not you questioning me!"

Riyue's face changed slightly, this guy has a bad temper.

He hurriedly said: "I won't ask anymore, I misunderstood!"

Su Yu snorted, and soon, the cloud was calm and the wind was light, and everything returned to normal. The teacup in Riyue's hand appeared again, and Sunyue was slightly startled. Looking at Su Yu again, he saw that Su Yu had returned to normal, with a faint smile on his face. smile.

He was a little terrified, this guy... really changed his face so quickly and frighteningly!

Su Yu regained his composure, and said again: "You came here this time just to tell King Wen to be careful?"


Su Yu didn't question it, of course, he didn't believe it either, so he said again: "Then how are you going to find it?"

"Just look around the Eternal Life Mountain, maybe you can meet it."

Not a word of truth!
This sun and moon seem to be telling the truth, honestly, but in fact, Su Yu knows that there is probably nothing true, and it is hard to say whether the name is sun or moon!
Forget it, he didn't get to the bottom of it, and asked, "Then you want to save King Wen and the others?"



"He is a human race, he is also a descendant of Wen, and he is also the mainstay of the human race of Wanjie... Once he dies, it will be troublesome! Once the gate of heaven is opened, people in the three gates will definitely kill in order to return to the present. !"

Su Yu nodded slightly: "Some useful information, can I contact Wen Yu?"


Sun and Moon said in surprise, "How is it possible!"

Su Yu looked at him coldly, frowning more and more as he looked at him. After a long while, he calmly asked, "Is there any spy for you in Yongsheng Mountain?"


The power of the avenue on Sun and Moon was extinguished, countless thunder bombarded, and the water of the long river rushed!

In an instant, the skin of the sun and the moon was torn apart!

Not only that, in the long river, countless chains were protruded, and the sun and the moon were captured, and they were locked in the long river at once.
Su Yu got up, listened to the screams of the sun and the moon, and smiled, "Enjoy it! After entering my world, this is the first time I have seen you who are so ignorant and extremely stubborn!"

"Hei Tomb, you... ah!"

The sun and the moon screamed, and then continued to scream.

"What you asked me... I said it all... some... ah... I don't know..."

Su Yu looked indifferent, and disappeared directly in place. Here, only the screams and wailing of the sun and the moon were left.

Su Yu walked out of the sealed acupoint and shook his head slightly.

There is no mercy.

This day, Sun and Moon were too stubborn, and most of what they said to themselves were actually false, and they hardly provided any useful information.

In this case, Su Yu let him try his own methods.

Can't die!
Really dead, in my world, I can also save you!

At this moment, Su Yu sighed, it is a pity that at this point, it is difficult to retrieve the memory. If it was left at the beginning, Su Yu slapped this kind of person to death, and if he was slapped to death, extracting essence and blood, extracting memory, what's the use of it? trouble.

But at their level, it is too difficult, because the essence and blood no longer retain memory, and memory is left in the source in the long river of time. It is still difficult for Su Yu to explore the source.

Otherwise, Su Yu would not bother to use such a low-level method as torture.

He walked out of that place, and soon, a group of people gathered around, looking at Su Yu one after another.

Su Yu smiled: "It's time to act, it's been a month and a half, and there's still one and a half months left, and the Forbidden Land Meeting is about to start! Time is waiting!"

Everyone is happy!
it has started!

Yes, Su Yu was going to attack Jiankong and the others. He sensed it, and some strong men came from all sides, and in the city, some strong men from forbidden areas, some hidden strong men from casual cultivators... Calculated, they have not been controlled yet There are at least 10 people in the first class.

Definitely enough to reach 29 powers!

After that, he took Sun Moon to Bai Feng's place to see if Bai Feng wanted this guy.

Su Yu took a breath and smiled, "Take care of the casual cultivators first!"


Everyone is excited, it is finally beneficial, especially for those strong fellows, everyone is very interested!

One day later, Samsara Mountain.

Looking at Su Yu who came suddenly, Bai Feng was not surprised, and first checked his strength as usual.

"The power of 29 Dao, not bad."

"well enough."

Su Yu smiled, didn't pay much attention to this, and explained the purpose of coming: "Teacher, just yesterday, I caught a casual cultivator... No, it's not a casual cultivator, it should come from somewhere. He said his name is Sun and Moon... ...Teacher, is this sun and moon related to what you asked me to do before?"

"You guessed it?"

Bai Feng nodded, as if he could see the imprisoned sun and moon, and said, "It's almost bone-shattering, how cruel!"


Su Yu is speechless, when you say I am cruel, can you think about yourself first?
Forget it, he is a teacher, don't worry about it with him.

"Teacher, is that incident also related to Time Master Wenyu?"


Bai Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Don't ask in a hurry, just listen to me."

"By the way, do you know 'people'?"

"I know, it is the ancestor of the human race, and it is also the Tianmen, right?"

Su Yu said softly, after that, he pressed Sun and Moon several times, deliberating a lot of information.

"That's right, since you've already guessed it, it's easy to say."

Bai Feng said: "The sun and moon come from the Holy Land of Humanity. They are forces created by humans. Under him, there are eight chiefs and four apostles. The apostles are hiding their identities. As for the eight chiefs, they are Zhou Celestial civilization, sun, moon and stars."

Su Yu's eyes moved slightly: "Zhou Tian civilization, sun, moon and stars?"

"Yes, have you thought of Chen?"

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Don't think too much, this Chen is not that Chen, the real Chen died long ago, the Chen of Myriad Worlds is just some remnants of the original source, it cannot be said to be the same person."

"Zhou, you should know that the later human ancestors, Sun Moon Xingwen...you should have heard of or know about these people. As for Tian and Ming, one died and the other ran away. Don't worry too much about it."

"Then there are the four great apostles. Needless to say, you should be able to guess that Fa is one of them. The sun and the moon are with Fa. This time, they should come here to help Fa solve Wen Yu and devour Wen Yu." , to help him control the world...Of course, on the surface, they still pretended to save Wen Yu, but in fact, they wanted Wen Yu to hand over the original time book."


Some news that Sun and Moon desperately refused to share was easily told by Bai Feng. If Sun and Moon knew about it, what would they think? Would they feel that they had suffered for nothing?
At the same time, Su Yu was also speechless, did I catch the sun and the moon or did you catch the sun and the moon?Why do you know more than me!

Bai Feng didn't care so much, and continued: "After talking so much, you should have guessed what I want you to do."

Su Yu nodded: "Pretend to be the sun and the moon, sneak into Yongsheng Mountain, and meet Wen Yu."

"That's right, it's still difficult for ordinary people to pretend to sneak in. It's not easy to hide the truth from a forbidden land lord. But you are different. Your body is open to the sky, and the world is reserved. As long as you are not stupid enough to directly fight with the law... the problem is not big!"

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "Sun and Moon must have brought orders from the Holy Land of Humanity when they went to Mount Eternal Life this time. What should we do about this?"

"Don't worry about that."

Bai Feng smiled, and talked about the plan of bringing the sun and the moon to Fa, and their plan of cooperating with Wen Yuli and Yingwai.

Su Yu kept nodding, but looked at Bai Feng with more and more weird eyes. This... is it true, or is Bai Feng making it up now?

The method is feasible, but it doesn't matter whether the sun and the moon will bring it to the Fa, since the Fa doesn't know anyway.


A moment later, after Bai Feng finished speaking, Su Yu did not leave, but stayed in Samsara Mountain, untied the seal of the sun and the moon, and got along with the sun and the moon day and night.

By asking Sun and Moon to do some small things, Su Yu imitated every move of Sun and Moon, imitated everything about him, imitated his breath, imitated his exercises, and imitated his actions.

Fa, may have seen the sun and the moon.

No, I must have seen it.

A stranger, law may not trust him.

As for Sun and Moon, in fact, these two days have been a bit weird, because Su Yu let him go suddenly, and kept forcing him to do some inexplicable things. Sun and Moon were not used to some strange questions.

He didn't know what Su Yu wanted to do.

Could it be... wanting to relax my vigilance, and then ask for information?
Sun and Moon could only say that he was thinking too much.

And Su Yu, in the past few days, is mainly familiar with the three ways of the physical body, breath restraint, and imprisonment. These three ways are also the three ways of Sun and Moon's cultivation.

The connection of the avenue is not a problem, just put your own avenue into the long river of time, he has done it before, and he will not miss it.


in a blink.

There is only one month left until the March meeting.

More and more casual cultivators are rushing to the Forbidden Canyon. Of course, they will not all gather in Guangming City. In addition to Guangming City, there are also several foreign casual cultivators in the Forbidden Canyon. The Void Territory also attracted many casual cultivators.

The entire Forbidden Canyon became more and more lively.

Not only that, but now, the major forbidden areas have actually emerged. On the outskirts of the Forbidden Canyon, there are already forbidden areas standing directly here, and there is no choice to leave. The entire Forbidden Canyon is already as strong as a cloud at this moment.

At this moment, Bai Feng had brought Su Yu to the Necromancer Hell, and joined King Wen and the others.


Necronomicon hell.

Bai Feng, King Wen, King Wu, and Lord of the Dead gathered together again.

The lord of the dead spirits said coldly: "Do you regard me as your home?"

Come as soon as you want?

Bai Feng laughed and said: "There is no way, in the entire Tianmen, the senior's place is the safest."

The Lord of the Undead let out a hehe, I believe you a ghost, I really don't know, isn't this the closest to the Eternal Life Mountain, so it is convenient for King Wen to go back and forth?
Too lazy to keep arguing with Bai Feng, he looked at the fifth person besides the four and frowned: "Who is he?"

The fifth person, no need to ask, is of course Su Yu. At this time, Su Yu has already turned into the sun and the moon, and his behavior and every move are very similar to the sun and the moon.

The power of the three avenues emerged from the body, faintly running through the long river, it didn't need to be completely connected with the long river of time, as long as it looked like it was in the long river of time.

The three avenues are extremely weak at this moment, and can hardly be seen, which is also in line with the low-key of the sun and the moon. From the perspective of normal people, Su Yu only has the power of more than ten avenues.

From the perspective of the strong, it is difficult to see anything at a glance.

The strongest can see that the person in front of him has 24 powers.

King Wen and King Wu also looked over, both a little surprised, a monk with 24 Taos?

Bai Feng explained: "Didn't you say before that if you want to save Wenyu, do you need to wait?"

"Actually, it's to wait for someone, someone who can sneak into the Mount of Eternal Life."

King Wen's eyes moved slightly: "Is this the person?"

Bai Feng nodded: "He is my apprentice, Su Yu, who inherited the copy of the recipe that Wen Yu threw out back then, and now pretends to be the person sent by the Holy Land of Humanity to convey orders to Fa, and he will enter the Mount of Eternal Life directly later."

"On this point, you still need the cooperation of King Wen. Just pretend that you don't know Su Yu, but just saw a 24-way casual cultivator who wants to enter the Mount of Eternal Life. Just do what you want."

"That's fine."

King Wen hesitated and said, "Are you sure Fa won't doubt it?"

"Doubt what?"

Bai Feng smiled, "It is true that there is such a person, but he was arrested, and we have indeed brought a method for the law to force out the core of the world. Why should he doubt it?"

"Of course, this is two-way. Not only will Wen Yu's core of heaven and earth be exposed, but also the core of the law! This is also our purpose."

"At that time, Su Yu will remind Fa to solve the two of you first. At that time, we will kill Fa, and King Wu will help Wen Yu devour the core of the world. As long as Wen Yu can successfully suppress or even swallow the other party's world, the movement may not be big. ! At this level, when the Dao is absorbed into the body, as long as the Dao does not burst, there will be no big movements on weekdays, and there will be no death..."

King Wen thought for a while and nodded: "It is indeed possible, but...if it fails, your apprentice may..."

He looked at Su Yu, and Su Yu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, if you fail, you are just trapped, and it will only be more than ten days."

"... I still want to thank you."

King Wen still thanked him, no matter what, Su Yu took the risk to save his sister.

Su Yu nodded with a smile and said nothing.

Bai Feng also smiled and said: "Okay, that's about it, it's useless to be more specific, the rest can be adaptable, that's right..."

As if thinking of something, he looked at King Wu and said via voice transmission: "I'm worried that Wen Yu doesn't believe Su Yu, and I need you to provide some proof."

King Wu was taken aback, and quickly said: "What do you want? As long as it can save Wen Yu's sister, I will give you anything!"

"Anxin, you don't need anything important, just something that everyone in your small circle knows, something unique to you, something that can make Wen Yu believe that you will never spread it easily..."

Bai Feng is very persuasive, I can't say anything specific, you realize it yourself!
King Wu frowned, my things, the boss, the second child, Wen Yu, they all know about it, I will never pass it on...

Dazed for a moment, King Wu sent a voice transmission with a strange tone: "Yes, yes, it's okay to give a copy, but... don't tell Wen Laoer!"


Bai Feng readily agreed, looked at King Wen, and said with a smile: "I still have some things to explain to King Wu, you should go back first, so as not to be noticed by Fa."

King Wen was a little surprised, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and left first.

As soon as he left, King Wu threw a jade talisman to Bai Feng, and quickly said: "This is a rubbing copy, don't let it out!"

"rest assured."

King Wu decided to trust Bai Feng reluctantly, and left immediately without saying much.


When the two left, Bai Feng was not in a hurry to hand over the jade talisman to Su Yu. First of all, he rubbed a copy for himself.

Then, it was thrown to Su Yu.

"Look on the road by yourself, to win Wen Yu's trust."

Su Yu nodded, without asking any further questions, maintaining the strength of 24, and quickly left the Necromancer Hell, full of anticipation in his heart.

Thanks to Bai Feng for entrusting this task to himself.

Mount Eternal!
Su Yu was looking forward to this place, looking forward to seeing the Fa, looking forward to seeing the Master of Time, Master of Time... A person who changed his life changed his destiny.

The only time I heard her voice was when she was crying.

Crying, her brother is dying...Fart, King Wen is alive and well!

big liar!
According to the time here, the book of time was handed out about five years ago, but it wasn't that long ago.

Five years ago, was King Wen going to die?

No wonder!
With various thoughts in mind, Su Yu approached Yongsheng Mountain cautiously.


The three left. At this moment, the Lord of the Dead suddenly said, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Bai Feng was surprised: "Why did you say that, senior?"

The Lord of Necromancer said coldly: "Are you an idiot? You came to Necromancer Hell and found me here. Don't tell me, you just think it's convenient to talk here!"

"Senior, did you misunderstand..."

The Lord of Undead said lightly: "Then don't ask me for help later."

Bai Feng changed the subject: "Senior really knows me too well, yes, there are indeed some small things I want to ask Senior."

"Speak quickly."

The lord of the dead spirit sneered, if Bai Feng dared to pretend anymore, he would go back directly.

Bai Feng quickly said: "Recently, many forbidden places have reached the edge of the canyon. I am mainly worried that the owner of the forbidden place will arrive early and move to the vicinity of Mount Eternal in advance... What senior needs to do is not to move there in advance for everyone. side!"

The Lord of the Undead said lightly:
"Why does this seat want to help you with this favor?"

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Didn't senior say before that you can help with some small things? Do you want to go back on your word, senior?"

The Lord of the Necromancer snorted coldly, thought for a while, and nodded: "It's not difficult, as long as I run there a few times, they won't dare to separate rashly!"

"Then trouble the senior!"

It was rare for Bai Feng to be polite. The Lord of the Necromancer looked at him, and said after a long time: "You're welcome, seeing you... I think that Wanjie may be stronger than imagined, and it is not so easy to be destroyed!"

Bai Feng chuckled: "Senior, I'm overwhelmed."

The Lord of the Undead, who was just about to sigh with emotion, froze, and said coldly, "No one is praising you!"

After speaking, he disappeared in place in an instant.

Bai Feng shrugged, the old man just can't stand the stimulation, it's boring.

After a while, he also left the Necromancer Hell.


at the same time.

Immortal Mountain range.

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and King Wen pointed towards Su Yu with a huge pen.

Seeing that I can't hide, seeing that the Dharma is still coming,

Behind Su Yu, a small portal suddenly appeared, with some anger, he let out a low growl, and suddenly his breath instantly increased to 25 powers!
In the blink of an eye, a powerful breath erupted from the portal, and with a bang, the giant pen was stopped. Su Yu flew upside down and vomited blood, but fled to Fa in an instant. Su Yu's voice sounded in Fa's ear, full of anger And anxiously: "Why didn't you make a move earlier? You...do you want to see me die?"

Fa's expression changed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He was just not sure, and now he was sure.

The power of the door!

But King Wen's complexion changed slightly, he stopped in an instant, looked at Su Yu with some doubts, frowned slightly, and then saw the approaching Fa, with some suspicion, for a long while, he said coldly: "The door?"

Fa slightly raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to die?"

King Wen stepped back, looked at Su Yu, and then at the side of Yongsheng Mountain, with a cold face: "You want to kill my sister... wait and see... you can't succeed!"

When the words fell, he disappeared in an instant!

He didn't realize how weird Su Yu looked at him.


At this moment, Fa also looked at Su Yu. Su Yu's eyes were a little cold, and he quickly turned back to normal. He lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you Master Fa for saving my life! The villain is very grateful!"

It seems to have some resentment!

Fa generally knew what was going on in his mind, so he didn't say anything, but said via voice transmission: "It's too late!"

"Something happened on the road. There are too many monsters and owls in the three places of Guangming City. In order not to attract attention, I slowed down the speed."

Fa didn't say anything, and quickly disappeared, and a voice came: "Take him back to the Mount of Eternal Life!"

But at this moment, Su Yu left via voice transmission: "Master Uncle, I have something important to report..."


Fa didn't reply, didn't say anything, don't be in a hurry, besides, it still needs to be verified.

The next moment, the four masters of the veins appeared, and they looked at Su Yu one after another.

Su Yu showed a smiling face, and said humbly: "Thank you for your help, the adults, and the villain is very grateful!"

Several people also looked at him suspiciously, the Dharma master came to rescue him personally, what's the matter?
Although they were not very clear about it, the few people didn't say much, the Master Yumai said coldly: "Okay, come back to the mountain with us!"

"Thank you, my lords..."

Su Yu followed them humbly and flew towards the mountain, while Fa had been watching vaguely.

It's not that I doubt anything, it's just that there is no big mistake.

Over there, I haven't contacted myself for a long time. Every time I come, it's a different person.

He had seen this person before, but it was a long time ago.

What's more, he also needs to judge whether the arrival of a 24-way is of any great use.


At this moment, Su Yu, following several vein masters, soon entered the Mount of Eternal Life.

The moment he entered, Su Yu felt that this is a piece of heaven and earth, not a forbidden place, not a treasure, this is heaven and earth!

at the same time.

Deep canyon.

A figure vaguely emerged from the restraint, only those bright eyes were clearly visible. At this moment, there were some doubts and perplexities.

Very suspicious!
Very puzzled!

And at this moment, in Su Yu's sea of ​​will, something that had been sleeping for a long time trembled slightly, it was a tear!

Time Master's tears!
At this moment, Su Yu glanced vaguely into the depths of the mountain, and the time master... is there!
He quickly suppressed the tears!

In case Time Master is a fool and senses something, and suddenly yells, it will be troublesome.

He sealed all the tears at once!

At the moment of his sealing, the pair of bright eyes before were quickly filled with some doubts, some gloom, and the phantom disappeared.

Is the induction wrong?
Why... I seemed to sense something, but it disappeared quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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