I am Bai Feng

Chapter 257

Chapter 257
Sky Mountain.

Bai Feng is here.

The Lord of Tianqiong Mountain said indifferently: "What are you doing here?"

"Come to be a guest."

"Any uninvited guests?"

Bai Feng smiled: "I am not?"

The Lord of Tianqiong Mountain heheed, and then looked at the distance. At the end of the west, there was a portal looming over there. It was not a real gate, but a projection of a heavenly gate.

Very close to the real gate!

He shook his head: "It's another strange power of heaven and earth. The Tianmen is almost like a hornet's nest. Anyone wants to poke a hole to get in."

What are you doing!
Bai Feng smiled and said, "You still care about this kind of thing?"

"Of course not, it's just a feeling."

Soon, Tianqiong Mountain Lord said quietly: "However, I am more curious about one thing!"


"A few days ago, why did you attract people's attention suddenly? Don't say it, you are going to the theater."

"If I say yes..."

"Then get out!"

"Just kidding, I'm kidding!"

Bai Feng laughed quickly and said, "I'm going to help cover up the noise."

"Cover up the movement... Fazhen was solved by you?"

Tianqiong Mountain Master seemed to understand something: "You have been out for so long just to kill Fa silently?"


Bai Feng laughed and said: "I'm going to let Wen Yu pretend to be a law, continue the meeting of the forbidden area, call all the masters of the forbidden area, and help you find the people from Hongtian."

Qiong said coldly: "Do you think this seat will remember your favor?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't intend to sell your favor."

I'm ready to abduct you as a person, favors and so on are not important at all.

Bai Feng laughed and added in his heart.

Qiong snorted coldly and said nothing.

As for Bai Feng, he glanced at the phantom of the Heavenly Gate beside him, and suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, you don't know that King Wen's shoes were destroyed for killing Fa."

Qiong was speechless: "Is this also called miserable?"

"Of course, you need to know about shoes, that's also the dignity of a scholar!"


Opposite Tianmen Phantom, Myriad Realms.

At this moment, Human Sovereign frowned slightly.

Wen Er Er's shoes are ruined?
It's really capable of doing things, but fortunately, I arranged for Shuling to come over in advance.

The next moment, from the Tianmen side, the voice came again: "Qiong, I see you guarding Tianqiong Mountain all day, it's so boring, do you want to follow me back to the Ten Thousand Realms?"

"Do you dare to let me enter the Ten Thousand Realms? Are you not afraid that I will kill you!"

"I believe you."


"However, in this way, I want to go, Wen Wu and Wen Yu Su Yu are going to go, plus you, maybe there are other people, I don't know if the door can hold it?"

"Nonsense, if Tianmen is so fragile, it is impossible to seal the era."

"Haha, yes."


Human Sovereign fell into deep thought. What Bai Feng meant was that they were going to come out through the door. Could the door... open to the sky?
The second child of Wen and the fourth child of Wu should have 32 Taos. Wen Yu doesn’t know what strength she is.

That boy Bai Feng will definitely make trouble in the Forbidden Land Meeting, maybe he will be promoted, counting him 34 points, Su Yu didn't hear anything, so he should be under the super class.

Then there is Qiong with 36 paths, and maybe someone else... I can't tell Qiong for the time being that he will cooperate with Bai Feng, the lord of the dead?

Forget it, just treat it as him, another 35 points.

Adding up, one is 36, one is 35, two are 34, two are 32, one is below 32... it is not a problem to count it as a 37 that carries the world.

Thinking of this, Ren Huang searched and found Tong Tianhou.

"Are you idle again?"

He grabbed Tong Tianhou out, Tong Tianhou was very helpless, don't just come and grab me all day long.

"Not idle..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Tong Tianhou wanted to cry, I didn't say anything, I just answered.

Before he had time to say anything, the world was spinning, and the next moment, there was another person beside him, King Ming.

"follow me!"

King Ming followed quickly.

The Human Sovereign said while flying: "Right now, there may be chaos inside the gate, one day inside the gate, three days outside the gate...within three days, there will definitely be chaos! The result of the chaos is that all the strong people may surround and kill Bai The situation of Feng and the others..."

King Ming couldn't help but said: "Then what's the situation now?"

"What's the situation?"

Human Sovereign smiled: "It's nothing, it's just that they killed a few super-classes, solved the super-class that imprisoned Wen Yu, and prepared to impersonate him... If they want to invite all super-classes to a meeting, they may have a big one!"

The two couldn't help but inhale!
The Emperor continued: "Emperor Wu, I have already made an arrangement. My Tianmen cannot be moved now... Now, the only thing that can be moved is your Tianmen!"

King Ming said in a deep voice: "My Tianmen was also targeted by someone before..."

"It's okay this time. When the meeting in the forbidden area is held, everyone will go to Bai Feng's side."

The Emperor smiled and said: "Even if someone stays behind, they are still small people, don't worry! I only worry about one thing now, Tongtian..."

He looked at Tong Tianhou, and said in a deep voice, "Can you support the super real body to cross?"

"This one……"

Tong Tianhou struggled and said, "I've made great progress. I've reached the peak of the third class recently, and I've already reached the seventh level! If I cooperate with King Ming, I think there is still hope for me to attract 25th level powerhouses..."

King Ming is not weak either, he also has 23 powers now, of course, he can't compare with Mennei.

The king of four poles, the king of Ming has been doing logistics and has not opened the sky. His strength is not strong, the main reason is that he has been on the side of the long river of time, and the time passed is actually not long.

Ming Wang is about to enter the 24th Dao recently, and he has already mixed with the Emperor.

"25 ways?"

Human Sovereign frowned: "It's too far away! This time, you may have to guide many 32 Taoists, including Bai Feng! You even have to guide their power of heaven and earth... Bai Feng opened the sky over there!"

"To be more serious...you may have to pick up a strong man with 37 paths of heaven and earth!"

Tong Tianhou rolled his eyes directly: "Just kill me!"

The Emperor grabbed him by the neck, "You wretched old man, why are you rolling your eyes? It's so ugly you'll die!"


Tong Tianhou was pinched so that he wanted to cry, he said helplessly: "Your Majesty, I really can't do it! I'm too weak, I can't open the three doors, I can't be strong, I really can't attract, 100% will be exploded!"

The Human Sovereign fell into deep thought, and soon, the three arrived near the gate of the earth.

The gate disappeared instantly.

As for the Human Sovereign, his aura leaked out, hitting the void all of a sudden, and the gate of the earth emerged.

The Emperor said in a deep voice, "Why are you running? Come and make a deal!"

"Trading? I just traded before..."

The gate fluctuated violently!

You just traded with me!
"No, it's another deal!"

The Human Sovereign said in a deep voice: "My people are fighting in the Tianmen, and may need to evacuate now, but this fake gate is too weak and lacks some power of the gate, you can help him strengthen it, not too much, 16 is enough... "

Suddenly, a strong breath erupted from the gate of the ground!

Deceiving too much!

Do you really think I'm being bullied?

It is possible to forcibly help this false door to be raised to 16... However, his wear and tear will be huge.

The Human Sovereign said in a deep voice: "Why are you angry? It's been said that it's a deal, and the deal is beneficial. Maybe it will make you stronger?"

"What's your deal?"

The Emperor thought for a while and said: "There are two choices, one can be given to you now, and the other can be given to you later, and I don't know what can be given to you. If you want it now, I can give you several avenues with more than 16 roads The power to supplement your consumption!"

The ground door moved slightly, "What about after that? What can you give me?"

"I said I'm not sure. I won't know until my people come out... There is a high probability that some treasures will be brought out, such as a super corpse, a super avenue, etc. Of course, the result is not sure! Wait for someone to come out Yes, you can choose one of the treasures brought out!"

The gate of the ground shook: "Your people are fighting against the forbidden area?"

Super, only forbidden land exists!
"Of course, and it's not an ordinary forbidden area. You know Kong and Shi, right? You're going to war with them!"

"War with Kongshi!"

"Why, no? Do you know Qiong? He is working for me now..."


"Believe it or not, then you can choose the power of 16 paths, and I will get a few to replenish your vitality... You won't lose too much."

"Then what if I refuse?"

Dimen doesn't want to agree!

The Human Sovereign said lightly: "You can refuse! I know what you're thinking right now. I feel that I'm hurt, but I can't help you! But...you think about it, don't force me, force me to hurry, it won't do you any good !"

Dimen didn't care.

And right now.

In Tianqiong Mountain, the Human Sovereign suddenly said: "Qiong, Bai Feng, you two give me a try, across the Tianmen, let's see how strong you are."

"Idiot, get out!"

The Lord of Tianqiong Mountain scolded!

are you an idiot?
I am in a hurry!

Bai Feng's eyes moved slightly, and he said with a smile: "Qiong, since the Emperor has said so, it is not a gentleman's action not to satisfy his wish."

"It's just right, I feel that we are not far from the 34th road, let's see which of us has the stronger attack, how about?"

Qiong frowned slightly: "You want 34 points? The two heavens are united, and you are not my opponent! Since you insist on comparing, then this seat will satisfy you!"

After the words fell, Qiong raised his hand, and a shocking sword energy pierced into the phantom of the Heavenly Gate.

Bai Feng laughed, the power of heaven and earth united, and he punched out.

Fist power and sword energy swayed from the projection of Tianmen. Although they were suppressed a lot, the weakest of the two was also the 35th peak, and they were still extremely powerful.


at the same time.

The Human Sovereign looked at the gate of the ground, and said coldly: "Don't you be shameless? Qiong, give him a sword!"

In the next moment, a punch and a sword erupted from the Emperor's body!

The two attacks went straight to the gate of the earth, as if they wanted to destroy everything, the gate of the earth was shocked: "Qian? With whom?"

He couldn't move, couldn't avoid too far, and was directly hit by two attacks.

On the portal, a monstrous force erupted!
The loud noise resounded through the heavens and the earth, and resounded through the world inside the gate. In an instant, there was a crack in the gate, and another crack appeared. In the gate!

The Human Sovereign's voice was indifferent, and spread across the gate of the earth: "Guys in the gate of the earth, my emperor is waiting for you to come out!"

The power of the fist and sword pierced through the heavens and the earth, as if someone was unlucky, and approached the edge of the gate, a scream came out, and a master of rules was instantly killed!

How strong are Qiong and Bai Feng?

A 36, a 35!
Even separated by the Tianmen, the attacks of the two people are close to super strength, and the Earth Gate has endured 30%, [-]%, and both have about [-] Dao's strength.

With a punch, the vicinity of the gate of the earth turned into a black hole, and the chaos was annihilated, and with a sword, everything that was lucky enough to survive was annihilated.

"Human Emperor!"

In the ground gate, there was another shock!

Are you here again?

The last time I punched a lot of people to death, I was so frightened that no one dared to get close to it. I don’t think that nothing happened for a few days, and I couldn’t bear it anymore. I wanted to go and have a look, but the result was good... Bad luck!
At this moment, in the depths of the chaos, the Lord of Chaos shouted angrily: "Xingyu! Don't bully people too much!"

We haven't killed yet, you took the initiative to break into the gate twice!
The emperor's cold shout also spread away: "Are you a human? You are still deceiving people too much! Dimen wants to come out...the first to kill you!"



Stop talking.

Some are still intimidated, saying that there is no strong man in the ten thousand realms... But the Human Sovereign was so rampant that he took the initiative to attack and kill the gate twice!

The next moment, the ground door was completely closed, and the sound was cut off.

But at this moment, there were two more scars on the ground door, with some anger: "Xingyu!"

The gate fluctuated violently!
The Human Sovereign said indifferently: "You can try to continue! Qiong and another existence in Tianmen have reached an agreement with this emperor. The two are looking for Qiong's Sky Opening Sword, and they will collect all the sword bodies soon. You Now that it is extremely solid and hard to destroy, I see if Qiong can destroy you with the Heaven Opening Sword! Don't be ashamed!"

"Opening Heaven Sword?"

The gate of the earth shakes, the sword that opens the sky!
"Yes, it's in the hands of the Great Sage Hongtian!"

The Human Sovereign said indifferently: "Do you think I'm joking about killing Kong and Shishi? Now Qiong and the Lord of the Dead are working for me, and there are many secondary powerhouses, all of whom are mine!
You really didn't feel the successive earthquakes?Don't you feel that multiple heavens and earths are attacking Tianmen together?Now, I'm dealing with Tianmen and Renmen, and I don't have time to take care of you for the time being, so don't be ignorant of compliments! "

Dimen is very aggrieved!
At this moment, with some anger: "If it was back then...even if Qiong came, so what? Don't think that Qiong is invincible..."

The Emperor said lightly: "At least now I can deal with you!"


Yes, now you can!
At this moment, Dimen was very angry, but... also very helpless!
"it is good……"

"I'm not good!"

Human Sovereign said indifferently: "Just now it was upgraded to 16, but now it's not enough, I have 18!"


The Emperor frowned: "Do you want to do it again?"

Dimen felt the remaining aura on the portal, feeling a little helpless, at this moment, he hadn't fully recovered yet, not much recovery, and he was under such an attack, how many more times... Has he recovered yet?
Also, he did feel the fluctuations of the world, several times!
These guys are indeed attacking Tianmen!

That being the case... Dimen chose to compromise again, and said in a low voice: "Then... 18 ways!"

"Which option do you choose?"

"You gave me 16 powers, what's the use? The level is too low, there is no... I have no other choice, I can only choose the latter one... the future! I hope you... will not break your promise!"

He actually had no choice!

Because giving him the power of 16 paths is really useless, and at his level, he can hardly recover anything.

Instead of choosing the power of the 16 paths, it is better to choose the future... Maybe the other party will give it?

Although in this regard, he does not hold out much hope.

Only then did the Human Sovereign smile: "Then it's a happy cooperation! Tongtian, enter the gate of the earth and devour the power of the portal!"

At this moment, Tong Tian was stunned!

I'll go, that's okay?

It's still the emperor's strength!
Find a real door to swallow for me!
The next moment, Tong Tianhou was so excited that he instantly merged into the gate of the earth regardless of other things.

It is His Majesty the Human Emperor who is the most powerful. I thought His Majesty the White Emperor was the most powerful before, but now...it is my own father who is the most powerful. Look, find the real door to eat for me!
And Human Sovereign also let out a sigh of relief. He didn't care about the door at this moment, and quickly transmitted the sound to Qiong: "It's okay, your sword is much stronger than Bai Feng's punch, I almost couldn't stop it, Qiong , It seems that you are stronger than before, quite powerful!"

At this moment, Qiong looked smugly at Bai Feng: "I have already said that you are not my opponent!"

Bai Feng sighed: "I thought it was almost the same as you, or is it so far behind?"

Qiong smiled and said: "You are already very good, but this seat is too strong."


While the two were chatting, Eternal Life Mountain, under Wen Yu's control, also moved to the vicinity of Tianqiong Mountain.

This also means that the meeting of the Forbidden Land is about to officially open.

In the next moment, one after another, forbidden places quickly moved towards this side, and the meeting of forbidden places was about to start!


Mount Eternal.

At this moment, around the entire Eternal Life Mountain, forbidden places emerged one after another, enveloping the Eternal Life Mountain.

Forbidden places, large and small, arrived one by one at this moment.

And at this moment, Bai Feng stepped out of Tianqiong Mountain, reached out to make a move, and the next moment, a huge mountain peak appeared in the sky in the distance, and there were a lot of strong people on the mountain.

There is a palace on the top of the hill.


The moment Bai Feng entered, the power of heaven and earth covered all directions.

It was just a simple and solid mountain before, and it instantly turned into a forbidden place, suspended between the sky and the earth. Around, some strong people looked indifferent, and Samsara Mountain was alive and dead!
"Meet the mountain lord!"

At the foot of the mountain, a large number of strong men shouted one after another!

With the addition of Samsara Mountain, a total of 14 forbidden areas are suspended.

As for the forbidden land, there are actually strong and weak points.

Bai Feng's Samsara Mountain is directly suspended in the first row, which seems to be juxtaposed with the sky and the undead.

Suddenly, the void fluctuated violently, and a mountain like a beast covered it, and the beasts roared, "The mountain of beasts is coming, back away!"

Wan Beast Mountain!
Obviously, the other party probably did it on purpose.

Kong Xiang forced Bai Feng to leave.

Bai Feng shouted coldly: "Presumptuous!"

A force of heaven and earth swept towards Wanshou Mountain.

On the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, a huge hollow body floated on the top of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, waves of monstrous force shook.

Both sides wrestle!

In Tianqiong Mountain, Qiong frowned slightly, and a trace of sword energy stood between the two of them, "Kong, there are so many places here, why do you want to be here? Do you want to make the meeting in the forbidden place impossible?"

Kong glanced at Qiong, then glanced at Bai Feng coldly, "You are lucky, I will let you go this time."

The killing intent fluctuated in Bai Feng's eyes, "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

"Life and death, you too!"

Qiong snorted coldly, and Bai Feng said flatly: "Don't worry, I know the seriousness."

After all, return to the top of Samsara Mountain.


After the two made such a fuss, the atmosphere at the scene was a little tense.

At this moment, a chuckle came from the Mount of Eternal Life: "Everyone, after all, this time is to discuss important matters, it's better to be amicable, and there are casual cultivators coming, don't let casual cultivators see the joke !"

Fa's figure appeared on the top of Eternal Life Mountain, and at this moment, the layout of the entire forbidden area gradually took shape.

Inside and outside, Tianqiong Mountain is also included in the package.

With the Eternal Life Mountain as the core, and then, the outer circle, there are only three families at the moment, the Necromancer Hell, the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and the Tianqiong Mountain.

Others, on the second floor.

And Bai Feng's Samsara Mountain, next to Tianqiong Mountain, is considered to be 1.5 floors.

The third floor is the forbidden area below 32 paths.

On the outermost periphery, there are a large number of casual cultivators!

very many!

And these casual cultivators are also very excited at the moment, looking around one by one, a little excited, there are many forbidden areas, the key is that this forbidden area meeting has just started, it is just a placeholder, and almost triggered several forbidden areas to fight.

But at this moment, the lord of the undead said indifferently: "The stone didn't come?"

Shi is a top existence.

As I said just now, an incomparably huge mountain descended from the sky, falling to the heaven and earth in an instant!

The fourth powerful forbidden land descends, occupying four directions in the southeast, northwest and four directions.

An incomparably vicissitudes of voice resounded through the world: "It's not too late, is it?"

"Not too late!"

In the Mount of Eternal Life, Fa laughed and said, "It's just right to come!"

As he spoke, he looked around and said with a smile, "Are there only 15?"

Including Tianshi Mountain of Shi, there are only 15 forbidden places.

There are 6 houses in the inner circle and Yongsheng Mountain, 6 houses in the middle, and 3 houses in the periphery.

The five forbidden areas were destroyed, and one more mountain of reincarnation was added.

And these 15 companies represent 12 super existences, 3 of which can fight super existences in the mountains.

Following Fa's questioning, Xianzu said calmly: "The Soul Realm, Falling Soul Valley, Dragon Realm, Phoenix Realm, and Fist Realm are all gone! In the past, Burial Earth Valley was also destroyed...Some people came here, which is a scourge , the eternal forbidden land, the six families have also been destroyed!"

And this is almost all related to Samsara Mountain.

Of course, the boxing master didn't know what happened, nor how he died, but there is a high probability that he died in the Mount of Eternal Life, which is somewhat guesswork.

It may be related to the human door!
The six families have been wiped out, and now, indeed, there are only so many forbidden areas left.


Wen Yu has been at odds with Fa for many years, and he knows Fa very well, and pretending to be Fa is also very similar. At this moment, he said: "Since we are all here, let's get to the point! This negotiation is mainly about the three gatekeepers!"

Wen Yulang said: "This world is about to be shattered. If you want to leave here, you must re-establish the order and work together to escape the danger of extinction! Whether it is the world, the gate of the earth, or the gate of humanity, it is ours. Threat of return!"

Someone said coldly: "Since you know it's a threat, then stop hooking up with others!"

Fa and Ren are in collusion, who doesn't know?

Wen Yu didn't care, and smiled lightly: "Threats are threats, but when necessary, it is necessary to borrow one or two strengths! There is no one, and there is no way to let the civil and military of Wanjie, as well as Wen Yu, enter the urn. Isn't it?"

At this moment, Wen Yu seemed to have completely turned into a law, and said with a bright smile: "Of course, these are trivial matters... let's not talk about these, this meeting in the forbidden area, first solve some trivial matters!"

She looked around: "A lot of casual cultivators have come. I took a look, and there are more than 8 people who have come over the 300th level... There are more than 25th level... However, it seems that there are fewer people than before. some."

In the periphery, the number of casual practitioners is not small, more than 300.

These are all cultivators with more than 8 paths, and they are still casual cultivators!

On Baifeng's side alone, there are fifty or sixty first- and second-class people, and there are only a lot more in other forbidden areas.

There are 15 of them!

In addition to the strong ones in the forbidden area, there may be thousands of people in the door above the second class!
And this is actually all the savings of the Kaitian era. In that era, too many strong men were born, but with the danger of annihilation coming, a large number of strong men died and fell. Now, it is actually not as good as it was at the peak of the year.

At this moment, Kong said indifferently: "Fa, loose cultivators, it's all trivial matters, and the places that are randomly allocated are..."

The people who are restricted from going out are also because there are not enough strong people in the world. There are only so many strong people in the world. If they seize the Dao, it will be difficult for others to seize it.

Of course, Ten Thousand Realms also has hard bones, and they need casual cultivators to contribute, so the number of places has to be limited, and only some elites will work for them.

Wen Yu smiled and said: "I know this, but we still need to discuss it. There are many strong people in each family, and the number of places to go out is limited...How to allocate, we still need to discuss it carefully!"

Speaking of this, Wen Yu said again: "Loose cultivators, you can't give them a chance, otherwise, if we go out and they mess up, that's not a good thing!"

"Then what do you mean?"

Someone asked.

Wen Yu smiled and said: "It's not good to have too many rules, let's make it simpler. Loose cultivators want to go out, and their strength speaks for themselves! There are more than 300 casual cultivators, from 8th to 15th, one quota is fixed, and those above 16th are fixed 3 25, 5 or more, [-]!"


Wen Yu laughed and said: "We still have to give everyone some chances! Set up another 500 places, and casual cultivators rely on their strength to win! Not only casual cultivators, but also the forbidden area can participate... Some of the forbidden land cultivators haven't fought for many years. Just treat it as a military training! It’s too weak, there’s no need to take it out, it’s a waste of resources!”

"How many quotas can be obtained in the forbidden area depends on the strength of the forbidden area, defeating the casual cultivators of the same level, how much the casual cultivators can get, and how much the forbidden land can get... The forbidden land is not as good as the casual cultivators..."

She talked for a while, and finally the Eternal Life Mountain opened wide, and a high platform of heaven and earth appeared. She smiled and said: "All casual cultivators come in to discuss and learn... If you die, the power of the Dao will belong to me, and I will use it to suppress one or two Wenyu. After that , so as to completely solve this trouble!"

She directly stated her purpose, casual cultivators entered Eternal Life Mountain to fight, and if they died, she would accept the power of the great way. As for the purpose, it was to suppress Wen Yu and occupy Wen Yu's power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the masters of the forbidden land were all lost in thought.

On the periphery, the casual cultivators were also in chaos.

Among them, there are also several powerful beings. At this moment, someone said loudly: "Master, it's nothing to compete, but...for some places, do we have to divide life and death?"

Wen Yu said lightly: "That's not necessary, no one is forcing you to die, but in the battle of cultivators, the sword has no eyes, who knows if someone will kill... Do you believe that I won't kill you? I want to go out ...Then do your best! Get the quota alive, and don't waste it if you die! Instead of overflowing the power of the Dao in the void, it is better to contribute to me...Of course, I am not giving at all! Anyone who wins, In the end, I will also have some rewards!"

She spoke directly and her purpose was obvious, so everyone felt at ease, otherwise, they would have to worry about some conspiracy.

However, on the side of the forbidden areas, some people also said: "Fa, why bother, why not invite us into the Mount of Eternal Life and join hands to help you suppress Wen Yu!"

"That's not good, is it?"

Wen Yu chuckled and said, "You must give me some chances to solve it myself."

"Fa, in this meeting in the forbidden area, everyone will focus on Mount Eternal Life...but don't forget, what you promised us before!"

Wen Yu said lightly: "Of course I haven't forgotten, if the casual cultivators die less, I can't suppress Wen Yu... Then I can only hope for you... At that time, there will naturally be many promises to you."

At this moment, some casual cultivators were a little aggrieved, and couldn't help but said: "My lords, after the gate of heaven is opened, do we have to restrict everyone's access? Isn't it better to go out and kill the enemy together?"

Wen Yu said coldly: "What you are talking about is nonsense! The master of the rules of the myriad realms may not be more than a hundred! And how many are there in my sect? Thousands of them! Who will kill? Who will seize the way of the world?" ? Don’t limit yourself, what if you don’t have enough yang energy? You know, the first batch of people who go out are the ones who are likely to escape the crisis of annihilation! Such a quota...do you think you can give it as you like?”

Wen Yu said again: "If there is no quota... then no one can go out of the gate of heaven, and can only be destroyed together with this perishing world!"

As soon as these words came out, a group of people were terrified.

No one can come in or out?
No quota... Isn't that certain death?
However, don't everyone have a fixed quota, and there is no need to seize it?

And Wen Yu, who seemed to know what they were thinking, said lightly: "The number of places in the forbidden area is also limited! Killing or defeating casual cultivators...the quota of casual cultivators belongs to the forbidden area! The fixed quota is just a bargaining chip. To exchange."

A casual cultivator said in a deep voice: "The forbidden area, should practitioners of the same level be allowed to fight? If the master of the forbidden area plays, then we should just admit defeat. We don't want this quota. They will all die anyway!"

"Of course it's the same level!"

Wen Yu smiled and said: "As for whether you want to compete or not, you decide for yourself! If you don't want to, you can leave now, the quota will be withdrawn, and you can live in the door with peace of mind!"


How to live?
When the three gates are united, a large number of strong people will inevitably leave here. During this process, if a large number of locust devourers appear, there is no way to stop them inside the gate, and they are dead!

Go out, there is still a chance to fight!

They have no choice at all!

But at this time, Bai Feng said lightly: "Fight if you want, don't be afraid of those who kill the forbidden area, if you enter my Samsara Mountain, you can be protected by me."

At this moment, the Lord of the Necromancer also said indifferently: "Those who practice the Way of the Necromancer can also be thrown into my Necronomicon Hell!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of some casual cultivators changed slightly.

Some heart!

Yes, the people in the forbidden area have no scruples to attack, but we have great scruples, we dare not kill people, for fear of being retaliated!

As for Samsara Mountain, even though it has just been established, only casual practitioners can be accepted, so there are not many taboos.

But casual cultivators also know...it's dangerous!

Sure enough, someone sneered: "Samsara Mountain... let's talk about it if we can get out of the Heavenly Gate alive!"

The hearts of the casual cultivators suddenly became cold, and yes, Samsara Mountain is very dangerous, and it is targeted by the major forbidden areas.

Bai Feng didn't take it seriously, and said lightly: "If you have time to talk big, why don't you think about how to survive if you meet me."

At this moment, he also knew what Wen Yu was thinking.

Solve casual repairs first!
It's best to be included in the world, and strengthen yourself under the noses of the major forbidden areas!

Although casual cultivators are not strong, it also depends on the number. There are more than 300 second-class and above powerhouses. If they really join forces, they are not a weak force.

As for the forbidden area, casual cultivators actually don't pay much attention to it.

That being the case... Bai Feng doesn't mind gathering a group.

And Wen Yu lured the other party into the Mount of Eternal Life, but he had no good intentions.

Of course, before she was exposed, she probably wouldn't do anything, but once exposed...these people entered her world, and there was no good end.

As they were talking, Kong became a little impatient and said coldly: "It's not all trivial matters here for casual cultivators, solve them quickly! After solving them, the quotas are allocated, what should casual cultivators do!"

This time I came here for other things, such as Wen Yu, King Wen, and even things about Necromancy Hell and Samsara Mountain!

It's just a group of casual cultivators, it doesn't matter if they go out or not, so what?
Just don't let them go out!

Although there are many creatures in the ten thousand realms, there are not many strong ones, and their yang energy may not be enough, so why care about casual cultivators?
Wen Yu smiled: "If you have no objections, then let's settle the matter of casual cultivators first. They are all insiders. It is not a bad thing to give some hope."


at the same time.

During the casual practice, several old men have been observing Wen Yu. At this moment, someone said through a voice transmission: "Several, do you feel that the method...is not appropriate?"


"I don't think so...but I didn't see the sun and the moon, did you see it?"



Several people were talking, a little dignified, where did the sun and the moon go?


On the other side, there was also a voice transmission: "Black Moon is not here! No one knows what happened to Eternal Life Mountain. I don't know if it was hidden or...disappeared? Why don't you go in and investigate? Since we can't let us Go in... this is also an opportunity to investigate!"



These people were talking, and those casual cultivators also agreed to participate in the competition.

They have no choice but to choose to fight, to win or be taken, and if they want to go out, they can only do so.

If you go out late, there is only one dead end!
Soon, some casual cultivators entered the Mount of Eternal Life.


At this time, in a forbidden area present, a voice of a person appeared in the mind of a forbidden area owner: "Pay attention! This life and death...is not the same as what I know, but it is very likely to be him, maybe it is the liberation of nature. Now, be careful."

At this moment, the phantom that appeared before was a little suspicious.

Because when he looked at Bai Feng, he felt something different. Perhaps Bai Feng himself didn't notice it. After being baptized by past memories, his temperament has changed greatly. It is different from the past, but it is more in line with Xu Ying's vision The recognition of Bai Feng's identity.

Perhaps after entering the Tianmen, he no longer suppressed his nature, and it was no wonder that he started killing wildly... Xu Ying thought so.

Bai Feng like this made him feel a little unpredictable.

Quite dangerous!

The old man said via voice transmission, "Are you sure?"

"I'm not 100% sure...but it's very likely!"

"I understand."

The old man nodded slightly and looked at Bai Feng with a hint of vigilance.

According to Xuying's words, this guy is much more sinister and bold than they know, he likes to hide and hide, so be very careful.


At this moment, Bai Feng also slightly raised his eyebrows, looked around, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

who is looking at me

(End of this chapter)

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